Chapter 143 – I’ll try my best not to kill you

Furia’s house didn’t have a dining table, so the dishes were placed on the desk.

Furia sat on the chair that was originally used to hold dirty clothes – the dirty clothes were taken by Asho to be washed and were currently hanging on the balcony. She pointed at the Red Flame Lalafell Rice, Artificer Lettuce Salad, Misty Spinach Egg Pancake in front of her and asked, “You called me back just to have a meal together?”

Today, Xiao Xian’s cat food was topped with a layer of Red Flame Lalafell Sauce, and it smelled delicious.

“Yeah,” Asho untied his apron. “Although I can wear a mask to avoid the surveillance of the cameras, I still have to show my face when eating. I can’t eat outside… so I can only buy ingredients and cook at home. I bought a pancake for lunch.”

“Then you can eat the pancake for dinner too. Why do you have to cook?”

“To be honest, the food standards in prison were pretty good. Lunch was fine, but if I can’t have a good dinner, it’s a bit…”

“Then why did you call me back?”

“Because I can’t cook for just one person. I can’t eat three dishes by myself, so I called you back to eat together.”

It sounded reasonable, but Furia still felt strange – you are Asho Heath, the leader of the Four Pillar God Heresy. When you’re hungry, shouldn’t you just find a random person and crack open their skull to taste their fresh brain?

In fact, Asho couldn’t cook before. This was the “Mastery of Common Recipes” obtained from reading the Sorcerer’s Manual. He didn’t expect it to come in handy like this.

“You just came out of prison, where did you get the money to buy ingredients?” Furia suddenly remembered this.

She wasn’t afraid that Asho would take her money. In fact, her family didn’t have any money. She wasn’t an Artificer yet, so she didn’t need to carry silver coins with her. She could directly deduct the data currency from the chip for expenses.

“You can earn money in prison too.” Asho took out a stack of exquisite banknotes from his bag and sighed, “I used silver coins to buy ingredients, and I actually got so much change back.”

To be precise, the ingredients for this sumptuous dinner didn’t even cost one twentieth of a silver coin. One silver coin could satisfy a normal person’s food needs for twenty days, which was eighteen silver coins in a year. And the exchange rate between gold coins and silver coins seemed to be 1:100…

After a day of shopping, Asho felt the need to revise his impression of Medical Practitioner [222] – she wasn’t just a small rich woman who could casually give out a gold coin. She was a big rich woman!

While they were talking, Asho opened a video in the Knowledge Screen called “The Greatness of Sorcerers”. There were many videos like this in the curtain, mainly targeting ordinary people who didn’t qualify for university.

But for Furia, who was a prospective Artificer, the knowledge in these videos seemed a bit shallow. However, with the witty lines and hilarious scenes, it still seemed interesting.

Did he just randomly find this video? He’s already a formal Sorcerer, he doesn’t need to watch this kind of knowledge video, right…

It’s worth mentioning that there was a 30-second advertisement before the video started, and in the last ten seconds, it switched to a wanted notice from the Hunting Hall.

“‘Corpse Lover’ Aqiborde Harvey, a One-Winged Sorcerer, dead/captured reward of 10 gold coins, information reward of 1 silver coin.”

“‘Rotten Crow’ Ronald Wade, a One-Winged Sorcerer, dead/captured reward of 8 gold coins, information reward of 8 silver coins.”

“‘Deceiver’ Igura Bokin, a Two-Winged Sorcerer, dead/captured reward of 15 gold coins, information reward of 2 silver coins.”

“‘Glutton’ Lona Chios, a Two-Winged Sorcerer, dead/captured reward of 20 gold coins, information reward of 2 silver coins.”

“‘Demon Saint’ Asho Heath, unknown strength, dead/captured reward of 50 gold coins, information reward of 5 silver coins.”

“You’re worth a lot.”

“Thanks for the compliment. Do you regret it?”

“Not really, after all, it’s hard to buy a Soul Spirit like you who sympathizes with Artisans. I can’t afford 5 silver coins.”

Speaking of which, Furia paused for a moment and looked at Asho. “If the esteemed Demon Saint wants to go back to prison, please let me send you there.”

“Forget it, if I want to turn myself in, I would definitely accept this reward myself.”


