Chapter 72 – Encounter Demon

After the county magistrate finished explaining the situation, everyone began to eat. No one drank alcohol. After the meal, the three gentlemen each took three “official red seals” from the county magistrate. If they encountered danger within the range of Mi County, they could tear up the red seals, and the county magistrate would be alerted to come to their rescue. If someone tore two seals in a row, the county would directly report to the prefecture. If someone tore three seals in a row, it would be immediately reported to the state governor.

The county dispatched three experienced child scholars who knew the local environment well to serve as guides for the three groups. After bidding farewell to the county magistrate and others, the seven carriages headed to the place where monsters had recently appeared.

Lu Family Town is the intersection of three rivers in Mi County. The widest part of the river here can reach ten zhang, and the deepest part can reach two zhang. There are often water monsters attacking humans here, and Lu Family Town is backed by mountains and forests. The monsters here are like leeks, cut down again and again, and cannot be killed.

When they arrived at Lu Family Town, the three groups’ carriages did not stop immediately but instead drove through the small town. Mr. Yu, who was in charge of the third group, sat in the carriage and used the treasure of literature, the “Detecting Monster Tiger-Headed Town Paper,” to detect monsters, but he did not find any and returned safely.

The group found the town mayor and showed him the county’s documents. The three gentlemen also showed him the state academy’s documents. Then they found a large courtyard to stay in and began their final preparations. They rested for an afternoon and planned to depart at night because many monsters were active at night.

The town mayor brought three child scholars to visit them. One was an old child scholar who taught in the town, and the other two were young child scholars who were preparing to take the exam for talented scholar in Duyuan Prefecture this year. They were especially excited to see Fang Yun among them.

The group of students had nothing to do, so they talked with the two child scholars about how to take the exam for talented scholar. Fang Yun, who was also a child scholar, listened carefully.

Unlike ordinary soldiers, talented scholars wear a set of “board clothes.” They usually fold them up to cover their upper body. If they need to write war poetry, they will put them down to form a tray in front of them to use as a writing surface.

Although Fang Yun was not a talented scholar, Mr. Wang prepared a set of board clothes for him to wear in order to get used to them in the future.Before leaving, Fang Yun’s mind entered the “Palace of Literature” and found that his talent had not changed much, but the vortex of his “courage to write” had accelerated, and there was even a sign of condensing his courage to write. It seemed that he could form it within a month.

“I hope that by then I have become a talented scholar, otherwise the child scholar’s Palace of Literature cannot accommodate my courage to write.”

As night fell, the group set off.

According to tradition, the students of the three classes had to be separated, but because of the appearance of the demon general, the academy stipulated that the three classes could not be far apart and had to keep everyone in each class seeing the other two classes.

In the quiet night, the group left the town and headed towards the Yangshui River.

Even the lowest-ranking scholar among them was a child scholar, and even in the dim night, it was no different from daytime for them.

Accompanied by the sound of insects, after half an hour of walking, everyone saw the Yangshui River, which looked like a white silk in front of them.

“Get ready!”

Mr. Yu gave the order, and everyone made their final preparations.

The five talented scholars in the first class immediately put down the hard board on their chests and formed a tray on their abdomen with white paper on top, then took out ink bottles and brushes, ready to write at any time.

Although Fang Yun couldn’t talk about military strategy on paper, he still followed along, purely for practice.

In front of the first class were fifteen soldiers, five sword and shield soldiers, five long spear soldiers, and five archers. All their weapons and shields were the finest, and even the shields were demon turtle shields that could not be crushed even by a demon general’s attack.

The three teachers took out the “Demon Detector Town Paper” together. The poem in this literary treasure was “The Poem of Searching for Demons” written by the great scholar Gan Bao, the author of the “In Search of the Supernatural”. It could detect all demons within a radius of one mile, and only a few demons could avoid it.

The three teams moved slowly along the river, searching for demons.

Fang Yun carefully observed his surroundings, his heart beating slightly faster, and his spirit more excited than usual, because this was the first time he had come to kill a demon. Even if he couldn’t fight personally, it was good to see a demon.

After walking for fifteen minutes, they found nothing, and some people relaxed a bit, but were warned by Mr. Wang.

Another fifteen minutes passed, and still nothing.

Fang Yun was a bit disappointed, and Lu Yu whispered, “This is common. Last time we killed a demon, we didn’t see anything until the third night. If there’s nothing by the river, we can go to that mountain forest. Don’t worry.”

Fang Yun nodded.

Another hour passed, and they found nothing. Even Mr. Wang had relaxed his guard.

Suddenly, Nunu pointed to a clump of grass about ten meters away and whimpered.

Everyone immediately became nervous. Mr. Wang shouted a warning to the people in the other two classes, then looked at Nunu.

