Chapter 135 – Sheepdog and sheepfold

The roar of Andreier still echoed in the tavern.

The expressions of the customers were somewhat subtle, and they slightly shook the wine glasses in their hands. The snake boss behind the bar continued to clean the glasses as usual, seemingly not paying attention to the sarcasm in the Blood Moon Judgment.

“It’s really an excessive accusation.” A human Blood Saint sighed and said, “It’s fine to scold those dogs of the Church who only chase their own tails. Our institute has always been peacefully conducting research, not involved in politics or public opinion… Nowadays, all the technological products in society are developed by our institute. From the machines that manufacture screws to the source programmers that write curtain applications, they are all the results of our researchers spending years or even decades to develop.”

“We have never harmed anyone. We have always diligently contributed to the development of the Blood Moon Kingdom. Moreover, because our lifespan is more than three times that of ordinary races, our working hours and contributions are also more than three times that of ordinary people… And now they actually blame the mistakes of the rulers on us!?”

“Do they think they can bully us because we don’t speak up!?”

“That’s right!” Others also became indignant, and someone cursed, “There are only two Blood Saint representatives in the council, which is incomparable to the number of representatives from other races. We are insignificant and easily overlooked, which makes others think they can bully us!”

“It’s time to increase the number of Blood Saint seats in the council!”

“Andreier himself formed a faction, fighting for power and using public power for personal gain. How dare he accuse us?”

“These politicians really can’t distinguish right from wrong, shameless!”

“But this proposal for the Fenanche Fighting Tournament seems pretty good.”

The tavern paused for a moment, and the red light in everyone’s blood pupils became brighter.

“Indeed, this is a very good entertainment industry.”

“It would be best to have an unrestricted fighting tournament, allowing mechanical modifications, biological enhancements, and so on, otherwise it would be boring.”

“We can also develop a multi-player fighting tournament, where only one person is left standing.”

“There can also be cross-species fighting, capturing some abyssal creatures to see if ordinary people can fight and kill them.”

“There should also be a Sorcerer tournament. Two single-wing Sorcerers may not work, but two one-wing Sorcerers fighting to the death should be no problem!”

“In addition to the prize money, the institute is willing to provide free treatment to all participants. As long as they don’t die, they can be healed on the spot, so they have no worries! Speaking of which, I am willing to volunteer as a tournament medic!”

“Tsk tsk, I see you want to undergo the Blood Infusion Ceremony for the second time! Don’t you see how old you are? You have long lost your blood potential. Even if there really is a need for tournament medics, they will definitely prioritize selecting new blood descendants.”

As Lawrence watched everyone enthusiastically discussing the details of the fighting tournament, he focused on the voting situation of the Blood Moon Judgment. He noticed that Fenanche, who had just been tied with Andreier in votes, was now soaring ahead, which made him furrow his brows.

Although this Blue Scale Blood Saint vaguely felt that Andreier’s words made some sense, it was only a little bit of sense. It was mostly unreasonable—was it the institute’s fault that the directors of the Dragon’s Den Apartments sought life extension surgery from the institute?

Was it the institute’s fault that Fenanche did not handle the 422 incident properly?

Even the fighting tournament that Fenanche was preparing to promote, which had not yet happened, was the institute responsible for all the negative social impacts caused by this industry?


Just because the Blood Saint race had a long lifespan and strong power, did they have to be morally blackmailed by these lower races?

There is no such reason!

Lawrence turned his head and asked, “Boss Snake, do you think Andreier’s words make sense?”

“Hiss…” The snake boss placed the glasses neatly and said leisurely, “Councilor Andreier’s words make sense. From his perspective, Fenanche is indeed trying to please the two Blood Moon races.”

The Blue Scale Blood Saint was somewhat surprised, “Then—”

“But what you guys said also makes sense.” The snake boss continued, “For the Blood Moon races, Councilor Andreier’s accusations are purely shifting blame. Clearly, you guys haven’t done anything, but others are putting the blame on you.”

Lawrence couldn’t help but smile, “Since we have no problems and the other side has a point, then who has the problem?”

“No one has a problem, the problem lies with…”

The snake boss looked at the screen, “Perhaps the mayor will give us an answer.”

“Ogre, male, general education, 24 years old this year, accustomed to eating moon candies before sleeping, often stays up all night, currently engaged in the oil painting industry, favorite food is pickled Lalafell, self-indulges twice a day, currently secretly in love with another female ogre, hoping to live together with her, but after trying to please her for more than a year, he still hasn’t made any progress. He clearly saw the female ogre entering a hotel with someone else three months ago, but it didn’t extinguish his love, instead, it made him think that he also has a chance…”At first, Andreier was a bit confused, but the more he listened, the more shocked he became. Before Fenanche finished speaking, he interrupted, “You actually… wait, you have undergone memory inspection! How is it possible for you to still retain these memories? You haven’t erased them?”

