Chapter 151 – But I want to go with you

Furia stood outside the door for a long time, listening to the sizzling sound of hot oil inside. She placed her hand on the doorknob but hesitated to turn it.

It wasn’t until she heard the neighbor next door opening their door, seemingly ready to come out, that she gathered the courage to push the door open.

“Welcome back, dinner is ready.”

As usual, Furia hesitated for a moment before replying, “I’m back.”

“Are you going to watch ‘The Moon of College Students’ or ‘Death Tracking’?” Asho placed the meal on the long table, preparing for tonight’s video to accompany the meal.

“The Moon of College Students” is a light comedy about campus life. The protagonist is a goblin with poor academic performance, but after eating a moon candy, he can enter an extremely intelligent “moon mode.” In this state, he excels in exams and even enters the highest institution in the Blood Moon Kingdom with the highest score in the unified examination.

However, eating the candy also brings him many side effects, causing his personality to constantly change. Sometimes he is out of tune, sometimes reliable, sometimes celibate, sometimes lascivious, sometimes gentle, and sometimes violent.

In order to conceal his identity as a poor student, the goblin has to fight against the side effects while actively participating in college life, thus embarking on a campus story full of laughter and anger.

To be fair, this campus drama is indeed well-made, with a fast pace and one punchline after another, filled with various satires and mockery of college life. Even in Asho’s opinion, it is a rare good drama.

The premise is that you can ignore its hidden agenda of creating a trend in favor of the legalization of moon candy.

After Camon City announced the legalization of moon candy, other cities are also actively promoting similar proposals. This “The Moon of College Students” can become so popular, there must be various interest groups behind it. It can even be said that it is a promotional drama for moon candy, aiming to change the public’s negative perception of moon candy and even make it a daily consumer product.

By the way, the only brand of moon candy in this drama is the “Snow White” brand, which Asho is quite familiar with. From this, it can be seen who the biggest sponsor of this drama is.

On the other hand, “Death Tracking” is a fantasy drama about a protagonist who is killed by a friend, but at the moment of death, their souls switch places. The friend’s soul dies inside the protagonist’s body, and the protagonist takes over the friend’s body to continue living. In order to figure out why they were killed, the protagonist takes on different identities, investigates layer by layer, experiences multiple deaths, disrupts the plans of the villains, and unravels various mysteries. It is a very compact suspense drama.

Asho glanced at the spoilers and found that the villains were a heresy organization.

Looking at it from different angles, this heresy organization may not be called the Four Pillar God, but it looks like the Four Pillar God, moves like the Four Pillar God, and even sounds like the Four Pillar God. It is clearly the Four Pillar God Cult!

As if that wasn’t enough, someone in the reviews even asked, “Is this based on the real-life story of Asho Heath?” Asho directly pretended to be an ordinary person speaking reasonably and sprayed back, “I wasn’t caught when this drama premiered!”

“The Moon of College Students, please,” Furia said.

Asho obliged and enjoyed watching the show while eating. He laughed so hard that his shoulders shook, occasionally reaching out to rub Little Xian, who would make a dissatisfied sound before continuing to eat cat food.

Furia, on the other hand, was completely focused on neither the show nor the food. Beneath her lovely and enchanting beauty, she was cooking up complex emotions.

Adra was right.

Asho was a dangerous man, and Furia had known this for a long time. She just didn’t expect that besides the surface danger, he was also so “malicious” internally—nothing was more evil than restraining a free spirit.

Even in prison, it only restrains the physical body.

Furia couldn’t help but recall the information she had looked up a few days ago for her essay on socialized upbringing. “The blood relationship between the procreator and the procreated is the farthest shackle from freedom. Severing all innate relationships is the foundation of personal freedom… All attachment relationships between people are rebellions against freedom.”

In addition to this, the moral education she had received over the past decade also came to mind.

“The nature of humanity is the most indescribable color. Today, someone may be a good person, but tomorrow they may become a criminal who extinguishes humanity. When you trust someone wholeheartedly, it means that they can harm you recklessly.”

“Do not have any expectations of others. Others are hell.”

“Only trust yourself, only be responsible for yourself, only live for yourself, only die for yourself.”

