Chapter 74 – Fifth movement of the God of Literature

Back in Lu Family Town, everyone was sleeping, but Fang Yun was reading the scriptures of all the saints in the extraordinary book “Heaven and Earth”.

Fang Yun never relaxed, as the scriptures and ideas were the foundation. Without a solid foundation, the more poetry one wrote, the greater the hidden dangers.

Fang Yun studied until seven in the morning before finally sleeping. By nine, he was up with everyone else.

Fang Yun felt that his talent was even more condensed, and his courage to write was swirling faster. He thought that perhaps the human tribe’s fortune had helped strengthen his foundation.

After breakfast, they set off again to the area where they had found traces of monsters during the day. With the help of their slave, they easily found and killed nine monsters.

The talented scholar class of the state academy centered around Lu Family Town slowly hunted monsters for several days. Unfortunately, the number of monsters decreased day by day, and on the fourth night, they only managed to kill a pig monster.

After discussing for half an hour, they decided to leave Lu Family Town and head to the depths of Ze Mountain to hunt for monsters. They would return every ten days or half a month.

Before leaving, some people from Lu Family Town thanked them for killing the monsters. The child scholar, An Chengcai, was absent due to illness.

They hired some people from Lu Family Town to be their cart drivers and rode to the foot of Ze Mountain. Then they each carried four days’ worth of food and necessities into the mountain.

The talented scholar class was excited, but Fang Yun was already experienced after days of training. He practiced archery with the best archer in the group, Liang Wuchang, and surpassed all the other archers in power and accuracy.

Fang Yun knew that his accuracy was due to the swirling of his courage to write. Although he only had the courage to write, it was enough to give him a clearer target and more accurate perception than the ordinary archers.

Although Fang Yun was not as knowledgeable as the other scholars, he was able to learn from the books in the extraordinary book “Heaven and Earth” while walking. Although his efficiency was only half of normal, it was still better than nothing.

Fang Yun believed that he would soon become a talented scholar after continuously studying the scriptures, participating in monster hunts, and observing the talented scholars’ use of paper strategies.Li Wenying has ordered all the academies, literary societies, and private schools in Jiangzhou to teach the Three Character Classic. Xuanting Bookstore has also sold The Story of the Western Wing and Dream Record of the Pillow in all ten states, while calligraphy and painting shops have begun selling The Inscription of the Dilapidated Hut. These famous works have formed a constellation of literature, growing at an unimaginable speed and casting starlight onto Fang Yun’s talent, causing his already ten-inch full Child Scholar talent to have a tendency to burst at any moment.

The team entered the mountain around two in the afternoon and encountered a monster after walking for fifteen minutes. They then began killing monsters all the way until dusk, and the group stopped to tally their results, finding that they had killed thirty-seven monsters in just one afternoon.

After dinner, they continued to kill monsters, and Fang Yun almost became a monster killer, averaging five arrows to kill one monster, even shooting one arrow directly into the mouth of a monster soldier and nailing it to a tree.

Until midnight, everyone was tired of killing and had to retreat. They found a cave that was once inhabited by monsters and spent the night there.

Fang Yun slept only two hours a day, so he volunteered to take the night watch until five in the morning, and he and Liang Wuchang were arranged to take the watch.

Liang Wuchang was silent and mostly stared blankly at the deep blue sky and stars, occasionally glancing at the dark forest outside the cave.

Fang Yun, on the other hand, read the literature of all the Saints using the miraculous book Tian Di, which he had bought, and all the monthly issues of The Path of the Saints. After so many days, he had quickly browsed through books that ordinary people would take at least thirty years to read, and this was also an important reason why his talent grew so fast and stable.

At around three in the morning, the eastern sky had a faint light. Fang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, with a thick smile on his face, and then immediately took a deep breath to adjust his mood and said to Liang Wuchang, “Liang Lao, my stomach is a little uncomfortable. I’ll go outside to take care of it.”

Liang Wuchang stood up and asked, “Do you need me to watch out for you?”

Fang Yun pointed to the sleeping slave and said, “It’s stronger than anything else.”

“Okay, you go. I’ll be careful.”

Fang Yun thanked Liang Wuchang and quickly left with the slave, pretending to really need to go to the bathroom.

After bypassing a few trees and getting away from the cave, Fang Yun put the slave on the ground, leaned against a big tree that could hold two people, closed his eyes, and entered the Palace of Literature.

The vortex of his talent and courage to write in the Palace of Literature changed greatly.

The Child Scholar talent, which was as thin as a hair and ten inches tall, was constantly expanding and shrinking, and each expansion could reach the thickness of a thumb, while shrinking to be thinner than a hair.

