Chapter 76 – Poetic soul

The group entered the mountain cave, and three Presented Scholars were keeping watch outside.

Fang Yun initially thought that the three Presented Scholars were well-intentioned, but upon closer listening, he realized that they were excitedly discussing the legendary “Five-Movement Grand Academician” in hushed tones, just like commoners gossiping about royal scandals and celebrity secrets. The scholars and soldiers inside the cave were also excited about the existence of a “Five-Movement Grand Academician” among the human race, and there was no jealousy or skepticism, only positive evaluations.

“Really, we have to thank the Five-Movement Grand Academician. According to previous research, every time there is a God of Literature Movement or an even stronger God of Literature Illumination, the talent of the human race will improve, and there will be more and more high-ranking officials. After all, it is the God of Literature, and it is the sound of heaven. Even if we only hear it, we will benefit greatly.”

“Yes. I estimate that the number of Presented Scholars will increase by three to five starting this year, and our chances of passing the exam will be much greater.”

“I hope I can witness a God of Literature Illumination in my lifetime. Then my chances of passing the Imperial Scholar Exam will be much greater.”

“You’re dreaming. A God of Literature Illumination hasn’t appeared in hundreds of years. It’s better to focus on studying the classics of All the Saints.”

While listening to the discussions of others, Fang Yun was lost in thought.

“In order to avoid others linking me with the God of Literature Movement, I cannot reveal my identity as a pre-Saint Talented Scholar tomorrow. I can delay it for a few days. After all, I’m just here to observe. With three Presented Scholar teachers present, nothing will go wrong. I can also use this time to study the war poems such as ‘Marching Poem,’ ‘Killing Poem,’ ‘Encouragement Poem,’ and ‘Strong Army Poem’ that I received from the Book Mountain Reward in the past.”

Fang Yun gradually fell asleep.

The next morning, everyone ate dry rations and continued to hunt the demon race.

They quickly discovered that there were many demons today, encountering them almost every fifteen minutes. Pig demons, bear demons, tiger demons, snake demons, bird demons, and so on, were all over the place. They even encountered a demon tree, which they killed and took the essence of the main root, a good material for making brushes that could increase the power of their war poems by ten percent.

Many demon bodies were valuable, but they had killed too many, and they only took the most precious things.

They spent the whole day killing demons. By dusk, everyone was exhausted, and all the Talented Scholars had used up their talent and had to find a cave to rest in. They also had to stop hunting demons for the night. If any demons approached, the three Presented Scholars would take care of them.

After discussing for a while, the three Presented Scholars decided to go down the mountain the next day. There were too many demons today, and all the students had completed their training. Staying any longer would be a waste. The three Presented Scholars took turns keeping watch that night, letting everyone get a good night’s sleep and recover their energy and talent.

Fang Yun didn’t immediately fall asleep but instead recalled the day’s battles in his mind, grasping the spiritual ideas of various war poems and repeatedly reciting the few war poems that Talented Scholars could use.

On the morning of the third day in Ze Mountain, after everyone finished breakfast, the three Presented Scholars ordered them to return the way they came. The three of them would take care of the demons along the way.

Not long after they left, they encountered four pig demons. Mr. Wang said, “Watch how I control the Qi Assassin.”After finishing speaking, Mr. Wang recited Jing Ke’s assassination of Qin with great eloquence and controlled his elemental assassin to rush towards the four pig demons. He danced on the edge of a knife, dodging and moving between the four pig demons, and every strike could hit a vital point of a pig demon. In just over ten breaths, all four pig demons were dead.

The group of accomplished scholars watched in awe. Compared to the way presented scholars used war poetry, their method of controlling elemental assassins was like having no brains.

The elemental assassin lasted for a full quarter of an hour before dissipating.

Along the way, the group encountered many monster races, but there were no large groups, at most only seven or eight together. The three presented scholars took turns using Jing Ke’s assassination of Qin to kill the enemies while also teaching and demonstrating the use of other war poetry. Fang Yun silently remembered everything.

At night, the forest was abnormally dark. The child scholars, accomplished scholars, and presented scholars had clear night vision and were not affected, but the soldiers had difficulty keeping up and some even twisted their ankles, forcing the group to stop.

There were no caves nearby, so they had to use elemental assassins to cut down trees and build a temporary camp to prevent monster race night attacks.

Fang Yun did not reveal his identity as a holy-before talent yesterday, nor did he today. Tomorrow, they would leave the Ze Mountain and return to the Lu Family Town to complete this monster-slaying mission.

“When we return to the state academy, they will naturally see that I have become an accomplished scholar. I’ll say that I just made a breakthrough, so no one will link me to the Five Movements of the Divine Brush.”

The students and soldiers slept well, but the three presented scholars killed more than forty monster races that tried to charge into the camp.

At dawn, the group set off again. After walking for half an hour, Nu Nu suddenly cried out anxiously.

“Whimper whimper…” Nu Nu jumped onto Fang Yun’s chest, grabbed his clothes, and pointed to the southwest.

Everyone looked nervously at Nu Nu because it had never been so anxious before encountering even stronger monster races.

Fang Yun immediately asked, “Is there a strong monster race?”

Nu Nu nodded.

“Is it a war general? One of them?”

Fang Yun held up one finger.

Nu Nu shook its head.

“Two of them?” Fang Yun asked in surprise.

Nu Nu nodded.

“Are there many other monster races?”

Nu Nu thought for a moment and then repeatedly raised and lowered its two claws, doing so more than thirty times.

Before Fang Yun could speak, Mr. Wang quickly asked, “More than three hundred?”

Nu Nu nodded vigorously and then grabbed Fang Yun’s clothes with its claws, indicating that he should hurry.

