Chapter 161 – Moonshadow

The living room was filled with lively pop music. Amy enjoyed listening to this kind of noisy music, but her taste was not very good. What was even more terrifying was that her own singing voice was not great, yet she still sang along, which was a double torture.

“No one can compare to me and you, playing in the bed~”

Clap! The door to the utility room opened. Amy, who had just been singing, immediately put on a serious face and silently placed two plates of food in front of Igura.

The plate on the left contained dog food, while the one on the right contained clear water.

Igura looked up at Amy and weakly raised his right hand. Amy nodded, and he quickly ran to the bathroom.

When he came back, he obediently crouched on the ground and ate like a pet. Igura didn’t feel any psychological pressure about this humiliation that didn’t touch his interests. It couldn’t affect the soul of a fraudster.

But Amy was very satisfied. She squatted down next to him and said, “I found some information. Observation Point 53 has been confirmed as a complete virtual realm channel.”

Igura suddenly looked up. “Then-“


Amy suddenly hit Igura’s head hard, making a loud sound. Her cute and delicate face was covered in shadows, appearing fierce and violent.

Igura raised his hands obediently, and Amy immediately smiled. “You can speak now.”

“When will the first exploration of Observation Point 53 take place?”

“Tonight, May 2nd, at 12 o’clock when the Blood Moon is dim.” Amy said, “A group of adventurers has already been sent to the Lakeview War Zone. I have prepared an adventurer uniform and a bicycle for you. There are still 5 hours until midnight, so you have plenty of time to get there. Whether you can infiltrate the adventurer team or not depends on you.”

Igura was taken aback. He thought Amy would help him, but he didn’t expect her to arrange everything so well.

In fact, whether it was living in the utility room, eating dog food, or wearing a collar, Igura could resist. But he chose to comply and please Amy because she was his hope to escape the Blood Moon. Offending her would mean accelerating his own demise.

Not to mention, regarding the information about Observation Point 53, although Amy had to tell Igura due to the contract, she had the freedom to choose the timing.

If Amy had told Igura at 11 o’clock, he would have missed this best opportunity to escape – the first wave of exploration of the virtual realm channel, which was bound to have the most loopholes and be the easiest to take advantage of!

Not only did Amy inform Igura in a timely manner, but she also helped him prepare to infiltrate the adventurer team. Igura couldn’t help but feel moved, like a “victim”: “Thank you, thank you for helping me so much.”

Amy was slightly surprised, but then she smiled sweetly, and her big wolf tail wagged proudly behind her. “You’re welcome!”

She suddenly pulled Igura up and said, “Come, let’s eat.”

“Ah?” Igura glanced at the dog food in the plate. “Aren’t I supposed to eat this?”

“Good kids don’t need snacks.” Amy made him sit down. “I’ll make something delicious for you.”

Although she said that, Amy’s cooking skills were limited to “I know how to use these utensils.” She took out some semi-cooked food from the freezer and heated it up before putting it on the table. But for Igura, who had been eating dog food for days, as long as he could sit and eat with a spoon, it was like being in a high-end restaurant.

Just as Igura was about to start eating, he saw Amy clasping her hands together in prayer. “Thank you, Blood Moon, for the sunlight and rain, which bring forth abundant food on the earth.”

Igura noticed that Amy was secretly watching him. He hesitated for a moment, then followed along with a pre-meal prayer. Amy was very satisfied and ate while asking, “It’s been a while since we gambled. Do you want to bet on something?”

“But we’re eating.” Igura said.

“We can bet while eating! Igura, you’re so smart, come up with an interesting idea!” Amy said excitedly.

Igura didn’t want to go against her wishes here, so he thought for a moment and said, “How about this? The game rule is that each of us can eat 1-3 bites of food per turn. The one who eats the last bite of food wins.”

“It’s a very interesting bet!” Amy said, “What should we bet?”

“One question.” Igura said, “The loser has to honestly answer one question from the winner.”

“No problem! Haha, Igura, you’re definitely going to lose this time. My best record is eating a whole Lalafell in one bite!”

As always, Amy never cared about the size of the stakes. But the key to winning this bet was not the size of the appetite, but the order of turns and calculation ability. With Igura’s simple operation, Amy managed to eat most of the food, but the last bite was eaten by Igura.

