Chapter 3 – Xi Shi of Jiang State

Some of the books in Fang Yun's mind were very clear, but some were very blurry, but Fang Yun felt that he could slowly recall those blurry parts.


Fang Yun couldn't help but show a happy expression.


"I have a chance to become a Child Scholar!" Fang Yun shouted in his heart, clenching his fists tighter.


Soon, Fang Yun arrived at his doorstep. The earthen wall was more than one person tall, and thirty or forty neighbors were gathered at the entrance of the yard, with people talking inside.


"That brat Fang Yun didn't come back all night. He must have been struck by lightning yesterday and died. Little lady, just marry our young master. Several young masters from the Liu family are participating in the county exam, and the Liu family can't leave, so the young master can't personally come to pick you up. Don't be angry. If you don't leave today, the young master will definitely come to pick you up after the results are announced tomorrow."


"I am a member of the Fang family in life and death! If Little Yun dies, I will accompany him in death! Get out, get out now!"


"Okay, okay! Please don't be impulsive. Quickly take the scissors away. If you die, the second young master will definitely skin us alive!"


Fang Yun vaguely realized what had happened and shouted loudly, "Move aside, let me in!"


The onlookers turned around and made way for him. Some people avoided him silently, while others looked like they were watching a show. But most people showed sympathy, and a few people even cursed the Liu family's servants.


"Little Fang, what happened to you?"


"Fang Yun, you're back. They're bullying people too much. You must go to the yamen to report them!"


"Robbing people in broad daylight, what kind of world is this?"


"The people from the Dayuan Prefecture can bully us in Jixian County?"


"Little Fang, the injuries on your body seem serious. Go back to rest."


Fang Yun didn't respond and walked quickly to the gate of the yard. He saw four burly men looking at him incredulously. Although the four of them tried to conceal it, they still showed a hint of panic.


In the center of the yard stood a young girl. She had a slender and delicate figure, wearing a simple blue coarse cloth dress, but her appearance was extremely beautiful, like a pure white orchid standing in the courtyard. Fang Yun had the illusion that she was the bright moon in this courtyard, and even the sun could not cover the radiance on her body.


She looked a little tired, as if she hadn't slept well, but she was clean and tidy all over. Although her eyes had bloodshot veins, they were black and white, with a clear and determined gaze.


It wasn't until Fang Yun saw Yang Yuhuan with his own eyes that he realized she was a hundred times more beautiful than he remembered. No wonder she was called the Xi Shi of Jiangzhou.


At this moment, Yang Yuhuan was holding the scissors with the tip already piercing her fair neck, and a little blood was flowing out.


"Yuhuan sister!" Fang Yun hurried forward.


"Little Yun!" Yang Yuhuan was both surprised and delighted, throwing the scissors and running towards Fang Yun.


Seeing Fang Yun covered in injuries, tears flowed down Yang Yuhuan's face like a broken dam. She cried and asked, "How did you get so badly injured? Who hurt you? Was it that beast Liu Zicheng? Come, let me help you back to the house. Sun Auntie, can you go and invite the doctor from Cisheng Tang?"


"Don't worry, Yuhuan, I'll go right now!" A woman in her forties turned around and ran towards Cisheng Tang.Fang Yun hurriedly said, "No! I have to participate in the county exam. If I don't go now, it will be too late. Sister Yu Huan, please take out the things I prepared a few days ago and send me to the county academy. I want to take the exam!"


Yang Yuhuan wiped away her tears and said, "You're already injured like this, why bother with the county exam? Don't go!"


"No, as long as I'm alive, I will definitely participate in the county exam! Sister Yu Huan, I usually listen to you, but not today! I've grown up!" Fang Yun imitated the tone of that Fang Yun and looked calmly at Yang Yuhuan.


Yang Yuhuan stopped crying and looked at the somewhat unfamiliar Fang Yun in surprise. He was still the same person, but his temperament and gaze had undergone earth-shattering changes.


This Fang Yun had a heart that encompassed heaven and earth!


"I've been awakened." Fang Yun seemed to be explaining to himself as he looked at the four big men.


The ones who beat him last night were also four people with the accent of the Dayuan Prefecture.


The four big men were very guilty, and one of them pretended to be impatient and said, "What are you looking at? Move aside!" After speaking, the four of them quickly left.


Yang Yuhuan looked at Fang Yun, wiped away her tears, and calmed down. "Okay! I'll listen to you today! But you have to wait for the doctor to come and apply the medicine, otherwise you won't be able to make it through the county exam!"


Fang Yun knew that the county exam was a day-long physical activity. If he went straight there now, he was afraid he really wouldn't be able to make it.


"Okay!" Fang Yun looked at Yang Yuhuan and said.


Yang Yuhuan noticed that Fang Yun's gaze towards her was somewhat special, not like the way a younger brother looks at his older sister, but like a man looking at a woman.


"Little Yun has really grown up." Yang Yuhuan's gaze flickered slightly as she supported Fang Yun and walked towards the house.


The doctor from Cisheng Hall arrived and frowned when he saw Fang Yun's wound. When he learned that Fang Yun insisted on taking the Child Scholar exam, he waived the consultation fee and only charged for the medicine.


While the doctor was treating Fang Yun, Yang Yuhuan left the room and went somewhere.


After the doctor finished treating the wound, Yang Yuhuan came back in, picked up the book box that Fang Yun was going to use for the exam, and supported Fang Yun to the door.


