Chapter 92 – Compete

Fang Yun took the invitation and found nothing special about it. It was similar to the previous literary invitations he had received, so it was obviously not arranged by Li Wenying.

Feng Zimo, the Lord of the Fu Court, said, “Since Master Li has invited you, there must be a deep meaning behind it.”

Yu Xingshu, on the other hand, said, “Based on my understanding of Master Li, the word ‘try your best’ is not his intention. If Master Li really wants you to go, he would directly invite you. The fact that he asked his followers to say it is probably because he was asked by someone else.”

Fang Yun said, “Since Master Li values it so much, then I will go and take a look. However, Master Li only said that I should go, not that I should participate in the dragon boat race, right?”

Everyone was stunned, and Feng Zimo smiled and said, “You are clever. But the dragon boat race has always had great rewards, and they have been getting bigger and bigger in recent years. It would be best for you to participate.”

“What kind of rewards are there?”

“In the past, each country would offer a literary treasure from their presented scholars as a reward. This year, Master Li added a piece of dragon blood ink. The Qing Kingdom, on the other hand, did not want to be outdone and brought out a ‘mountain and river chessboard’, and even claimed that Master Li was stingy and demanded that the Yuhai City bring out more treasures as rewards.”

“The mountain and river chessboard? They are really generous.” Fang Yun said.

The material of the mountain and river chessboard is an extremely rare stone in the Qing Kingdom. The patterns on the stone resemble the geographical features of mountains and rivers, and it does not have any magical power. However, once it is made into a literary treasure chessboard, it can trap enemies within the chessboard.

Compared to other literary treasures, the chessboard is unique. The chessboard, black stones, and white stones are each a separate literary treasure, and only when the three are combined is it a complete literary treasure. It is useless to take them out individually.

In the hands of an ordinary Go player, a set of Go literary treasures is only as powerful as a regular literary treasure. However, in the hands of a master of Go, a set of Go literary treasures can exert several times the power.

However, Go, like calligraphy and music, requires years of study and practice, and it takes a lot of time and effort. Unless someone has great talent in this area, it is better to study the classics of the saints. The Qing Kingdom only produces four or five qualified mountain and river chessboards each year, and even refining them into Hanlin literary treasures is not a waste. They are far more valuable than a piece of dragon blood ink.

“Do you have any interest?” Feng Zimo asked.

Fang Yun said, “Until I reach the fifth realm in calligraphy, I won’t delve into music and Go. Occasionally trying it out for relaxation is fine, but the mountain and river chessboard is of no use to me.”

“That may not be true. You have already shown talent in painting, and with a little effort in music and Go, you might achieve something. In the future, when you have good literary treasures in music and Go, you can’t just leave them unused.” Feng Zimo said.

“It’s possible.” Fang Yun didn’t make a definite statement. The library had too many things, and as long as it enhanced the power of the human race, it could be used. Perhaps it would be useful in the future.

General Yu said, “If the mountain and river chessboard is of no use to you, you can exchange it for something else that is useful. It is possible to exchange it for an Imperial Scholar literary treasure.”

“This month, I want to focus on preparing for the examination.” Fang Yun said helplessly. He really wanted to go to Book Mountain. Only by obtaining the Heart of Literature would his strength improve significantly. Without the War of Words, it would be difficult for him to stand on his own.

Yu Xingshu nodded and said, “That’s fine. Once you enter Book Mountain, you must strive forward. The higher you climb, the greater the benefits for our Jing Kingdom!”

“Oh? I didn’t know that. What are the benefits?” Fang Yun asked.

Yu Xingshu glanced at everyone, and except for Feng Zimo, everyone around them tactfully left.

“After the Prefecture Examination, the top ten talented scholars from each state will enter Book Mountain. The state whose talented scholars climb the highest represents the prosperity of their education, and the Holy Academy will reward them with holy pages, longevity fruits, or life fruits. When talented scholars climb Book Mountain, it is not considered a big deal, but when Imperial Scholars climb Book Mountain, it is said that the Semi-Saints of the ten countries will pay attention. Because those who can climb to high places will inevitably become the backbone of our human race and have great potential. Generally, the four great talents of each generation will emerge during the Imperial Scholar climb, gradually becoming famous throughout the world.”

“I see.” Fang Yun said.

Yu Xingshu said solemnly, “The Path of the Saints is arduous! The human race must compete with the Demon Barbarians, and there must also be competition among humans. We must compete for holy pages and literary treasures to ensure that you are not killed by the Demon Barbarians or foreign enemies. We must compete for qualifications for holy sites, so that you can grow faster than others. The most important and cruel thing is the competition of the Path of the Saints. For example, your ‘Three Character Classic’ has already offended the Hsun Tzu family.”

“Ah? I understand now.” Fang Yun immediately realized.

The opening of the ‘Three Character Classic’ is “At the beginning, people’s nature is good,” while the Sub-Sage Hsun Tzu is the founder of the theory of ‘human nature is evil’. This theory does not mean that people are necessarily evil, but rather that people are born with an evil side, which is innate.

However, Mencius believes that people are born with a sense of compassion, shame, courtesy, and right and wrong. In other words, people are inherently good and kind from birth, which is why Mencius is regarded as the founder of the theory of ‘human nature is good’.

