Chapter 81 – Strong and fierce turtle

Soon, everyone heard a loud roar from the left front, and Nu Nu immediately whimpered.

“Is that the sound of Jiang Gui? Child Scholar, is it the sound of that demon turtle?” Chen Xibi turned his head and asked.

An Chengcai immediately said, “Reporting to the General, it is the sound of that demon turtle. I remember it very clearly.”

“Prepare to kill the demon!”

The soldiers immediately lit torches. The burning time of the torches was limited and could not be used much for traveling, but they must be prepared to kill demons. The night vision ability of the demon race was much stronger than that of ordinary soldiers.

Fang Yun quickly took off the longbow on his back, pulled out an arrow and placed it on the bow, pointing the arrow at the ground, ready to shoot at any time.

The atmosphere before the big battle was extremely depressing.

Fang Yun looked around. The soldiers still had a cold look, while the students of the three classes of Talented Scholars were much more nervous, breathing heavily, their chests constantly rising and falling, and very nervous, like encountering a strange bird demon.

Fang Yun’s palms also began to sweat. The last time he killed a demon, it was just a small test. He only killed demon soldiers and demon civilians, and did not even see the face of a demon general. But this time, he was attacking a demon turtle with strength close to a demon leader, which was far more dangerous than the last time.

A cold wind blew, and everyone couldn’t help but shiver.

They saw County Magistrate He writing poetry on his robe, writing an inspiring poem and a strong army poem respectively. Then, Imperial Scholar Chen Xibi wrote a poem “With You in the Same Robe” which was as powerful as Mr. Wang’s poem, and even stronger, giving everyone a transparent aura of vitality.

Everyone did not find it strange. Chen Xibi was over forty years old and had been fighting on the battlefield all the time. It was normal for him to have one or two war poems with a powerful soul.

“Let’s go!”

Everyone shouted towards the direction where the demon turtle was roaring.

Soon, they saw a group of patrolling demon civilians. Without wasting the War of Words of the two Imperial Scholars, the students of the military academy pulled their bows and shot one arrow after another, killing more than a dozen demon civilians with extreme accuracy.

Fang Yun nodded secretly. The talent of the Talented Scholars was limited. Once they exhausted their talents, it was impossible for them to just watch. They could continue to fight with bows and arrows. The physical fitness of the Talented Scholars far exceeded that of elite soldiers and Child Scholars. It can be said that all the Talented Scholars who have been soldiers are good shooters.

More than four hundred people continued to rush forward, and more than one hundred demon races suddenly rushed over.

All the Imperial Scholars and Presented Scholars did not move. Hundreds of archers in the army shot several rounds of arrows, killing all the more than one hundred demon races. Under the effect of the Imperial Scholar’s strong army poem, those demon soldiers were no match.

Fang Yun once again realized the power of war poems. The combination of farewell poems, inspiring poems, and strong army poems made these disorganized demon soldiers and demon civilians just live targets.

Fang Yun had read in the book that most demon races were only good at close combat. Demon Barbarians only mobilized long-range attack teams in large-scale battles, and their power was stronger than that of the human race’s catapults.

The sound ahead grew louder and louder. Fang Yun no longer analyzed the battle, but was fully alert, following Mr. Wang’s words, putting survival first.

Nu Nu suddenly jumped onto the tray of Fang Yun’s robe, pointed to the direction where the battle sound came from, then suddenly rolled on the tray, straightened its body, and then swayed its body like a snake, which made Fang Yun almost laugh if the situation was not urgent.”What are you saying about that snake demon?” Fang Yun asked.

Nunu nodded, then widened her eyes, opened her mouth and bit down fiercely, making a threatening gesture towards Fang Yun.

“Are you saying the snake demon is very powerful?”

Nunu nodded again, then pointed with her left claw at Mr. Wang, put her left claw in the air, and then pointed with her right claw at the place where the snake demon was fighting, putting her right claw higher than her left claw.

Fang Yun immediately understood and said in surprise, “That snake demon is a demon general?”

Nunu nodded again, then suddenly fell down, clutching her chest with her claws, looking very painful.

“It’s an injured demon general?”

Nunu nodded again.

“Which one is more powerful, the snake demon or the turtle demon?”

Nunu put her right claw, representing the snake demon, in the air, then put her left claw under the right claw, but then put it on top of the right claw, then put both claws on her head, making a gesture like a little rabbit with big ears.

Fang Yun asked, “Are you saying that although the demon turtle is only a demon general, it is more powerful than the injured demon general because of its fake dragon bloodline?”

Nunu nodded.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, “It’s that demon general!”

Fang Yun hurriedly looked towards the battlefield ahead. They were close to the mountaintop, and within a few hundred meters, the trees had all been broken, cleared by a powerful force. On the clearing, there were many corpses of demon tribes, lying among the broken trees.

The people saw a giant turtle, the size of a house, leading four demon generals and hundreds of demon soldiers and civilians to besiege a snake demon.

The snake demon was fifteen zhang long, with a snake body as thick as two people’s arms, with a red and black ring on its body and a blood-red flesh crown on its head, extremely terrifying.

“The Crowned Snake Demon! It’s the demon general with the Great Scholar’s book!” someone whispered.

“Kill it! We must kill it!” an accomplished scholar shouted angrily. This snake demon had slaughtered two villages.

“It turns out that the demon general used demon magic to change his appearance before. General, report to the state governor. We must not let the Great Scholar’s book disappear from our sight,” Chen Xibi said.

Chen Xibi’s guards took out three red-lettered official seals from the state governor and tore them open at the same time. The official seals immediately burned.