The ogre chuckled, “I don’t trust memory masters. I erase my own memories. After the memory inspection, I will immediately restore the memories that are crucial to me—especially the information about my son, which is the most important memory to me.”

Now, even the audience who didn’t understand before understood that Fenanche was talking about his son’s information!

“Have you given up, Mayor?” Kenmen said in astonishment, “The ‘Bloodline Prohibition Law’ is a superior law, second only to the highest ‘Blood Moon Constitution.’ You have violated the ‘Investigation of Reproductive Crimes’ prohibited by the ‘Bloodline Prohibition Law,’ which can be punished with life imprisonment or even the death penalty… Even if you can survive the Blood Moon trial, you will still spend the rest of your life in Broken Lake!”

In everyone’s eyes, Fenanche was committing suicide!

Although some of them had investigated their own descendants’ situations, they had mostly immediately found memory masters to delete the information because it was a deadly crime!

It was more serious than selling several tons of moon sugar and even more serious than continuous murder!

Investigating descendants was a challenge to the authority of the Blood Moon Supreme Lord, a desecration of the foundation of the Blood Moon Kingdom!

“Yes, I have violated the ‘Bloodline Prohibition Law’…” the ogre laughed, “Kenmen, you have graduated from the law department for so many years. Do you still remember the significance of the ‘Bloodline Prohibition Law’? Explain it.”

Perhaps it was because of Fenanche’s words and actions, or perhaps it was the remaining obedience to the mayor, Kenmen answered without hesitation, “The ‘Bloodline Prohibition Law’ regulates the reproduction methods of various races, adjusts and protects broad social relationships, and is beneficial for optimizing resource allocation and improving per capita resource levels. It is also beneficial for improving the population quality of various ethnic groups, breaking down the backward unit of the family, breaking through class barriers, abolishing inheritance customs, and allowing every newborn to fairly enjoy the resources of the entire society. It is the legal basis for ‘racial equality and equality for all.’”

Fenanche suddenly seemed to have a sudden realization, “Yes, racial equality and equality for all. Can someone explain the meaning of this sentence to me?”

“No one should discriminate against others based on their appearance, race, gender, education, occupation, and other factors. Everyone can report acts of discrimination and language discrimination to the hunting hall and has the right to defend their own dignity. This is the content of the ‘Racial Human Rights Act,’” Andreier said, “Fenanche, what are you trying to say?”

“The words you just said to me, I will return them to you now—Andreier, you are not unaware of my thoughts. You have already foreseen my thoughts, but you still dare not say them out loud.” There seemed to be a hysterical madness in the calm pupils of the ogre, “At most, you only dare to criticize the Blood Moon Second Clan. Your tolerance is ultimately pitiful.”

The others and the audience were dumbfounded—criticizing the Blood Moon Second Clan wasn’t bold enough? That was the true ruling class of the Blood Moon Kingdom, the favored children of the Blood Moon Supreme Lord!

Did you still want to criticize those who were above the Blood Moon Second Clan…

The redeemed ones cursed inwardly, wishing they could jump into Broken Lake and commit suicide directly—if Fenanche continued speaking, their fate might not be as simple as death!

In the hunting hall, in the office of the hall master, the hall master looked at the pop-up call prompts on the screen with an impatient expression and swiped them all away.

“They’re blocking my view of the live broadcast, really.” Excitement appeared on her exhausted face, “Can’t these old things appreciate such an interesting farce?”

“Hehe, you regret putting me in this position now, don’t you? You should have kept me confined to the church and the research institute!”

“Fenanche, let me see your tolerance.”

“The ‘Bloodline Prohibition Law’ severs all blood relations. We grew up in self-nurturing institutions and died in the propaganda of hospitals. Regardless of whether our lives were long or short, during this journey, we were unable to obtain a trustworthy bond.” Fenanche said, “It has turned us into lonely individuals.”

“The ‘Racial Human Rights Act’ claims to eliminate discrimination on the surface, but in reality, it incites discrimination because it requires different races, genders, education levels, and even different age groups to coexist harmoniously, forcing completely different lives to respect each other. How could this not breed resentment? But because of the existence of this act, everyone can only hide their discrimination in their hearts, brewing it into more advanced, more natural, and more cruel prejudices. It makes us engage in endless internal strife and prevents us from uniting as a whole.”

“Andreier, you just said that the Blood Moon Supreme Lord locked the Blood Saints in the research institute and restricted the Moon Shadows in the church to protect us.” The ogre’s voice echoed through Broken Lake, “I have a different opinion on this.””He silences the Blood Saint, makes the Moon Shadow kind, leaves us in solitude, and prevents the masses from unitifying. Do you know what this reminds me of? A docile sheepdog and a sheepfold with a strong sense of self-management.”

“The Blood Moon Kingdom, is a breeding ground meticulously built by the Blood Moon Overlord.”

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