Chapter 82 – Jade Blood and Loyal Heart

County Magistrate He turned his head and glanced at the escaping snake demon. He gritted his teeth and continued to chase after it with the help of his speed poem. The Great Scholar’s war poetry was too important, and it was worth sacrificing some people even if they died or were injured.

“Watch out for the turtle demon!”

Fang Yun followed the Talented Scholars as they retreated.

“You’re all going to die!” The turtle demon shouted in its demonic language and suddenly spewed out a green-blooded mist that turned into a poisonous fog, covering hundreds of heads of demon tribes, hundreds of human soldiers, and Presented Scholars.

Chen Xibi suddenly waved his Treasures of Literature pen, and a strange light flashed across it. Three dozens of zhang high tornadoes rose from the ground, blowing away the poison mist. However, the poison mist was too fast, and it had already enveloped hundreds of demon tribes and hundreds of human soldiers and Presented Scholars.

Those Presented Scholars used their Treasures of Literature, or spoke out a poem, “The wind rises,” and a small wind blew around them, dispersing the nearby poison mist. Those soldiers suddenly screamed. Although their elemental armor was powerful, the source of the poison mist was the snake venom of the demon leader, and the elemental armor quickly collapsed. The poison mist entered their skin, and the snake venom entered their bodies, and there was no cure.

More than a hundred soldiers screamed two or three times and died. The people behind them were horrified, especially more than ten academy students who had never been on a real battlefield before. They turned pale. More than a hundred living people died suddenly like this. The real battlefield was too cruel.

The poison mist had not dissipated yet, and the turtle demon suddenly used its demonic technique again. A bigger wave than before came crashing towards them, containing snake venom. Under the Imperial Scholars, they would die if they were poisoned.

“Use Treasures of Literature to intercept the big wave!”

“Everyone climb the tree and don’t let the water touch your body!”

Mr. Wang held the Imperial Scholar’s Treasures of Literature and shouted, “Everyone, get close to me!”

Fang Yun and the people nearby rushed towards Mr. Wang, and then a green light shone from Mr. Wang’s Imperial Scholar’s Treasures of Literature. He recited a war poem called “Ode to the Cassia Tree” written by a Half-Sage, and a huge green tree shadow rose from the ground, covering everyone within ten zhang.

The people covered by the big tree shadow looked towards Chen Xibi, who rushed towards the huge wave with three tornadoes, while other Presented Scholars summoned their own waves with the poem “Canglangxing” to collide with the turtle demon’s huge wave.

“Boom boom boom…”

Water mist exploded everywhere, and the turtle demon’s huge wave attack finally slowed down.

The turtle demon’s huge wave used the power of a fake dragon ball, not just demonic magic, but like a breaking river pouring in. Without a dozen Presented Scholars, it would be impossible to stop it. Fortunately, Chen Xibi was there. His three tornadoes rooted in the huge wave, forming a strange phenomenon of dragon sucking water, sucking a large amount of water and swirling it into the sky.

Everyone tried to look forward, but their line of sight was blocked by water mist and tornadoes, and they couldn’t see what the turtle demon was doing. Suddenly, a fist-sized water-colored ball pierced through the water mist and tornadoes at an incredible speed, like a meteor flying towards Chen Xibi. The ball carried a terrible force and erupted with a loud noise, and the ground was plowed with a deep trench.

“Fake Dragon Ball!”

Everyone was shocked. They didn’t expect the turtle demon to be so cunning. It first interfered with their vision with fog, then covered the process of using the fake dragon ball with a huge wave. Now the fake dragon ball was approaching, and its speed was too fast. Even the Hanlin Academy couldn’t avoid it. At least a Grand Academician could avoid it unscathed.Chen Xibi didn’t expect the turtle demon to be so decisive, using its strongest move in their first encounter.

Chen Xibi immediately released an Imperial Scholar treasure to protect himself and did his best to dodge, but the fake dragon ball still pierced through the protection and hit his left shoulder.

