Chapter 118 – Golden Fish Tummy

“Sorcerer’s Manual: Mastery of Common Recipes.”

“Sorcerer’s Manual: Diary of Cat Care”: Mastery of Cat Care, Mastery of Litter Cleaning.

“Sorcerer’s Manual: Fishing Secrets”: Mastery of Identifying Unknown Items.

“Wow, this fishing sorcerer is always catching strange things from the river, and even mastered the skill of identifying unknown items… But judging from his repeated failures, it seems that he doesn’t have the skill of fishing mastery.”

“But he is very good at fishing people.” Sonia sat rudely on the sandy ground, her face flushed as she gasped for breath, her lips slightly curled up in a complaining and excited tone. “He almost killed me.”

The fishing sorcerer used a strange weapon called a ‘fishing rod’, which had the versatility of a spear and a sling, allowing him to switch between long-range and close-range combat effortlessly. He was a rare sorcerer skilled in group battles and was not inferior to Asho and Sonia.

He even played a trick, using a long line and bait to deceive Asho’s defensive movements before immediately turning to attack Sonia from behind. At that time, Sonia still had to deal with his frontal fishing rod attacks, and although she noticed the assassination from behind, she had no room to dodge.

If Asho hadn’t quickly activated the Sword Body Barrier for Sonia, they would have been forced to leave the Virtual Realm by now. Even after avoiding this fatal ambush, they had to put in a great deal of effort to kill the fishing sorcerer. Asho suffered numerous minor injuries, and Sonia even had her hand pierced. Fortunately, in the Virtual Realm, they could quickly recover using soul energy. If it were in reality, the fishing sorcerer would have killed them long ago.

Apart from not being able to fish, the fishing sorcerer could be said to have no weaknesses as a sorcerer.

Asho watched as the Sorcerer’s Manual in his hand turned into smoke and disappeared, and the inheritance island rumbled as it sank. He looked at Sonia, who was still sitting on the ground resting, and noticed that her body was almost translucent, indicating a large consumption of soul energy. He reached out his hand and said, “Let’s stop here for tonight.”

Sonia glanced at him, took his hand, and stood up. “I think I can still fight another battle.”

“But I’m tired and don’t want to continue fighting.”

Asho smiled and shook his head, sitting on the boat and stretching lazily. “There’s no need to force yourself. If we really die in the Virtual Realm, it will affect tomorrow’s jailbreak. Let’s sail a little longer and then exit the Virtual Realm.”

“In the end, it’s an unrealistic wish to find the Golden Fish overnight. It’s normal not to achieve it. If we really did, I would doubt whether the Four Pillar God is truly blessing me.” Asho pretended to complain, “It’s all because you mentioned the Golden Fish. The bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment. Sword Girl, you should take full responsibility for this!”

Hearing Asho’s absurd blame, Sonia was not at all angry.

She sat on the small boat, crossed her legs, and a mysterious and charming black line appeared on her plump and straight thigh. With her elbow resting on her knee, her fair little hand supporting her chin, she stared at Asho.

Tonight, she wore a black vest and a deep red mini skirt, paired with boots and long socks. There were decorative accessories resembling black bands on her thighs, fashionable and colorful, adding a touch of glamour to the gray and white world of the Knowledge Sea.

Seeing Sword Girl remain silent, Asho became a little scared. “I’m sorry, I was too arrogant. By the way, let me tell you a joke. Once upon a time, a little white rabbit met a bear who was having diarrhea…”

“Don’t bother me, I’m thinking.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking about the information on the Golden Fish.” Sonia calmly said, “Organizing the existing information and seeing if we can find the truth about the Golden Fish.”

Asho waved his hand. “Don’t waste your effort. So many sorcerers have been searching for it for so many years and have found nothing. Are they less talented than us? Are they not diligent enough in their training? But even they have to follow the steps, first improving their faction’s realm before climbing to higher levels of the Virtual Realm. Our hope for the Golden Fish is an unrealistic fantasy…”

“But sorcerers are born to pursue miracles.”

Sonia tilted her head and smiled. “Anyway, we have nothing better to do. Just consider it as keeping me company and thinking together about how to find the Golden Fish.”

Asho pursed his lips and clicked on the “Virtual Realm Map,” instructing the small boat to sail towards the safe zone. With his hands crossed against the boat, he said, “Considering how beautiful you dressed tonight, I’ll give you this face.”

“Thank you!” Sonia responded crisply. “Let’s start by organizing the newly obtained information.”

Asho nodded. “In the three sorcerer projections we defeated just now, two of the manuals mentioned the Golden Fish: the Gourmet Sorcerer wanted to taste a bite of the Golden Fish, and the Fishing Sorcerer believed that the Golden Fish could be caught.”

It’s really hard to say whether the former is audacious or the latter is insane, still thinking about fishing in the Virtual Realm.

