Chapter 146 – Who in their right mind would be in a relationship?

Furia was awakened by the smell of food.

Today is April 29th, the third day she has been sheltering a fugitive, and also a day when she can sleep in the morning without any classes.

The normal sleep time for adult Veelas is 12 hours, but this kind of routine obviously cannot keep up with the fast-paced city life. Therefore, when she has classes, Furia only sleeps for six hours and then takes a wake-up pill. If necessary, she can sleep for only four hours and take two wake-up pills.

However, wake-up pills can accumulate resistance, and once the dosage is increased, it is difficult to bring it down. Therefore, Furia is very cautious and maintains a rhythm of one pill per day, preferring to yawn rather than take a second pill.

It’s not that she’s afraid of addiction, it’s mainly because wake-up pills are expensive – this thing is more expensive than moon candies.

In fact, it can also be said that moon candies are too cheap.

That’s how it is with Blood Moon, entertainment is always cheap, and things that can be used to make money are definitely expensive.

Like how ogres can use moon candies to assist in painting, that is a racial talent for finding loopholes, which she envies.

Furia greeted Asho, yawned, and went to the bathroom to wash up. She put on a non-slip headband, took a shower, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and groomed her hair. Because Furia was naturally beautiful, and she didn’t need to entertain with her looks at the moment, she was responsible for providing money, so she only needed to do simple skincare, which took less than half an hour in total.

Before leaving, she thought for a moment and decided to dress up for Asho. After all, she was going to class later, not going to sleep, so she had no reason to be naked.

Asho had already prepared the food and was eating while watching videos. Furia took a glance and then stopped looking – “Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Artificer Factions (Part 1)”.

“I advise you to watch funny videos instead. Although this video is quite funny too.”

Asho was a little surprised, “Why? I just want to have a simple understanding of other factions’ knowledge…”

“By doing this, you will only develop preconceived biases.” Furia said, “Can you summarize yourself, who has existed for decades, in one sentence? Do you think a few minutes of introduction can summarize the artificer factions that have existed for hundreds or even thousands of years?”

“Watching this kind of video will only make you think that earth artificers only move earth, lightning artificers go ‘bzzt bzzt’, sword artificers need close combat, illusion artificers have no killing power, prophecy artificers are just a group of weak scholars, and mind artificers can be restrained by just plugging their ears – you might as well know nothing, at least you will be more vigilant.”

“To understand an artificer faction, you need to at least read an introductory book or listen to a lecture by a professional professor. Videos like this are aimed at non-artificer audiences – these audiences just want to feel superior by getting the feeling of ‘so artificer factions are not that mysterious or useful’.”

“You might as well watch the videos in the newly created folder. At least there is no harm, and it can even increase your appetite.”

Asho was taken aback, “Can it really increase my appetite?”

“You actually question the taste of a Veela. Let me pick a video for you that will definitely increase your appetite-“

“No need, no need, I’ll change the video.” Asho quickly refused Veela’s recommendation and quickly selected a video on the screen, “Hmm, let’s watch this ‘Why is it so expensive’ store exploration video. We happen to be eating… wait, it’s a tea and coffee shop exploration video!?”

“Wait, let’s watch this.”

“Are you such an omnivore?”

“Technically, I shouldn’t be an omnivore.” Furia shrugged, “But it’s also possible that I just haven’t met a woman who can make my heart race… tsk, if you don’t like tea, how about a coffee shop exploration video?”

“Then let’s watch this one.” Asho gave in.

Surprisingly, the food seemed even more delicious.

As they watched, Asho looked around the single room and asked, “After you got into college and left the orphanage, have you been living alone?”

Furia, who was eating a seafood Lalafell, looked at Asho with a puzzled look, “I’m not alone, can I be a cat?”

She smiled at the little cat named Xiao Xian and scratched its chin. Xiao Xian had a very satisfied expression, and its drool was about to come out.

