Chapter 44 – Momentary Courage to Write

Guan Yaoyuan and Yan Yue trembled, their eyes turned red as countless pages and characters flickered in their eyes before being shattered by an invisible force.

Both of them groaned and their noses and ears bled, leaving them immediately weakened.

Guan Yaoyuan was relatively better off as he did not insult Fang Yun with poetry, but he was still affected. His Wen Palace still cracked and would take decades to repair.

Yan Yue was the worst off, with cracks all over his Wen Palace. The statues within the palace were also cracked like spiderwebs, and his needle-thin talent was like fine smoke in the wind, unable to be used for paper discussions. All the words he had learned were torn apart, leaving him dazed and temporarily mentally disabled. In the future, his studies would be constantly disrupted by an invisible force, with Fang Yun’s higher literary position exerting a stronger force on him.

As long as Fang Yun did not die, Yan Yue would never be able to recover to his former status as a normal Talented Scholar, let alone a Child Scholar.

Wan Xuezheng sneered, “You thought Fang Yun couldn’t insult you without The Courage to Write? He was a Child Scholar before becoming a Saint, so even without it, as long as he writes with determination, he has a moment of courage! But I really have to thank you two fools for forcing Fang Yun to write a ‘Nation-Strengthening Essay’ that even surpasses the ‘Early Departure from Ji County.’”

“One stroke writes three saints, one essay can strengthen the nation. It’s no wonder he was a Child Scholar before becoming a Saint. This kind of grandeur is beyond ordinary people.” Tang Dazhang praised, he was a businessman and also a Presented Scholar.

“This essay is full of reason. As Confucius said, ‘A gentleman lives in it, how can it be shabby?’ It’s the best counterattack against Yan Yue and the others. No wonder words have spirits.”

“Mountains have names, waters have spirits. The magnificent opening and writing style is rare in the world, but that’s secondary. The heart that lives in a humble room but aspires to the All the Saints is something we cannot compare to, far from it.” Wan Xuezheng seemed ashamed and praised at the same time.

“This essay has The Courage to Write. Some people just overestimate themselves. No wonder Fang Yun did it.”

The crowd forgot about the two who were injured by the moment of courage, carefully savoring the essay.

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, and the crowd was slightly surprised.

They saw the wooden table in front of Fang Yun collapse, and the Nation-Strengthening Essay that had crushed the table slowly drifted down. Although it was heavy as a mountain, at this moment, it seemed as light as a feather.

Wan Xuezheng, who was beside Fang Yun, was quick to react. Before the table collapsed, he picked up the inkstone, ink stick, and inked brush to prevent the ink from splattering.

Nunu immediately rushed over, wanting to catch the paper from below and show off to Fang Yun, but the paper weighed a hundred pounds, and the petite Nunu was immediately crushed by it.

“Sob sob! Nunu! Nunu!” The little fox cried with a sobbing voice as she looked at Fang Yun, desperately seeking help. She was frightened and couldn’t understand why such a thin piece of paper was so heavy.Fang Yun hurriedly bent down to pick up the paper. In someone else’s hands, this paper would weigh hundreds of pounds, but in his hands, it was light as a feather, no different from ordinary white paper.

The little fox immediately rolled lightly and stood up, walking around the broken table without showing any signs of injury. Then, it angrily stared at the page of paper, squinting its eyes and showing a threatening expression. It seemed to regard the paper as a small beast that had bullied it and was determined to seek revenge.

Fang Yun chuckled and said, “This is a good thing, you can’t ruin it, got it?”

The little fox immediately lowered its head in a dejected manner and nodded, making a look of injustice as if to say, “I was bullied, and you’re not helping me.” Then, it ran behind Yang Yuhuan, stood upright, hugged her leg, and peeked out its head, looking at Fang Yun with a pitiful expression.

The servant girl made everyone laugh.

Fang Yun collected the original manuscript of “Inscription on a Dilapidated Hut” and said, “Let’s go inside and talk.”

Fang Yun, Tang the Innkeeper, and Wan Xuezhen went into the house together. The people who came to deliver the rewards with Wan Xuezhen also brought various gift boxes into the courtyard one by one. There were silk fabrics, gold and silver jewelry, and one box contained a two-foot-long blood-red dried sea cucumber, which was sliced and placed on top.