“Although the Gourmet Sorcerer pursued the Golden Fish for many years and never even tasted its meat, he did gain something—he once reached the Fate Q&A Island.”

From this, it can be seen that Asho’s ability to ‘read the Sorcerer’s Manual without barriers’ will become increasingly important in the future.

In the early stages, they could only read the manuals of low-level sorcerers, which naturally had some benefits, as the lives of low-level sorcerers had little value.

But when they reached the core area of the Knowledge Sea, where they could encounter powerful sorcerer projections, the benefits of reading the Sorcerer’s Manual would increase exponentially.Not only had they experienced wonders in the Virtual Realm, but other Artificers also had their moments of luck favored by the Virtual Realm.

What’s more intriguing is that the wonders of the Virtual Realm might not be unreplicable.

Reading the Sorcerer’s Manual is equivalent to gaining the strategies and even intelligence benefits of other Artificers exploring the Virtual Realm. The ‘Vortex Secret Poison’ is the best example. If Asho hadn’t happened to read that Sorcerer’s Manual and learned this fast-leveling strategy, they might still be at the Silver Half-Wing level.

“Just like us, he also asked the Virtual Realm about the Golden Fish: ‘Can I eat the meat of the Golden Fish in the Sea of Knowledge?’ The Virtual Realm’s answer was ‘No.’”

“We can draw a conclusion: the Golden Fish does not exist in the Sea of Knowledge in flesh and blood.”

“And the fishing Artificer believed that the Golden Fish was hidden in the sea, so he insisted on fishing in the Virtual Realm for more than a decade. But apart from occasionally catching Mud Fish Dragons and Slash Fish Dragons, these knowledge creatures, he found no trace of any Golden Fish. He also dived into the Sea of Knowledge, but it was pitch black inside, and he died very quickly.”

“Here we can also draw a conclusion: we cannot dive into the Sea of Knowledge to look for the Golden Fish.”

Sonia pondered, “And the information we got before was that the Golden Fish could be seen without triggering any rituals, and it was always floating on the sea surface.”

Asho counted on his fingers, “The Golden Fish is on the sea surface, the Golden Fish is not flesh and blood, the Golden Fish can be seen directly… Ah, I know what the Golden Fish is!”


“Don’t these white mists meet all the characteristics? They are on the sea surface, can’t be eaten, and can be seen directly.” Asho looked at the thick white mist enveloping the small boat, “The only problem is that it doesn’t look like it can carry a continent.”

“Be serious!”

“I am very serious.” Asho leaned lazily against the small boat, looking at Sonia and suddenly laughed, “Don’t worry, even without the golden Artificing, I won’t just die on the way to escape… probably.”

Sonia’s eyes flickered, “Who cares about you, I just want to see the scenery of the Time Continent as soon as possible. Staying in the Sea of Knowledge all the time, my Artificing can’t grow at all.”

“Alright, alright, I was being presumptuous.” Asho was in a good mood, “By the way, didn’t you rest for an hour tonight? What did you do?”

“I went to drink with Senior Leonie.”

“The Leonie who beat you up badly last time?”

“What do you mean by ‘beat up badly’? I clearly won, and after all, it was your fault. You insisted on me fighting with her! You still have the nerve to say—”

“Hey, are you old enough to drink?”

“Tsk, you really… Of course, I’m already an adult. She told me a lot of interesting stories about adventuring in the abyss.”

“Let’s hear it?”

“For example, there is a very rare ‘Evil Shadow’, which has no substance and attacks the soul. It’s very tricky, but its weakness is also very obvious. As long as there is a light source to cast its shadow, and then attack the shadow, its body will also be seriously injured.”

“Then there is the very scary ‘Eyeball Hunter’. Its body is extremely sturdy. It will stay still when observed by someone’s gaze, but once the gaze is removed, it will quickly approach and pierce the Artificer’s eyeball. They saw it once, luckily they were far enough to escape.”

“The most dangerous creature in the shallow abyss is the ‘Devourer’. It is extremely large and disguises its stomach as a normal cave. Once an Artificer steps into it, it will close its stomach cave and release strong stomach acid. It is very difficult for ordinary Silver Artificers to break through its stomach, they can only watch themselves dissolve…”

When it came to these scary abyss stories, Sonia was very excited, her eyes shining. Asho was originally listening to his little sweetheart telling her campus anecdotes with a kind face, but his expression gradually changed, and he even sat up abruptly.

“You just said, there’s a creature that disguises its stomach as a cave?”

“Yes, it’s called the ‘Devourer’, why, have you seen it?”

“I think I might have seen something similar.”

Sonia blinked, “Similar?”

Asho looked up at the sky obscured by the white mist.

“Do you think we might be in the stomach of the Golden Fish?”

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