This has led to a long-standing conflict between the Mencius family and the Hsun Tzu family, which has lasted for hundreds of years and has not been resolved to this day.

The disciples of Hsun Tzu even reject the ideas of the Sub-Sage Mencius, and in the future, they will naturally suppress Fang Yun if they have the opportunity.

Fang Yun also knew that there were conflicts of ideas within each family. For example, although the Legalists Han Feizi family and the Li Si family belong to the same Legalist school, they have been in conflict because of the power struggle between Han Feizi and Li Si. Some new Semi-Saints also have personal grudges and national grievances.

Fang Yun sighed lightly because the Hsun Tzu family was in the Qing Kingdom, and the Jing Kingdom and the Qing Kingdom have always been at odds. The Hsun Tzu family would naturally do everything possible to suppress him.

Feng Zimo comforted him, “The Hsun Tzu family is not very powerful in our Jing Kingdom. As long as you don’t leave the Jing Kingdom, they can’t do anything to you.”

“I hope so.” Fang Yun said.

Yu Xingshu asked, “If the Hsun Tzu family sends someone to criticize you, how will you respond? Will you surrender or escape?”

Fang Yun pondered for a moment and answered firmly, “I will neither surrender nor escape. No one can stop my Path of the Saints! Not even the Sub-Sage families!”

“Good!” Yu Xingshu and Feng Zimo smiled at each other.

It was late at night, and the three of them stopped talking. Feng Zimo and the others left, while Fang Yun and his family stayed in the General’s Mansion.

Early in the morning, Fang Yun had breakfast with Yang Yuhuan and his family, and then got on a carriage escorted by a group of soldiers to the mansion prepared for him.

After arriving safely, the family started to get busy. The state army also arranged two experienced veterans with clean backgrounds to be Fang Yun’s attendants, protecting him closely.

The new Fang Mansion had two courtyards, one less than the previous Duyuan Mansion, but it was still spacious enough.

Before lunch, Fang Yun sent Fang Daniu to buy some high-quality stationery gifts and visited the neighboring house on the right, where Pang Juren lived. Neither of them revealed their identities and chatted for half an hour like ordinary neighbors, but they secretly conveyed some information to each other, reassuring each other. Fang Yun also expressed his sincere gratitude.

In the afternoon, Fang Shouye sent someone to invite Fang Yun to have a meal at his mansion. Since it was his uncle’s invitation, Fang Yun had to go.

Before going to Fang Shouye’s place, Fang Yun visited Lai Pianjiang, his neighbor on the left. Lai Pianjiang was very enthusiastic and wanted to keep Fang Yun for a meal, but when he learned that Fang Yun was going to Fang Shouye’s place, he regretfully did not insist on keeping him.

Fang Yun and Yang Yuhuan took a horse carriage to the southern sub-city. As soon as they arrived at six in the evening, they came to the gate of Fang Shouye’s mansion.

The mansion was not as grand as the Fang family’s Duyuan Mansion. It was just an ordinary two-courtyard mansion with no luxurious atmosphere. Instead, it exuded a military aura, as if it were a fortress rather than a residence.

Fang Yun nodded slightly at the gatekeeper and said, “I am Fang Yun. Please inform them.”

The gatekeeper immediately showed a pleased expression and shouted loudly inside, “Young Master Yun has arrived!” Then he hurriedly invited Fang Yun in and led the way.

Fang Yun followed him inside and arrived at the second courtyard, where he saw four men in casual clothes but with a military aura coming out to greet him. Behind the four men was a beautiful young woman.

Fang Yun only recognized Fang Shouye among the four men, and vaguely guessed that the young woman was Fang Shouye’s concubine.

“You brat, you have been quite popular recently! Flying on a pageless airboat to Yuhai City, even I didn’t receive such treatment!” Fang Shouye punched Fang Yun’s shoulder, but there was no strength behind it. He treated Fang Yun as if he were a comrade in the military.

“Fang Yun greets all uncles and aunt.” Fang Yun immediately saluted with clasped hands, while Yang Yuhuan did not speak and just placed her hands on her abdomen and slightly bent her knees to pay her respects.

The four men, including Fang Shouye, received Fang Yun and Yang Yuhuan’s salute, while Fang Shouye’s concubine, like Yang Yuhuan, slightly bent her knees to return the courtesy without saying a word.

Fang Yun was not accustomed to his elders paying respects to him, even if the other party was a concubine. He still had not adapted to some of the concepts of this era, but now he suppressed everything in his heart. He only had one thought growing stronger, and even vaguely felt that it was a great opportunity. Once he grasped it, his future achievements would be limitless.

“Young Hai City is safe, but not necessarily comfortable.” Fang Shouye looked at Fang Yun and said in a deep voice.

“Please enlighten me, Uncle.”

“Do you know what rumors I have heard?”

Fang Yun shook his head.

“You have heard of Tong Chengling, right?”

“Of course, the Assistant Minister of War, a Hanlin scholar.” Fang Yun said.

“His eldest grandson, Tong Li, is in Yuhai City and is participating in this year’s Prefecture Examination. He has declared that he will definitely win first place in the talented scholar category and become a ‘Talented Youth’.” Fang Shouye looked at Fang Yun.

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