Chapter 137 – Bàba

The night wind blew, and the blood moon was desolate, occasionally accompanied by the sound of waves and the sound of sharks leaping out of the water.

Asho watched everything coldly, seemingly uninterested in their words.

“Even so…” Andreier asked as if grasping at a lifesaving straw, “What does this have to do with you betraying the interests of the citizens to please the Blood Moon Clan? You understand everything, so you want to join them?”

“I have used all means to unite all races and please the Blood Moon in order to promote the establishment of the fighting league.”


“You don’t understand, Andreier. You weak humans with narrow vision don’t understand what true courage is,” the ogre said. “Yes, just as you predicted, after the fighting league is implemented, violence, death, and killing will become the main theme of this city. The Blood Moon Shadow will be delighted.”

“But the new generation will also learn savagery, learn brutality, learn cruelty. They will possess the courage to face the God Lord with a sword, something that none of our previous generations had.”

“Just for this?” Andreier widened his eyes.

“Not only that, but more importantly… Hahaha, although I have always refused to admit that I was raised in the Bone Club Orphanage, I have to admit that the Bone Club is not worthless. It has at least taught me a way to break the laws of the Blood Moon.”

The ogre laughed heartily, “Fight, there is nothing that can make two people understand each other better than a fight. The ogre’s way of making friends has only one method – beat him up in the past!”

“You betray the interests of the people, please the Blood Moon Clan, and secure the position of mayor, all for the sake of achieving this elusive goal?” Andreier smiled bitterly. “Fenanche, are you really that kind-hearted?”

“You don’t understand, Andreier. You don’t understand at all…” the ogre said. “If you want to bring down the Blood Moon Clan, or even challenge the Blood Moon Supreme Lord, it is not something that one or two individuals can achieve. It is a history that all races and all people must push together… Only by paying any price is it possible to change this country.”

“Any price?”

“Yes, any price. You are the price, I am the price, and this generation of people is also the price. We are already useless, and the hope of change can only be placed in the future. Our greatest meaning of survival is to nourish the soil as fertilizer, hoping that this filthy land will one day bloom with normal flowers.”

“Of course, if I say I have no ulterior motives, that would be a lie.”

The ogre looked at the blood moon in the night sky, “If everything goes well, my reputation will reach its peak. If the successor can continue my path, a great revolution will eventually erupt. The name of Arandor Fenanche will be remembered for eternity, and the ogre’s wisdom will be honored with the challenge to the God Lord…”

He shouted fanatically, “I want all of you mixed breeds to admit from the bottom of your hearts that ogres are the greatest, smartest, and bravest race in this world!”

Andreier looked at the ogre, who was almost submerged in chains, and was speechless for a moment.

When Fenanche revealed that the foundation of the Blood Moon Kingdom was to serve the Blood Moon Clan, he was already doomed. The citizens would never let him go.

It was like being in a completely sealed room filled with poisonous gas, where everyone was gradually dying in their sleep, and he woke up shouting like an alarm clock, waking up others. Would others thank him? No, because waking up had no meaning other than increasing pain, because the walls were indestructible, and mortals could not challenge the God Lord.

They just wanted this malicious alarm clock to stop.

Moreover, Fenanche did not want to save them. On the contrary, the ogre wanted to use the current generation as sacrifices, to drain their value and nourish the land, so that future generations could be saved.

Except for a small number of middle-aged and elderly people, most of the young people were furious about this – why do you sacrifice us to let the next generation be saved? What does the well-being of the next generation have to do with us? What do we care about their lives?

This ogre mayor was a fanatic of racial extremism!

Suddenly, the stone pillar under the ogre rose sharply, lifting him alone to a height of over a hundred meters. Looking down from below, people could see that the ogre mayor was in the center of the blood moon, as if he would be swallowed and melted by the crimson moonlight in the next second!

“If the vote count exceeds 50%, the executioner will arrive early.” Asho’s expression was calm. “The executioner who will arrive this time is the Hydra Executioner.”

The entire Broken Lake seemed to boil, and amidst the sound of waves, the stone pillar split into eight hideous and ugly giant snake bodies. The ogre’s stone seat gradually transformed into the mouth of a giant snake, with him sitting inside. As long as the giant snake lightly closed its mouth, it could digest and dissolve him.

But there was no easy and comfortable death for those who accepted redemption under the Blood Moon trial.

The camera flew up into the sky to capture the scene, and the ogre looked at it and laughed.

“Asho Heath, I have torn the face of the Blood Moon Kingdom as you wished, but I don’t think it will have any effect… It’s a pity, if I had known about your abilities earlier, I would have secretly contacted the Four Pillar God Sect… No wonder the Blood Moon investigates the Four Pillar God Sect…”


The other eight snake heads suddenly danced under the moonlight, biting towards the ogre’s body from all directions!


Bloody flowers bloomed all over his body, all falling into the giant snake’s mouth without wasting a drop. The ogre’s body trembled slightly, but his eyes became brighter and his smile became more sinister. His neat and white teeth seemed to have become sharper.

“You fools who grew up under the Blood Moon, it is impossible for a savior to be born among you… You bunch of trash are not even worthy of being saved by a savior… At best, you can only give birth to conspirators like me…”

“I used to only know that you couldn’t tolerate a kind-hearted savior, but I didn’t expect that you couldn’t even tolerate a cunning conspirator like me.”

“But it doesn’t matter.”Fenanche revealed a haughty, ferocious smile, “From the moment I was born, I’ve grown accustomed to the humiliation of being isolated by fools.”


Under the blood moon, the nine serpents shared their feast.


In an ogre art studio in Camon City.

The place was littered with trash from food containers, mixed with scattered paint, emitting an indescribable pungent smell.

A young ogre sat on a tattered armchair, watching Fenanche being devoured by the nine serpents on the screen.

This wasn’t the first time he had seen Fenanche. He had seen this fellow ogre countless times in the news, always dressed in formal attire, attending various elegant events. He knew Fenanche was hailed as ‘the most refined ogre’. He had cursed this ogre mayor countless times in bars, accusing him of changing his teeth to please voters, of neglecting the ogres, of being so wealthy yet not sharing his wealth…

At the beginning of the trial, he too had looked forward to seeing Fenanche crushed into a bloody pulp. He had long been displeased and even harbored hatred towards Fenanche — they were all ogres, why should Fenanche enjoy all the glory as a mayor while they had to live in the lower districts, too afraid to even order takeout?

If it had been a human or elf mayor, he wouldn’t have been so angry, but Fenanche was different.

You’re an ogre, why should you live better than us?

He had also cast a redemption vote for Fenanche just now.

But now, watching the trial on the screen, the young ogre didn’t know why, but he felt an emptiness in his heart. It was more uncomfortable than hunger, more painful than being beaten by a gang.

He vaguely realized something, that suspicion seemed to transform into nine serpents, tightly biting his heart. He fell to the ground in pain, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn’t make a sound.

He was dry heaving, feeling as if he wanted to vomit out his soul, but nothing came out.

He wanted to call out, but he didn’t know what to say.

Mayor? Fenanche? That hybrid more disgusting than an orc dancer?

Just then, a voice message suddenly popped up on the screen:

“Congratulations, because your redemption vote successfully sanctioned the criminal, you have been selected for the ‘Justice Messenger Wheel’ lottery segment, and have won the third prize. Now presenting you with…”

This voice message completely broke his psychological defenses. The fearless young ogre could no longer hold back, he curled up on the ground like a baby, crying his heart out. His face was smeared with tears and snot, he cried until he couldn’t breathe, until he was babbling incoherently.


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