Chapter 77 – Catching the leader

“After finishing ‘Together with You’, it immediately ignited.

Previously, other people’s ‘Together with You’ turned into light spots and fell into everyone’s bodies, but this time it was different.

The entire poem suddenly turned into a white light, which condensed into a battlefield. The soldiers and demon barbarians of the Zhou Xuan Wang era were fighting on the battlefield, with light and shadows flickering.

This white light emitted a strong infectious power, and the emotions of everyone present were affected by the scene within the white light. Afterwards, the white light shattered into transparent armor pieces that flew onto everyone’s bodies, giving them a layer of transparent armor from neck to toe.

Fang Yun was seeing the War Poetry for the first time. He touched the transparent armor with his hand, feeling its cool and smooth texture. The protective ability of this armor was even stronger than full-body armor, but it could only be maintained for half an hour.

Mr. Wang was a presented scholar after all, and the literary talent shock caused by the poem immediately subsided. He then wrote an inspiring poem and a strong military poem called ‘Song of Warfare’ that could be used by presented scholars, making it easier to kill demon barbarians, but still limited in its ability to harm demon soldiers if they couldn’t hit their vital points.

Afterwards, Mr. Wang wrote a fast-paced poem and handed the brush to Fang Yun.

“Don’t you need it, sir?” Fang Yun asked.

“The demon generals won’t give me time to write, so I can only use my literary talent to deal with them. You guys keep it. Ma Yuan, you’re in charge of commanding. You must hold the line until we return!” Mr. Wang said, and then quickly rushed up the mountain.

The group prepared for battle and soon saw hundreds of demon tribes coming towards them. There were upright bear demons that were almost two people tall, beautiful tiger demons that were shoulder-high, and snake demons that were five or six zhang long, with tongues longer than a human’s arm.

There were at least thirty demon soldiers among them. Even a presented scholar would have some difficulty killing these demon tribes, let alone these small talented scholars.

“Don’t be afraid! We can hold the line!”

“Yes, we have paper warfare!”

Suddenly, a green bird flapped its wings and landed on the head of a tiger demon.

Ma Yuan’s face changed drastically, and he quickly covered his ears, shouting, “No! It’s the Mingqi! Mingqi’s sound confuses the mind. Run now…”

Before he could finish, the Mingqi bird demon began to sing on the head of the tiger demon. Its voice was melodious and moving, like a lament.

Fang Yun saw that all the soldiers were powerless, falling to the ground one after another, and the child scholars were a little better, barely able to hold their weapons. Although the talented scholars wanted to hold a pen and write ‘Jing Ke Assassinating Qin’ on paper, their hands kept shaking, and they couldn’t write complete characters. Their minds were also a little confused, without even the idea of escaping.

Even covering his ears didn’t help Ma Yuan.

Fang Yun naturally knew the name of the Mingqi demon bird. This kind of demon bird could be said to be the nemesis of the human race. When the strongest demon king Mingqi called, all scholars below the level of Great Scholar would be shaken and unable to write or speak, only able to use their lips to fight. The only thing that could resist this Mingqi bird’s call was the Courage to Write.

But this Mingqi bird was at the level of demon soldiers, equivalent to human talented scholars. Talented scholars simply couldn’t have the Courage to Write, causing almost everyone to be unable to fight.

All the soldiers, child scholars, and talented scholars showed despair, never expecting that they would summon Mingqi.

Each demon tribe laughed, even chatting in demon language, completely treating these people as food.

Hearing the demon language, Fang Yun and a few talented scholars suddenly realized that because they killed too many demon tribes yesterday, the two demon generals nearby set up a trap, leading three presented scholars away, and then letting Mingqi take advantage of the opportunity to bring demon soldiers and demon tribes to attack.

But Fang Yun had the Courage to Write.

Fang Yun took a deep breath, fearlessly facing the hundred demons ahead, reciting the contents of ‘The Analects’ in a loud voice, almost word for word: “When the Master speaks not, I do not know him. When the Master speaks, I know him.”Fang Yun disregarded the fact that the demon clan would kill him first to save his comrades, and sacrificed himself. This not only triggered the talent and courage within him, but also formed a strange power that spread in all directions.

The words of the sage, the voice of Fang Yun, his talent, courage, and the resonance of the qi of heaven and earth all came together, causing Fang Yun’s words to carry a sound like that of a great bell. This shook the ears of all the demon clan and made them feel fear, as they recalled the righteousness of the human race’s great scholars, which was a power that naturally restrained them.

After Fang Yun spoke the four words, “strange, powerful, chaotic, divine,” everyone was completely freed from the control of the strange bird. Even Confucius did not dare to speak of the strange, violent, chaotic, and divine, so how could a mere strange bird dare to act so recklessly?

The clear-headed people quickly regrouped, and during this process, everyone looked at Fang Yun with gratitude and awe for his sudden display of power.

Everyone knew that when great scholars with righteousness spoke, their words would bring forth a surge of righteousness. Even if a great scholar casually recited a classic of all the saints, they could still force demon barbarians to retreat.

However, everyone was puzzled as to how a “child scholar before the sage” could possess such power. Did he truly have strong beliefs and righteousness in his heart? This was even more shocking than reciting the Analects backwards.

Everyone suppressed their thoughts and looked at the demon clan. Although they were temporarily stunned, they would attack again in at most ten breaths.

No one had confidence in defeating over a hundred demon clan.

Even the strongest war poetry of an accomplished scholar could not kill so many demon clan. Accomplished scholars were still just at the basic literary level, and their power was not enough to write large-scale attack war poetry like “The Great Wind Song” or “The Canglang Journey.” Even a semi-sage could not do it at the level of an accomplished scholar.

