Chapter 107 – The mouse puts handcuffs on the cat

Chip processor, is it a corpse?


At this moment, Harvey suddenly took off his prisoner's uniform. Because his body was covered in blood and his clothes were stuck together, he could hear a crisp "sizzle" sound when he took it off. The countless wounds that had just stopped bleeding were torn open again, and blood flowed from the wounds the size of his fingertips, flowing along his dark back. It looked as if countless eyes were shedding tears.


"To be honest, I'm quite surprised that you guys know about processors." Harvey wiped his body with a towel and said, "This is not a knowledge point that would appear in the education of an orphanage. Most people in prison don't know what controls their chips, just like ants can't see the people above them."


"The one imprisoning us is not a prison, it's the chips. Shattered Lake is just a room in the Blood Moon Kingdom."


Igura leaned against the wall with his hands crossed and said, "I consider myself well-informed and often frequent high society. I even made a plan to be imprisoned in Shattered Lake, so I deliberately inquired about the operation mechanism of Shattered Lake Prison and luckily learned about the existence of processors… How could a janitor like you know such secretive information?"


With three parts arrogance and seven parts suspicion, Igura controlled his tone perfectly, quietly invoking the resonance of the Sorcery Spirit, trying to ignite Harvey's emotions. If Harvey really knew some secrets, he would definitely be eager to show off the information and its source.


However, Harvey just glanced at Igura in the mirror and calmly asked, "Have you all been to the hospital? Have you noticed that there are no private hospitals in the Blood Moon Kingdom, only affiliated hospitals and maternity hospitals."


"Isn't that normal?" Igura felt puzzled. "Even if there were private hospitals, I wouldn't go. The affiliated hospitals have low fees, good reputation, and guarantee. There are many medical practitioners. Private hospitals have no room to survive."


"Generally speaking, medical practitioners can be of any race, humans, snake lizards, elves, beastmen, or even ogres…" Harvey said, "But there is a department in the hospital where only one race exists, and other races are not allowed to join."


Ronald glanced at the bloodstains on Harvey's back and said, "Since it's related to the research institute, the race you mentioned must be the Blood Saint Clan… But which department are you talking about?"


"The Body Processing Department."


Harvey vigorously wiped his scars with the towel. Although his face twisted in pain, he still calmly said, "If the research institute is trying to firmly control the Body Processing Department, that's why they established affiliated hospitals and prohibited the issuance of private medical licenses. Would you believe it?"


Asho naturally listened with a bewildered expression. Opening a hospital just for a department? Buying crabs just to dip them in vinegar?


However, Igura seemed to have a sudden realization and asked, "I remember your most serious charge was 'illegally handling corpses,' and the Blood Saint Clan Research Institute wants to firmly control the source of corpses… Could it be that corpses are extremely valuable resources to the Blood Saint Clan?"


"Corpses are not only resources, but also their taboo." Harvey smiled faintly. "You were surprised that the processor for chip handling was a corpse, but what if I told you that all Blood Saint Clan members are corpses?"


Asho recalled the arrogant white-haired hunter Jielade and couldn't connect him with a corpse no matter what. Although he was bad at playing cards, he was obviously a quick-witted and intelligent person, just slightly inferior to Asho.


"Corpses… Yes, corpses, that makes sense!"


Igura suddenly realized, "I also wondered why the Blood Saint Clan has a long lifespan and doesn't age, even though long-lived races like elves also age. I used to think it was some kind of miraculous effect, but if they are corpses, then their appearance would naturally be frozen at the moment of their death!"


"Speaking of which, I have seen Blood Saint Clan members before, and I indeed didn't hear their heartbeat." Ronald said, holding his chin. "Lana, you are a Moon Shadow Clan member, you should know more, right?"


He turned his head, but found that Lana's expression was very strange at this moment, or rather, she had no expression at all. She didn't speak, didn't move her eyes, just stared straight ahead, like a frozen wax figure.


"If he is a Moon Shadow Clan member, he cannot respond to this topic." Harvey said, "The Blood Moon and Moon Shadow Clans signed a covenant when they transformed races, and they must maintain each other's secrets."


Asho asked, "So, the processor that controls all death row inmates' chips is a member of the Blood Saint Clan!?"


"Don't be hasty, we haven't reached that point yet." Harvey said, "The Blood Saint Clan has always hidden the secret that they are corpses, while controlling all sources of corpses, in order to prevent anyone from studying necromancy, which is currently the only magic system that can control corpses!""In other words, the Necromancer is the natural enemy of the Blood Saints. Although I cannot easily manipulate the Blood Saints like I can with corpses, if I were to face a Blood Saint Sorcerer of the same level, unless they are also proficient in the Necromancy faction, I am confident that I can prevent them from activating their Sorcery Spirit, erasing their soul in a state of confusion and dizziness, turning them into a true corpse!"


Igura raised an eyebrow, expressing reservations about Harvey's statement.