The three presented scholars looked at each other and nodded. Mr. Wang shouted loudly, “We’ve killed too many monster races these past two days, and they’re starting to fight back. Drop everything unnecessary, leave only a piece of bread and a piece of salted meat, and bring only weapons and armor. Throw away all heavy objects! From now on, no one will wait for you!”

Everyone immediately got busy, throwing away all kinds of junk and going into battle lightly, starting to run.

However, this was a mountain forest, and mountain monsters ran much faster than humans. At first, only Nu Nu could detect those monster races, but soon the three scholars’ monster-detecting talismans also began to glow and heat up, indicating that the monster races were getting closer.”Wang Xiong, if we have the advantage of terrain, we can fight the demon clan with a high chance of victory. But there is no place to defend here, surrounded by forests. Once they encircle us from all sides, we cannot protect everyone. Moreover, the two demon generals want to kill these scholars, and we cannot stop them. We should send two people to intercept the two demon generals, fight and retreat, and another person escorts them away, which can also block the pursuit of those demon soldiers. I will intercept the demon general!”

“I will also intercept the demon general, Wang Xiong, leave these children to you!”

Yue Xiansheng and Dong Xiansheng finished speaking and walked towards the direction of the demon clan attack.

Wang Xiansheng immediately took out a cloth bag from his arms and said, “This was specially left by Zhou Zhubu to prevent accidents. With this, even three demon generals cannot hurt you two.”

Yue Xiansheng took the cloth bag and opened it. He was delighted and said, “With this, there is nothing to worry about. Let’s go!”

The two presented scholars immediately left, reciting poems such as “Jixing” and “Zhenfen” as they walked.

“Thank you, Yue Xiansheng, Dong Xiansheng!” Many students thanked them.

“Let’s go quickly.”

Under the protection of Wang Xiansheng, everyone accelerated their pace.

All the students and soldiers were moved in their hearts, with slightly red eyes. The two presented scholars just intercepting the two demon generals were not dangerous, but adding three hundred demon soldiers and demon civilians, the possibility of death in battle was extremely high. Even with an unknown treasure of literature, they dare not say that there is no risk.

Fang Yun also thanked Zhou Zhubu and Li Wenying in his heart. The treasure that can surprise the presented scholars at least was the treasure of literature for the imperial scholars. This treasure was not given to Yue Xiansheng with a higher rank, but to Wang Xiansheng, obviously to protect him, the child scholar.

Everyone ran all the way, and occasionally there were loud noises from behind, indicating that the battle was fierce.

After a while, Nunu suddenly shouted and pointed to the rear.

Fang Yun immediately asked, “Is there a demon general coming?”

Nunu nodded and kept raising and lowering his claws, constantly raising them fifteen times.

Everyone’s footsteps slowed down, and the breath of death enveloped the surroundings. One demon general could entangle a presented scholar. If more than one hundred demon clan rushed over, this team would not be able to stop them and would be torn apart in a few dozen breaths.

Wang Xiansheng asked, “Is it one of the two demon generals from before, or a new one?”

Fang Yun immediately asked, “Is it a newcomer?”

Nunu shook his head.

Wang Xiansheng cursed, “The demon clan is so cunning! The wisdom of the demon generals is not worse than that of humans. They must first separate the demon soldiers and demon civilians to avoid the two of them. The two know that I am not afraid of these demon soldiers, so they did not stop us. Then, one of the fast demon generals found an opportunity to escape from the battle and chased us, together with the demon soldiers and demon civilians from before! The treasure of literature for the imperial scholars that I gave to Yue Xiansheng is a protective treasure, which is useless against such demon generals.”

Liang Wuchang said, “Wang presented scholar, protecting you is the task of the prefecture army. We will stop the demon clan for a moment and wait for the other two presented scholars to come to support.””The demon general is too cunning, you won’t be able to stop him! I’ll intercept the demon general, and you all form a defensive formation. The reason they asked me to stay is because my ‘With You in the Same Robe’ has a poetic soul!” There was a faint pride in Mr. Wang’s tone, as well as a hint of sadness.

Everyone was overjoyed, and Fang Yun was also extremely happy. If a person’s understanding of a war poem reached its peak, or under special circumstances, they would possess the poetic soul of that war poem, which would double the power of the poem and even grant additional power.

Fang Yun immediately said, “I brought a dragon blood ink stick and a demon-slaying brush, which can increase the power of your war poem by forty percent.”

“Good!” Mr. Wang looked at Fang Yun, not expecting him to carry these two treasures with him.

Fang Yun immediately poured water into the inkstone and ground the ink, then handed the demon-slaying brush to Mr. Wang.

Although the War Poetry could be used without writing to kill enemies, its drawback was that it could not be enhanced by the power of ink and brush, and could only be used in emergency battles.

Mr. Wang picked up the demon-slaying brush, dipped it in dragon blood ink, and began writing ‘With You in the Same Robe’ on a piece of paper on the plate armor tray.

As he was about to finish writing, a thin layer of treasure light appeared on the entire paper.

“This is the treasure light of the poetic soul.” Lu Yu whispered.

Fang Yun nodded. Recognizing the treasure light of the War Poetry was a required course for these scholars.

As ‘With You in the Same Robe’ was written to the end, a second layer of treasure light appeared on the paper. However, the second layer of treasure light only covered forty percent of the paper before stopping. The dragon blood ink could increase the power by thirty percent, while the demon-slaying brush could only increase the power of ordinary War Poetry by ten percent when not directly attacking the demon race.


Extra updates before 12 o’clock tonight.



Recommendation for a friend’s historical novel: “Brilliant World of Ming”

Synopsis: Trampling on the Xiongnu, punching Fusang, showing off power across the four seas, and shining brightly across the world. In a casual conversation, powerful enemies are reduced to ashes.

[bookid=3181588,bookname=”Brilliant World of Ming”];

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