Chapter 111 – Because of love

“Are you sure about option 4?”

“Why not? I feel like any of the first three could be possible, but not completely. In this situation, choosing ‘all of the above’ has a high chance of being correct. Trust me.”

Sonia didn’t have any objections either. She couldn’t determine which one was correct either, although she thought option 3 was more likely. However, predicting the future based on the past was unreliable. Since the Observer insisted on option 4, they would choose option 4 – if they were wrong, they could blame him.

With a thought, Sonia checked option 4, and immediately the paper started to emit a rainbow fluorescent light, and the font began to change –

“Congratulations, you answered one question correctly. Do you want to continue answering questions?”

“I actually got it right!” Sonia was surprised.

“See, I told you I was right.” Asho, the former king of guessing multiple-choice questions in college, was very confident in how to guess blindly. “What is the second question?”

After Sonia chose to continue answering the questions, the paper transformed into the second question:

“Question: What is the reason for the reconciliation between Sword Girl and the Observer after their fallout?”

“1. For a greater benefit.”

“2. To counter a common crisis.”

“3. Because of love.”

“4. All of the above.”

“This time it must be option 4 -“

“Impossible!” Sonia shook her head firmly. “Option 3 is definitely wrong, so it can’t be option 4.”

Asho spread his hands and smiled mischievously. “Oh, this is something that might happen in the future, not something that will definitely happen. Why are you so shy? Just answer fate with a calm mind -“

Sonia was almost about to roar. “Then you should sort out your emotions before speaking. You can’t hide your excitement in your tone!”

After arguing for a while, Sonia looked back at the question and thought for a moment before saying, “It should be option 1. If it’s for a greater benefit, even if we had many disputes before, we could temporarily put them aside.”

Asho didn’t want to cause trouble either and nodded seriously. “Indeed, option 1 is the most likely, and the probability of two consecutive questions having the same answer is not high.”

Not only because of the guessing law, even based on logical inference, Asho also believed that option 1 was the most reasonable. Firstly, the Observer and Sword Girl had already fallen out, so how could they possibly have love? What could force them to unite other than their interests?

After discussing briefly, Sonia decided to choose option 1. With a thought, the text on the paper turned into a murky gray light, which didn’t look good:

“You answered incorrectly. The fate’s answer is over. You can start asking questions.”

They actually got it wrong!

Asho and Sonia were both stunned. After all, among the remaining three options, two of them included the option ‘because of love’, which meant that there was a two-thirds chance that they would reconcile in the future because of love!?

“Think about it carefully, maybe option 2 is also possible? After the two of them have fallen out, there is a high possibility that they will put aside their previous grievances to counter a common crisis -“

“Yeah, I think so too.”

By abruptly changing the topic like this, the atmosphere gradually became awkward, and even leaned towards an ambiguous direction. Sonia quickly changed the topic, “So what’s your question?”

“Mine is very simple.” Asho looked down at the question.

“Question: Who did Xilin Dor see before his death?”

“Speaking of which, why is yours a multiple-choice question while mine is a short answer question?”

“Maybe it’s because of the time difference.” Sonia guessed, “If the question is too far away in time, it’s impossible for me to deduce the correct answer with my current information. The fate’s answer would give me options to choose from, so at least I have a chance of guessing correctly. Your question is probably very close to your current time, so you can figure it out by yourself, so no options are given.”

She paused, “Is this Xilin the mastermind you mentioned before?”

“Yes.” Asho said, “So the answer is obvious.”

With a thought, Asho filled in the answer: “Xilin Dor died after seeing Asho Heath.”

The font on the paper changed into a rainbow glow, “Congratulations, you answered one question correctly. Do you want to continue answering questions?”

After Asho completed the operation, the paper displayed the second question:

“Question: How did the Observer escape from the Blood Moon Kingdom after the prison break?”

Asho told Sonia the question, and she was a little confused, “No options? Without options, it means that you can deduce the correct answer based on the existing information. Did you guys plan an escape plan after the prison break?”

“Does survival in the wilderness count?”

To be honest, Asho and the others hadn’t thought about how to escape after the prison break – after all, after the prison break, everyone would go their separate ways and have their own plans. As for Asho, a memory loss patient who was completely clueless, he had no other choice but to become a wild man in the wilderness. But Igura, Ronald, and Harvey were all local bosses, and there might even be private safe houses. Why would they share their plans with their fellow inmates?

“Do you know any methods to leave the Blood Moon Kingdom?”

“I don’t know.” Asho looked confused. “I don’t even know where the border of the Blood Moon Kingdom is.”

They couldn’t figure it out, so Sonia pondered, “Since we can’t think of it, let’s choose one of the most common methods. Either impersonate a legitimate identity and leave the country through normal transportation, or find a middleman for illegal immigration and leave the country through illegal transportation. Among illegal transportation, ship transportation is the most common…”

“It’s impossible to impersonate a legitimate identity. Taking public transportation in the Blood Moon Kingdom definitely requires chip verification. After removing the chip, I won’t implant another chip in myself.” Asho said, “So we can only choose the illegal route, and compared to easily intercepted land transportation, ship transportation is indeed more likely… Alright, let’s choose ship transportation!””The observer escaped the prison and fled the Blood Moon Kingdom by boat!”

The paper burst out with a grayish flow of air, as if mocking Asho’s stupidity:

“You answered incorrectly, the destiny question is over. You can start asking.”

Asho and Sonia had anticipated this and were not too disappointed. After all, they had no clues and were merely guessing based on logic. The probability of hitting the correct answer was too low.

However, Sonia was still a bit puzzled: “That’s not right. If the destiny question poses a question that an Artificer cannot answer, isn’t that just bullying? You must know how to leave the Blood Moon Kingdom, you just didn’t think of it for a moment.”

“Perhaps the Virtual Realm heard me cursing it just now and is deliberately targeting me.”

“Then you really deserve it… However, even the Virtual Realm believes that you can successfully escape from prison and even leave the Blood Moon Kingdom, it seems you don’t have to worry about the Blood Moon trial.”

Asho thought to himself, that’s right. Not only this question, but also the previous questions about ‘how Xilin Karl died’ and ‘the breakup and reconciliation between the observer and Sword Girl’, all prove that Asho won’t just turn into tomato sauce in the Blood Moon trial, otherwise, where would his future be?

This is the biggest advantage of the destiny question – you can indirectly learn about your future situation through the question, which is of great reference value for you to judge the current situation.

The answer is over, next is the question session.

The two looked at the paper in their hands, and Sonia said: “The question we ask can’t be too outrageous, it’s best to limit it within the range of a Silver Wing. Although there is very little information about the destiny question, one thing is universal in the Virtual Realm – the more you give, the more you get. We only answered one question correctly just now, the reward given by the Virtual Realm will definitely not exceed this range.”

Asho nodded: “The answer to this question should ideally increase our combat power immediately. After all, the second Blood Moon trial is approaching, and every bit of strength increases my chances of survival.”

At this point, both of them had a flash of inspiration and excitedly said to each other:

“Golden Fish!”


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