Chapter 43 – The Wen Palace is cracking

The horse barbarians didn’t feel any sense of pride and stared closely at Yan Yue.

Guan Yaoyuan stood up unsteadily and dared not stop Tang Dazhang anymore. He looked at the handsome barbarian with fear. The barbarian was equivalent to an imperial scholar of the human race, commanding an army of three thousand barbarians and already a top power of the barbarian tribe.

Everyone looked at the unlucky Yan Yue. He had mocked Fang Yun’s incompetence and being raised by a child bride in his twisted poem, but the result was that Fang Yun not only had the ability to make money but also attracted the attention of the Grand Manager of Xuanting Bookstore. This incident would undoubtedly become a stain on Yan Yue’s reputation. If he couldn’t clear his name, he would have big problems in the future.

Yan Yue gritted his teeth, believing that he still had hope. As long as Fang Yun didn’t write any famous works to attack him, he would have a chance to become an imperial scholar and cultivate the courage to write. He wouldn’t become another Pan Er.

The people in the alley parted to make way for Tang Dazhang. When Tang Dazhang walked in, Fang Yun said, “Fang Yun greets Grand Manager Tang.”

Tang Dazhang laughed and asked, “Do you know how I found you?”

Fang Yun blurted out, “Zhou Zhubu must have sold me out.”

“Haha, I used an ancient book to exchange for your address. How about my suggestion earlier? If you don’t agree, we can negotiate.”

The talented scholars widened their eyes. Negotiate? Wasn’t Tang Dazhang’s offer already good enough, even if it was exchanged for a noble family or the status of an imperial scholar? Why wasn’t Fang Yun satisfied?

Fang Yun said, “The price is indeed low, but your sincerity is full. We can negotiate. I’m a little curious. Xuanting Bookstore is a model for booksellers. How could they like my unconventional publicity methods?”

Tang Dazhang smiled and said, “Applying what you learn is a rule set by the Sage. With your methods, more books will be sold, which is a great achievement in education. There’s no such thing as an unconventional publicity method. If Confucius had your ingenious methods when he broke up private schools and opened public schools, he would have used them. The Confucian scholars are despised by everyone. How could you not know that? I rushed over because I like your selling methods, and I have my own reasons for doing so.”

“Please tell me, Grand Manager Tang,” Fang Yun said.

“I’m a descendant of a novelist,” Tang Dazhang said with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Many talented scholars sighed softly. During the Hundred Schools of Thought Contend, novelists had the lowest status. Even now, no novelist had been canonized. Even the author of the mythological novel “In Search of the Supernatural,” Gan Bao, could only reach the level of a great scholar.

Tang Dazhang continued, “Your novels have shown me the potential of novels. Whether it’s the simple wording or the easy-to-read new sentence structure, they can spread quickly in the most efficient way. Coupled with innovative publicity methods, they can achieve twice the result with half the effort. That’s why I rushed over immediately.”

Fang Yun nodded and said, “Please come in and talk, Grand Manager Tang.”

Fang Daniu opened the door quickly and saw Yang Yuhuan and the little fox coming out of the main house, apparently hearing Fang Yun’s voice.

Yang Yuhuan walked out curiously, and the little fox happily jumped into Fang Yun’s arms, turning into a white shadow.

Tang Dazhang looked at the little fox with surprise.

Fang Yun hugged the little fox and was about to invite Tang Dazhang in when someone shouted at the entrance of the alley, “Is this the first Fang Yun bookstore?”

Fang Yun recognized the voice and turned his head to see Wan Xuezhen, one of the three examiners of the county exam, who worked at the Prefecture Academy.

Wan Xuezhen was wearing an official uniform today, and his official hat was adorned with red silk, indicating that he was attending an important ceremony. Behind him were many people wearing red silk, carrying some boxes, all looking happy.

“Wan Daren,” Fang Yun greeted him and all the other students from the Prefecture Academy bowed to the seventh-ranked Wan Xuezhen.

Wan Xuezhen looked around the alley in surprise, nodded slightly at Fang Yun and Tang Dazhang, and then raised a roll of silk in his hand.”The Empress Dowager’s Imperial Decree.”