The vortex of courage to write was even more incredible. Before, Fang Yun could see that the vortex was composed of fragments of starlight, but now it was spinning too fast and became a line in Fang Yun’s eyes, and it was getting smaller and gradually condensing towards the center.

Fang Yun didn’t move because interfering with the breakthrough of the writing position was the most taboo. There were no medicines that could help people break through, only that their cultivation was sufficient and they would naturally break through.

Fang Yun waited quietly in the Palace of Literature. Suddenly, the ten-inch Child Scholar talent burst, emitting an orange light that illuminated the entire Palace of Literature, and Fang Yun felt like he was in a hot spring, extremely comfortable.

Fang Yun knew that what would happen next was that all the orange light would converge and re-condense into one-inch tall Accomplished Scholar talent.

However, Fang Yun waited and waited, but the orange light did not move.

“What’s wrong? Can the promotion to a pre-Saint Accomplished Scholar be stuck? Is heaven going to destroy me?” Fang Yun had a bad feeling.At the same time, the brightest star in the night sky, the God of Literature, suddenly became brighter, surpassing the full moon in brightness. It then gently moved and emitted a sound that every living being in the Holy Origin mainland could hear. The sound was unique, with the heaviness of a great bell, the clarity of jade, the melodiousness of a qin and xiao, and an incomparable majesty, as if the only ruler of heaven and earth was issuing commands.

Countless people, demons, and barbarians in the Ten Kingdoms, Three Barbarians, Four Seas, Five Demon Mountains, and the connected Demon Realm were awakened by the God of Literature’s movement.

Fang Yun, who was with his slave, Nu Nu, immediately stood up and looked around vigilantly. He then looked up at the unusually bright God of Literature, fear in his eyes, and then looked at Fang Yun in surprise, opening his mouth and blinking constantly.

Suddenly, a majestic force crossed a great distance and entered Fang Yun’s head. He thought it was a sudden inspiration, but then he felt excruciating pain as if his soul was being torn apart. He then realized that everything in the Palace of Literature, including his statue, the starry sky, and the vortex of his Courage to Write, had turned into the smallest particles that would disappear if they were any smaller.

“I’m going to die?” Fang Yun lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he was surprised to find that he was still alive, and everything in the Palace of Literature had returned to normal. The orange light had not yet condensed into his Talented Scholar’s talent, and everything that had just happened seemed like an illusion.

Suddenly, the voice came again, even louder than the first time, and the God of Literature moved for the second time. Fang Yun lost consciousness again in pain.

When he woke up again, he was in great pain and wondered what was happening. But before he could think too much, the God of Literature moved for the third time, and Fang Yun lost consciousness again.

Fang Yun woke up again, and the intense pain made him almost curse. He had prepared extensively to become a Talented Scholar, reading a lot of materials and asking five other accomplished scholars, but none of them had mentioned experiencing such pain when they advanced to the Talented Scholar level.

Each of them had said it was very comfortable.

The God of Literature moved for the fifth time, and Fang Yun lost consciousness again.

At this moment, countless people, demons, and barbarians looked up at the God of Literature in the sky. When a Semi-Saint was conferred, the God of Literature would only move three times, but this time, it moved five times.

“Who is the powerful new Semi-Saint being conferred?” Countless people wondered.

“Did Yi Zhishi become a Semi-Saint?” Many people with literary positions guessed.

In the Wu Kingdom, Yi Zhishi woke up from his dream and rushed out of his room, making a big hole in the door and looking up at the sky.

“Who has been conferred with the fifth movement of the God of Literature!” Yi Zhishi was extremely shocked.

“No! Without the sound of ten thousand bells ringing in unison, it’s not a conferment! Could it be that someone has just become a Grand Academician and triggered the fifth movement of the God of Literature? Impossible! When I became a Grand Academician, the God of Literature only moved once!” Yi Zhishi, who was in his forties and had a handsome face, looked slightly terrifying, but he quickly regained his composure.

“What a terrifying fifth movement of the God of Literature. It almost made my Courage to Write falter. Who is it?”

At the foot of Mount Daofeng, in the Kong Family Mansion, an elderly man in his eighties looked calmly at the God of Literature. However, a hint of indescribable shock could be seen in his eyes. He then took a deep breath, and the air he exhaled turned into golden names floating in the air. These were the names of all the Grand Academicians, including Li Wenying’s name.Subsequently, these names fell one by one, and eventually all disappeared on the ground.

“No one has become a new Grand Academician.”

The old man opened his mouth and blew forward, revealing even more names in mid-air. All of these people were Hanlin Scholars, and just like before, they fell one by one.

“No one has become a new Hanlin Scholar.”

“How strange!” The old man shook his head, his eyes filled with cold vigilance. He slowly turned around and walked back, indistinguishable from an ordinary elderly person.


A new week begins, seeking recommendation votes. o(∩_∩)o;

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