Chapter 46 – Liu Zicheng in the dark

Magistrate Sun bowed to Li Wenying and said, “It has been said that if the Path of the Saints is unobstructed, one can achieve their goals with determination. But the path is full of thorns, and only those with the Courage to Write can make progress. That is why we scholars must refine our writing skills in order to enter the Palace of Literature, pluck the Heart of Literature, and tread the Path of the Saints. Jing Kingdom has few talents like Fang Yun and fearless writers like Chancellor Jianmei. We have nothing to worry about. The ‘Inscription on a Dilapidated Shack’ is meant for someone like you.”

Li Wenying replied, “Since the ‘Inscription on a Dilapidated Shack’ can refine one’s Courage to Write, I cannot keep it to myself. I will exchange it for half a year’s reading privileges for an Imperial Scholar’s Treasure of Literature and a piece of dragon blood ink. After six months, you can find Fang Yun yourself.”

Li Wenying then walked towards Fang Yun’s house.

Magistrate Sun and the others left with sincere admiration and gestures of respect.

After the officials had left, the scholars present began to discuss the matter.

Even those who had previously pitied Guan Yaoyuan and Yan Yue now distanced themselves from the two, for if Li Wenying himself had come to visit Fang Yun, it was certain that Fang Yun would soar to great heights. Even the Left Chancellor would not dare to offend Li Wenying.

He Yunong looked at Yan Yue and Guan Yaoyuan, shook his head, and said, “These petty struggles and crooked poetry blind one to the opportunities for fame and fortune. The Imperial Decree to govern the nation with literature is a fleeting moment that shatters one’s Courage to Write. They chose to be dogs of the Liu family instead of doing something worthwhile. It’s a pity and a shame.”

Everyone left, and Guan Yaoyuan was helped onto a carriage by a coachman. He lowered his head and muttered to himself, “The more famous you become, the more Liu Zicheng wants to kill you. Liu Zicheng is cruel, cunning, and always scheming behind the scenes. One day, he will ruin your reputation. If you fall into his trap, even the Chancellor cannot save you. You will become the enemy of all officials. Hahaha!”

The people on the street gradually dispersed, and Fang Yun welcomed Li Wenying in the courtyard.

Li Wenying was tall and thin. If it weren’t for his distinctive sword-like eyebrows and official robes, he would have looked like a strict teacher.

Fang Yun, Yang Yuhuan, Wan Xuezhen, and Tang Dazhang greeted him with bows, while Yang Yuhuan nervously followed suit.

Yang Yuhuan had not expected to meet the famous Grand Academician Li Wenying so soon after receiving the Imperial Decree. In the eyes of the common people in Jiangzhou, Li Wenying was more famous and respected than the Left Chancellor, second only to the King and Chancellor.

Yang Yuhuan had never seen such a great person before and silently poured tea and water, standing quietly aside.At first, Yang Yuhuan secretly observed Li Wenying, the famous Imperial Scholar of the ten nations, but soon realized that he came to visit because of Fang Yun’s “Inscription of a Dilapidated Dwelling,” and he even wanted to exchange it for the Treasures of Literature. Yang Yuhuan couldn’t help but look at Fang Yun with surprise. The real Fang Yun was much more powerful than she had thought.

“Little Yun has become even more powerful. He has the air of a true man now, just like my ideal husband…” Yang Yuhuan blushed and quickly left, afraid of being discovered.

Fang Yun said, “Since Sword-Brow Sir only needs to borrow it for half a year, take it and keep it. You have guarded Jiangzhou for many years, saving tens of thousands of people, and you are a model for all scholars. I cannot accept your things.”

Li Wenying nodded with a smile and said, “It’s good that you have this heart. The Imperial Scholar’s Treasures of Literature and Dragon Blood Inkstone are not so much an exchange as a thank you to you. This “Inscription of a Dilapidated Dwelling” is likely to surpass the Town Protectorate and become famous throughout the world. Your original manuscript and personal understanding are vastly different. Previously, I only had a thirty percent chance of success with the Great Scholar, but now I have a forty percent chance. The Treasures of Literature and Inkstone are nothing.”

Fang Yun saw that Li Wenying was determined and said, “Thank you for your generosity, Elder.”

Li Wenying handed the Dragon Blood Inkstone to Fang Yun, showing a sad expression and said, “The Demon-Slaying Pen is in my prefecture and will be sent over tonight. The Demon-Slaying Pen was injected with talent by an Imperial Scholar Lieutenant before his death, carrying not only poems but also his last words, ‘Take this pen and slay demons for me.’ It also carries his fighting spirit and unwillingness. The battle poems written with this pen usually increase their power by only ten percent, but if used against the demon race, they will increase their power by a full fifty percent.”

Fang Yun, Wan Xuezhen, and Tang Da Zhuangui were all moved. A pen that could increase the power of battle poems by fifty percent was very rare. Generally, only Treasures of Literature pens made from the bones and hair of great demons could increase the power of battle poems by fifty percent, and above that, it required the bones and hair of Demon Saints.

Tang Da Zhuangui tentatively asked, “Is he one of the candidates for the Jade Sea City’s top scholar and the next leader of the Mo Family?”

“That’s him. Besides the Mo Family, who else would stick to the principle of ‘non-aggression’ towards the human race, not make attacking Treasures of Literature, and only use this pen against the demon race before dying? After I became an Imperial Scholar, the pen was no longer suitable for me, and I have been looking for a suitable owner for it. Fang Yun, you have literary talent, literary reputation, and can produce this “Inscription of a Dilapidated Dwelling,” so you are the best candidate to use the Demon-Slaying Pen.”

