Chapter 75 – Five Dynamic Talented Scholars before the Holy

In various parts of the Ten Kingdoms, whether it be snowy peaks, lake bottoms, thatched cottages, or bamboo forests, many Semi-Saints or Great Scholars were all calculating, but the power of the God of Literature was supreme and yielded no results.

No one knew who the God of Literature was moving for.

The guarding Semi-Saint of the Holy Academy flicked his finger, and a strange sound spread throughout the Holy Origin Continent. Except for a few who couldn’t leave, all Great Scholars and Semi-Saints went to the “Hall of Saints” for a meeting.

At the Desolate Demon Mountain, the Shocking City Peak, and the Dreamy Palace, a very strange figure sat on the throne. This person had fox ears, a cat demon’s eye, a wolf’s mouth, and his left arm was not a normal person’s arm but a dragon claw, twice as long as his right arm. He was extremely bizarre.

Many demons and literati stood below the throne, each wearing a dark red blood-colored robe, which was originally white but was dyed red with blood.

“Lord Wind, you must investigate this matter strictly! Although the God of Literature’s movement cannot increase one’s literary rank, it represents a person’s potential. Since the one who received five movements is neither a Semi-Saint nor a Great Scholar, it must be caused by a new Grand Academician. His potential is close to that of a Sub-Sage and must be conferred as a Semi-Saint.”

“If my guess is correct, if someone receives five movements from the God of Literature, his talent will undergo substantial changes, from misty talent to water-like talent. His war poems will be exceptionally terrifying in the future. Once he grows up, it will be a great disaster for our demon race, and we must eliminate him!”

Wind City on the throne supported his chin lazily with his arm and said, “I only seek to become a Great Scholar at the moment, and I don’t want to bother with anything else. If the five movements of the God of Literature are caused by a Grand Academician, those old guys in the demon realm must be more anxious than me. If it is caused by other reasons, what’s the use of looking for someone? Remember to send it to me as soon as the next issue of the ‘Path of the Saints’ is published next month.”

“Yes, my lord. Should we kill Fang Yun, the Child Scholar before the Holy Altar in advance? He has three poems published in the ‘Path of the Saints’.”

“He’s still too young, and the best time has yet to come. If we take action now and kill a Child Scholar, it will only lower my value as a Grand Academician! When I become a Great Scholar, I will return to our ancestral land. Don’t let Li Wenying catch him while I’m away. This kid doesn’t have my talent, but he has my ruthlessness. If it weren’t for using him to deal with the group of traitors in the Dragon Clan who don’t listen to the demon realm’s orders, he would have been eaten long ago!”

“My lord, what about the corrupted writings of the Grand Scholar Ye?”

“Don’t get involved in the mess of the Yangtze River dragon. They dared to hide such an important thing and were stolen by a little snake. Let them make a fuss. If it gets bigger, it will give Li Wenying an excuse to take action. You can’t handle the matter of the God of Literature’s five movements. Orders will come from above. You can all leave now.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Everyone dispersed.

Wind City looked at the night sky outside the gate and muttered to himself, “When I become a Great Scholar, I will surely have three movements from the God of Literature like Yi Zhishi!”

Outside the Great Khan’s tent on the grassland, a wolf savage covered in golden fur looked up at the sky and remained silent for a long time. His body emitted a strong smell of blood, and all the wild grass within a yard of him withered.An old Wolf Savage with a cane walked over, coughing violently and saying, “Great Savage King, this is the God of Literature’s anomaly, not the human race’s God of Literature’s potential. Don’t be anxious.”

“I’m not anxious for the God of Literature, I’m anxious for the upcoming winter battle.”

“Since the Lord Tianlang promised to help our wolf tribe and strike Chen Guanhai, we will surely be able to swallow Jing Kingdom’s army again this year. In another two or three years, we can swallow the entire Mizhou, and you will surely become the first king of all the barbarian tribes.”

“I hope those rebellious literati are useful and can persuade Qing Kingdom and Wu Kingdom not to send troops.”

Dragon Palace in the East Sea.

The massive Dragon Saint turned over and complained in a low voice with his eyes closed, “What’s with the disturbance? Can’t the old dragon sleep?”

The Dragon King turned over, causing a huge wave in the East Sea, which turned into fine waves by an unknown force spreading from the Holy Temple of the Semi-Saints in Yuhai City.

In Zeshan, Mi County.

Fang Yun woke up in a daze and saw that he was still in the Palace of Literature. He wondered who he had offended and why even the promotion to Talented Scholar had to be accompanied by such great pain.

“Huh? The orange light is gone? Did I succeed?”

Fang Yun breathed a sigh of relief and carefully examined the upright talent on top of his statue’s head, which was only slightly thicker than a needle like other Talented Scholars and only one inch tall like when he first became a Talented Scholar. However, it was not in a misty state but like orange water, slowly flowing.

“Ah? Isn’t this the legendary talent like water? It is said that only those who have experienced the God of Literature’s potential several times can form it, like the genius Great Scholar Yi Zhishi and all the Saints. How could I have it? Was the voice just now from the God of Literature’s potential?”

Fang Yun finally understood where the previous voice came from and felt incredible.

“Among the living, the most talented Yi Zhishi only triggered the God of Literature once when he became a Grand Academician. I was able to trigger the God of Literature five times when I was only a Talented Scholar, indicating that my talent and potential are countless times higher than his? This is impossible.”

Fang Yun thought, looking at the strange book Tian Di in the statue’s hand.

