Chapter 200

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, two Presented Scholars came over, one holding a rosewood box, and respectfully handed it to Fang Yun.

"Thank you all!" Fang Yun said politely, receiving the two wooden boxes, and then placed them into the Swallowed Lake Pearl.

Many people, seeing that he actually had a Swallowed Lake Pearl, were extremely envious, even those from wealthy families could hardly obtain one.

Many servants started serving wine and dishes. Since there was no longer a competition for the top spot in poetry, everyone began to drink freely, clinking cups in a lively atmosphere.

Fang Yun and the others drank a few cups, and Qiuchi, a Presented Scholar from Qiguo, said, "Fang Yun, you truly are a prodigy of the ten nations! For your sake, the Poet King actually invited three other talents. This event will surely spread throughout the city. Tomorrow's Holy Land Mid-Autumn Literary Gathering will be several times livelier than in previous years."

"With the four great talents gathered, those Great Scholars who didn't want to come will probably show up, and those from the Holy Academy might come down the mountain," said Zuyuan He.

"It’s been a long time since there was such a grand literary gathering in the ten nations. It's all stirred up by you, Fang Yun. Just a Talented Scholar, and already so impressive. Throughout history, there's only been you," Qiuchi praised with a smile.

"Brother Qiu overpraises me. The gathering of the four great talents has nothing to do with me. It must have been a spontaneous decision by the Poet King," Fang Yun said.

"Without you, the Poet King wouldn’t even want to go to the Holy Land Literary Gathering. Don't be modest. Come, I toast to you!" Qiuchi raised his cup.

"Alright," Fang Yun raised his cup too.

After downing their drinks, Qiuchi asked, "Do you have the Drinking Pearl of the River or the Swallowed Lake Pearl?"

"How could I possibly have the Drinking Pearl of the River, it's so valuable. It's the Swallowed Lake Pearl, and it belongs to Jiangzhou Literary Academy. I have to return it when I'm done."

"It seems Jing Kingdom is placing its bets on you for this journey to the Holy Land. Among us, the most outstanding Presented Scholars from various nations, whether from wealthy families or prominent families, apart from Fanming, none of us has a Swallowed Lake Pearl."

Zuyuan He laughed, "Fanming is the hope of the Ji family, and he might even marry my cousin in the future. Our Zu family is a Semi-Saint Prominent Family, and I major in 'Mozi' and specialize in mechanism art. I don’t even have a Swallowed Lake Pearl, and when I go out, I can’t bring my mechanical tiger."

Fang Yun asked, "Brother Zu, what mechanisms do you have? I haven't encountered mechanism art before, only occasionally saw some in Yuhai City and the City of Confucius."

Zuyuan He said, "I have a tiger and a mouse, two mechanical beasts. Actually, the most powerful ones are the Demon Barbarian type mechanisms. Unfortunately, they are too difficult to make, and require strong talent, which I still can't produce."

Fang Yun nodded in understanding. The art of mechanisms in Holy Origin Mainland appeared due to talent. Many parts of mechanical beasts need talent modification, and controlling them also requires pre-infused talent. But ordinary talent can't turn a mechanism into a Treasure of Literature, only a Semi-Saint can transform a mechanism into a Treasure of Literature.

Treasures of Literature mechanisms are rare, and each one is incredibly powerful.

Zuyuan He enviously said, "Our Zu family falls far behind the Mozi and Zhang Heng families. These two families have accumulated many powerful mechanisms over the years, while our ancestral Semi-Saint left us too few, even fewer than the Luban family. Although Luban was only an Empty Sage, he was first an enemy and then a friend to Mozi. They have always cooperated with the Mo family, growing stronger, and their power far exceeds many families. Only the descendants of Luban can be called a Prominent Family without a Semi-Saint."

"Indeed," everyone nodded.

Because there was no Suppression of the Hundred Schools of Thought and Confucianism was dominant, Mozi's philosophy also gradually changed, emphasizing industry over others, and, together with the Luban family, made great contributions to the ten nations. Their status is second only to the Sub-Sage Prominent Families, with disciples all over the world, even living Semi-Saints wouldn't dare to offend them.

Fang Yun suddenly remembered Zuyuan He's words, "You just said you can't bring the mechanical tiger, does that mean the mechanical mouse is always with you? I haven't seen it."

Zuyuan He lifted his hand, and a black shadow darted out from his sleeve, quickly climbing onto Fang Yun's table.

Upon closer inspection, Fang Yun saw it was clearly a mouse, with grey fur, a sharp snout, and a pair of shiny black eyes staring at him.

"This… isn't a spiritual beast, right? It doesn't look like a mechanism at all," Fang Yun said.

Everyone laughed. Zuyuan He said, "You're young, so you've probably only seen those ordinary mechanisms, like solid wood or metal. Our Semi-Saint Prominent Family's mechanisms are different, we're better at using Demon Barbarian bones and fur, then protecting them with special metals."

"I know that, but I didn't expect it to be so lifelike," Fang Yun said.

"This mouse is used for scouting or delicate tasks, so it's made to be especially realistic. If you saw the mechanical tiger in my house, you'd know that there's a huge difference between mechanical beasts and real wild beasts or Demon Clans. They're less agile, but more powerful. Like this mechanical mouse, even if we intentionally sacrifice power, it's still nowhere near a spiritual beast. It's a pity that good spiritual beasts are too expensive, otherwise I wouldn't have made a mechanical mouse to replace a spiritual beast. By the way, where's your spirit fox? If you brought a spiritual beast, you'd be much safer in the Holy Land."

Fang Yun had to make up a story, "My spirit beast suddenly fell ill, otherwise I would have brought it. Don't you have spiritual beasts?"