The snake and turtle demons suddenly stopped fighting and slowly backed away, looking at the human side.

However, An Chengcai suddenly walked behind a tree, as if avoiding something. Except for Nunu, no one noticed him.

Chen Xibi did not attack actively, and the longer he dragged it out, the more advantageous it would be for him.

The snake and turtle demons communicated in demon language for a moment, then suddenly led their demon soldiers and civilians to charge.

The turtle demon was dark green and black all over. Its shell was not smooth, but had small mountain-shaped protrusions. Although the turtle demon seemed heavy, it could move faster than a human running at full speed with its four legs. A red demon wind formed around it, full of powerful pressure.Its pair of green eyes shone with a strange light, as if it could evoke the deepest fear in the hearts of the human race. Anyone who saw it would feel weak in the knees.

Many people instinctively took a step back, and Fang Yun felt as if he was enveloped in a nightmare, his whole body powerless. Then, with a movement of his Courage to Write, Fang Yun immediately recovered, while the others still trembled in fear.

“What a terrifying monster! Ordinary monsters would never intimidate me. This monster turtle probably has a fake dragon ball and its strength rivals that of a monster general,” Fang Yun thought.

Chen Xibi shouted loudly, activating the power of his Treasures of Literature: “Not good! They have united! He County Magistrate, join forces with me to stop the turtle and snake. The rest of you quickly kill those monsters and then assist us in attacking!”

Chen Xibi’s voice awakened everyone. Fang Yun, like all the archers, began to shoot with all his might.

The monster turtle revealed a contemptuous smile, opened its mouth and took a deep breath. After three breaths, it suddenly roared.

“It’s a monster technique! Find a tree to hide behind!”

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying wave fifty zhang long, ten zhang high, and five zhang wide formed in front of the monster turtle, then rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed.

“This power is no less than that of a monster general’s monster technique or an Imperial Scholar’s War Poetry. Be careful!” Chen Xibi said, and he and He County Magistrate simultaneously spat out a sword made of their own literary energy. The two ancient swords pierced through the wave in an instant and headed towards the monster turtle.

The huge wave exploded with a loud bang, losing the power of the monster technique, but a large amount of water was still rushing towards them, which posed no great threat.

The two swords made of literary energy simultaneously stabbed towards the monster turtle, which not only did not retract its head but also suddenly rushed forward, slapping Chen Xibi’s sword made of literary energy with its paw and then biting He County Magistrate’s sword made of literary energy with its head.

With a snap, He County Magistrate’s sword made of literary energy was bitten and shattered by the monster turtle, exploding into a white mist, while Chen Xibi’s sword made of literary energy was knocked away.

Cracks appeared on Chen Xibi’s sword made of literary energy, while a large wound appeared on the monster turtle’s paw. However, in the blink of an eye, the wound had healed.

Many onlookers gasped in amazement.

“Even an ordinary monster general could never reach this level. The bloodline of this monster turtle must be extraordinary. Its fake dragon ball is probably stronger than we imagined. No wonder it dares to come and kill the snake monster general!” Li Yuncong exclaimed.

The sword made of literary energy was connected to their own literary energy. He County Magistrate’s body shook, and blood flowed from his nose.

Chen Xibi made a decisive decision and said loudly, “This monster turtle not only has a fake dragon ball, but is also about to become a monster general. We may suffer heavy casualties if we fight it. Tear up the four official seals and red letters and ask Li Wenying for help! All Talented Scholars, immediately retreat ten meters! All Presented Scholars, be careful.”

The monster turtle suddenly grinned and spoke in a not-so-standard human language, “We knew that Li Wenying was stationed in Yuhai City, and it would take at least two quarters of an hour to get here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t dare to come out of the Yangtze River. In less than two quarters of an hour, I can kill all of you! I’m just a monster general. According to the rules, even if I kill you all, Li Wenying won’t come to the Yangtze River to find trouble with us!”

Chen Xibi sneered, “I have two Imperial Scholar Treasures of Literature. You can’t kill me. Besides, rules? When did Li Wenying ever follow the rules? Hand over the Great Scholar’s obscene literature, and we’ll leave immediately.”The demon turtle angrily said, “The Great Scholar’s stained manuscript is an object of my Dragon Palace. Why should I give it to you?”

“Because the original text was written by our human race’s Great Scholar, it should belong to our human race.” Chen Xibi said.

“I don’t want to offend Li Wenying, but I must obtain the Great Scholar’s stained manuscript! With this merit, I can go to the Dragon Platform! I may not be able to kill you two Imperial Scholars, but what about those Presented Scholars? What about those Talented Scholars? To exchange their lives for the Great Scholar’s stained manuscript, you…”

Suddenly, the snake demon next to him opened its mouth wide and bit the demon turtle’s hind leg. The snake’s fangs pierced into the leg, and a large amount of venom was injected into the dragon turtle’s body from the poisonous fangs.

In just a short moment, the snake demon suddenly sprang up from the ground and glided towards the distance.

“Not good! The Great Scholar’s stained manuscript is in the snake demon’s hands!” He County’s magistrate shouted.

“You go intercept the snake demon, I’ll hold them off here. We must not let the snake demon escape with the Great Scholar’s stained manuscript!”

He County’s magistrate, who had a swift-moving poem, immediately bypassed the demon turtle and chased after the snake demon.

“Demon turtle, why don’t we kill the snake demon first and then…”

“Roar…” The demon turtle suddenly let out a loud roar, its originally green eyes turned blood red, and blood and poison flowed from various parts of its body. The surrounding demon civilians and soldiers died immediately upon contact with the poisonous mist.

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