Chapter 71 – War poem

The carriage arrived at the State Academy, where many parents of the Talented Scholars had already gathered. Many of the Talented Scholars were unhappy with their parents accompanying them, as they were envied by everyone outside as students of the State Academy. However, their parents always treated them like children.

Especially the stiff Du Shudai, who was almost being rubbed by his grandmother, had a very unhappy expression. Fang Yun looked at him and wanted to laugh.

Fang Yun carried a large backpack that was almost half his height, and his spirit beast, Nu Nu, lay comfortably on it, looking around curiously at the people around him. When Nu Nu looked towards the Holy Temple inside the State Academy, he showed a little fear and quickly turned his head.

Lu Yu waved at Fang Yun and asked loudly, “Fang Yun, you actually have a spirit beast? We are safe now. Let me see!”

Lu Yu was about to come over and hug Nu Nu, but Nu Nu suddenly stood up, showing his teeth and making a fierce expression. Lu Yu was frightened and quickly retreated, bumping into his father. His father slapped him on the forehead.

“You have no backbone!”

Everyone burst into laughter.

Nu Nu was also amused, using one paw to lightly pat Fang Yun’s shoulder, and the other paw pointed at Lu Yu and made a whining sound, as if saying that he was a fool.

After the laughter, the sixteen students from the three classes and the forty-five soldiers from the Prefecture Army stood in a neat line together.

The fourth-rank official of the State Academy, Gao Yuan, came forward. After everyone paid their respects to him, he began to publicly write the famous poem “Chang Wu” from the Book of Songs. This was a poem that praised King Zhou Xuan’s battle and was currently the best “marching poem” on the Holy Origin continent. If a Great Scholar wrote “Chang Wu” on a holy page, it could ensure that within three months, ten thousand people would have three times the physical strength, power, and endurance of an ordinary person!

The marching poem was the fundamental strength for ordinary soldiers to fight against the Demon Barbarians, far more powerful than ordinary killing poems.

“Mighty and brilliant, the king commands his officials, the great ancestor of the Southern Zhong, the imperial father of the Grand Master.

Organize my six armies, to train my troops, both respectful and cautious, to benefit this southern country.


When it came to “the king commands his officials”, everyone present heard a voice that seemed to come from across time and space.

“Set off!”

A very faint, translucent white light appeared on the paper.

“First level of calligraphy, the pen has sound!” Fang Yun thought to himself, even feeling a little envious. This first level could increase the power of war poetry by 20%.

When it came to “organize my six armies, to train my troops”, everyone heard the slogan of the army being organized, as well as the sound of sharpening swords.

During the process of Gao Yuan writing this poem, Fang Yun clearly noticed that Gao Yuan could not only mobilize his own talent, but could even borrow the talent of the State Academy.

“It seems that the rumors are true. Studying in the State Academy will unknowingly be baptized by the talent of the Holy Temple, and one’s talent will grow faster. It seems that my ability to reach ten inches of talent so quickly is closely related to the State Academy. Jian Mei Gong stayed in the State Academy for a long time, and I’m afraid it’s also because of this reason.”

A large amount of natural energy surged, and even the sound of the wind in the sky could be heard, not to mention these scholars, even ordinary people could hear it.

Everyone present was infected by the power of this marching song, listening quietly. Even some of the parents who had been on the battlefield before recalled their experiences, their eyes filled with tears.

Gao Yuan was an Imperial Scholar. At first, only the pen had sound, but after writing half of it, everyone saw a translucent pink flower blooming at the tip of his pen with each stroke.

Everyone respected him. This was the wonderful penmanship of the second level, where even the calligraphy of Li Wenying, the number one calligrapher in Jiangzhou, was only at this level. However, when Li Wenying wrote war poems, the whole page was filled with flowers, and his level was slightly higher than Gao Yuan’s.

The white treasure light on the paper began to spread and finally covered forty percent of the paper.Fang Yun watched quietly as Gao Yuanzheng finished writing the last stroke. The white treasure light on the surface of the paper quickly expanded like a light hood, but unfortunately only covered ninety percent of the page. Fang Yun looked at the pen in Gao Yuanzheng’s hand. The last fifty percent of the treasure light should be the power of the pen, which was made of a demon bone and was a treasure of the State Academy.

The paper that carried the war poem “Chang Wu” flew into the air and quickly burned, turning into pure white light spots that fell like rain on the people going to battle. Suddenly, a series of bone-cracking sounds erupted. The intensity of “Chang Wu,” which had increased by nearly twice, had a powerful force. Everyone’s body underwent visible changes, with muscles swelling, height increasing, strength increasing, and a constant flow of heat in the body.

Li Yuncong reminded Fang Yun that he was wearing loose clothing, but now it felt tight against his body and uncomfortable, and it would take some time to adjust. Fang Yun clenched his fist and felt that he could knock out a cow with one punch.

“What a miraculous world. No wonder ordinary soldiers of the human race can fight against demon barbarians. My fighting spirit seems to have been influenced by ‘Chang Wu,’ becoming more aggressive and eager to kill demons. This war poem and those auxiliary battle poems are not only harmless, but can also continuously strengthen people’s bodies. As long as the nutrition keeps up, even a child scholar veteran can easily kill a demon soldier.”

Nu Nu extended its white foreleg and pressed its claws against Fang Yun’s arm muscles, feeling the elasticity and explosive power, with curiosity in its eyes.

Gao Yuanzheng said, “This ‘Chang Wu’ can last for a month. All the students should remember the grace of the sages and the protection of all the saints, and kill demons and barbarians for our human race! Set off!”