Amy patted her stomach with satisfaction and sighed, “Ah, I lost again. So now it’s 185 losses and 12 wins…”

Igura changed into the adventurer uniform, put on a face mask, and wore a hood. He looked at Amy with some surprise. “You still remember the number of our bets?”

“Of course, how could I forget such an important thing?” Amy wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and took out a key from her pocket, throwing it to Igura. “The bicycle is parked in parking spot 16 downstairs.”

Igura took the key. “Sorry for the trouble. If I get caught, the Memory Master will find evidence of your help from my memories, and I don’t have time to have my memories erased…”

“It’s okay.” Amy waved her hand nonchalantly. “Isn’t it normal for friends to help each other?”

Friends…?Igura’s mouth curled with a hint of mockery: “But I am a criminal, and you are a Bloodthirsty Hunter.”

“So what?” Amy propped both feet on the chair, tilted her head to look at Igura, and her tail curled inward, looking puzzled.

“You are a criminal, and I am a Bloodthirsty Hunter, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, right? When we play together, we play gambling games, not hunter and criminal games…”

“I have never heard of anyone locking their friends in a storage room and feeding them dog food.” Igura said coldly.

“You are a rude and naughty child. Isn’t it normal to be punished?” Amy said confidently, “You haven’t even admitted your mistake yet!”

What mistake should I admit? I was locked in a storage room by you on the first day!

Unreasonable, incomprehensible.

Igura shook his head, went to the entrance to change his boots, and Amy came over and said, “Are you leaving? Be safe on the road.”

“Oh, by the way, I won the bet just now, and I want to exercise my rights as the winner. You have to honestly answer me a question.”


“Did you report me to the Falconer Hall when they captured me?”

Amy blinked her eyes, looking confused.

“Were you captured by the Falconer Hall? I knew you hadn’t appeared for over a year… Wait, so you’re an escaped convict? What you said earlier about being a criminal was true?”

Igura was shocked, “Didn’t you see my wanted poster?”

“The pursuit of the escaped convict from Lake Shattered is the captain’s responsibility. Recently, I have been responsible for the security of the deputy mayor…” Amy shook her head, “As for you being captured by the Falconer Hall, I didn’t even know who you were, how could I have reported you… Wait a minute.”

“Speaking of which, everyone suddenly congratulated me a year ago, saying that I took the initiative to lure a cunning fraudster into a trap. Even the captain praised me and treated me to a big meal. At that time, I didn’t know what had happened, so I ate the meal in a daze and even got promoted…”

Although it sounded unbelievable, Igura felt that Amy was not lying.

Since they first met, Amy gave Igura the impression of being cute and silly, so Igura tried his best to take advantage of Amy, accumulating the duration of the contract to 9000 minutes, not because he saw an easy target.

In fact, Igura didn’t want to believe that Amy had reported him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have asked this question, because it meant that his ability to judge people had a major flaw.

If he couldn’t even distinguish between a dog and a wolf, he would basically lose his qualification as a fraudster.

Fortunately, Amy didn’t disappoint him. She was indeed naturally silly. The Falconer Hall just happened to catch him, and he didn’t voluntarily walk into Amy’s trap. The only person in the world who could deceive him in reverse was still the leader of the heresy, whose brain hadn’t fully developed.

Thinking of this, Igura couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and smiled, “Thank you, Amy.”

Amy asked dissatisfiedly, “Is there nothing else you want to say to me? Like an apology or something…”

“I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble…”

“I said it’s okay, it’s not about that!”

Then what is it? Even though Igura was a mind sorcerer, he still couldn’t figure out what Amy was thinking. He simply pushed the door and left, saying, “Thank you for taking care of me. I hope we can meet again in the future.”

“I will definitely beat you next time!” Amy said loudly.

As Igura walked out of the apartment, he took a long breath, dispelling the gloom of being confined for the past few days, and his steps became brisk.

In addition to having a bad temper and a twisted sense of humor, Amy was also a good client. If given enough time, Igura even had the confidence to turn Amy into his undercover agent in the Falconer Hall.