While they were eating and watching the video, Asho suddenly said, “Furia, I want to discuss something with you.”


“Can you wear clothes when you sleep at night?” Asho said tactfully, “After all, there’s an opposite sex like me here…”

After spending the first night as a guest at someone else’s house, Asho had held it in all night and didn’t say anything. Even though he slept on the floor, just the thought of a naked little lamb lying on the bed kept him awake all night.

Furia looked at him strangely. “You’re here, why do I have to wear clothes?”

“Aren’t you embarrassed to be seen naked by someone else?”

“No, if it doesn’t violate the public order, I even want to go to class without wearing clothes. The weather has been quite hot recently.”

Furia pulled down her little vest and looked inside, then asked curiously, “Or is it that I’m not attractive and it makes you uncomfortable?”

“No, you’re very attractive, it’s just…” Asho racked his brain to explain in an elegant manner, “You make my body have desires…”

“Oh!” Furia suddenly realized, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and then pulled up her little vest with both hands. “Then let’s do it, once we’re done, your body will get used to it. Don’t worry, I’ll be as careful as possible with yours…”

“Why is your train of thought like this!” Asho pulled her little vest back down. “This is too casual!”

“You’re being a bit too much. If I hadn’t signed a contract with you, I would have wanted to sue you to the Hunting Hall.” Furia was a little annoyed. “I’m not a casual person. Look, you’re the leader of the heresy, and you’ll give me an Artisan in the future. Plus, you’re quite good-looking, so I think it’s okay to do it with you. It’s also Veela’s etiquette.”

“Or are you afraid to do it with me? Don’t worry, I’ll try my best not to kill you.”

At this point, Asho finally realized something was amiss: “What do you mean by ‘holding back so as not to kill me’?”

“Don’t you know? Our Meiwa’s body fluids have a peculiar effect, reducing the refractory period of males to zero. Plus, we really enjoy the pleasure of mating, and sometimes we might accidentally kill our partner.” Furia said, “But I’ll be careful. I’ll stop as soon as you’re satisfied. After all, the contract doesn’t allow me to harm you. Really, I’ll be very, very careful.”

Furia was serious about this, because she had to be. The mud workers of the Mud Golem race had all undergone special modifications, allowing them to freely decide when to stop, with unlimited endurance. However, normal people who hadn’t undergone such modifications lacked this ability, even if they were from naturally strong races.

Even now, Furia would occasionally hear news of ogres, beastmen, and even elves being killed by Meiwa. There were also cases of the Blood Saint race being drained of blood until they fell into a coma. Only the pure Moon Shadow race could resist the allure of the Meiwa.

In a sense, the Meiwa were living in good times. A couple of hundred years ago, before the industrialization of biological modification technology, out of every ten Meiwa, seven would be murderers. The other three were simply because their dried-up corpses hadn’t been discovered yet.

However, due to the intervention of the Human Rights Association and the Racial Rights Association, as long as the Meiwa didn’t hide their race beforehand, it wouldn’t be considered intentional murder. It would be deemed as suicide by the other party, and the Meiwa would be sentenced to a few dozen hours of community service.

If Asho’s previous refusal was due to some inexplicable virgin moral code, now his survival instinct was taking over. He firmly grabbed the hem of Furia’s vest, preventing her from taking it off.

Although dying in such a way would be pleasurable, Asho had no intention of dying from pleasure.

Furia pouted, “I don’t want to get dressed after a bath, and you don’t want your body to get used to me, so what should we do?”

“I’ll hold it in.”

Furia shrugged and continued eating, “You’re a strange person.”

“In my view, you guys are the strange ones.”

Asho sighed, “I walked around the university during the day and saw three casinos, five or six candy shops. I even saw a group of female college students entering a place called ‘Honey Snow Tea Cafe’, changing into extremely revealing clothes to solicit customers outside…”

Furia looked puzzled, “What’s wrong with female college students working part-time during their free time? Did you go and support their business?”

“Furia, I’m a fugitive.”

“Don’t worry about that, you can wear a mask the whole time, and you can pay with silver coins. The tea cafe won’t pry into your business, they’ll just think you’re a customer with a special fetish.”

Furia said, “If you’re feeling uncomfortable after dinner, go ahead and visit them. I’ll do the dishes.”

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