Blood splattered, and Chen Xibi flew out like a kite with a broken string, his left arm severed at the shoulder.

Everyone saw a huge gap in Chen Xibi’s left shoulder, and those with good eyesight could even see his heart beating through the wound.

If Chen Xibi were not an Imperial Scholar, he would have died by now, but at this moment, his literary talent within his Imperial Palace was activated, drawing in the surrounding world’s elemental energy to seal the wound.

Chen Xibi fell heavily to the ground, and a Presented Scholar beside him quickly picked him up. Then, a poisonous flood rushed towards them.

Many people either climbed up trees or rushed into the shadows of the cassia trees.

Wherever the poisonous water passed, no grass grew, but when it touched the shadow of the cassia tree, it immediately separated and was gradually absorbed by the ground.

The ground was wet everywhere, and many Presented Scholars stood on the branches, watching the turtle demon in front of them warily.

The turtle demon had expelled most of the snake poison and turned to see the snake demon fighting with the County Magistrate. It then looked at Chen Xibi, who was unconscious, and greed flashed in its eyes.

“Since you used the dragon ball to harm me, I’ll eat you all for nourishment! An Imperial Scholar, along with so many Presented Scholars and Talented Scholars, will be enough to make me immediately ascend to the rank of demon general. Then I’ll hide in the Dragon Palace, and Li Wenying won’t be able to find me!” The turtle demon rushed towards the Presented Scholar holding Chen Xibi, but its speed was much slower than before, as the fake dragon ball and poison had greatly reduced its strength.

The Presented Scholars didn’t run away because they knew that once Chen Xibi was unconscious, even if they all attacked together, they couldn’t kill this turtle demon that had condensed a fake dragon ball.

A Presented Scholar shouted loudly, “You carry the adult and run away, and you students of the Academy should run too! All soldiers, follow me to kill the demon! Wherever I am, my loyalty remains; my blood turns to jade, exchanging ten years of life for the righteousness of the world!”

The Presented Scholar suddenly patted the position of his heart with his right hand and spewed out a mist of blood, which immediately turned into big characters, forming the famous “Song of the Great Wind.”

The wind rises, the clouds surge, and might is added to the seas. Returning to my hometown, where can I find a brave warrior to guard the four corners of the world?

These blood-red characters quickly turned into pieces of jade writing that flew towards the turtle demon.

The hair of the Presented Scholar turned half white in an instant, and his skin visibly aged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“You madman of the human race!” The turtle demon was like a ghost, desperately avoiding the jade writing.

The jade writings collided with each other, making a clanging sound, and then turned into a jade-colored tornado. The face of the Presented Scholar appeared in the tornado at twice the speed of the ordinary “Song of the Great Wind,” and it rushed towards the turtle demon.

Unlike the ordinary “Song of the Great Wind,” this tornado had a power that made the demon race tremble, a faint aura of righteousness.

At the same time, this faint aura of righteousness spread in all directions, and everyone with a literary position felt their literary talent constantly increasing. If they wrote war poetry, their power would increase by at least ten percent.Everyone who saw this scene couldn’t help but feel their blood boiling. The soldiers who were originally afraid of death either jumped down from the tree or walked out of the paper tree shadows, holding weapons and charging forward.

“My life is enough to block the breath of the demon turtle! Imperial Scholars, it’s up to you!” A soldier stepped forward with a shield, his footsteps steady.

“I’m worth two breaths!” An Accomplished Scholar constantly shot arrows at the demon turtle.

An old soldier holding a spear stood in front of an Imperial Scholar.

“Firm and resolute.” Fang Yun murmured to himself. Now he finally understood why the human race could stand on the Holy Origin mainland for thousands of years without falling.

With these brave warriors that even the demon race fears, how could the human race be defeated!