After all, Amy unexpectedly valued friendship, showed her emotions openly, had a simple mind, didn’t care about breaking the rules, just like a child…

Igura found the bicycle prepared by Amy, just as he was about to ride away, he suddenly heard Amy’s voice from above.

“When asking for help next time, say ‘please’ first!” Amy shouted from the balcony without any hesitation, “Don’t be so rude in the future!”

Igura was slightly stunned, and could only nod quickly, riding the bicycle away from this awkward crime scene.

He wondered why Amy suddenly said such a thing, and it took him a while to remember that when he first found Amy, he seemed to have not said “please.”

Igura felt both angry and amused. Could it be that Amy was still angry because he didn’t say “please” when he said, “I command you to help me escape from the Blood Moon Kingdom”?

“You are a rude and naughty child. Isn’t it normal to be punished?”


Igura suddenly slammed on the brakes and looked back at the apartment building where Amy was.

He recalled some information about the Moonshadow Clan.

In addition to adults becoming priests through church exams, there is another way for members of the Moonshadow Clan to come from. When the Church of Eternal Love judges the potential of infants, they will keep the children with the most suitable qualifications for the Moonshadow Clan and send them directly to the church’s foster home for cultivation.

Unlike most foster homes, the church’s foster home is completely closed and not subject to social supervision.

Normal foster homes, whether good or bad, have to install surveillance cameras to let the public see the situation inside the foster home. There can be chaotic fights among the children, but the staff of the foster home are never allowed to physically punish the children.”You can educate through verbal warnings, resource bias, or even collective isolation, but you can’t directly harm children, nor can you deprive them of their freedom. Children have the right to refuse.

Due to the closed nature of the church orphanage, many people suspect that militarized cultivation is taking place inside.

However, the Moonshadow priests who come out of the church orphanage often dispel people’s doubts – compared to the vast majority of people in the Blood Moon Kingdom, the Moonshadow priests are so pure, cute, passionate, innocent, diligent, and polite, they are like grown-up little angels.

By the way, the Falconer is only responsible for hunting evil. If the Blood Moon people encounter issues related to neighbor disputes, lost pets, light bulbs stuck in mouths, tongues stuck to railings, bodies stuck in washing machines, it’s useless to find the Falconer. The correct approach is to find the church.

As long as they receive a call for help, no matter when, the nearest church will send a Moonshadow priest to help. Moonshadow priests are always cheerful and enthusiastic, never afraid of trouble, and are patient with everything, which has led the Blood Moon people to develop the concept of ‘seeking the church when in trouble’.

Almost everyone has received help from the Moonshadow priests, and no one dislikes them. Currently, 60% of the Blood Moon people are regular churchgoers, most of whom have been influenced by the Moonshadow priests, and therefore firmly believe that the Blood Moon Lord they pray to is indeed a benevolent and good existence.

Fenanche’s speech did not cause much of a stir, and a very important reason for this is the existence of the Moonshadow priests. If people were told that their cruelly harvested interests were all given to the Blood Saints, they would certainly be furious. But if it’s the Blood Saints and the Moonshadow tribe, then people would hesitate – sacrificing flesh to support the Moonshadow tribe seems not unacceptable.

There is also a saying in Camon City: The false top-tier, Emerald Garden; the real top-tier, the church orphanage.

As for the likes of Langna, calling him a werewolf is quite accurate, his existence only tarnishes the name Moonshadow.

Igura suddenly remembered his conversation with Langna before his jailbreak.

“The beloved church actually raised a Moonshadow like you, it’s really strange.”

“I find it strange that the church didn’t raise other werewolves.”

So that’s what it meant…

Actually, Igura should have guessed it earlier – how could adults possibly be afraid of being locked in a storeroom? Igura wasn’t afraid even without a chip, if Igura had a chip, he could even carry out curtain anonymous fraud in the storeroom.

Only innocent children who are still learning about the world would be afraid of such confinement punishment.

Moreover, Amy clearly didn’t have a dog at home, so why did she have dog food? She even pointed at the dog food earlier and said it was a snack.

Adding to that Amy’s unusual emphasis on politeness, and her childlike personality, the truth was already emerging.

Igura looked up at the slowly rising blood moon, shook his head gently, and pedaled hard to escape on his bicycle.

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