“The best equality is when I can’t take advantage of you, and you can’t take advantage of me. A complete and unrelated equality between people. Only when there is no connection between people can there be breathing space for freedom.”

“Do not let others plant seeds in your heart.”

Furia secretly glanced at Asho and found him laughing so hard that he almost sprayed food. There was a trace of cream at the corner of his mouth. Faced with this almost ogre-like table manners, Furia felt no discomfort in her heart. She even had an inexplicable urge—she wanted to lick off that trace of cream with her tongue.

It’s really terrifying, Meiwa thought.Adra was right. While she still had her sanity, she needed to sever this relationship quickly and expel Asho from her life.

Otherwise, she would not be able to maintain her ‘complete self’, but would fall into being a slave to emotions, bound by a nebulous relationship, completely losing her personal freedom, becoming a vassal of social relations, and turning into an empty shell.

No wonder Asho was the leader of the heresy. If all the followers of the Four Pillar God were such ‘shameless people’ trying to corrupt others, they indeed needed to be severely cracked down on.

No wonder she felt disgusted and distanced from Asho. The thought of her closely following everything about Asho in the future, being happy because Asho was happy, being sad because Asho was sad, willing to give everything for Asho, her heart surged… surged…

…with anxious anticipation?

No, Furia, you are an independent Veela, you must not succumb to the despicable tactics of the heresy leader!

You need to muster the courage to drive him out of this apartment!

Without him, you can become better!

Say it after this meal!

Say it after washing the dishes!

Wait until this assignment is done and then—

“I’m leaving tonight.”

Furia suddenly looked up, “Where are you going?”

“To where the escaped prisoner should go.” Asho put on his coat and mask, “Thank you very much for taking care of me these days. Well, although I feel like I’ve been taking care of you more.”

“This, this soon?” Furia was a bit flustered: “It’s not the seventh day yet…”

“Although the deadline is seven days, I’ve already found the information I need in these few days, so there’s no need to stay any longer.” Asho summoned the Sympathy Sorcery Spirit, “You’re not a Sorcerer yet, right? Do you have a container to store Sorcery Spirits?”

“Yes, yes.” Furia went over and opened the cabinet: “I have a glow ball that can temporarily store Sorcery Spirits…”

Asho waited for a while, watching Furia still rummaging around, he went over and took a glance, reaching out to take a transparent spherical container: “Is this it?”

“Ah, yes, it is.” Furia scratched her head embarrassingly: “Oh, it was right here, how did I not see it?”

Asho put the Sympathy Sorcery Spirit into the glow ball, disconnecting his connection with the Sorcery Spirit. The glow ball immediately emitted a glow, and then the Sympathy Sorcery Spirit lazily stretched its body, as if it had fallen asleep.

“Here.” Asho handed the glow ball to Furia: “Our contract is completed.”


“Don’t expose my information after I leave, after all, you are harboring an escaped prisoner, it might cause you trouble. Although I’ve tried to avoid the neighbors, someone might have seen me coming and going. If anyone asks you, just say I was someone you picked up from the bar, and you didn’t expect me to survive after using me.”


Asho squatted down to look at the kitten, rubbing its head: “Goodbye, don’t hold it in if you feel pain, you have to shout out loud, otherwise no one will know.”

He stood up and looked at Furia, smiling: “Well, I wish you peace and happiness, Furia.”

Furia didn’t respond.

She lowered her head to look at the kitten, as if the folded-ear cat had suddenly turned into a monster she didn’t recognize, she couldn’t take her eyes off it.

Asho didn’t mind, he walked past her towards the entrance.

“Will you come back?”

Asho replied while putting on his shoes: “No, if nothing goes wrong, I’m going to do something big tonight. Coming back to you would only cause you trouble.”

“Where will you live then?”

“I’ll be homeless, I might have to leave Camon City, but I’ll find a way.”

“That sounds terrible.”

“It is quite terrible. The dinner just now was so rich because I had a premonition that I would be living miserably for the next month, so it was my last happiness.”

When Asho’s right hand grasped the doorknob, his left hand was also held.

He turned his head and saw Furia tightly gripping his wrist.

Asho had a feeling: “Do you want me to stay?”

“No.” Furia shook her head: “I don’t want you to continue staying in this apartment.”

“But I want to go with you.”

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