The blue tornado finally swept up the demon turtle, but the demon turtle retracted its head and limbs into it, and a faint blood light emerged from its shell. The tornado blew against the turtle shell, making a rustling sound, and even a fine powder was blown off, but it still couldn’t hurt the demon turtle.

After five breaths, the tornado disappeared, and the demon turtle emerged unscathed, opening its mouth and revealing sharp teeth, its eyes glaring angrily.

“The righteousness is blowing so hard that it hurts me! If it weren’t for me consuming demon blood to protect it, my precious shell would have been damaged! None of you can escape, die!” The demon turtle suddenly opened its big mouth.

Another Imperial Scholar exclaimed in a panic, “Run, it’s the dragon’s roar!”

It was too late.


A grand and majestic dragon roar spewed out from the demon turtle’s mouth, and the dragon roar turned into three waves of air that rolled in all directions. This was not water, but sound that was everywhere and no one could avoid it.

The first wave of air swept past, breaking the trees in its path. The protective power formed by all the Presented Scholars’ Treasures of Literature was on the verge of collapse, and the paper tree shadow formed by Mr. Wang’s Imperial Scholar Treasure of Literature was shaking.

The soldiers, Child Scholars, and Accomplished Scholars who did not have Treasures of Literature or insufficient protective power were immediately hit by the air waves and passed out.

The second wave of air followed closely behind, and all the Presented Scholars’ protective power collapsed. Many Presented Scholars were hit by the air waves and suffered minor injuries, and those who were unconscious before were killed outright.

The paper tree shadow where Fang Yun was located appeared cracked.

Before the third wave of air could exert its power, the music of the famous song “High Mountain” composed by Boya suddenly sounded from behind, and Fang Yun turned his head to look.

The Presented Scholar in the rear camp was hovering a jade qin in front of him, his hands lightly stroking the strings, and the beautiful sound of the qin jumped, followed by a high mountain shadow appearing between the demon turtle and the crowd.


The third wave of dragon roar collided with “High Mountain”, making a huge noise and kicking up dust.

Fang Yun looked around, and all the trees within a hundred feet were broken. Except for the Presented Scholars, everyone outside the paper tree shadow was killed by the demon turtle’s dragon roar.

There were four hundred people when they came, but now there were less than one hundred.

Fang Yun clenched his fists tightly.

Mr. Wang suddenly said, “You students from the academy run away immediately, leave this to us!”

After Mr. Wang finished speaking, he suddenly walked forward and shouted loudly as he walked, “Where I stand, there is righteousness. My blood turns green, using ten years of life to exchange for the righteousness of heaven and earth!”

A mouthful of hot blood spurted out, and this time, the blood transformed not into enemy-killing poetry, but into the protective poetry “Wearing the Same Robe as You” (与子同袍).

Mr. Wang’s “Wearing the Same Robe as You” already had a poetic soul, and now it was stimulated by his firm and resolute heart, it was already close to the legendary holy soul.The jade-colored text exploded, emitting the roar of thousands of troops and transforming into jade-colored armor that fell onto each person. On the surface of everyone’s armor, there was a thin layer of flames, causing the eyes of the demon soldiers and civilians to sting and tear up with just a glance.

The defensive power of this jade armor alone was no less than that of a poem titled “Ode to the Mountains.”

The second layer of power, the Jade Blood and Loyal Heart, erupted, and all the scholars felt an even stronger sense of righteousness.

The Demon Barbarian hesitated for a moment, his gaze falling on the unconscious Chen Xibi.

The talent of an Imperial Scholar came from the God of Literature, while Demon Barbarians could absorb power from the moonlight and other stars. However, they could never directly absorb the power of the God of Literature. Instead, they could obtain power by devouring people with literary positions.

The body of an Imperial Scholar was considered a treasure in the eyes of any demon general.

“For the sake of ascending the Dragon Platform…” The Demon Barbarian charged once again towards the Presented Scholar who was holding Chen Xibi.

“Stop him!”

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