The servant girl stared at the dragon palace blood ginseng, circling around the box without stopping, clearly drooling with desire, but she never stretched out her paw. Finally, she let out a painful cry, ran back into the house, and turned a blind eye to it.

The scholars and talented scholars outside the door walked out one after another, but this “Inscription on a Dilapidated Hut” was even more outstanding than Fang Yun’s previous poems and essays. They gathered at the entrance of the alley to discuss the high moral character contained in this “Inscription on a Dilapidated Hut,” recalling scenes such as “Zhen Guo Wen Cheng,” “Three Li Fragrant,” “A Page of Broken Table,” and “The Palace of Literature Cracks.”

People who were friendly with Liu Yanjue and Guan Yaoyuan gathered around them, not knowing what to do.

“It’s a pity that Yanjue is still so foolish. Why did he write that twisted poem to insult Fang Yun? Even if it’s Liu… cough, can’t he use indirect methods?”

“From now on, I’m afraid not many people will dare to attack Fang Yun head-on. A mere Child Scholar has such courage in an instant. He’s simply a genius.”

“Yes, I’m a little scared too.”

“Everyone, I’m feeling unwell and need to leave early. I may have to take half a year off to recuperate and participate in the State Examination for Presented Scholars next year. I won’t participate this year!” The person said and turned and left quickly.

“Coward! As long as the Left Chancellor is here, what is there to be afraid of!” Guan Yaoyuan said weakly.

Several people’s eyes flickered.

At the time when “Inscription on a Dilapidated Hut” was written, Li Wenying, the head of the State Academy, was carefully annotating “Three Character Classic.””Strange! The Three Character Classic is supposed to be easy to understand, but why do I feel mentally exhausted after annotating only a hundred characters each day? I can’t write anymore. But after waking up, I feel refreshed, and my courage to write has become more refined, as if my literary palace has been strengthened. Could it be that the Three Character Classic is more profound than Dream Record of the Pillow? Oh well, if I can’t understand it, then I won’t think about it. Fang Yun probably doesn’t understand it either. After annotating it, I will recommend this article to The Path of the Saints. Several Grand Academicians and a Great Scholar will review it, and the secrets of this article will surely be unearthed.”

Li Wenying continued to write slowly and carefully, as if his pen weighed a thousand pounds.

Suddenly, Li Wenying stopped writing, grasped his official seal, looked up at the sky, and saw blue skies and white clouds flash by in his eyes, as if he were an eagle soaring high in the sky, seeing the entire prefecture, and finally seeing where Fang Yun was.

After Li Wenying finished reading, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “Excellent! With this article to strengthen my courage, my chances of becoming a Great Scholar will increase by ten percent!”

Li Wenying closed his eyes and recited The Inscription of the Dilapidated Room unconsciously.

“The mountain does not need to be high…”

Li Wenying’s voice started off normal, but it gradually grew louder and louder.

By the time he recited “With a dragon, it is spiritual,” the entire state academy could hear him.

By the time he recited “In the Western Shu, there was a pavilion called Son of Clouds,” his voice had spread throughout half of Jiangzhou. At this point, his voice was even louder, but most people couldn’t hear it. Only Imperial Scholars or those with higher literary positions could hear it.

When he finished reciting, Li Wenying’s voice echoed through the entire sky above Jiangzhou.

“Confucius said: What is there to be ashamed of in being poor and lowly!”

Li Wenying’s heart stirred, he grasped his official seal, and his talent suddenly depleted in an instant, drawing on a portion of the power of the Holy Temple, transforming into a massive and invisible righteous energy that silently swept across the entire Jiangzhou.

Outside of Linjiang Town, a blood-soaked fish demon carrying a trident slowly walked towards the Yangtze River with the body of a man dripping with blood hanging from its trident.

As the righteous energy swept by, the fish demon felt like it was in boiling water, its whole body smoking, and it screamed as it rushed towards the Yangtze River. It only managed to run two steps before it fell to the ground, its body slowly turning into pus and blood.

Outside of Yuhai City, a group of shrimp soldiers were eating the bodies of three people when they suddenly screamed in pain. The translucent shrimp shells burst open, and the flesh and blood inside exploded, leaving them all dead.

Outside of Wangjia Village near the Yao Mountain, a golden-haired giant wolf that was still standing on all fours and was a dozen feet tall had just finished eating a Child Scholar when it suddenly looked up at the sky. It seemed to be frightened and turned into a blur, quickly fleeing towards the Yao Mountain.

