Chapter 108 – You should go to jail instead

"Add a restriction to the prison guard?"


Ronald wiped the filth from the corner of his mouth and looked incredulous, "But they are not criminals!"


"Why do you think that only the chips of criminals can have restrictions?" Harvey sneered, "Or rather, why do you think that the chips of ordinary people cannot have restrictions?"


"The Catalog of Sinners–"


"When you were imprisoned in the Falconer Hall, you were already subjected to multiple restrictions. At that time, you hadn't even signed the 'Catalog of Sinners' like ordinary people. The effect of the Catalog of Sinners is just to make our restrictions constant."


Ronald muttered, "I thought it was a miracle used by the hunters…"


A chill ran through Asho's heart.


In other words, everyone in the Blood Moon Kingdom, whether they are ordinary people or sorcerers, wears a shackle that can strangle them at any time. If the processor receives a command, it can control everyone in the area to do anything, even make them personally slit their own throats!


It's funny to think that Asho has never really seen the Blood Moon Kingdom, nor has he seen the ordinary people in the Blood Moon Kingdom, but he knows many secrets that ordinary people cannot touch.


He is like observing the world in a crack, and all he gets are fragmented keywords: multiple races, Human Rights Association, orphanage, hunting hall, church, memory master, Blood Moon Trial, Woodpecker Gang… These keywords form a bizarre world, both democratic and dictatorial, both rich and poor, both respecting human rights and violating privacy, both entertaining to death and harmonious and stable.


Like a blood lotus blooming in the mud, shining brightly but emitting a dirty and foul smell.


This may have a lot to do with Asho's sources of information. After all, what can he see in a prison for death row inmates? However, there is no perfect country on earth, and maybe Asho will have a great time after he gets out, lying on the sofa and watching the Blood Moon Trial every month.


"This is definitely not information that a janitor can access." Igura suddenly said, "Who are you? How did you deceive the Falconer Hall?"


"I am just a janitor." Harvey said calmly, "My duty is to handle corpses, and the main job is to make the corpses not call for help, not resist, and not escape."




Ronald suddenly remembered something, "In recent years, there have been some legendary murder cases in the industry. The victims were murdered in their homes, but there were no signs of struggle in the rooms, and the victims disappeared without a trace. And these victims include sorcerers… Everyone calls this killer the 'Controller' and believes that he has mastered powerful control miracles, and can even completely deprive a Second Wing Sorcerer of their ability to resist!"


"That's an exaggeration. I'm just using existing loopholes." Harvey shook his head, "As for how I deceived the Falconer Hall, it's simple–delete the memories first, and then find a way to retrieve them."


Asho was puzzled, "If you can delete memories, why don't you just delete all the illegal memories, so that you can be acquitted on the spot?"


"He can't." Igura said, "He specializes in the Necromancer faction, and most of his memories are related to the Necromancer faction. If he deletes the memories related to the Necromancer faction, it is no different from directly losing his memory; and if he doesn't delete the memories related to the Necromancer faction but deletes the memories of handling corpses, the Falconer Hall will definitely know that he has deleted his memories–it is impossible to learn the Necromancer faction without corpses."


"This is the best result he calculated."


Asho nodded, "Wait a minute, since you have already dealt with the memories in advance, does that mean you intentionally got arrested? Do you have a reason to go to the Shattered Lake Prison? For example… for Naerbeier?"


A cold wind suddenly blew in the closed room.


When Harvey raised his chin and scanned the surroundings with a sinister gaze, Ronald immediately pulled Naerbeier behind him, and Igura stepped forward and stood in front of Asho.


The gust of wind made Asho's goosebumps rise, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly, his mind went blank.


Artisan, or perhaps a miracle?


The gust of wind came and went quickly. Harvey lowered his eyelids, "I can add restrictions to the prison guards, making them unable to take any action, and even unable to send out alarms. Can this ability exchange for your promise?"


Igura said, "Tell us your request first."


"After escaping, you must help me kill someone."




"Arandor Fenanche." Harvey uttered a well-known name, "The current mayor of Camon City."




Virtual Realm, Knowledge Sea.


