Chapter 153 – Bewitching girl

Asho was slightly startled, then smiled and said, “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”


“Even before signing the contract, you remembered that I am Asho Heath, right?”

Asho said, “But you still signed.”

“Well, that’s because you are a notorious criminal who escaped from prison,” Furia rubbed her eyes and avoided Asho’s gaze, “I dare not defy you, let alone the benefits of receiving an Artisan.”

Asho chuckled, “Don’t forget, I had the empathy Artisan at that time. I could feel your curiosity towards me, and… pity.”

Furia recalled the night five days ago. Before signing, she paused for a moment and saw the man next to her showing signs of anxiety, hesitation, and fear. His eyes subconsciously glanced towards the balcony, as if prepared to venture into the deep darkness at any moment.

At that moment, she suddenly remembered an unrelated scene – when she casually went to the pet store, she happened to see a Scottish Fold cat running around. The cat looked at the window and then at Furia when the store staff caught it.

So she bought Xiao Xian.

So she signed the contract.


“I am kind to you not out of sympathy, but out of fondness,” Asho said, “As the first person I met outside of prison, although you have many habits that I cannot understand and our values differ, your kindness deep inside makes me feel that the world is still beautiful.”

“It is because of you that I don’t want to just stand by and watch. Even if it’s just you, I hope you can… find happiness that can heal your whole life.”

Furia felt her face heating up. Even a Veela like her became shy, “You’re leaving, why are you saying this…”

“It’s not like we can’t meet again,” Asho said, “Although I will most likely leave the Blood Moon Kingdom, there is a possibility that I will come back in the future. Even if I don’t come back, you will become an Artificer in the future, and we may meet in the Virtual Realm – of course, it’s best if you don’t see me through the projection of an Artificer inheritance in the Virtual Realm.”

“We are Artificers, we cannot deny miracles.”

“Well then…”

Asho stood up and patted Furia and Xiao Xian’s heads, “Goodbye, Furia. I hope the next time we meet, you have become a Mind Sorcerer. Goodbye, Xiao Xian. I hope your illness will be completely cured.”

Furia bit her lip and looked at him, “Goodbye, Asho. I hope… I hope you become a good person.”

“You make it sound like I’m a bad person now…”


As the door closed, the figure of the heresy leader disappeared completely into the night. Furia rubbed her eyes, put away the fluorescent ball and Xiao Xian, and returned to her desk, picking up her pen to continue doing her homework.

As she wrote, large hot tears fell onto the paper, wetting her vision and blurring the words.

She leaned on the desk, her shoulders trembling silently as she sobbed.

“I’m surprised he didn’t take her with him.”

Sword Girl sat in Asho’s seat, watching the crying Furia with interest, and said, “Even though there were so many changes during the prison break, Asho still encountered the ‘Enchanting Girl’. Instead of calling it a coincidence, I prefer to call it fate – the ‘Enchanting Girl’ is always a follower of the ‘Final Observer’.”

“No, it has nothing to do with fate. It’s just the result of meticulous calculation.”

The Observer leaned against the balcony railing, looking at Asho who had disappeared into the night, and said calmly, “This apartment is the closest to Camon University. Furia’s room was the only one on the third floor without lights on at that time. It was inevitable for Asho to choose it.”

“Was it inevitable?” Sword Girl raised her eyebrows, “Was the ‘Enchanting Girl’s’ following just a coincidence?”

The Observer nodded, “After I escaped from prison, I wasn’t even an Artificer. With Furia’s help, I could avoid a lot of trouble. Using her was undoubtedly the most cost-effective choice. For Asho, who is now a Second Wing Artificer, Furia would only be a burden, so there was no need to take her with him.”

“This is the first time I feel the need to defend Asho.” Sword Girl smiled in anger, “Are you using your dirty mindset to speculate and tarnish Asho’s good intentions?”

“Perhaps it is a good intention, but he has already made many considerations deep inside.” The Observer said indifferently, “It’s all the same.”

“If it’s all the same, then why are you and I here?” Sword Girl said coldly, “What we desire is a miracle that is ‘different’.”

“…Believe what you want.”

“Observer, is it just my imagination, or do you seem less enthusiastic today? At other times, you would have used all sorts of shameless and boring jokes to mock me.”

Sword Girl looked at Furia, “Is it because you met your old subordinate after a long time? For you, it has been a while since you last saw her, right? How did the ‘Enchanting Girl’ die again? I only remember that it wasn’t me who killed her…”

The Observer glanced at her, “Sword Girl.”

“I suddenly remembered a distant rumor.” Sword Girl seemed absent-minded, “The ‘Enchanting Girl’ followed you because she admired you, but you never satisfied her. Even until her death, it seems she never received your favor.”

“Consider it satisfying my curiosity. Tell me about your story with the ‘Enchanting Girl’?”

The Observer looked at her coldly, and Sword Girl fearlessly confronted him.

It was only when Furia cried so hard that she couldn’t breathe and hiccuped that the Observer coldly said, “Are you defending your former enemy?”

Sword Girl said, “I stand up for women who have been wronged by scumbags.”

After a long silence, the observer finally said, “Do you know why her psychic miracle has such a high priority, such a wide range, and such a deep impact?”

“Because she is Meiwa?”

“Because she is a celibate Meiwa.” The observer said indifferently, “After Meiwa becomes celibate, not only can she greatly increase the learning speed of psychic abilities, but she can also cause qualitative changes in psychic miracles. This is not a secret poison, perhaps it is also circulated among the Meiwa group, but few Meiwa can do it – there must be an object of Meiwa’s infatuation, and Meiwa can enter a state of celibacy, and it can only be lifted when she is in perfect harmony with the object.”

“So you’ve been using her like that just to get the power of the bewitching girl?”

“I did it for her own good.”

“The paradise created by the Blood Moon Lord is also for the good of the pets living in it.” Sword Girl said coldly, “You disgust me, observer.”

“Asho may not be Furia’s regret, but you were once the disaster of the bewitching girl.”

Xiao Xuan walked to the observer’s feet and affectionately rubbed against the observer’s boots.

“I will tell the others about this when I get back, and now we finally have a reason to unite. How can we get along with a loudspeaker like you…”

As Sword Girl was speaking, she turned her head and found that the observer had disappeared.

The folded-ear cat jumped onto the desk and nestled forcefully into Furia’s arms.

Furia raised her head in a daze, saw the folded-ear cat affectionately licking the tears on her face, and suddenly her nose was sour, she held the folded-ear cat and cried out loud.

Sword Girl watched this scene calmly, her mouth slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile.

“Only now do you want to make amends, this is really… pathetic.”

But she immediately shook her head self-mockingly, “We are just as pathetic.”


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