Chapter 86 – The Peach Blossom Spring Chronicle

The others were still busy, and some generals came over to greet Li Wenying respectfully.

“Lord Yuan!”

“Mr. Li!”


Because Li Wenying had served as a general in the past, those who had served under him were accustomed to calling him General.

Li Wenying had already seen the situation in the air, and his gaze finally fell on Chen Xibi. He nodded and said, “Not bad, I have seen that turtle before. It is the grandson of the Dragon King and has the potential to transform into a dragon. Killing it would be a great achievement. We scholars have only lost an arm, which is nothing. If you can become a Hanlin scholar, I will go to the Holy Academy to request a Life Fruit for you, so that you can regenerate your limbs. If that’s not possible, when I become a Great Scholar, I will go to the Demon Realm to get one for you.”

Chen Xibi immediately said, “I dare not hide the truth. I didn’t know that the turtle was the grandson of the Dragon King. It knocked me unconscious. It was Fang Yun who killed it with the Nine-layered Treasure Light of the War Poetry, summoning the Divine Will of the Arrow Saint.”

“Oh!” Li Wenying’s gaze was sharp as he looked at Fang Yun.

“We were all present at the time and witnessed Fang Yun killing the turtle with the War Poetry. I just wrote down the poem. Please take a look, Lord.” Mr. Wang handed over the poem.

Li Wenying took a look and immediately recognized that it was a poem based on historical facts, praising the sages. Its power must be extraordinary. Finally, he said, “The line ‘not in the stone surface’ is the finishing touch. It’s not the stone face or the stone heart, but the stone edge. It is more vivid than the poems that praised superior archery skills before. Does it have a title?”

“Stone Arrow,” Fang Yun said.

After Li Wenying finished reading, his expression changed, and he looked at Fang Yun again, as if he wanted to say something. After a moment of contemplation, he said, “Tell me in detail about what happened.”

So the presented scholar explained the ins and outs of the matter, but several presented scholars were too far away from Fang Yun and couldn’t see exactly what he did. Li Wenying asked Fang Yun again.

Fang Yun truthfully explained that he saw his classmates being eaten alive by the turtle and was influenced by the Five-layered Azure Blood Pill, which led to him writing this poem in anger and grief.

After listening, Li Wenying said, “Your Strong Soldier Poem and ‘Stone Arrow’ have great significance. Wait for two months before revealing them. After that, I will request the Half-Sage to find a way to cover it up. Once you become an Imperial Scholar, I will give you a proper name. Otherwise, the Demon Barbarians will spare no expense to kill you. Especially with the ‘Stone Arrow,’ its power is immense and its range is far. If several talented scholars work together, it is enough to kill ordinary Demon Generals and change the situation of the three races!”

“Is it really that significant?” Fang Yun asked.

The presented scholar explained, “At the level of a Hanlin scholar, everyone will write their own war poems. Except for a few powerful inherited war poems, those people will still use their own poems. After all, as long as they write it themselves, there is a layer of original treasure light, and over time, it will cultivate a poetic soul treasure light. However, there are very few inherited war poems from talented scholars. Now that we have the ‘Stone Arrow,’ the backbone of the Demon Barbarians is no longer a threat! In no more than two years, when most talented scholars have learned the ‘Stone Arrow,’ it will be the time for our human race to prosper!”

Li Wenying nodded and said, “The power of the ‘Stone Arrow’ is far beyond your imagination. Once you become a Hanlin scholar, you will naturally understand and receive your reward. However, your current literary position is too low, so it would be useless for you to go there.”

Everyone present guessed that it was probably related to those holy places and couldn’t help but feel extremely envious.

“Since you have eaten the False Dragon Pearl and are under the Hanlin Academy, you may be able to enter the Dragon Ascension Platform. I will think of a way to try to get you in. Others going there are seeking death, but you might gain a lot. If you, as a human, take away the treasures inside, I wonder how the faces of those Dragon Princes, Dragon Grandsons, and Demon Barbarian Saints will look.” Li Wenying said with a smile.

