Chapter 145 – Half an hour

Furia was quite self-aware and washed the dishes with Asho.

After finishing, Furia glanced at the Knowledge Screen and asked, “Do you still need to use the Knowledge Screen tonight?”

“Yeah, I want to look up some information.”

“Can’t you use your own chip to connect to the curtain and search?”

“The premise of my jailbreak is removing the chip from the back of my neck.”

Furia was surprised. “Then where will you live? Without the chip registration, you won’t be able to rent a place… You don’t plan on living with me forever, do you!?”

“The contract states that I can only stay with you for a maximum of seven days.” Asho replied irritably. “After seven days, I’ll go sleep under a bridge.”

“As long as you give me the sympathy sorcery spirit according to the contract, I don’t mind if you stay a few more days… If you’re willing to cook every day, I can waive the rent for you.”

Furia paused for a moment. “I’ll need to use the Knowledge Screen after I take a shower. It’ll take about half an hour.”

“No problem, I also need to take a shower. You can use it during that time.”

Asho continued to surf the curtain, while Furia started working on her social studies assignment. Social studies was not a branch of sorcery, but the content of the city’s public exams came from social studies. It could be said that if one wanted to become a government agent in the future, they would need to have a silver degree in social studies.

Last night, Fenanche’s speech in the Blood Moon Trial had become popular. Even Furia, who hadn’t watched it, was forced to watch it in class. Therefore, the assignment given by the professor was to “Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of socialized upbringing and the family system.” It was said that “socialized upbringing” might become a mandatory topic in the city’s public exams in the next few years, and it was essential knowledge that had to be mastered.

The assignment was not difficult. As long as one followed the writing approach of “socialized upbringing overwhelmingly surpassing the family system,” they would pass. To get a high score, one had to think and write about some points that were not mentioned in the textbooks but were currently demonstrated in society.

Thinking about the professor’s intentions… Fenanche’s speech… the Blood Moon clans…

Furia quickly came up with an idea.

“…The family system will cause more factional struggles among the Blood Moon clans. Those who successfully transform into Blood Moon descendants will use their power to help their still-original race relatives seize illegal benefits and plunder the resources that other original races should have… This will allow mediocre people who were originally ineligible to join the Blood Moon clans to become Blood Moon dependents through kinship and other hidden rules, lowering the average quality of Blood Moon dependents…”

“If a family is all Blood Moon descendants, they will form an unbreakable interest group, which is not conducive to the leadership of the research institute and the church… It will corrupt the rule of the Ministry of Government Affairs…”

“Kinship bonds are a weakening poison for the Blood Moon clans, a catalyst for internal conflicts…”

“The Blood Moon clans are the foundation of the Blood Moon Kingdom’s development. We cannot let outdated systems tarnish the purity of Blood Moon dependents…”

Since there were no other tables, Furia sat next to Asho to do her assignment.

Fortunately, the desk was big enough. Furia worked on the left side, while Asho surfed on the right side. Apart from sitting a bit close to each other, they could not disturb each other. The left side of the desk was originally filled with various items such as skincare products, lubricants, snacks, tissues, and cotton swabs, but now everything was neatly organized.

Speaking of which, because Furia couldn’t afford to hire a cleaner, her home was basically in a “as long as it’s habitable” state. She would only wash her clothes when she had accumulated enough to wear, and she would only throw out the trash when it was full. The hallway was also filled with a maze of items that only allowed one person to pass through, but the landlord said it was normal.

Now, Furia realized that her home had been completely transformed. The clothes were washed, the trash was thrown out, and the items were neatly arranged in the corner. She even had doubts about whether this was really her home.

“Did you clean during the day?”

Asho hesitated for a moment but nodded heavily. “Yeah, to be honest, the hygiene here is worse than the bathroom in prison. Since I had nothing else to do, I cleaned up a bit. Consider it as paying the rent.”

Asho continued, “By the way, I washed your clothes. I hope you don’t mind. The weather has been hot recently, and there’s no air conditioning here. In this excellent experimental environment, those clothes piled together had a very strange smell. It’s fine at night, but I couldn’t stand it during the day…”

Furia blushed and said embarrassedly, “I-I didn’t notice any smell… I don’t mind, thank you.”

“That’s good. I was afraid you would scold me for being a pervert when you came back, so I personally cooked to see if I could please you.”

“Why would I scold you? Don’t worry, you can wash all my clothes from now on!”

“No need for that. Can you wash your clothes yourself every day?”

“No, I’m used to accumulating a pile of dirty clothes before washing them all together. It’s like how you can’t expect me to put on clothes immediately after taking a shower. You can’t change my laundry habits.”

“Tsk, you look so good, but your hygiene habits are so bad…”

“What does that have to do with being good-looking? Everyone is like this. It’s a waste of time to tidy up the room and wash clothes every day.”

Little Xian, who had eaten his fill, jumped onto the table and curled up into a ball of fur, seemingly falling asleep to their conversation.

With casual chatter, Furia quickly finished her social studies assignment. Seeing that it was almost time, she naturally took off all her clothes and threw them on the chair, humming a song as she walked into the bathroom.

Asho glanced at the underwear on the chair and listened to the sound of rushing water from inside. His gaze couldn’t help but be fixed on the lace underwear. After finally tearing his gaze away, he activated his surrogate sorcery spirit and had it put the clothes into the dirty laundry basket on the balcony. Young people couldn’t handle such stimulating things!

Little Xian instantly perked up and started playing with the surrogate.

On the other side, Furia in the bathroom also felt that something was off. Veela was the most sensitive to mental states, and she could clearly sense the strange emotions brewing within herself.She didn’t know how to describe this feeling, an experience she had never had in the past eighteen years. Standing under the shower, letting the water wash over her fair skin, Furia quickly realized the source of this strange emotion – who else could it be but the devilish saint who had suddenly barged into her life?

Was she afraid? A little.

Did she like him? It seemed so.

Did she despise him?

Feeling as if her stomach was being wrung like a towel, Furia found it hard to breathe from the pain – yes, she despised Asho. Although she couldn’t pinpoint a specific reason, she suddenly found herself loathing this man.

So, did she want to stay away from him?

Furia stood silently under the water, leaning against the wall for a while, then suddenly laughed, “How can such contradictory feelings exist… It must be due to physical reasons, right? Yes, it must be physical, especially since Asho interrupted me last night.”

She quickly let go of this matter, dried her body, wrapped a towel around her hair, and just as she stepped out to blow dry her hair, she saw Asho ‘whoosh’ into the bathroom and close the door in one swift motion, so fast it was as if he had used a Sorcery Spirit, Furia didn’t even get a clear look at him.

“So eager to take a shower? You should have said so, I could have let you go first.” Furia muttered, then sat in front of the Curtain of Knowledge, beginning her nightly routine.


Asho had only been in the bathroom for a while when he gradually heard a soul-stirring moan.

At first, he thought the soundproofing in the apartment was poor, and some couple in another room was preparing to earn a childbirth fund. But when he turned off the faucet to lather himself with shower gel, without the sound of water to mask it, the moaning suddenly became clear.

This was far more impactful than any lingerie.

Asho silently turned on the faucet, cranking it to the maximum flow rate, cold water!

However, the melodious voice was like a feather tickling Asho’s ear, even the sound of water couldn’t mask it, instead, it seemed to add a filter effect, expanding his imagination.

A thought suddenly popped into his head.

“It’s not really going to take half an hour, is it?”

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