Chapter 139 – Returned from prison training

Camon City, Hunting Hall Pearl Branch.

“Hmm?” The young hunter glanced at the flickering “Coffin Lamp” and immediately stood up. “Someone died.”

The obese orc hunter, who was munching on potato chips, asked, “Where did they die?”

“Let me see…” The young hunter switched the hunting screen to the monitoring screen. “The place of death is on the third street of the Elf Lake.”

“I know that place. There are a lot of abandoned buildings there, right? Those stupid developers dare to call it ‘Elf Lake’ just because there’s a small pond, claiming to have a beautiful lakeside view. They call it a ‘private forest’ just because there are two trees. They even call it a ‘ten-meter-long corridor’ if the entrance is a bit far from the stairs!” The obese orc hunter sneered. “They advertised so aggressively, but it ended up being abandoned. Fortunately, I gambled away all my salary; otherwise, I would have been trapped like Bernie.”

He threw a handful of potato chips into his mouth, making a loud crunching sound. “By the way, who died?”

“Two people died. Louis Miller, a 32-year-old human male, and Nia Blin Eden, a 14-year-old goblin female…”

“Sugar addicts?”

“Six years for the former and three years for the latter.”

“They must have hidden in the abandoned building and ate too much sugar, and died while melting the sugar. But it’s quite rare for a human and a goblin to melt sugar together…”

Even the ogres, who have the highest natural resistance to poison, would experience hallucinations after eating moon sugar. It’s even worse for other races. In addition to hallucinations, they would also experience strong sexual impulses and excitement. Therefore, when multiple males and females eat sugar together and engage in mating activities, it is called “melting sugar.”

The young hunter found it difficult to accept. “A 14-year-old goblin, she hasn’t even reached the age to leave the orphanage.”

“Oh, it seems like you didn’t grow up in a vegetable market orphanage.” The obese orc hunter laughed. “You’ll know after working here for a few more days. The nearby orphanages are all low-level ones, and it’s easier for those stinky brats to climb out than to take a shit. Several main members of the small gangs are underage brats. Because of the ‘Child Protection Law,’ even if they commit crimes and get caught, they can get reduced sentences. They are reckless. When they grow up, they either join gangs or spend their lives mining platinum in prison.”

“So… do we not need to go and take a look? If an underage goblin dies, shouldn’t we send her to the hospital in time…”

“No need. Handle it the same way as last time. Just send the location information to the hospital and let them send someone to collect the bodies.” The obese orc hunter shrugged. “If the hunters go out, we have to file a case, write a report, handle the bodies, and protect the scene.”

“The most important thing is that doing so much work won’t increase our salary by a single silver coin. In the end, the hospital will take away the bodies. Isn’t it better to skip all the unnecessary steps?”

The young hunter found it hard to accept. “We don’t care about gang fights that result in deaths, and we don’t care if someone dies from eating sugar. Then what do we, as hunters, care about?”

“I understand why a university student hunter like you was assigned to such a remote branch.” The obese orc hunter said calmly. “It seems like you must be a very annoying, self-righteous, and comedic character in the department.”

The young hunter shook his head and put on his windbreaker, ready to leave.

“We hunters only protect the living, not the dead.” The obese orc hunter said, “For scum like them who choose their own path to self-destruction and don’t cherish their own lives, letting them perish on their own is being responsible to society.”

“When did a fourteen-year-old goblin girl who hasn’t even left the orphanage get to choose her own path?” The young hunter cursed loudly. “It’s not her responsibility to society, but society’s responsibility to her!”

“And with how the Blood Moon Clan treats us, how can we just stand by and watch others being harmed by this society?”


Watching the young hunter slam the door and leave, the obese orc hunter scratched his head. “I didn’t expect this university student with thick eyebrows and big eyes to secretly watch the Blood Moon Trials during his shift… Hmph, he speaks so righteously. Wait until I report him, deduct his monthly bonus, and he’ll know his mistake…”

“Young people are just young people. They believe whatever the ogres say, without considering that the ones who can sit in those positions are all cunning and crafty politicians. They twist the truth when it’s not in their favor and highlight it when it is. But now, it seems that quite a few young people have been incited by that ogre…”

“The Blood Moon Clan… the most barbaric civilized society…”

The obese orc hunter looked at the empty potato chip bag, licked his fingers, and looked at the Blood Moon outside. “Speaking of which, why was I sent to this branch back then?”