The crowd became even more envious. Even the Four Great Talented Scholars of the human race would find it difficult to enter the Dragon Ascension Platform. The Dragon Ascension Platform was extremely mysterious. Once the Demon Barbarians came out of it, their strength would inevitably increase.

At this time, the county magistrate He, who had gone down the mountain, returned to the mountain and reported truthfully that An Chengcai and the Demon Snake had been buried, but they had not found the Great Scholar Wu Wen. They would continue to search in the future.

Li Wenying ordered everyone to set up camp here and wait for reinforcements to transport the bodies of the soldiers back.

After giving the orders, Li Wenying stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the wide Yangtze River in the distance, and asked, “Including the people of Lu Town and the soldiers, how many people died today because of the Demon Barbarians?”

“Close to five hundred people.”

“I will go and kill fifty thousand demons.” Li Wenying said, and white clouds appeared under his feet as he flew directly above the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River here was extremely wide, nearly a hundred miles wide, and Li Wenying standing in the air above the Yangtze River looked very small.

The crowd could vaguely see Li Wenying wielding his brush on the paper, and then a huge amount of river water was lifted into the sky by an invisible force. Suddenly, a large hole was dug in the Yangtze River within dozens of miles. A large amount of river water flew into the air, looking like a piece of jade covering the sky, and then it suddenly fell, smashing down together.

When the river water was halfway down, it slowed down, and then turned into billions of water swords, flying towards the river at a rapid speed, covering hundreds of miles of the Yangtze River. It lasted for more than a hundred breaths before the water swords disappeared.

Afterwards, the bodies of numerous Demon Barbarians appeared on the surface of the river, and the river turned red.

Many people present saw Li Wenying go all out for the first time and were stunned. It was indeed true that one poem could annihilate ten thousand demons. It was so fierce that it was no wonder his position in the Holy Academy was much higher than that of the Left Chancellor.

Fang Yun asked in a low voice, “Is it true that the rumor about ‘you kill one of mine, and I kill a hundred demons of yours’ is true, Lord?”

The presented scholar replied with an extremely respectful attitude, “Of course it’s true. Since Lord has become the Grand Academician and presided over Jiangzhou, every year at the end of the year, the number of people killed by the Demon Barbarians in Jiangzhou and the number of demons we killed are counted. If the number of demons we killed is less than a hundred times the number of people killed, he will personally go to the sea, the Yangtze River, and the Desolate Demon Mountain to kill again until it reaches a hundred times before returning home for the New Year.”

“In recent years, fewer and fewer people in Jiangzhou have been killed by the Demon Barbarians. There hasn’t been a case of a thousand demons killing people anymore. At most, it’s a few hundred demons led by Demon Generals. Some clever Demon Soldiers surround human villages and towns without killing people. As long as the people in the human villages and towns provide enough meat, they will leave.”

“Lord is the backbone of the human race. Some people have different opinions about the Demon Barbarians, but Lord says that the Demon Barbarians are like untamed wolf cubs. Only by killing them until they are afraid and actively seeking peace can we talk about other things. Otherwise, it would be a disaster for the country and the people, and the human race would be guilty. The longer we serve as soldiers and the more demons we kill, the more we believe in Lord’s correctness.”

The crowd looked at the Yangtze River, which had already calmed down, blood staining a hundred miles, and tens of thousands of floating corpses, but no Demon Kings or Great Demons dared to come out.

Li Wenying returned on the white clouds and casually threw the Talented Scholar Ancient Sword to the mountaintop.

Li Wenying said, “To protect Fang Yun, after returning to Dayuan Prefecture, all Talented Scholars or those above should take an oath at the Holy Temple. All Child Scholars or those below should be isolated! Compensation for isolation will be doubled! Once Fang Yun becomes an Imperial Scholar, you can be released from isolation.”

The soldiers and Child Scholars were both worried and happy. They were worried that they didn’t know how many years they would be isolated, but they were happy because the benefits of isolation were great. They could bring their families with them during isolation, and both themselves and their children could receive free education. There were countless free books to read, and they didn’t have to spend a penny on food, clothing, shelter, or transportation. Moreover, they would receive money during isolation, and if the isolation lasted too long, they could be promoted by one rank after coming out. If they were lucky, they might even be granted the lowest noble title.