Every faction of Sorcerers claims that their faction is the strongest. Just like how Igura firmly believes that the Mind faction is the strongest, there must be some exaggeration in Harvey's praise of the Necromancy faction.


The claim of "being suppressed because our faction is too powerful" is circulated by almost every obscure faction.


Ronald had a similar attitude. As an exiled member of the Moon Shadow clan, he must know more, but because of the oath, he couldn't reveal anything.


Ronald and Asho both had expressions of admiration, with Asho excitedly saying, "Alright, if the Hunter Captain Jielade catches up during the jailbreak, we'll leave it to you, Harvey, to deal with him!"


Harvey's face stiffened. "Although they are natural enemies, it's not like I can fight three Blood Saints with just one wing…"


"Well done…" Igura glanced at Asho, thinking to himself that he truly deserved the title of a deceitful man. Under the guise of admiration, he was full of traps in his words, showcasing the talent of a heresy leader.


"But, although I cannot compete with true three-winged Blood Saints, it's a different story if they fall into a special state of sleep. For example… the Blood Saint remains used as chip processors!"


The content of Harvey's words reminded Asho of a term: biotechnology!


Due to the Sorcerer system, the Sorcerer technology in this world is very advanced. The neck chip is a derivative of Sorcerer technology. However, the chip is at most a mobile terminal for people to send and receive information, watch videos, listen to music, and use as a locator. But if you want to control a person's behavior through the chip, it is beyond the chip's capabilities.


The demands that cannot be met by these "functional limits" are naturally filled by "miracles." However, only Sorcerers can cast miracles, and only Sorcerers are needed.


Even if the Sorcerer is dead, as long as certain conditions are met, they can still cast miracles.


The so-called chip processor is actually the body of a Blood Saint Sorcerer who has returned to the Virtual Realm. Blood Saint Sorcerers use miracles from the Necromancy, Alchemy, and Electromagnetism factions to recycle and utilize these bodies, ultimately turning them into terminal processors that can automatically receive and send chip signals!


This is not only environmentally friendly and energy-saving, but also imaginative. It forcefully breaks through the theoretical limits and allows the prisoners on death row to experience technology that may not be invented for hundreds of years.


But Asho had a question, "If only the body of a Sorcerer is needed, it doesn't have to be a Blood Saint, right?"


"Here is my speculation," Harvey said, "Although the existing Blood Saints are corpses, they have not returned to the Virtual Realm, and their bodies are still intact. This easily leads to a conclusion – their souls remain in their bodies, and if we further speculate, they are mostly lingering in their blood."


"Even if most of the souls in the bodies have dissipated, there may still be fragments of souls remaining in the blood and flesh."


Igura understood as soon as he heard it, "Resurrection?"


Harvey nodded, "For the Blood Saints, the body does not represent complete death. 'Becoming a processor' may be an important step in the resurrection ritual, and not all Blood Saint Sorcerers become 'processors.' This may even be a privilege reserved for high-level Sorcerers."


"By the way, I have tested it specifically. When I open the chip screen and perform complex operations such as browsing videos or playing curtain games, there is a noticeable consumption of soul energy. However, it quickly recovers, and even Sorcerers can't perceive it. As for why this soul energy is consumed, it can be explained as the energy source for running the chip, but it can also be explained as… the nourishment needed by the body."


Asho felt uncomfortable just listening to it and subconsciously scratched the back of his neck. It was as if everyone had a tube in the back of their necks, connected to a withered and ancient corpse. The corpse was absorbing the nutrients of the living every minute and every second.


"Ugh! Disgusting!" Ronald shivered and suddenly rushed to the cubicle, vomiting into the toilet – he was actually nauseated to the point of vomiting!


Harvey put down the towel and turned to face them by the sink. "So, are you willing to accept my joining?"


Even Igura couldn't find fault with this. "Archibald, welcome to join us."


"Wait a minute, I still need to verify something." Harvey asked, "You should have a way to remove the chip, right? If the chip cannot be removed, the so-called jailbreak is just a bad joke."


Igura nodded, "We do.""Alright, at least there's a possibility of success in the plan. But before I join, you must first sign a contract, agreeing to one of my requests—"


"Necromancer." Igura's voice turned cold. "I admit that you've brought some interesting information, but that's all it is, interesting. Up until now, I haven't seen how you can contribute to the jailbreak."


While gently patting Ronald's back to make him feel more comfortable, Langna asked, "You said you can control the corpses that serve as chip processors, does that mean you can directly change our chip permissions?"


Harvey shook his head. "No, to modify prisoner permissions, the 'Sinner's Catalog' must be used. Unless we can erase our marks from the 'Sinner's Catalog', there's absolutely no way to reduce the chip restrictions."


"Then what use are you?" Igura's expression became increasingly unpleasant.


"Although I can't reduce our restrictions, I can increase others'. Unlocking shackles is difficult, but adding shackles to others is quite simple."


Harvey lightly drew a line across his neck with his hand. "The guards' chips are also under the jurisdiction of the processor."

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