“Thank you, Your Excellency, for your trust,” Fang Yun said.”Unfortunately, your ‘Inscription of a Dilapidated Dwelling’ is too short. If it were longer, when you become a Presented Scholar, you can use a longer essay to condense your Courage to Write. We could not match you. Most of our essays that condense Courage to Write are famous works of All the Saints. If you can write an essay that condenses Courage to Write, you must write it at all costs. Before you become a Saint, you must not let anyone know the content of that essay. Do you understand?”

“I have learned from you.” Fang Yun remembered this in his heart. No one had told him this before because no one believed he could compare with All the Saints.

After Fang Yun finished speaking, he handed the ‘Inscription of a Dilapidated Dwelling’ to Li Wenying.

After Li Wenying took it, he said, “I’ll have someone send you the Demonic Cleansing Pen when you get home.” Then he turned and left.

Fang Yun and the others saw Li Wenying off and returned to the room.

The servant who had been hiding in the room came out silently, sniffed lightly with his nose, looked around vigilantly, then returned to normal and jumped onto Fang Yun’s lap to lie down quietly.

The boss Tang laughed and said, “If someone had told me before that a Grand Academician would visit a Child Scholar in person, I wouldn’t have believed it. But the fact happened before my eyes, and I had to believe it.”

Wan Xuezhen said solemnly, “Fang Yun, after the county examination, I have been exchanging letters with County Magistrate Cai and have been paying attention to your affairs. I never doubted your talent, but I have always been afraid that you would become arrogant and complacent. County Magistrate Cai wrote to me that after Fang Zhongyong became a Child Scholar, he was brought around by his father and forced to write poems and lyrics to compete with you. However, his father rarely let him study the classics of All the Saints and did not care about his knowledge. County Magistrate Cai once wrote that the two Child Scholars of the Fang family will be as different as heaven and earth when they meet in the future. Do you understand?”

Fang Yun naturally understood. Heaven was the sky, and earth was the ground. The difference between them was huge.

“Thank you, Mr. Wan, for your guidance. I will always remember your and County Magistrate Cai’s teachings and will never be like Fang Zhongyong. I will read the classics of All the Saints every day. From now on, I will write an essay on knowledge every three days.”

“Good, if you have this intention, I will be relieved. Can I borrow the Dragon Blood Ink Tablet to take a look?” Wan Xuezhen also did not want the atmosphere to be too serious and smiled, changing the topic.

So the three of them talked about the Demonic Cleansing Pen for a while. Some of it was not in the Strange Book World, and Fang Yun remembered it and planned to buy some related books in the future to make up for his shortcomings in this area.

After chatting for a while, Tang, the boss, said, “Fang Yun, Jian Mei Gong has high expectations for you. He clearly wants to give you the Demonic Cleansing Pen and Dragon Blood Ink Tablet, but he said it was in exchange for your ‘Inscription of a Dilapidated Dwelling’ for half a year. There is profound meaning behind it. Do you understand?”Fang Yun pondered for a moment and said, “Firstly, for the sake of my protection, the ‘Inscription of the Dilapidated Room’ is very important for those who are eager to break through the literary position but cannot do so. There will definitely be people who come one after another, and some may even use despicable means. But now that the ‘Inscription of the Dilapidated Room’ is at Mr. Li’s house, I have fewer troubles. Secondly, the ‘Inscription of the Dilapidated Room’ is an invaluable treasure to many people, but since it has to be borrowed, there must be a price. Mr. Li has set the price for borrowing it for half a year as an Imperial Scholar Treasure and a piece of Dragon Blood Ink, which is equivalent to drawing a line for others.”

“What a clever Fang Shuangjia, you see through things so thoroughly! What do you think about cooperating?” Tang, the shopkeeper, asked.

Before Fang Yun could answer, Wan Xuezhen got up and left, implying that he was not suitable to participate in this topic.

After seeing Wan Xuezhen off, Fang Yun sat back in his room. Tang, the shopkeeper, said, “Fang Yun, would you like to cooperate with our Xuanting Bookstore?”

“Naturally, I want to cooperate, but the method of cooperation needs to be carefully discussed,” Fang Yun smiled and said.

Tang, the shopkeeper, said, “Are you willing to sell the book promotion method for five thousand taels?”

“Even if I don’t sell it, you will learn it soon. So, I have to sell it for five thousand taels. But the exclusive sales right of ‘The Romance of the Western Chamber’ for only five thousand taels is too little. Your Xuanting Bookstore wants others to only buy books from your store, but my goal is to promote literary fame, and making money is secondary. In other words, the interests of both sides are contradictory.”

Tang, the shopkeeper, was silent for a moment and said, “Your mysterious teacher is really powerful. I thought you couldn’t see the interests involved, but I didn’t expect you to be so straightforward. Well, it’s better to talk to smart people in a smart way. What are your requirements?”

“As long as your Xuanting Bookstore can ensure that my books are sold in every state, prefecture, and county of each of the ten nations, and allow all bookstores except your competitors to purchase and sell them, then we can talk,” Fang Yun said.

Tang, the shopkeeper, thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, “There are more than eight thousand counties in the Holy Origin Mainland, and about five hundred counties are not within the sales range of our bookstore. But if you are willing to hand over the sales rights of all your poetry, prose, and novels to Xuanting, I promise that within three months, we will have cooperative bookstores in all those five hundred counties. If we fail, we will open our own bookstores.”

“No, I only plan to hand over my popular novels to your store for distribution. As for other books, I cannot yet determine,” Fang Yun said.

“Well… if that’s the case, then your value is far less important than what I thought,” Tang, the shopkeeper said.Fang Yun smiled and said, “Then what if I write at least one novel every year that sells no less than ‘The Peony Pavilion,’ and even write a novel that spreads more widely than ‘The Peony Pavilion’? What would my worth be then?”

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