“Have you ever thought about sharing an apartment with someone else?” Asho asked, “Wouldn’t it be more cost-effective to live with someone else? Living expenses would decrease, and the quality of life would improve…”

“No.” Furia shook her head repeatedly, “I have a rental subsidy for living alone, plus the college student subsidy, which can exempt me from 80% of the rent. Renting a place is so cheap, why would I want to share with someone else?”

“Wouldn’t it be cheaper to share with someone else?”

“I’m not unable to make ends meet on my own, why do I have to live with someone else?” Furia tilted her head, “I had my own room in the orphanage before, why would I want to squeeze with someone else after coming out?”

“But if there’s someone else, you can help each other in daily life, like if you fall and get injured…”

“I can use a chip to notify the hospital to send an ambulance.”

“Two people can cook at home instead of going out to eat…”

“Actually, the money I spend on meals in the school cafeteria is less than what you spend on ingredients.” Furia muttered, “Cooking for myself also means doing the dishes… my apartment doesn’t have a dishwasher…”

Asho couldn’t help but say, “But since you have that kind of need, wouldn’t it be more convenient to live with a partner?”

Last night, Asho almost washed until his skin peeled off before waiting for Furia to finish her low moans. He thought that enduring one night would be enough, but he found out that Furia needs to solve the problem every night, usually three times, depending on factors such as spell materials, mood of the day, and amount of homework. The casting time varies from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.

Furia looked at Asho with her head tilted, her big eyes full of questions.

“Forget about me being a Veela, but solving needs is solving needs. What does that have to do with love? Have you ever been in a relationship?”

Although Asho wanted to be tough, in front of Furia, a highly experienced senior driver, he felt that it would be better to be honest as someone who only had a driver’s license but no driving experience.

“No.”Furia’s response took Asho by surprise: “I don’t either. Who in their right mind would be in a relationship?”

Asho asked in confusion, “Why? With your appearance, wouldn’t it be easy to attract the opposite sex? Or is it because your Veela physique scares others away?”

Furia shook her head, “No, I’m actually curious as to why you think I should be in a relationship. Do you Four Pillar God followers still harbor such unrealistic fantasies?”

“How is being in a relationship unrealistic?” Asho felt baffled, “You were watching ‘Sorcerer 100%’ last night, a romantic comedy, and you seemed to enjoy it.”

Furia seemed annoyed, “Then tell me, what is the love like in ‘Sorcerer 100%’?”

“Well… truly loving each other, considering each other’s feelings, protecting each other in times of danger, willing to accommodate each other in daily life…”


“What do you mean exactly?”

“Such love, as you described, how could it possibly exist in reality, outside of TV shows?” Furia spread her hands, “Who nowadays would be willing to accommodate others, consider others, even risk their lives to protect others? I certainly wouldn’t.”

She paused, “I do experience feelings like love, liking, infatuation. For example, I think you’re quite good, and I wouldn’t mind being with you once or twice, or even on a regular basis. But if you want to take it further, like moving in with me, fully participating in my daily life or even future plans, I can’t accept that.”

“Most college students understand that there’s no such pure relationship in reality. It’s usually those with lower education who believe in TV dramas, wishfully thinking that true love exists in this world. There are especially many such fools in the Curtain Games, who often end up being swindled out of their money. The particularly stupid ones even end up in debt, only to find that the person on the other side of the curtain is not a beauty or a handsome man, but an orc uncle or a goblin fat woman.”

Asho couldn’t understand, “But isn’t a romantic relationship normal? Can’t you always find someone you can trust in reality? Can’t you start as friends and gradually develop into lovers?”

Furia chuckled, she couldn’t help but reach out and pat the head of the demon saint, saying with a grin, “Silly boy, people change. He may be trustworthy now, but tomorrow he might become foolish over moon candy, and the day after he might have a lucky encounter in the Virtual Realm and start to despise me.”

“Didn’t the orphanage teach you not to trust strangers, not to have expectations of strangers?”

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