Everyone bowed towards the direction of the Holy Temple and said, “Thank you, sages and all the saints!”

The students and prefectural soldiers turned and walked towards the armored bull carts. Fang Yun looked curiously at the armored bulls, which had no fur on their bodies and seemed to be covered with shiny black armor pieces. The armored bulls were originally born from the mating of demon bulls and ordinary cattle, and after many years of improvement, they could be fed with grass alone, had infinite strength, and were gentle in nature. They were good at long-distance running and were the most commonly raised animals in various countries, even more than dragon horses. The fire bull array used by the great general Tian Dan of the Qi State was also made up of these armored bulls.

The armored bull carts were much larger than ordinary horse carts and could seat twenty people, with only two armored bulls needed to pull them. On the battlefield, there were also armored bull chariots, which were included in the “Six Arts of the Gentleman”: ritual, music, archery, driving, calligraphy, and mathematics, with “driving” referring to driving war chariots, which now also included riding horses. The three classes of talented scholars and the San Shi Prefecture Army rode six armored bull carts in total, and the seventh armored bull cart was loaded with cooking utensils, dry food, cured meat, tents, weapons, and other items.

Amidst the waving of many parents and loud instructions, the team headed towards the outskirts of Dayuan City. The armored bull carts moved slowly within the city, but once outside, they exerted their full power and were even faster than ordinary people running. The wheels of the armored bull carts were made of strange wood from the demon mountain, and the people inside only felt a slight bumpiness.

Fang Yun estimated that the speed of the armored bull carts could exceed fifty li per hour. On the cart, the three classes of teachers tirelessly explained how to kill demons and various precautions, even if these students already knew, they listened attentively. After two hours, Mr. Wang had finished talking about everything, and the first class began to chat.As they chatted, they began to talk about the affairs of the court. Wang Xiansheng looked at Fang Yun and said, “The Confucianism is the only great path, and those who aspire to become saints must follow it. However, the Path of the Saints is difficult, so many people only seek to become Great Scholars. Some seek to gain fame in the officialdom, so they study various schools; some are dedicated to protecting the human race, so they mainly cultivate the power of Military Strategists; some govern the country with law, so they mainly study Legalists; some seek to save the country from danger, walking the path of the Diplomats and seeking survival in the cracks. Since hundreds of years ago, various schools in different nations began to focus on power and tactics, so even if there are Great Scholars of Confucianism in each nation, it is difficult to shake this huge group, after all, they are backed by the Lu Family.”

Then, Wang Xiansheng analyzed the various factions in Jing Kingdom, which was actually a description of the factions among the officials of Jing Kingdom.

Fang Yun gradually understood that the literary faction was mainly composed of Confucian scholars, while the military faction was dominated by Military Strategists. The civil officials’ faction was very complex, with the miscellaneous scholars who practiced power and tactics often gaining power and controlling the most critical Ministry of Personnel. The Ministry of Personnel was responsible for evaluating and appointing officials, so the power of the miscellaneous scholars was extremely prosperous.

The Left Chancellor, Willow Mountain, was very astute. He infiltrated various factions but never crossed the line. At the same time, he won over many forces such as the Farmers, Legalists, Diplomats, and others, using his powerful tactics to control the country’s politics.

Although the Literary Chancellor was a Great Scholar, he was in charge of Jing Kingdom’s education. However, because he was a true gentleman, he always acted uprightly and could not possibly abandon the Confucian path to study power and tactics to fight against the Left Chancellor. Therefore, the court of Jing Kingdom was still dominated by the Left Chancellor.

Wang Xiansheng specifically pointed out to Fang Yun that the oaths of Confucianism, Legalism, and other schools can be trusted, but the oaths of some people cannot be trusted. Military Strategists have “Deception is the essence of war,” Diplomats have “Ally with Qin in the morning and Chu in the evening,” miscellaneous scholars have “Inclusiveness and tolerance,” and the Logicians have “A white horse is not a horse.” All of these can, to some extent, evade oaths or promises, but there are still certain risks and hidden dangers.

Wang Xiansheng also mentioned that Confucianism also has a saying that can evade oaths. Confucius once said, “If you want to make a vow, the gods do not listen.” It means that if a person is forced to make an oath, he can break it, but only if he is doing something just and righteous. If he is not upright, he cannot evade the oath.

Fang Yun understood that Wang Xiansheng was teaching him, and he was very grateful in his heart. If it weren’t for such a person to teach him, he might have to suffer a lot before understanding.

The journey went very smoothly. At noon, the seven armored ox carts arrived at the county town of Mi County. The county magistrate, who had received the news in advance, led the officials of the Yamen and the prominent families to welcome them.

The killing of demons by the students was a test of their willpower, so according to the rules, they could not enter the big city to enjoy themselves. Therefore, the county magistrate of Mi County set up a banquet at the post station outside the city to invite everyone.

At the dinner table, the county magistrate, He, detailed the course of events.

Mi County had many waterways, and there would always be demons coming from the Yangtze River, but they were only equivalent to Child Scholars, just a little stronger and less intelligent. Three to five strong men with weapons could easily kill them.

However, because Qu Shui County and Mi County were adjacent, a few demon soldiers and civilians from Qu Shui River escaped here. The prefecture army sent people to clear them out first, and when they found no demon generals, they reported to the prefecture. As a result, the state literary institute changed the location for the Talented Scholar class to kill demons here, while Qu Shui County, where a demon marshal appeared, remained under martial law.

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