There was a cow cart parked outside the door that Yang Yuhuan had borrowed.


Fang Yun felt warmth in his heart and whispered, "Thank you, Sister Yu Huan."


Yang Yuhuan was slightly stunned, her eyes wandering, and she smiled, "Why be polite with sister?"


Fang Yun thought to himself that she really was a peerless beauty, with a natural charm in even the smallest of her actions.


As Yang Yuhuan helped Fang Yun onto the cart and sat at the back of the cart, she lightly whipped the ox with the whip.


"Moo…" The ox let out a long moo and lifted its hoof to move forward.


Fang Yun silently looked at Yang Yuhuan, who was nineteen years old and at the most beautiful time of her life.


The blue cloth skirt she wore had been washed until it was somewhat faded, with a few patches. She wore her own cloth shoes, and her shiny black hair was curled up on her head, with a wooden hairpin she had carved herself particularly eye-catching. Other than the wooden hairpin, which was no different from a thin stick, she didn't have any jewelry on her body.


Fang Yun's heart ached, and fragments of memories about Yang Yuhuan floated in his mind.


The year Fang Yun's parents passed away, Yang Yuhuan was twelve years old and Fang Yun was nine.At that time, Yang Yuhuan was exceptionally beautiful. After Fang Yun's relatives helped to arrange his funeral, several families wanted to adopt Yang Yuhuan. However, Yang Yuhuan had a condition: she would only be adopted if Fang Yun was adopted too, and they had to provide for Fang Yun's education. Those relatives had to give up because most of them were ordinary people and it was difficult to support Fang Yun's education. The wealthy families were afraid that adopting a son would lead to property disputes in the future, and adopting a daughter was unnecessary.


To study, one needed to attend a private school, buy writing materials, and purchase a large number of books. Even borrowing books required money. To pass the Child Scholar Exam, one needed to read too many books. At that time, there were no punctuation marks in books, and there were no teachers to guide the reading. Even if one could recognize the characters, they could not understand the meaning without marking notes.


Although those relatives did not support both of them, they occasionally helped the siblings, so they did not starve to death in the past few years.


When Fang Yun was twelve years old and had the strength to work, he could help others and no longer starved. However, life was still difficult because of the high cost of education.


Yang Yuhuan had taken care of Fang Yun like a mother and sister for seven years without any complaints. The neighbors liked her very much and wanted her to be their daughter-in-law.


Now, Yang Yuhuan was already nineteen years old, which was considered old in the Jing Kingdom. Most women got married at the age of sixteen, and less than ten percent of women who were still unmarried at nineteen.


Fang Yun was not indifferent to this fairy-like sister, but he felt that it was unfair to marry her without achieving something. He vowed to marry her with honors and glory, so they had not consummated their marriage yet and had been sleeping in separate rooms.


Yang Yuhuan treated Fang Yun like a younger brother.


During the hardest year, she only drank a bowl of porridge a day but told Fang Yun that she had eaten enough so that he could eat the porridge.


The eggs laid by the chickens at home were either sold to support Fang Yun's education or given to Fang Yun to improve his health. Yang Yuhuan had never eaten eggs except for the annual Spring Festival when Fang Yun forced her to eat them. Once, when Fang Yun did not peel the eggshell cleanly, Yang Yuhuan secretly ate the egg white on the shell while cleaning up the table, but Fang Yun saw it.


Fang Yun silently cried on the bed with his head covered. Since then, he became more sensible and respected his sister even more.


Last year, both of them caught a severe cold, but Yang Yuhuan only bought medicine for Fang Yun. She waited until Fang Yun recovered before using the remaining medicine for herself. When Fang Yun found out, she smiled and said that she was afraid of bitterness, and the medicine had been boiled many times, which suited her taste.


Those memories gradually merged together, and Fang Yun's nose became sour. He turned his head away and looked elsewhere until he calmed down before turning back to carefully examine Yang Yuhuan again.


Although she was dressed shabbily, her natural beauty could not be hidden. Her neck was delicate, her skin was fair, and there was not a single flaw.


Fang Yun's gaze fell on her hands, and he couldn't help but sigh. Her hands were rougher and slightly swollen compared to his, with many scars. If one only looked at her hands, no one would believe that the owner of these hands could be a beauty comparable to Xi Shi or Diao Chan.But in Fang Yun's eyes, Yang Yuhuan's hands were the most beautiful, because she supported this family!


Yang Yuhuan looked at Fang Yun and smiled, her eyes like water, with pupils so black they could reflect people's shadows.


"Little Yun, you promised to buy me a silver hairpin when you become a Child Scholar. Is that promise still valid?"


"Of course it is, but it's so difficult to pass the Child Scholar exam." Fang Yun said helplessly.


"I believe our Little Yun can do it! Not only can you become a Child Scholar, but you can also become a Talented Scholar and maybe even a Presented Scholar!"


Fang Yun was slightly stunned before realizing that Yang Yuhuan was just trying to comfort him after hearing him sigh.


He couldn't let her worry, so he smiled and said, "If I become a Child Scholar, it will be all thanks to Sister Yu Huan. At that time, I will definitely take care of you and make sure you have good food and drink every day. And then when I become a Talented Scholar, you can say every day that I can become a Presented Scholar!"


Yang Yuhuan couldn't help but laugh softly, revealing her white teeth.


"Little Yun, you seem to have changed." Yang Yuhuan looked at Fang Yun with some concern.

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