Most people were still happy. After all, being able to get more money without any danger to their lives was a good thing for anyone.

Li Wenying gave some more instructions before leaving.

“With the presence of the Talented Scholar Ancient Sword, we will be safe tonight. Continue to wait for reinforcements here.”

After cleaning up the battlefield, the crowd lit a bonfire and camped by the fire.

The night was quiet, with no bird calls or insect sounds within dozens of miles, which was extremely eerie.

When most of the people were asleep, Fang Yun made an excuse to come to the nearby woods and took out the cloth bag given to him by An Chengcai.

Opening the cloth bag, there was a layer of strange skin inside, which felt cold, tough, and delicate. Fang Yun, with his night vision, carefully observed it and found that it was extremely similar to the dragon skin recorded in the books.

Fang Yun gently opened this layer of skin, and a yellowed paper was attached to the dragon skin underneath. The words on the paper were not black, but a bright and strange blood-red color. At first glance, the blood-red words seemed to be composed entirely of blood, and they seemed to be flowing slowly, ready to drip at any moment.

The blood words emitted a strong aura, but they were covered by the dragon skin.

“In the middle of the Taiyuan period, a man from Wuling made a living by fishing. Following the stream, he forgot the distance of the road. Suddenly, he came across a peach blossom forest, with the banks stretching for hundreds of steps, without any miscellaneous trees, and the fragrant grass was fresh and beautiful, with falling petals in abundance. The fisherman was very surprised. He continued forward, wanting to explore the depths of the forest. The forest ended at a water source, and there was a mountain. The mountain had a small opening, as if there was light. He abandoned his boat and entered through the opening. At first, it was extremely narrow, barely allowing one person to pass through. After walking dozens of steps, it suddenly opened up.”

This page of paper was interrupted here, and the bottom of the paper was unusually neat, as if it had been cut by a sharp weapon.

When Fang Yun saw the first sentence, he knew that it was the famous masterpiece “The Peach Blossom Spring” by Tao Yuanming.

Tao Yuanming on Earth was just a scholar who didn’t bow down for five pecks of rice, but Tao Yuanming on the Holy Origin Continent not only had a reputation for poetry, but also studied various classics. Because of his temperament, he couldn’t become a Saint for a long time. In the end, he realized his Saint Path through “The Peach Blossom Spring” and made great contributions to the human race in the Demon Realm, which allowed him to become a Saint.

“It is said that after Tao Yuanming became a Saint, he was determined to create a ‘Peach Blossom Spring’ because the Peach Blossom Spring was his aspiration when he became a Saint. Unfortunately, until his death as a Saint, no one knew whether he had actually created the ‘Peach Blossom Spring.’ It is said that the Holy Academy and his descendants firmly believe that Saint Tao has already created it and have been searching for it.”

“Although this ‘The Peach Blossom Spring’ was written by Tao Yuanming when he was a Great Scholar, and even this fragment is only a quarter left, it is still the foundation of Tao Yuanming’s sainthood. Therefore, it must be tainted with the blood of a Demon Saint. Unfortunately, this ‘The Peach Blossom Spring’ is only the preface to ‘The Peach Blossom Poem,’ and ‘The Peach Blossom Poem’ was written first. It was not completed until after Tao Yuanming became a Saint. Only when the two texts are combined, I’m afraid it will be a complete sacred text, and its power is probably extraordinary.”

“When Master Jian Mei was here, I forgot to mention this matter. Now that he is gone, I don’t trust anyone else with it. Forget it, once I return to Dayuan Prefecture tomorrow, the Holy Temple will naturally sense it, and I don’t need to worry. Tomorrow is the first day of May, and a new issue of ‘The Path of the Saints’ will be published. I must buy it and take a look when I go back.”

Fang Yun thought to himself and was about to close the dragon skin, but a sudden change occurred!

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