Chapter 150 – Because you want to protect yourself

“I’m scared?”

Furia instinctively asked, “But didn’t you just say that I was very happy?”

“Happiness and fear can coexist as emotions,” Adra said. “In a gambling match at the casino, I have seen many people like this—they have a great hand, so they are excited and happy that they can win, but they also worry that their opponent has a better hand, so the worry and fear in their hearts cannot be dispelled.”

“Happiness comes from what one already possesses, while fear comes from the possibility of it being taken away by the opponent. Furia, who are you playing against and what kind of gambling match are you involved in?”

“Well, this class is boring anyway. Instead of talking to a therapist, you might as well talk to me. I won’t make you spend any money.”

Furia hesitated and said, “Generally speaking, if you want to undergo therapy, you should find a therapist who has no connection to your life…”

“Yes,” Adra propped up her chin and looked at Furia’s beautiful face. “But you seem so happy, yet your eyes are filled with a cry for help. I can’t just stand by and do nothing.”

Furia gently touched her own face, momentarily lost in thought.

Adra didn’t urge her and waited quietly by her side.

The sunlight was good today, and the teacher’s lecture was hypnotic.

In such a peaceful daily life, Furia felt out of place.

Because she exuded a happiness that Adra had never seen before.

Even if Adra saw a gambler turn the tables and pay off all their debts, avoiding the fate of being transformed into a mechanical miner and spending their life mining, they still wouldn’t be as happy as Furia;

Even if a student was admitted to the Red Mist Institute as a graduate student, they wouldn’t be as relaxed as Furia;

Even if it was a successful entrepreneur, artificer, professor, or scholar, they wouldn’t be as at ease as Furia.

It was truly… too dazzling.

It even made Adra feel a bit disgusted, to the point of feeling nauseous.

After a long silence, Furia finally spoke, “I know a Veela…”

“Oh, hahaha, go on, continue,” Adra could hardly contain herself.

Furia glared at Adra in anger and continued, “She recently met a man for some special reasons…”

Because she had signed a contract, Furia couldn’t reveal Asho’s identity, appearance, or various information about him living in her apartment. However, she could still reveal vague information after processing it. For example, if they spent the night together, she could say they stayed in a hotel; if they had dinner together every night, she could say Furia went to Asho’s house for meals; if Furia scared Asho so much that he didn’t dare to sleep on the bed…

After briefly mentioning their time together these past few days, Furia finally revealed the inexplicable emotions in her heart, “I both like and dislike him now. I want to get close to him but also want to stay away. I feel like I’m sick…”

“Isn’t this easy to understand?” Adra laughed. “Veela has fallen in love with him.”

“No, absolutely not,” Furia shook her head. “I have loved before. Love is about getting close, embracing, being greedy, and taking. How can it be about dislike or distance?”

Adra said, “Love also has many forms, or rather, love has many purposes. The love you are used to is born from appearance and is only passionate to satisfy desires. When you encounter a better appearance, your love will also shift. For you, this kind of love is replaceable.”

“But what that man brings to Veela is not a fleeting desire, but the joy of knowing each other, the companionship of daily life, and the connection of souls. Perhaps you will encounter more beautiful appearances in the future, but interesting souls may only come once.”

“That’s why Veela feels disgusted by this love and even tries to distance herself—it is irreplaceable. What’s even more terrifying is that he has gradually integrated into Veela’s life, like a poison deeply rooted in her bones, unable to be removed by any means.”

“What an evil man. He made Veela join his life, so his life also entered Veela’s; he wants to understand Veela, so Veela will also want to understand him; he depends on Veela, so Veela will also depend on him.”

“Perhaps only a man who completely abandons his self-esteem, independent life, and privacy would make such a move. Even if he received the most basic moral education in the orphanage, he wouldn’t do such despicable things,” Adra shook her head. “It’s unbelievable that there are still such shameless men in this day and age, and he even successfully charmed Veela. Veela is really unlucky.”

Furia listened in a daze and asked subconsciously, “Then what should I do?””Follow your instincts, despise him, stay away from him,” Adra whispered, “If you continue like this, you will only sink into the increasingly deep affection, becoming no longer yourself. By then, what binds you will not only be the man, but also all the past you have invested in him.”

“You’ve heard it many times in the orphanage, haven’t you? ‘All relationships that worry you will contaminate you’, ‘all relationships that aggrieve you will hurt you’, ‘all relationships that change you will dominate you’. Everything that man does is contaminating you, hurting you, dominating you.”

Adra grabbed Furia’s hand, “We have received so much education, not to lose ourselves. We were born for ourselves, and only for ourselves, there is no spare place to accommodate others.”

“Do you still remember the main connotation of the ‘Bloodline Prohibition Law’?”

Furia murmured, “It is… personal freedom…”

“Yes, personal freedom, because after the prohibition of blood relations, the family no longer exists, kinship and love no longer have a foothold, everyone has cut off all social shackles, so they can obtain personal freedom.”

“Perhaps you value him very much now, but that’s just a ‘misconception’. Next year, next month, tomorrow, or even the next second, you may have new ideas at any time, like new people, and want to live a new life.”

“This is not only for yourself, but also for the other party, after all, humans are much more changeable than Veela.”

“Think about it, what if the other party suddenly has new ideas and chooses to leave you actively, how would you feel?”

Thinking of the short shelf life, Furia suddenly felt breathless and said with difficulty, “…I would feel uncomfortable.”

“Just knowing him for a short time makes you uncomfortable, if you know him for a few months, a few years, would you distort yourself to please him in order to keep him?”

“You have anticipated this possibility, you are also worried about this future, so you are so uneasy, so you want to stay away from him.”

“Because you want to protect yourself, you know that although he is a marshmallow now, you are still afraid of being hurt.”

Looking at Furia’s increasingly pitiful expression, Adra whispered in her ear, “We don’t need irreplaceable love.”

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