He opened the hunting screen and flipped through the past photo album until the image stopped at a photo from three years ago. In the picture, he had just joined the Hunting Hall, wearing a handsome dark red uniform, looking strong and vigorous, with a sunny smile on his face.

He looked at the mirror beside him, only to see a desolate orc covered in blood-red moonlight.

“It’s only us middle-aged and elderly people who are useless. There is still hope for young people.”

“Mayor, you died beautifully.”


On the third street of Elf Lake, a half-finished building collapsed with a loud bang, startling a flock of birds.

Asho hid behind a broken wall, glanced at the spreading bloodstains under the rubble next to him, and said, “Stop messing around. If we don’t leave now, the Falconer’s Hall will catch up. I’m sure Jielade is furious with my message and can’t wait to use fart acceleration to chase us. But if you guys want to vent your anger on the Sorcerers of the Three-Winged Sanctuary, I don’t mind.”

Igura, who was hiding behind another wall, asked, “Did you really leave a message for Jielade? But how did you know that Jielade would be the first to arrive at the trial scene?”

“I guessed. You’d better pray I guessed wrong.” Asho asked, “So, do you guys still want to fight?”

“No more fighting.” Harvey, hiding in the shadows on the second floor, said, “I can’t communicate with the chip processors around here now, it’s too troublesome to kill you guys.”

“Is it my illusion, Harvey, you’ve become very arrogant since you escaped from prison.” Ronald laughed.

“Ronald, do you still have time to laugh? Aren’t you afraid that Langna next to you will swallow you in one bite?” Igura provoked, “There are no healers around here who can save you.”

“That’s not necessary for the ‘Beauty Beast’ to worry about.” Langna laughed, “When the news of your escape spread, I’m sure your old ‘clients’ couldn’t wait to do some big business with you again – your infamy is known to everyone from Feimeng City to Camon City, I know in prison there are many people who hate you.”

“Well, let’s all leave separately then—”

“Wait!” Asho suddenly shouted, “Before we part, I want to ask a question – do you know any ways to leave the Blood Moon Kingdom?”

After a brief silence, Harvey said faintly, “Regardless of whether there is or not, even if there is, why should I tell you?”

Asho said, “It’s like confessing your feelings. If you don’t confess, there’s definitely no chance, but if you do, maybe the other person will be blinded, right?”

“Speaking of which, Asho, you still owe me a wish.” Igura said playfully, “The jailbreak went too smoothly, I never had a chance to use this wish… What should I do with this wish? How about making you do push-ups in the middle of the ruins now?”

“I think, a wish should be down-to-earth, preferably something that doesn’t bother me and benefits you. How about you wish for me to buy you a birthday cake? I think fruit cake is very good.”

“Funny enough, I don’t need to benefit myself, I just want to see you troubled.” Igura roared, “And you obviously want to eat fruit cake yourself!”

“I don’t know.” Langna answered succinctly.

“I probably have some ideas, but I can’t tell you.” Ronald laughed, “The fewer people know, the better.”

“You guys really don’t have a sharing mentality…” Asho complained, “Harvey, can I ask you a favor?”


“There are two injured people here, they should have been near the building just now. The aftermath of our fight caused the building to collapse, and they were hit by the rubble. After we leave, can you save them? I’ll dig through the rubble.”

Harvey was silent for a moment, “I sensed it, there’s only one living person on your side.”

“Is that so…”

“So I can save.”

“Huh?” Asho was stunned.

Two dark green lights flew out from the second floor and hit the rubble next to Asho.

“If they hadn’t died, I wouldn’t have been able to save them. But since they’re dead, my miracle can temporarily turn them into zombies. Their bodies won’t decompose further for ten hours. If they can be treated during this period, there’s a chance they can survive. You don’t need to dig through the rubble, otherwise they’ll attack others.” Harvey said, “But this is a pig area, they need a bit of luck.”

“Thank you.”

The thanks did not receive a response, Asho blinked, realizing that the others had already left.

Asho used his heart sword to clear the rubble a bit, revealing the heads of the zombies, then quickly ran a big circle to another street, took off his prison guard uniform, put on the crow suit given to him by the healer, and walked boldly into this unfamiliar city.

“Since I haven’t found a way to leave the Blood Moon Kingdom yet, let’s put it aside for now and complete my character-specific side quest…”

Standing in front of the public bus stop, Asho looked at the city map and quickly found the stop for “Camon University”.

“Professor Xilin, your student has returned from prison for further study.”


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