Those with official positions immediately lowered their heads and bowed, while those without positions like the coachman and Yang Yuhuan all knelt on one leg.

Presented scholars or those below only kneel to their parents and all the saints. They only half-kneel to the emperor, not to anyone else.

Imperial scholars and those above do not kneel to the emperor, but half-kneel to the saints.

Those without official positions kneel to the emperor, but only half-kneel to the king and empress dowager.

Child scholars do not kneel to the emperor, and accomplished scholars do not kneel to the saints.

The barbarian man reluctantly bowed his head. He was from the barbarian tribe and his status was two levels lower than his strength. In front of the imperial decree, he was only equivalent to an accomplished scholar.

The slave girl curiously looked at everyone, then stood up straight and imitated Fang Yun’s posture, clasping her fists and bowing, but her cunning eyes kept scanning around.

“The Empress Dowager has heard of Fang Yun’s exceptional poetry and literary talent, his understanding of the overall situation, and his potential as a pillar of Jing Kingdom and a rising phoenix of the human race. However, due to his young age, he cannot be conferred a title yet. Therefore, he is rewarded with a set of imperial stationery and Dragon Palace Blood Ginseng, among other things. Furthermore, the Child Bride Yu Huan is said to possess natural beauty, gentleness, and virtue. She did not abandon Fang Yun in times of hardship and will remain with him in prosperity. She is truly a model of the women of Jing Kingdom and is granted a decree of eight ranks and the title of An Ren. The princess is rewarded with a phoenix crown and a red robe, and the Empress Dowager personally wrote a page of auspicious words ‘harmony of qin and se’.”

The decree was a sign of respect, not reverence, so when Wan Xuezhen paused for a moment, Fang Yun and Yang Yuhuan shouted together, “Thank you for your kindness, Empress Dowager.”

On the other side, Yan Yuexuan was sweating profusely and trembling uncontrollably. If he had any chance before, he was now completely finished. The Empress Dowager praised Fang Yun’s “exceptional talent and virtue” and Yang Yuhuan’s “gentleness and virtue,” and he had insulted them both with his crooked poetry. He had truly committed a crime.

Although the Empress Dowager had no talent, she was now ruling the country and was near the emperor, so she could naturally influence the fate of the country. Yan Yuexuan’s official position was not high, and he was no match for the Empress Dowager’s power.

“How could this be!” Yan Yuexuan collapsed on the ground.

On the other side, Guan Yaoyuan, who had always pretended to be an honest and straightforward person, wiped his sweat with trembling hands. He knew that his literary reputation would suffer a serious blow from this incident, and his talent would wither. He would not be able to pass the imperial examination within three to five years. He glanced at Yan Yuexuan again, knowing that Yan Yuexuan was worse off than him. Unless the Left Chancellor personally protected him, he was finished. The Empress Dowager’s decree had sealed his fate.

Most people looked at Yang Yuhuan, and as rumored, she was stunningly beautiful.

At this moment, Yang Yuhuan’s face was crimson, and her mind was blank. She had always felt inferior because of her status as a child bride. After all, she was just a Child Bride, but now the Empress Dowager had conferred her the title of An Ren, which was equivalent to a ninth-rank civil servant. Many legitimate wives of noble families could not even obtain this title, which was usually only given to the mother of a family head.

The phoenix crown and red robe were also of great significance. Generally, only the daughters of Hanlin Academy or third-rank officials could receive the imperial gift of a princess’s phoenix crown and red robe for their wedding. The blessing of the Empress Dowager was also rare.

He Yunong and a few other older people looked at the people carrying the gift box, not for Yang Yuhuan’s status and beauty, but for the legendary Dragon Palace Blood Ginseng.

Dragon Palace Blood Ginseng was a special sea cucumber from the Four Seas Dragon Palace. Jing Kingdom only received ten per year, almost all of which were sent to the palace. Only a few great scholars or Grand Academicians could receive them as rewards.