Zuyuan He said, "We're not as lucky as you to encounter a good spirit beast. Apart from Fanming, none of us have one."

Fang Yun smiled, feeling fortunate.

Spiritual beasts are different from Demon Barbarians. Demon Barbarians wield the power of qi and blood, and although Demon Clansmen and Demon Soldiers are less intelligent, they surpass animals. However, once they use their qi and blood power, they can lose rationality, causing disasters.

Demon Generals are more rational, so there are many of them on the streets of the City of Confucius, and nobody is afraid of them. However, at least Imperial Scholars are eligible to raise Demon Generals. These Presented Scholars or those below them can only look for spiritual beasts.

Spiritual beasts are special animals with some intelligence, completely understanding human speech after training. As they are not part of the Demon Clan and lack qi and blood power, they don't suddenly lose rationality.

Many Imperial Scholars and even Hanlin Scholars don't give up their spiritual beasts, as Demon Generals are too large and sometimes less useful than spiritual beasts. Smaller Demon Clans are quite special, and it's hard to successfully tame creatures like the Singing Odd Bird.

Fang Yun asked Li Fanming, "What about your spiritual beast?"

"A silly rabbit, it's at home. Recently, it's getting fatter and fatter, and I've lost faith in it. I don't even want to bring it when I go out," Li Fanming said helplessly.

The others, having seen the rabbit, chuckled to themselves.

Their conversation was soon interrupted by more people coming to congratulate Fang Yun, offer toasts, or leave business cards. Fang Yun's Swallowed Lake Pearl soon accumulated hundreds of business cards, which were equivalent to modern-day business cards, varied in style, and some were even made of pure gold, showing the affluence of their families.

After a long time, when most of the visitors had arrived and some even started leaving the Si Shui Courtyard, Fang Yun finally had some peace.

Since the Holy Land gathering was the next day, everyone began talking about the Holy Land Literary Gathering and "The Holy Land Path." Only the one hundred people who pass The Holy Land Path can officially enter the Holy Land.

Late into the night, people gradually left.

Before leaving, Fang Yun looked at the trees in Si Shui Courtyard, with about one-tenth of the leaves fallen. He didn’t forget to pick up a handful of ancient tree leaves, intending to give them as gifts when he returned to Jing Kingdom.

The next morning, Fang Yun, as usual, had breakfast, read, practiced the qin, and refined “General Order.”

The only issue was his County Magistrate seal kept receiving messages through flying geese. Some wished him well in the Holy Land, others talked about yesterday’s three poems, and the head of the Gongyang family also sent an apology, stating that Gongyang Xun's rights to inherit the family were revoked, and he was sent to the border to fight against the Demon Barbarians, hoping Fang Yun would forgive. The head of the family even warned Fang Yun to be merciless if he encountered Liuzi Zhi in the Holy Land.

Fang Yun pretended not to know the Gongyang family's intentions and politely thanked the head of the family. He was already cautious of Liuzi Zhi.

In the morning, Li Wenying returned from the Holy Academy. He seemed strange, visibly tired but also highly spirited, especially his dark and thick eyebrows which appeared sharper than usual. After just a few words, Fang Yun felt a surge of profound and vast aura from Li Wenying, which was quickly retracted.

Fang Yun looked closely at Li Wenying, extremely delighted, and said, “Congratulations, Master Li, on becoming a Great Scholar soon.”

Li Wenying nodded, trying to remain serious, but couldn’t hide his joy, “It’s just my overflowing talent causing the leakage of righteous energy. There’s still some time before I officially become a Great Scholar, at least three months, maybe a year.”

“Even as a Grand Academician, you possess righteous energy. Once you become a Great Scholar, you’ll certainly be extraordinary. It’s laughable that that contrarian literati, Feng Cheng Jue, though being the last of the four great talents of the previous generation with talent far surpassing yours, was ultimately surpassed by your hard work and diligence! You truly are one of the real four great talents of the previous generation,” Fang Yun generously praised Li Wenying.

Li Wenying’s joyful expression gradually faded, and he said seriously, “You must not underestimate the scholars of the world. Although the Poet King and the Lyric King are among the four great talents, like the Historian King, they can’t compare to him. In our generation, just in the Confucius Prominent Family alone, there are three people above the Poet King, yet still not as good as the Historian King. Not to mention other prominent families, and that Tyrant’s talent rivals the Historian King!”

Li Wenying’s expression noticeably changed when mentioning the Tyrant.

“You know about my issue with the Tyrant?” asked Fang Yun.

“I received a message from a friend when I was coming down the mountain, learning about the recent events. I may not intervene in the matters within the Holy Land, but if he troubles you in Holy Origin Mainland, I’ll ensure his Meng family doesn’t have peace! Unfortunately, he has too many Treasures of Literature, and with the Holy Page, I can’t do much against him.”

Fang Yun noticed that although Li Wenying was known for his firm will and stable courage, there was still a hint of helplessness in his eyes when talking about the Tyrant.

“Thank you, Master Li.”

Li Wenying added, “There’s something important I need to tell you. I just learned today that the Tyrant seized the ‘Three Pieces on Han Xin’ for entering the Holy Land. Although I don’t know his specific methods, you must be extra careful after entering the Holy Land and try not to encounter him. He boasted last night that he would surely obtain the blood-dripping beast skin, definitely possessing unknown means.”

“Li Fanming has already informed me, I’ll be careful in the Holy Land. Even with his numerous methods, victory cannot be determined until the end. The one who laughs last, laughs best! I believe I can become the biggest winner in the Holy Land!”

“Well said, young man. Let’s go, to the Confucius Mansion School, and take The Holy Land Path,” Li Wenying nodded.

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