Chapter 163 – Such a disaster

Goblin continued, “I won’t waste time on nonsense. The virtual realm channel we found this time is a level 2 channel, capable of accommodating a maximum individual artificing power of fully expanded two wings. Therefore, this operation is not a national war, but a low-intensity hunting festival.”

“This operation requires teams of five, which can be formed freely or randomly—don’t interrupt, let me finish—The reason why it must be teams of five is because the Moonshadow Priest will cast the Blood Moon Blessing on you.”

“The blessing is for teams of five, and includes more than ten types of enhancements such as Swift Walk, Ghostly Form, Extreme Efficiency, Self-Healing, Hardening, Mental Resistance, and Featherlight Levitation. The most important part is that it will create a ‘Life Link’ among the members of your team for a duration of 48 hours. If anyone doesn’t need the Blood Moon Blessing, raise your hand.”

The adventurers who had some objections immediately fell silent, and even Asho was tempted. Setting aside the multiple enhancements, the temptation of the “Life Link” was too great. In the ‘422 Incident,’ medical practitioners had used this miracle to save hundreds of people, so Asho easily obtained information about this miracle from the curtain.

As the name suggests, this miracle creates a life link among a group of people. For example, if there are 50 healthy individuals and 50 injured individuals, once the link is established, the life force of the healthy individuals will continuously flow into the injured individuals, allowing them to heal rapidly.

And as long as the link exists, the injured individuals will never suffer fatal injuries, effectively locking their last drop of blood!

In times when there is a shortage of medical practitioners, this miracle can save the lives of a large number of injured individuals and buy time for emergency treatment.

When used in an adventurer team, it becomes the best life-saving talisman, because it is a passive effect. Even the most selfish adventurers would not refuse to add an extra layer of insurance to themselves.

Seeing that no one raised their hand, Goblin continued, “I will end the discussion and start the team formation. For adventurers who do not want to form teams freely, we will provide random team formations for you. However, there is one thing I need to explain in advance—the random teams will enter the channel in the first few batches, while the free teams will enter after the random teams.”

Asho’s eyes flickered, and he understood that the random teams would have the responsibility of being cannon fodder.

Although it had been confirmed that this was a complete virtual realm channel, it had been over a day since ‘Rabbit’ returned, and it was difficult to say if there would be any changes on the other side of the channel. Compared to the free teams with team combat capabilities, the random teams, who were scattered and disorganized, were more suitable as scouts to open up the situation.

No wonder they were given the “Life Link.” It turned out that they were hoping they could hold on a little longer and buy time for the subsequent adventurers.

“Of course, the first teams to enter will receive additional rewards.” Goblin calmly said, “Currently, the random teams are scheduled to enter in the first three batches, with five teams in each batch and a 3-minute interval between each batch. The first team of the first batch will receive 300 Vanguard Merits, the second batch 200, and the third batch 100. The first team of each batch will receive an additional 80% Vanguard Merits, the second team 50%, the third team 30%, the fourth team 10%, and the fifth team 0%.”

In other words, the first team of the first batch could directly receive 540 Merits (300*1.8). This was an encouragement for the vanguard forces—provided they could come back alive to spend them.

Asho didn’t have much knowledge about the prices in the battle zone, but when he heard the gasps of the surrounding adventurers, making the camp feel colder, he knew that these 540 Merits had considerable purchasing power.

An adventurer raised their hand and asked, “What if there are adventurer guilds mixed in the random teams?”

“We don’t mind.” Goblin said indifferently, pointing to the three rows of tents on the side of the high platform, “As you can see, there are three rows of tents to my left. Using the high platform as a reference, the first row is the first batch, and the first tent on the left is the first team.”

“At 11:15, the blessing will begin. I hope that before that time, every tent will be filled with five people.” Goblin pushed his glasses, “Well then, the team formation phase begins, and I must emphasize, no dead people allowed.”

Facing a group of fierce adventurers, Goblin’s expression remained calm, as if he was dealing with a group of sheep. After he finished speaking, he walked down from the high platform. Before he left, the adventurers didn’t move, and the adventurers gathered below the high platform even made way for him.

Power was indeed awe-inspiring, but authority was equally daunting.

When Goblin entered the largest tent, a sorcerer suddenly smashed a long table and took out a hand cannon from a box, officially starting the chaos of the melee!

The sound of the gun was thunderous, and several adventurer guilds directly drew their firearms and engaged in a shootout!

The battle hadn’t even started yet, and the adventurers were already fighting among themselves for positions!Their target was very clear – the first batch, first team, worth 540 merit points!

In essence, the danger level of the first three batches was roughly the same. If the danger level of the third batch, fifth team was 10, then the danger level of the first batch, first team was merely 20.

If there was indeed an ambush on the other side of the passage, the first three batches would have to fight to the death; but if there wasn’t, then the first batch, first team would be the team with the greatest gains.

Those who dared to become adventurers were almost all bloodthirsty gamblers who couldn’t stand the thought of working for others. Faced with such huge gains, how could they not dare to go all in?

So they were willing to fight for the ‘life-risking’ opportunity.

Compared to the first batch, first team, the gains of other positions were much less. The second and third batches had the same risks as the first batch, but the advantage was a significant increase in survival rate – after all, there were cannon fodders to distract attention.

While the adventurer groups were fighting, the real lone wolves also began to enter the tents to form teams. After a brief thought, Asho decisively headed towards the first row, fifth tent.

He was different from other adventurers. He had no plans to return to the Blood Moon Kingdom. The sooner he left the Blood Moon, the better, so the first batch was his best choice.

And the first batch, fifth team, was undoubtedly the position with the highest risk and the lowest cost-effectiveness – the danger level of the fifth team was almost the same as that of the first team. If there was indeed an ambush on the other side of the passage, it was just a matter of dying sooner or later. But the reward for the fifth team was much less, and only those who slipped through the net of basic education would choose this position.

But for Asho, the fifth team was the ideal position. He could leave the Blood Moon as soon as possible, and there were four teams ahead to attract attention. He might be able to slip through unnoticed.

However, when Asho lifted the tent flap, he found that there were already four people sitting inside.

There were three long benches in the tent. On the right bench sat two masked men, one tall and large, sharpening his nails with a nail file; the other thin, hands in his pockets, the sound of steel balls colliding coming from within.

On the middle bench sat another masked man, his curly hair and dark skin barely visible. He was tearing open a Snow White packaging bag, taking out a moon candy and stuffing it into his mask.

On the left bench sat a masked man with a lazy posture, his enchanting fox-like eyes slightly squinted. When Asho walked in, the corners of his eyes lifted slightly, revealing a teasing smile.

Asho quickly backed away, “Sorry, I think I took the wrong path, my apologies—”

A hand grabbed his wrist. When Asho wanted to resist, that familiar voice instantly made his body stiffen.

“Don’t forget, you still owe me a wish, my dear heresy leader.”

Igura pulled Asho into the tent, directly lifting his mask. The joy in his eyes was almost overflowing.

“Such good luck, I just needed a bait, and you came right to me, this is really…”

“Such a disaster.” Asho sighed.

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