Dragon Palace Blood Ginseng had the effect of strengthening the body, prolonging life, enhancing intelligence and strengthening the heart. It was also a great tonic and a daily food for the dragon race. Both the demon barbarians and the human race could eat it.The Ma Clan looked greedily at the gift boxes, sniffing them lightly. When they saw the box containing the Dragon Palace Blood Ginseng, they thought it over and ultimately gave up on the idea of snatching it. Although the Dragon Palace Blood Ginseng was precious, their lives were more important. If they made any sudden moves, the local governor and state governor would discover them immediately with their official seals, and it would not be worth the risk.

Wan Xuezhen quickly said, “Sing the gift list,” and had someone recite the specific gifts. Then he hurried over to Fang Yun and Tang Dazhang, handing the imperial edict to Fang Yun and asking, “Fang Shuangjia, what happened?”

Fang Yun briefly explained what had happened.

Wan Xuezhen was furious. Although he did not want to offend The Left Chancellor’s faction, he was one of the examiners for Fang Yun’s county exam, and could be considered half of Fang Yun’s teacher. Wan Xuezhen looked sternly at Yan Yue, saying, “As a student of Jing Kingdom, you should think of your country, and as a student of the Holy Academy, you should understand benevolence and courtesy. Even someone praised by the Empress Dowager, you attack their character. You are full of jealousy and malice, despicable and hateful! Tomorrow, I will request the Academy Lord to strip you of your position in the Academy! Get out!”

Yan Yue and Guan Yaoyuan were about to leave, but Fang Yun suddenly said, “Wait a moment, Tang Dazhang has vented his anger, and Wan Xuezhen has already given his lecture. I have not said a word. It is better to resolve grievances than to let them fester. Although you are working for Liu Zicheng, I will still be going to the Prefecture Academy in a few days, and we will still be classmates. I have thought it over and decided to write an inspiring inscription. I hope that you, my future classmates, will not look down on us poor students. Da Niu, go inside and bring out a table and the four treasures of the study.”

Guan Yaoyuan and Yan Yue secretly cursed in their hearts, but they did not dare to leave and could only wait.

Wan Xuezhen said, “Since it is an inspiring inscription, use the four treasures of the study that the Empress Dowager gave you to write it. You have great talent. If this inscription can become famous in Jing Kingdom, it will best showcase the Empress Dowager’s ability to recognize talent.”


Da Niu quickly brought out a table and the four treasures of the study, while Yang Yuhuan nervously tugged at Fang Yun’s sleeve like a shy little wife, still not fully digesting the good news of the day.

Da Niu quickly brought out a table and the four treasures of the study, while Yang Yuhuan nervously tugged at Fang Yun’s sleeve like a shy little wife, still not fully digesting the good news of the day.

The set of four treasures of the study consisted of ten brushes, twenty pieces of tribute ink, two hundred pages of tribute paper, and a glass carp inkstone, all of which were precious items.

Fang Yun checked each brush one by one, finding the rabbit hair too soft and the wolf hair too hard, so he chose a brush with both rabbit and wolf hair.

Fang Yun did not close his eyes in contemplation. No one spoke around him, only the sound of Wan Xuezhen grinding ink.

Soon, Fang Yun said, “Today, let this shabby room be remembered in this inscription, and let us all be inspired by it.”

Fang Yun picked up his brush and wrote Liu Yuxi’s masterpiece “Inscription of a Shabby Room,” while Wan Xuezhen slowly recited it.

“Inscription of a Shabby Room.”

“Mountains are not high, but famous sages live there. Water is not deep, but dragons are spiritual.”

“This is a shabby room, but my virtue is precious. Green moss grows on the steps, and the grass enters the window.”

“We talk and laugh with great scholars, and there are no ordinary people. We can play the qin and read the golden classics.”

“There is no noise of silk and bamboo, and no labor of documents.”

“The Zhu residence of Zhuge Liang in Nanyang, and the Zi Yun Pavilion of Liu Bei in Shu.”

Confucius said, “What is shabby about it?”

Fang Yun’s writing was brilliant, and his talent was apparent within ten feet. The fragrance of ink was infinitely magnified, and the scent of it wafted for three miles.Soon after, two crisp cracking sounds came from the heads of Guan Yaoyuan and Yan Yue.

The Wen Palace is cracking!

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