“Did the God of Literature take everything in Tian Di as my talent or potential?”

Fang Yun looked up and was pleasantly surprised to find that the Courage to Write vortex was gone, and there was a drop-shaped thing in the center of the Palace of Literature’s starry sky. It was as crystal clear as water and seemed to be the purest thing in the world.

“Immaculate and flawless, it’s really the Courage to Write!”

The Courage to Write was not bright and not very big, but the stars in the Palace of Literature surrounded it like the stars around the moon. When Fang Yun saw the Courage to Write, he naturally had an indescribable confidence.

Fang Yun smiled. He didn’t expect that he could condense the Courage to Write just by writing the three and a half characters of the Righteousness Song, and it seemed to be no worse than that of the Presented Scholars.”Having the Courage to Write has an extraordinary effect. If I don’t have self-control, I will slack off or even give up halfway through studying or working. But with the Courage to Write, once I set small goals, it will influence me and eliminate my laziness and discouragement, making me persevere until I achieve my goal.”

“With the Courage to Write, I can resist external attacks and be more firm in my beliefs. In the future, the stronger my Courage to Write is, the stronger my ability to counterattack will be if someone tries to attack my literary palace. The Courage to Write will have various effects in the future, and the earlier it is condensed, the better.”

“It is said that only a few geniuses from prominent families of Semi-Saints can form a vortex of Courage to Write after becoming Talented Scholars and enter Book Mountain for training. Other people cannot have a vortex of Courage to Write when they are Talented Scholars, let alone the Courage to Write itself.”

“Now I can finally talk about war poetry on paper. He Yunong took more than a year to master ‘Jing Ke’s Assassination of the King of Qin.’ It took the Talented Scholars in my class half a year to learn how to use it, and it will take me a month to learn even if I am fast. After all, the spirit contained in this poem belongs to Jing Ke, and I need to understand his spirit to use it to kill the enemy.”

“However, if I create a war poetry myself, I can use it immediately. Which poems can become war poetry? Those with too much power cannot be written. Even the ‘Song of Righteousness,’ which has no attacking power, almost caused trouble. If I write a war poetry that is too powerful, I am afraid it will drain my talent and make me sick for ten days or half a month.”

Fang Yun thought to himself, left the literary palace, took a deep breath, and felt a burst of energy inside his body.

“Ying ying?” The little fox looked up at Fang Yun and asked.

“It’s nothing. I am now a Talented Scholar before becoming a Saint.”

The little slave immediately smiled and jumped happily, congratulating Fang Yun.

“Let’s go.”

Fang Yun walked towards the cave, and the little fox lightly jumped onto his shoulder.

When he walked out of the woods, Fang Yun saw that everyone had already come out and was still looking up at the sky.

“Where did you go, Fang Yun? I was so busy looking at the God of Literature that I thought you had been here all along.” Lu Yu asked curiously.

“I went to pay my respects.” Fang Yun covered his stomach and made a embarrassed look, while the little slave cooperatively waved its small paw in front of its nose, as if saying it was smelly.

“You also heard that the God of Literature moved five times, right? It’s so amazing. Without the simultaneous ringing of ten thousand bells, it’s not a Semi-Saint; without talent soaring, it’s not a Great Scholar. It’s very likely that there is a peerless genius who has just become a Grand Academician. This person’s talent and potential have surpassed Yi Zhishi. What a great fortune for our clan! Fang Yun, aren’t you happy?”

“Huh? No, I’m not.” Fang Yun thought happily.

“Ah, it’s understandable if you’re not happy. You are also a genius, but at most, you can become a Great Scholar with the movement of the God of Literature. No matter what, you can’t make the God of Literature move five times like this. It’s okay, you still have hope to become a Great Scholar, but we have no hope.” Lu Yu sympathetically patted Fang Yun’s shoulder.

Since Fang Yun knew about the Reverse-Type Literary Person, he has been very cautious, and he cannot say that he caused the God of Literature to move five times now, and even if he did, no one would believe it.

“I really don’t care.” Fang Yun said.

“It’s okay, we understand!” Ning Zhiyuan on the side also showed a sympathetic look.”Don’t worry, the God of Literature will move again in the future.”

All classmates kindly advised Fang Yun.

The little fox couldn’t help but want to laugh, but was afraid of being discovered, so she turned her back to everyone, covering her mouth with her little paw and giggling secretly.

The three teachers didn’t forget to use this opportunity of the God of Literature’s movement to educate everyone.

“Did you see that? Although our human race is at a disadvantage against the Demon Barbarians, we have endless talents! This new Grand Academician can definitely become a Half-Sage. If he specializes in poetry, perhaps a new world-famous war poem will appear soon. You must study diligently and take this five-movement Grand Academician as an example!”

“We will keep that in mind.” All the students bowed their heads.

“Fang Yun, don’t be discouraged. That five-movement Grand Academician is either an old Hanlin scholar who has accumulated wisdom over the years or a direct descendant of a Semi-Saint prominent family. The majority of us from humble backgrounds and even 99% of the gentry cannot compare to them. It’s understandable if your future achievements are not as great as the five-movement Grand Academician. You must not blindly think that you are the best in the world just because you have some talent and success at a young age. This five-movement Grand Academician is the best example. Do you understand?”

“I understand,” Fang Yun honestly listened, but didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. There was no such thing as a five-movement Grand Academician, only a five-movement accomplished scholar before a Semi-Saint.

“I’m glad you understand. You all go to sleep, and the three of us will stay up all night.”

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