Chapter 131 – Legal illegal actions

Fenanche couldn’t remember why he had the ambition that ogres shouldn’t have.

Was it because he saw those well-dressed senators come to the Bone Club Orphanage, smiling and touching the orc children’s faces with disdain in their eyes?

Or was it because he longed for the magnificent mansions and elegant upper-class life in the movies and dramas?

Or maybe… he saw the confident human mayor raise his right fist in the screen and tell lies that even orc children wouldn’t believe: “Make all races great!”

In short, Fenanche started a completely different life from other ogres: after fighting and grabbing food, he would secretly hide in a corner, open the screen, and watch the supplementary video of today’s Jade Garden.

Although every child had a complete set of general knowledge materials from the beginning, theoretically they could master all the knowledge through self-study. However, if they wanted to pass the middle school, university, or even the research institute exams, they had to deeply understand the knowledge points, which went far beyond the scope of the textbooks.

Well-equipped orphanages would naturally hire teachers to tutor the offspring’s studies. Obviously, the Bone Club didn’t have this condition, and the average educational level of the blue and green-skinned children who came out of the Bone Club was only at the prenatal stage.

But perhaps to increase their reputation or to set an example, the teaching videos of the top-notch orphanages would be uploaded to the screen. Children without good educational conditions could download these videos to study on their own. After all, everyone had a chip, so there was no download threshold.

That was Fenanche’s unforgettable memory: after fighting with scars all over his body, he would stay in a cold and smelly corner, watching the orcs and ogres fighting on the sandy ground, with blood and flesh flying. Not far away, there was an ogre eating while defecating, and an orc adding his toenails to a sandwich.

On the other side, he saw the tidy classroom, the elegant and knowledgeable teachers, and the students laughing and talking.

Although many years had passed, Fenanche could still recall the surging emotions of his youth, and the flame burning fiercely in his chest, a flame called shame!

“…Now the audience is familiar with these eight redeemed individuals, but I’m sure everyone has a question in their hearts: why is Mayor Fenanche participating in this trial even though he is temporarily suspended and not a criminal?”

Fenanche looked towards the edge of the Sea View Terrace and saw a prison guard standing there, the one who had brought him to Lake Shard.

He remembered now. After signing the “Criminal Catalog,” his strength was restricted, and then he was assassinated by the prison guard, which caused him to lose consciousness until now.

He looked closely and found that the prison guard was not speaking to them, but towards the camera.

Prison… live broadcast… Blood Moon…

The ogre squinted his eyes and turned to the human next to him. “Director Laidor, who is he?”

Although he was the one who had been brought down by Fenanche, when Fenanche asked so naturally, former Project Director Laidor instinctively answered, “He is Asho Heath.”

After a pause, he added, “He is a death row inmate who should be punished in prison.”

Fenanche suddenly understood everything. He looked at Asho, but found that Asho was also looking at him. Asho held the “Criminal Catalog” that controlled the fate of all prisoners, covering his face, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

“The reason Mayor Fenanche is here is because a friend of mine said that he is a bad person who has repeatedly escaped scrutiny by exploiting legal loopholes,” Asho continued.

Fenanche sneered and didn’t bother to pay attention.

Asho continued, “Of course, the phrase ‘a friend of mine’ is not considered evidence. In fact, according to the investigation files of the Falconer Hall’s memory experts, although there are many inexplicable doubts and memory gaps, strictly speaking, Mayor Fenanche has not committed any illegal acts.”

“As we all know, the true masters of the Blood Moon trial are not the mayor, the Falconer Hall, or even me as a mere host. It is the citizens in front of the screen, your redemption votes are the key to guiding this trial.”

“Of course, I believe that you will not be swayed by the instigation of a former death row inmate like me, and let this lawless mayor meet the Blood Moon’s Supreme Master ahead of time.”

“And this is the interesting part of the Blood Moon trial that I have planned.”

“Different from Mayor Fenanche, the other seven former senators, officials, and gang members are all confirmed scum. If the broadcasting station is reluctant to cut off the signal, then the citizens can obtain the criminal information of these seven losers by clicking on their avatars.”

“In theory, the redeemed individuals in this trial will only be selected from among you seven. But now, I give you a chance.”

Asho pointed at the ogre. “You can report Mayor Fenanche’s illegal acts and give him a vote. This way, you can naturally escape punishment. Based on my understanding of the citizens and my personal experience, the more detailed and important your report is, the lower your vote count will be.”

The crowd’s expressions changed slightly, and former secretary orc Menken spoke loudly, “I report, Mayor Fenanche hired someone to commit murder—ah!!!”

Menken suddenly let out a scream of agony. The crimson stone seat he was sitting on emitted smoke, as if it was rapidly heating up, causing Menken’s skin to be scorched!

“Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the executioner in this trial gains the enhancement of the ‘Mouth of Devouring Lies,’” Asho’s voice had no remorse except for gloating, “Once you lie, accuse, or fabricate something that even you can’t prove, the executioner’s mouth will continue to heat up, heating up until it turns you into a delicious meal. I am very grateful to the Falconer Hall for providing technical support for this trial.”

“Mouth of Devouring Lies”!?

The crowd’s faces changed dramatically, but they found that they couldn’t free themselves from the stone seats, as if they were stuck to them. Not only that, they couldn’t use Artificing or attack others—this private Blood Moon trial was too outrageous, they were only given the right to speak, while other permissions were still prohibited!

“That’s right, the eight stone pillars you are sitting on are the executioners themselves. Celebrate, not many people in this world can have the executioner sitting under their buttocks.”

The crowd cursed in their hearts, glaring fiercely at Asho.

“Wait.”Wearing silver-framed glasses, Andreier, who looked like a middle-aged scholar, raised his hand and asked, “First, it is known that Fenanche has not committed any crimes. Second, we cannot speak of what we cannot verify. Based on these premises, we cannot speak of Fenanche’s ‘illegal actions’.”

Asho looked at Andreier.

“You’re right,” he said, “So I’m not really asking you to speak of ‘illegal facts’, but rather, I’m expecting you to speak of Fenanche’s legal illegal actions.”

Legal illegal actions?

Everyone present was a politician or official who had fought hard to climb to the upper echelons of Camon City. As soon as Asho spoke, they immediately understood his underlying message. Their faces turned incredibly ugly, Fenanche was no exception!


“Ah ha.”

In the office of the Falconer’s hunting hall, the hall leader flipped through a file. It was Asho Heath’s resume.

“It’s strange, there are no government officials among the victims of the Four Pillar God, and he has not participated in any related work… Could someone have leaked it to him? Or did he simply observe it himself?”

“It seems that he is not simply holding a grudge against Fenanche or trying to provoke the Falconer’s hall, but is trying to touch the deep-seated rules of society.”

“This could be a big headache for both the research institute and the church…”


The hall leader propped up his cheek, a slight smile curling up at the corner of his mouth. Expectation flickered in his bloodshot eyes, surrounded by dark circles.

“It’s been over a hundred years since I’ve encountered any trouble.”

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