Chapter 141 – Everything except knowledge

Camon Comprehensive University, Classroom 107.

“The deconstruction of character is an important research direction in the field of mind manipulation.”

“Both ordinary people and sorcerers who have not studied mind manipulation knowledge inevitably engage in ‘pre-constructed character’ when encountering strangers for the first time, commonly known as labeling. Rich and gentle, poor and inferior, powerful and domineering, weak and gentle… We extract the most prominent traits of the other person and incorporate them into our own thinking.”

“Labeling is a normal mental activity that helps us quickly find the most reasonable way to interact. When facing a strong enemy, we should be humble, and when facing the weak, we should take advantage. It can even be said that labeling is a necessary survival skill.”

“But for mind manipulators, this ‘pre-constructed character’ through labeling is often the best opportunity for us to cast spells. Through character deconstruction, we can silently influence strangers using two methods.”

“The first method is the simplest, which is to conform to the deconstruction. Generally speaking, after experiencing close interaction, people gradually modify their perception of others, from simple labeling to complex labeling. For example, ‘rich and gentle’ will become ‘rich, stingy to others, gentle, but only to friends’, and so on. People use limited information to deconstruct a complex individual into easily understandable concepts.”

“To conform to the deconstruction, mind manipulators give the other person the first impression and continuously reveal the traits that the other person expects. For example, if I dress up as a wealthy and humorous middle-aged man in a coffee shop and strike up a conversation, the other person will think that I have a luxury car, and then I will indeed take out a set of luxury car keys; the other person will think that I live in an upscale area, and then I casually mention that I live in Phoenix Garden… So, what do you think was the result of my approach that night?”

“By showing the first impression that the other person likes and continuously revealing details to automatically ‘fill in’ the character, we can quickly gain the other person’s trust. Because ‘you’ haven’t said anything, everything about ‘you’ is inferred and thought out by the other person – people unconditionally believe in their own judgments.”

“Many victims of emotional fraud are often deceived by this technique, to the extent that they believe that love really exists in this world. Personally, I don’t recommend you to use this method, and even if you do, don’t deceive for money. Just have a pleasant night.”

“There are many other ways to conform to the deconstruction, but we won’t go into detail here. Interested students can purchase my book ‘108 Practical Character Templates’ on the curtain.”

“The second method is the most difficult, which is to reverse the deconstruction. You don’t need to consider the impression you give to others, but rather meticulously construct the impression that others give to you. Simply put, it is to guide others to ‘fit’ into the impression you have of them through techniques such as sorcery spirits, miracles, and rhetoric.”

“If you think the other person is kind and generous, then in front of you, they will become kind and generous. But you can’t simply label them, you need to think about ‘why are they kind’ and ‘why are they generous’, and then strengthen the other person’s perception through various details, making them unconsciously conform to your ‘impression’ – even if the other person resists conforming to this impression.”

“This may sound complicated, but if you have read ‘History of Social Change’, you will definitely associate it with an ancient social unit – yes, the family system that Fenanche mentioned last night.”

“In the family system, male guardians and female guardians often shape children into their ideal ‘good children’ using this reverse deconstruction method. It is said that in ancient times, the simplest way to become a mind manipulator was to raise a perfect child.”

“We won’t discuss the correctness of Fenanche’s statement here, but there is no doubt that reverse deconstruction stifles a child’s individuality and deprives them of their human rights and freedom. This is one of the reasons why the family system has been consigned to the garbage heap of history. But for us mind manipulators, reverse deconstruction is the lifelong direction of our research and learning.”

“A powerful mind manipulator is no longer satisfied with deconstructing intelligent beings, but deconstructs the world itself – ‘the world revolves around me’. This is the highest realm of mind manipulation!”

“That’s all for this class. Class dismissed.”

As the bell rang, the students hurriedly left, and soon the classroom was mostly empty.

Adra, who was sitting next to Furia, slumped on the desk and sighed, “When will I be able to summon a mind manipulation spirit and go gambling? This elective course really only teaches everything except knowledge.”

Furia, wearing a cool spaghetti strap tank top, nodded in agreement.

There is no mind manipulation department at Camon Comprehensive University, or in any university in the entire Blood Moon Kingdom. At most, there are elective courses on mind manipulation knowledge, like the one they chose, “Mind Analysis”.

The professor talked extensively, but never mentioned how to summon a sorcery spirit. It was all about interpersonal strategies, and he even tempted everyone to buy his book – if Furia didn’t feel wrong, the professor even used some kind of sorcery spirit of ‘suggestion’, making the students think that the book “108 Practical Character Templates” contained the summoning method for sorcery spirits.

Although the course quality was low and the professor had a bad personality, the price was not cheap at all. Just for this class, Furia’s student loan amount increased by a whopping 5%.

Although everyone can find all knowledge for free on the curtain nowadays, knowledge that can make money is never free, and the threshold is extremely high and strictly guarded.For instance, the 17th century was the century of biology, and biological reproduction artificers are currently the highest paid profession. However, if you want to learn related knowledge, you can only become an apprentice to a biology professor, and you basically can’t escape a ten-year employment contract.

The only official profession in the mental field is a psychotherapist, but everyone knows that real mental artificers are either criminals or politicians (actually, they are pretty much the same), which can be described as high risk and high return. Therefore, it’s only natural that knowledge of the mental faction is hard to obtain.

If Furia wasn’t a Veela, who could probably summon a mental sorcery spirit on her own, she would have considered using her tuition money to have a few happy days at the coffee shop.

Adra said, “Shall we go to Salais for dinner tonight?”

“I’m broke,” Furia said lazily, “I just went to Frostfall last night.”

“I’ll treat you.”

“Did you win some money?”

“Hehe,” Adra revealed a cat-like smirk, “I placed a heavy bet on Fenanche in last night’s Blood Moon Trial and won quite a bit.”

“How much did you win?”

“All I can tell you is, if I had lost, I would have had to work at the tea shop for the next few months.”

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