However, all the righteous energy in the sky suddenly gathered here, finally transforming into a ten-foot-long pen made of intense white light, which heavily struck the giant wolf.

The back half of the giant wolf’s body was shattered by the blow, and smoke sizzled from the wound, sometimes healing and sometimes being burned by the righteous energy.The demon king giant wolf howled to the sky, cursed in demon language, supported half of its body with its two front legs, and quickly ran towards the demon mountain, dragging its long intestines behind.

Li Wenying’s body swayed and sat back on the chair, murmuring to himself, “The demon king of the Sky Wolf clan actually sneaked into Jiangzhou. Why did it do that? And what is the fox god it mentioned? Hmph, fortunately, “The Inscription of an Old Hut” has honed my courage to write, making me vigilant, otherwise I wouldn’t have noticed this demon king. This matter must be reported to the court and the Holy Academy.”

With a thought, two pages of paper flew up, and words appeared on them out of thin air.

With a single thought, the words were written.

The two pages of paper flew to the message hall with a whoosh and disappeared.

Li Wenying suddenly changed his expression and said, “Not good! The first edition of ‘The Inscription of an Old Hut’! “As he finished speaking, he took a step forward, and a clean white cloud appeared under his feet, measuring three feet in diameter.

Rising to prominence.

The so-called prominence does not refer to green clouds, but to white clouds above the blue sky.

However, the prominence disappeared immediately.

“My talent has been exhausted!” Li Wenying continued to shout, “Someone, prepare the carriage! Quickly! Can’t let someone else take the lead.”

While Li Wenying was reciting “The Inscription of an Old Hut,” Sun Zhifu had already seen Fang Yun through the official seal of Treasures of Literature.

Sun Zhifu belonged to the literary faction and pursued the path of the saints instead of officialdom. Therefore, like Li Wenying, he silently recited it after seeing it, reciting it twice before consuming some of his talent, but his spirit was better.

Sun Zhifu walked out quickly, angrily saying as he walked, “You, Fang Yun, Cai He asked you to meet me, but you didn’t come. It’s simply outrageous! I want to ask you in person why you look down on me.”

The talented scholar next to him said, “Lord Prefect, there are still so many official documents to be processed in the yamen. Why do you want to go out? You don’t look angry at all.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, quickly prepare the carriage. If it weren’t for fear that Li Wenying would compete with me, I would definitely use the swift battle poetry. Cai He has a copy of ‘Early Departure from Jixian’ and has written three brief letters to show off to me in just a few days. I cannot tolerate this. ‘The Inscription of an Old Hut’ is several times better than ‘Early Departure from Jixian.’ I am determined to get it. Let’s go!”

The prefecture yamen was in the west of the city, while the state yamen was in the east.

There is a witty saying in Jiangzhou that describes the top three figures in the literary world, the civil officials, and the military in Jiangzhou. The lord of the academy decides, the general is crazy, and the governor has been thinking.

At this moment, the old-looking Governor Ge was walking back and forth in his own house, pondering to himself, “That is the War Poetry for Courageous Writing, and it is also the toughest inscription of determination. It has great benefits for me and can even make up for my weakness. Because the Left Chancellor and the Literary Chancellor couldn’t reach a compromise, I was promoted by the empress dowager to be the governor of Jiangzhou. I have only reached the top of the third-grade governor as an imperial scholar.””If I can get his first book ‘Inscription of a Dilapidated House,’ I have a great chance of breaking through as an Imperial Scholar and becoming a Hanlin Scholar. Even if I can’t become a chancellor, I have the opportunity to become one of the top five officials in the six ministries and enter the cabinet as a counselor. At that time, I won’t have to be afraid of offending the Left Chancellor.”

“But if I get ‘Inscription of a Dilapidated House,’ it means promoting Fang Yun’s literary reputation, which will inevitably anger the Left Chancellor. What should I do?”

While Governor Gezhou hesitated, carriages of high-ranking officials from the prefecture rushed towards the same destination from all directions.



Dear readers, you are too fierce!

“Confucianism and Taoism’s Saints” actually made it to the front page recommendation list and the top fifteen! That’s the domain of the great gods! This is a new book!

Did you use “armchair strategizing” to get there?

Please help this book with a push, give it more recommendations, and make it stand firmly on the recommendation list!

Thank you in advance!


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