Nunu didn’t care about Mr. Wang at all, just pointed to Fang Yun to see.

Fang Yun said, “Mr. Wang, let’s go over there and see. Nunu may have found something.”

Mr. Wang had seen many spirit beasts and demon servants, so he didn’t doubt it at all. He said, “Yun Cong, you take five people over there to see what’s going on.”

“Yes!” Two sword and shield soldiers, two long spear soldiers, and an archer protected Li Yuncong as he walked towards the clump of grass. Mr. Wang held a pen holder shaped like a mountain in his hand, ready to take action at any time.

Li Yuncong quickly returned, holding a palm-sized scale of a fish demon and said excitedly, “Mr. Wang, this is a scale of a fish demon. I carefully looked at the tracks there. It seems that several fish demons passed by here and went north.””Summon everyone, I’ll go take a look.” Mr. Wang quickly walked over and carefully examined the traces of the fish demon, making the same judgment as Li Yuncong.

The three classes gathered together as usual, and the three teachers didn’t say anything. They only assisted the talented scholars in sharpening their skills. If these students weren’t in danger, they wouldn’t take action.

The talented scholars of the three classes unanimously decided to chase the monsters and prevent them from harming people.

So everyone started running.

After running a few steps, Fang Yun whispered, “Nunu, come to me.”

Nunu immediately climbed up Fang Yun’s right arm like a little squirrel and looked at Fang Yun in confusion, as if asking what was going on.

While running, Fang Yun asked, “How long has that fish scale been there?”

Nunu immediately frowned and thought, extending its chubby right claw.

“Five hours?”

Nunu shook its head.

“Five days?”

Nunu shook its head again.

Fang Yun was stunned for a moment, then suddenly asked seriously, “Nunu, don’t tell me you don’t know how to count!”

“Nunu!” Nunu was angry, as if saying you’re the one who can’t count.

“How long then? Three quarters of an hour ago?”

“Nunu!” Nunu nodded and made a wiping sweat gesture with its little paw, as if saying you finally guessed it right, it’s tiring!

“How many monsters are there?”

Nunu tilted its head and thought, raising its two paws.

Fang Yun couldn’t help but laugh. He started guessing from six and Nunu only nodded when he guessed eight.

“Can you tell if they are monster soldiers or monster civilians?”

Nunu shook its head, then nodded.

Lu Yu and Ning Zhiyuan, who had been watching the whole time, suddenly had a headache. It was too difficult to understand the Ling Qi flow, they couldn’t understand at all.

Fang Yun thought carefully and asked, “You can distinguish monster generals, but can’t distinguish between monster soldiers and monster civilians?”

Nunu happily nodded.

“Are there any monster generals here?”

Nunu hesitated for a moment to recall, then shook its head to indicate there weren’t any.

Fang Yun immediately said to everyone, “Eight monsters passed by here three quarters of an hour ago, but we can’t be sure how many were monster soldiers and how many were monster civilians.”

Everyone looked gratefully at Fang Yun and Nunu. This information was too important. The fifteen talented scholars discussed it while running, and the three presented scholars didn’t interrupt.

After a while, Nunu suddenly grabbed Fang Yun’s clothes with its paw and called out seriously twice.

Everyone immediately looked at Fang Yun.

“Are we close to the monsters?” Fang Yun asked.

Nunu nodded.

Everyone looked at the three teachers holding the monster-repelling paper. The three teachers shook their heads together.

After running for a while, everyone saw eight monsters ahead, and their eight figures were very clear under the moonlight.

As the temporary commander, Ma Yuan of the third class said, “Found the monsters! Slow down and get ready for the final preparation.”

Everyone slowed down and prepared for battle.The eight monsters quickly noticed them and charged over, shouting loudly.

Ma Yuan continued to command, with the sword and shield soldiers and spearmen protecting everyone. The Talented Scholars were in the back, with all the archers at the very end. He also had Fang Yun, the three Child Scholars, and the archers stand together.

The eight fish monsters accelerated and charged.

The heavy and tense atmosphere was like an invisible cover, pressing down on everyone. Fang Yun even had some difficulty breathing.

After the fish monsters had run for a while, Ma Yuan issued orders.

“There are three monster soldiers and five monster civilians, all ordinary fish monsters, don’t be afraid!”

“I’ll write ‘Ode to Xingtian’, Luo Tianqi will write ‘Brothers in Arms’, and the rest of you wait for them to get close, then decide when to write ‘Yi River Song’ to attack based on your own writing speed! Each of the three teams will attack one monster soldier, and every three archers will shoot one monster civilian.”

Fang Yun looked up at the sky, and the God of Literature’s star was particularly bright tonight.



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