Chapter 91 – Flying Page Boat

Fang Yun finally understood why Zhou Zhubu envied him before. He never expected that Yuhai City would be willing to use the “Flying Page Boat” written by the Great Scholar to escort him. Unless there was an urgent war, even the Hanlin Academy would not have such treatment.

Yu Xingshu held the Holy Page in his hand and said, “Please send us a journey.” Then the talent absorbed by Yu Xingshu’s body was absorbed by the Holy Page. After being fully absorbed, the Holy Page quickly expanded and finally turned into a golden paper page with a length of one zhang, floating one chi above the ground.

“Come up.” Yu Xingshu was the first to step onto the Flying Page Boat. When he stepped on it, the Flying Page Boat did not sway at all, just like fine steel.

Nu Nu had already woken up. It curiously opened its eyes wide, jumped out of Fang Yun’s arms, and then jumped onto the Flying Page Boat. It playfully jumped around and rolled a few times, then waved its small paws at Fang Yun, as if saying, “Come and try it, it’s amazing!”

Everyone laughed, and Fang Yun walked over and tried to step on it. He found that it was no different from stepping on the ground. The golden paper page did not shake at all.

“Yu Huan, come up.” Fang Yun reached out his hand to Yang Yuhuan.

Yang Yuhuan extended her right hand and placed it on Fang Yun’s hand. Her face turned slightly red, and she lightly lifted her skirt. Fang Yun pulled her onto the Flying Page Boat.

Fang Daniu and Jiang Pozzi also carefully walked up. Both of them felt weak in their legs and sat down on it, afraid to get up.

The soldiers placed several bundles on it, and the other three officials also walked up. There were a total of eight people, plus four bundles, which was a bit crowded.

“Will it fall?” Fang Daniu asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry.” One official smiled.

“Goodbye, everyone!”

“Have a safe journey!”

The Flying Page Boat slowly rose, and during the ascent, it gradually changed color, finally becoming the same color as the sky, making it difficult for people below to see.

The Flying Page Boat slowly began to accelerate, and all the strong winds were blocked by invisible forces. No one felt uncomfortable, and their breathing was smooth.

The little fox curiously reached out its paw towards the outside of the Flying Page Boat, but it was blocked by an invisible force wall at the edge of the paper page. As a result, it continued to touch and play around, having a great time.

Yang Yuhuan was scared and her legs went weak. Fang Yun supported her, and she naturally leaned against Fang Yun’s chest, holding onto Fang Yun’s waist tightly. She blushed and smiled shyly. It was only at this moment that she realized that Fang Yun was her only reliance.

Fang Yun looked outside the Flying Page Boat. The sky was deep blue, and the Great Source Prefecture below was getting smaller and smaller. The pedestrians on the road at night moved slowly like ants. The distant mountains and rivers were all in sight, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of magnificence.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Fang Yun asked, “General Yu, when will this Flying Page Boat arrive in Yuhai City?”

“The distance between Great Source Prefecture and Yuhai City is about 800 li. If the Flying Page Boat only carries one person, it can arrive in a quarter of an hour. Now with more people, it will be slower.”

“Arriving in a quarter of an hour? That’s too fast, even faster than the Imperial Scholar’s ‘Step on the Clouds’.”

“Of course, after all, this Flying Page Boat was made by the Great Scholar.”

Fang Yun calculated in his mind, “The speed of sound is more than 1,400 kilometers per hour, which is more than 2,800 li. This Flying Page Boat can fly more than 3,200 li in an hour. Isn’t this a supersonic aircraft?”

Jiang Pozzi muttered while pounding her legs, “It’s too scary. I’ve never ridden something like this in my life. It scared my legs weak.”

Fang Daniu, on the other hand, was afraid but excited. He said, “When we return to Jixian, let’s see who dares to look down on me! I have ridden the Flying Page Boat!”

Yang Yuhuan, however, completely forgot where she was. She closed her eyes and pressed her face against Fang Yun’s chest, not thinking about anything, just wanting to be with her beloved forever.

Nu Nu was fearless and continued to play around.

After a while, Fang Yun saw a faintly glowing ocean in the far distance, like a line of blue jade, which quickly expanded into a plane.

On the seashore, there was a huge city lying there like a prehistoric behemoth. The main city of the city was square, and there were three deputy cities in the southeast, northwest.

This Yuhai City was not only the commercial center of Jiangzhou, but also the most prosperous city north of the Yangtze River. Even the Wuguo to the west, which claimed to be ten times stronger than Jingguo, had no city that could compare to Yuhai City.

Because this was the only trading location between Jingguo and the Dragon Clan, there were only three cities like this in the Ten Kingdoms.