A presented scholar could kill all these demon clan, but fifteen child scholars could not.

Killing poetry wouldn’t work, but strengthening poetry could. Although there were no accomplished scholars with strengthening poetry in the Holy Origin Mainland before this.

Fang Yun thought of an ancient poem that could be used as a strengthening poem, and picked up the Demon Slaying Pen.

Ma Yuan reached out to Fang Yun and said, “Let me borrow the Demon Slaying Pen, I want to kill the demon!”

But Fang Yun dipped the Demon Slaying Pen in dragon blood ink and said without looking up, “Protect me!”

After that, Fang Yun quickly wrote on the paper with the simplest cursive script. He first wrote the title of the poem, “Capturing the King.”

“Is Fang Yun crazy?” Everyone was surprised to see a child scholar before the sage not giving the Demon Slaying Pen, which could enhance killing poetry, to Ma Yuan, who had the most talent. Instead, he asked others to protect him. How was this any different from sacrificing everyone’s lives? With someone like this in the team, how could there be any morale?

However, when Fang Yun finished writing the first line, “Pull the bowstring taut,” everyone involuntarily widened their eyes.

A layer of treasure light appeared on the paper.

“Original treasure light!” Lu Yu exclaimed in surprise.

When Fang Yun finished writing the second line, “Use the arrow as if using a spear,” the second layer of treasure light appeared on top of it.

“First edition treasure light!”

When he finished writing “Shoot the man before shooting the horse,” the third layer of treasure light appeared.

“Legacy treasure light!” Half of the accomplished scholars couldn’t help but speak out.

Fang Yun then wrote the fourth line, “Capture the thief before capturing the king,” and then put a period to indicate that he was finished.

The power of the dragon blood ink and the Demon Slaying Pen formed the fourth layer of treasure light, but it only covered forty percent of the paper.

When those demon clan regained their senses, the power of the strengthening poetry increased by three hundred and forty percent, and it burned into a white light that fell on everyone, while also dispelling the power of Mr. Wang’s previous strengthening poetry.Others did not change, but the bows and arrows on the archers’ bodies immediately emitted a faint white light.

Ma Yuan exclaimed excitedly, “What are you looking at? Shoot quickly! Kill the demon soldiers first!”

All the archers woke up from their dream and immediately drew their bows and shot.

Fifteen faintly glowing sharp arrows, accompanied by a piercing sound, instantly hit the heads of fifteen demon soldiers.

The huge tiger demon slowly fell to the ground, with only half of the arrow exposed at the center of the “king” character on its forehead, and the other half of the arrow embedded in the tiger demon’s brain.

The strange bird was pierced by an arrow and finally nailed to a tree seven feet away, with its mouth open before it died.

Without exception, all fifteen demon soldiers were hit by arrows in their most vulnerable parts, just as the poem said, “Shoot people first, shoot horses, capture thieves first, capture kings.”

Not only were all the demons stunned, but even the fifteen archers on the human side were stunned.

Lu Yu said, “Even if it’s a Presented Scholar’s strong soldier poem that shoots out an arrow, at most, it would only make the tiger demon feel pain and not penetrate the tiger demon soldier’s head. Fang Yun is clearly a Semi-Saint… No! Fang Yun is a Semi-Saint Talented Scholar!”

“Keep shooting! Time is limited.” After Fang Yun finished speaking, he thought it was a pity that the second half of the original poem was too negative to become a war poem. However, just the first half of the poem was so powerful that it was worthy of being the work of the great poet Du Fu.

The fifteen archers drew their bows and shot again, killing another fifteen demon soldiers.

In just two rounds of shooting, there were only five demon soldiers left.

Although the intelligence of the demon race below the demon general was low, they were not stupid enough to not fear death, especially when they encountered a “suspected Great Scholar” and a hundred-percent accurate divine archer, and there was no demon general to command them. They finally had the intention to retreat and slowly moved back.

The fifteen archers would not let go of this golden opportunity and began the third round of shooting.

This time, seventeen demons were killed, and two demon civilians were penetrated.

All the demons fled like frightened birds, and some of the frightened demon civilians kept repeating a word.

“Great Scholar!”

“Great Scholar!”

The leopard demon general, who was entangled with Mr. Wang, was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, not even caring about the bear demon general who was being attacked by the two Presented Scholars.

Mr. Wang was puzzled and turned back to see the demons fleeing frantically. He didn’t care about these demons, and with the help of the Fast Movement Poem, he quickly saw Fang Yun and the others. If it weren’t for Ma Yuan and the others to stop them, the archers and young Talented Scholars would have wanted to chase after them.

“A mouse dares to chase a group of cats?” Mr. Wang was puzzled.

Then Mr. Wang saw the dead bodies of the demons all over the ground. Without exception, they were all killed by an arrow through their brains. Finally, he stared at the dead strange bird on the tree in a daze.

“Did my strong soldier poem suddenly become powerful, or was there really a Great Scholar passing by?” He muttered to himself.

Lu Yu shouted with joy, “Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang! Fang Yun has become a Semi-Saint Talented Scholar, and he has created a Talented Scholar’s strong soldier poem, the first in history! In the future, we Talented Scholars can also use strong soldier poems.”

Mr. Wang looked at Fang Yun and said, “Is it possible that I just used the Grand Academician’s warning to you, and you became a Semi-Saint Talented Scholar? And you created a Talented Scholar’s strong soldier poem, if I use a Half-Sage’s warning, will you create a Talented Scholar’s war poem that kills Presented Scholars?”

“It’s possible.” Lu Yu nodded.

The little fox immediately jumped around excitedly, supporting Mr. Wang’s statement.

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