"So you signed an unbreakable contract, although you haven't escaped yet, but you have put the high-ranking mayor on the assassination list?"


"Yes, there happens to be a contract mage in our team, so we have no possibility of 'promising verbally and then going back on our word'."


"Tsk, you even thought about going back on your word."


"What else can I do?"


"You can escape and quickly unite with others to kill the Necromancer, so you don't have to fulfill the contract! The contract doesn't say that you can't harm each other, right?"


"It's no wonder it should be you who should go to jail."


In the midst of the conversation, the tattered umbrella-like Umbrella Bird suddenly contracted its wings and rushed towards the white mist to escape, at the same time throwing an Artisan in the opposite direction!


"Sword Girl!"


"No problem!"Asho rushed forward to grab the Sorcery Spirit, while Sonia ran to the front of the Umbrella Bird Dragon. Facing the ferocious charge of the Umbrella Bird Dragon, Sonia showed no fear. As she assumed the sword-drawing stance, strands of moonlight, swirling like water, appeared around her!




The moment the Umbrella Bird Dragon touched the moonlight strands, Sonia, like a tightly wound spring, swung her wooden sword in a perfect arc, unleashing a wave of crimson sword energy!


Miracle·Killing Intent Water Moon! A new miracle that incorporated the Killing Intent Sword into the Water Moon to increase its power!




The Umbrella Bird Dragon was cleaved in half, and after letting out a resentful cry, it dissipated into a wisp of smoke, dropping two Sorcery Spirits.


Seeing this, Asho sighed, "Still no Experience Orb. At this rate, when will you be able to advance to Two Wings…"


Sonia comforted him, "These things can't be rushed. Many Artificers say that the Virtual Realm listens to our wishes. The more we want something, the less likely it is to give it to us. When we stop caring, it will deliver it to us."


"It sounds like the Virtual Realm is quite petty."


"If you keep talking like that, I'm afraid you'll never see an Experience Orb again in your life."


With the help of the 'Exorcise Secret Poison' and the 'Virtual Realm Telescope', Asho could now steadily hunt Knowledge Creatures. In order to promote Sword Girl to Two Wings as soon as possible, and thus hitch a ride on her coattails, Asho specifically sought out Knowledge Creatures that might drop Sword Art Orbs.


But after hunting the Slash Fish Dragon and Umbrella Bird Dragon tonight, aside from a few Sorcery Spirits, there was no sign of any Experience Orbs. This not only deflated Asho's spirits, but also made it seem unrealistic to feed Sword Girl into a Two Wings powerhouse within ten days.


"I don't know how many Sword Art Orbs it would take to raise my realm to the Gold level."


Sonia lay in the small boat, her feet propped up on the edge, and lazily said, "Artificers usually rely on studying and traveling in the Virtual Realm to improve their faction realms. If they occasionally come across an Experience Orb, they're overjoyed. If they find one that matches their main faction, it's a great achievement they can brag about for a lifetime. Using Experience Orbs to forcibly raise the realm of their main faction? Such a thought would be laughed at by children if spoken out loud."


"Only ideas that are laughed at have the potential to be realized." Asho glanced at the pair of black silk legs swinging in front of him, as well as the patch of white between the stockings and the short skirt, "Is it just my imagination, or are you getting more and more relaxed around me?"


"No~ way~, I'm just a bit tired and taking a break."


"But I remember you used to sit upright even when you were resting."


"Who can be comfortable sitting when they can lie down? Hey, viewer, can you make the boat a bit bigger? Better yet, add a footrest. I want to put my feet in the boat and stretch."


"Don't push it, Sword Girl!"


"What, you're allowed to act cute, but I can't stretch?"


"Wh-wh-wh-what acting cute!" Asho stammered, "I've never acted cute! Don't slander me!"


Sonia cleared her throat, "'I feel as light as a balloon, with only a thin string tying me to the ground. Sword Girl, to me, you are that string…'"


"Hmph, you think you've got something on me? You think I'm the kind of person who would be embarrassed by this?"




"But I think if you keep your feet like that, you'll wet your socks. If you slip during a fight, it won't be good." Asho calmly patted his thigh, "Actually, I know a bit about foot massages. Why don't you put your feet on my thigh?"

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