The three deputy cities were military fortresses, housing a large number of soldiers, while the North Deputy City was a commercial fortress and the most prosperous place in Jiangzhou or north of the Yangtze River. There were merchants everywhere.

Looking from the sky, whether it was the main city or the three deputy cities, except for the military facilities such as the city wall watchtower, most of the places were dim, except for the North Deputy City, which was brightly lit and was truly a city that never slept.

Yu Xingshu said, “You can go anywhere else, but you must not go to the North Deputy City.”

“I understand.” Fang Yun said.

The North Deputy City was a major commercial town and could not be checked too strictly, but the main city and the other three deputy cities were always on high alert. Everyone would be thoroughly checked, and not to mention colluding with the enemy or demons, as long as there were any doubts, they would be refused entry. The people of Yuhai City were proud of their innocent identities.

Yu Xingshu whispered, “You have great talent and should have received tighter protection, and even been sent to the Holy Academy. But Minister Li finally decided not to send you to the Holy Academy for two reasons.”

“Please explain, sir.” Fang Yun said.

“First, the internal conflicts in the Holy Academy are more fierce than in the Ten Kingdoms. Although the Hundred Schools of Thought have the same idea of revitalizing the human race, they still have to ‘contend’ in thoughts and in the Holy Land and Holy Pages. Once you enter the Holy Academy, you will inevitably be caught in that vortex. Before becoming an Imperial Scholar, it is not suitable for you to go.”

“I have heard about this.” Fang Yun had already guessed that the ongoing contention among the Hundred Schools of Thought was actually a process of survival of the fittest and an internal driving force for the progress of the human race. Most people would abide by the rules, but there would also be some who would break the bottom line.

“As for the second reason, Minister Li found that some of the young talents who were sent to the Holy Academy for protection would become arrogant and complacent, lacking motivation. Some would be suppressed and frustrated by other talents, and less than 20% would achieve success in the future. If you were three years older, General Jian Mei wouldn’t be afraid to let you go to the Holy Academy, but you are too young now and need two years of tempering before it is suitable to go.”

“Thank you for Minister Li’s careful consideration.” Fang Yun was interested in the Holy Land of the Holy Academy, but he didn’t want to get involved in such a complicated place. He wanted to spend more time studying the classics of the Hundred Schools of Thought and refining his own talent, so as not to grow his talent too fast and be unable to control it, causing his Literary Palace to collapse.

Yu Xingshu said, “As long as you remain calm, perhaps you can go to the Holy Academy and contend with the human race’s talents in less than two years. After all, that is where the essence of the human race lies, and it is also blessed by the talent of Sage Confucius. It is said to be the brightest place under the light of the God of Literature, with great benefits to studying there. You will eventually go to the Holy Academy, and no one can stop you!”

Everyone nodded. Not only Jiang Pozzi and Fang Daniu, but even Nu Nu nodded as if it understood, warning Fang Yun to be careful.

As they approached Yuhai City, the Flying Page Boat slowly decelerated, and Yu Xingshu threw the official seal into the air. The people inside the city immediately received the message, and there was no bell alarm.

“First go to the South Deputy City and stay in my mansion for one night. Tomorrow, I will have someone escort you to the designated residence. Your left neighbor is the residence of a general, and your right neighbor is the residence of a Criminal Court presented scholar who will protect you. If you encounter any problems at home, you should immediately call out his name.”

Fang Yun didn’t expect these people to think so thoughtfully for him. He felt warm in his heart.

Jiang Pozzi and Fang Daniu were particularly envious. Both of them knew that even a crown prince could only bring two presented scholars as attendants. Now Fang Yun had an Imperial Scholar escorting him, and even a presented scholar secretly following him at all times. This indicated that Fang Yun’s treatment was already close to that of ordinary princes.

The Flying Page Boat landed in the General Dinghai Mansion, and everyone got off the paper page and took their bundles.

Yu Xingshu bowed slightly to the Flying Page Boat and said, “Thank you, Great Scholar, for the gift of literature.”

The Flying Page Boat immediately shrank and finally self-ignited without fire, disappearing.

Yu Xingshu’s wife and two concubines, as well as his two sons, were all awake and came to the courtyard to welcome them. Only his six-year-old daughter had already fallen asleep.

After exchanging pleasantries, Yu Xingshu’s eldest son handed Fang Yun an invitation and smiled, “This is an invitation to the Dragon Boat Literary Society, sent by Minister Li’s people. He said, ‘Minister Li asks you to try your best to attend the Dragon Boat Literary Society.’”

Everyone looked at Fang Yun together. The term “try your best” clearly meant that Li Wenying really hoped that Fang Yun would go to the Dragon Boat Literary Society.

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