Chapter 180 – Passing down literature and poetry for generations

Feng Yuanjun pondered for a moment and said, “Every year, several Imperial Scholars from Jade Sea City register with the Literature Academy. Recently, two elderly scholars who are bedridden are nearing the end of their lives and can undergo talent infusion. They are both considering that if they infuse their literary treasures into Jing Kingdom, apart from making their descendants nobles, there aren’t many benefits, but it can ensure the stability of their families. If someone else needs talent infusion, the two families might receive higher compensation.”

“How many Flood Dragon horns are needed?” Fang Yun asked.

“One-third of a Flood Dragon horn is enough for one talent infusion. No matter what they want, it can basically be exchanged with a Flood Dragon horn. Leave this matter to me. I will personally go to the two elderly scholars. Whoever wants fewer dragon horns, let them infuse the talent. How about that?”

“Thank you in advance, Lord Feng.”

“You’re too polite. There’s one more thing. Your talent is probably close to that of a Presented Scholar, but the chance of becoming a Semi-Saint Presented Scholar is slim. Before the imperial examination was implemented, all Semi-Saint Presented Scholars were appointed by Sage Confucius. So before entering the Holy Land, don’t spend too much time on talent. You should focus more on refining your Literature Palace to make it stronger. The Holy Land is full of dangers, like the Weak Water and strange winds, which are most restraining to the Literature Palace and the Courage to Write. If you want to survive in the Holy Land, you should pay equal attention to the Literature Palace and talent. You are still an Accomplished Scholar, without the Courage to Write, but your Literature Palace needs to be stronger. Do your best.”

“I know that.” In fact, not to mention the Literature Palace, Fang Yun has already reached the realm of the Courage to Write, comparable to an exceptionally outstanding Presented Scholar. But after all, he has only been an Accomplished Scholar for less than three months, which is slightly inferior to the genius who is personally taught by a Semi-Saint like Yan Yukong.

“That’s good. I have already read your ‘Legend of the White Snake’ in advance, which can be regarded as a pioneer of novels! It is written in the language of ordinary people’s conversation, easy to understand, just like the emerging storytellers. However, your ‘Legend of the White Snake’ is more straightforward than ‘The West Chamber’ and ‘Dream Record of the Pillow’, and I’m afraid some people might criticize it.” Feng Yuanjun said.

Fang Yun didn’t care. The emergence of any new thing in history is inevitably accompanied by controversy. The Four Great Classical Novels were “vernacular novels” in ancient times. Although many people liked them, they were not highly regarded. However, their status gradually increased over time.

Fang Yun had carefully studied that the formation of talent is diverse. At this moment, the Holy Origin Mainland pays too much attention to the upper-level talent, but neglects the vast majority of ordinary people. The talent formed by the classics of All the Saints is indeed many, but people with low literary positions give up the imperial examination and no longer touch it, while those far inferior to the classics of All the Saints can win the love of these people.

Although novelists are unlikely to become Semi-Saints, they are one of the hundred families after all. They must have contributed to the talent of the Holy Origin Mainland, but they have not been discovered before.

Fang Yun said, “The trend of the Holy Origin Mainland is already clear. More and more people will learn to read and write. The number of Accomplished Scholars admitted in this year’s prefectural examination has suddenly doubled, isn’t this the best example? When the talent reaches a certain level in the future, it will not be difficult for everyone to become a Child Scholar, and it may even be possible for everyone to become an Accomplished Scholar. At that time, perhaps we can achieve the ‘Great Harmony World’ that Sage Confucius most yearns for!”

Feng Yuanjun widened his eyes and shook his head, “You really dare to think. Do you think talent is so easy to get? Unless the God of Literature flies to the position of the moon. Only if everyone receives the illumination of the God of Literature, everyone can become a Child Scholar. If the problem of the God of Literature cannot be solved, everything is wishful thinking. The ‘Great Harmony Chapter’ is really hard to realize.”

“I’m just guessing a possibility, don’t take it seriously.”

“Of course, I won’t take it seriously. It’s late at night, I should say goodbye.”

After sending Feng Yuanjun away, Fang Yun returned to his room.

Even on the Qixi Festival, Fang Yun did not relax. He plunged into the world of strange books and began to read all the scores carefully, studying the fingering techniques and learning the repertoire.

With talent in his body, scholars learn anything related faster. However, Fang Yun found that his comprehension and talent in the way of the zither had made great progress.

Two hours later, Fang Yun left the world of strange books and tried to paint, but there was no change compared to before. Then he tried calligraphy, but the progress was limited.

It’s a pity that he can’t play the zither now. Fang Yun had to give up, then opened the ‘Key Points of the Classics’, found a topic of the classics and wrote an essay, and then found a ‘Collection of Policy Discussions’, wrote a policy question, but he deliberately imitated the writing of people in this era, absolutely not writing too advanced concepts, to avoid writing too exaggerated things that would alarm the neighbors, and burned it after writing.

Afterwards, Fang Yun deeply studied the ‘Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao’ of the ‘Thirty-Six Stratagems’, the more he studied, the more he found this strategy too ruthless, and once it was used, it was absolutely unsolvable.

The next day, after breakfast, Fang Yun sent a carrier pigeon to General Dinghai Yu Xingshu, asking for leave to deal with the Shocking Gallbladder Zither. Fang Yun originally wanted to buy a Treasures of Literature zither for Yang Yuhuan, but Yang Yuhuan said that she would buy a good zither after she had practiced, and it was useless to buy it now.

Wenyouxuan delivered the Shocking Gallbladder Zither on time. After Fang Yun verified it, he paid the silver notes, all of which were obtained from selling ‘The West Chamber’ and ‘Dream Record of the Pillow’.

In the afternoon, Feng Yuanjun came and said at the door after seeing Fang Yun, “Let’s talk here. I asked those two people, one said that at least half of the Flood Dragon horn is needed for exchange, and the other, Elder Scholar Cui, is strange. He said he wanted to invite you to visit and talk to you in person.”

“Oh? Didn’t Elder Scholar Cui say anything else?” Fang Yun asked.

“No. But asking for half a Flood Dragon horn is really a lion’s mouth. Generally speaking, one-third is just right. Hmph, that person knows you have two dragon horns and wants to ask for more, so that his family won’t decline too soon. In my opinion, you should go to see Elder Scholar Cui first, ask for the price and then decide.”

“Well, let’s go see Elder Scholar Cui.” Fang Yun said.

The two took a carriage to Cui’s mansion. The doorman asked the two to wait a moment, and then hurried into the mansion.

The two waited for a while, looking around and chatting casually. They were so bored that they even counted the number of cracks on the stone lion at the gate. Only then did they see all the people from the Cui family coming out of the yard to greet them. The bedridden Elder Scholar Cui was also lying on a recliner and being carried out.”This…” Fang Yun and Feng Yuanjun exchanged a glance, quickly walking inside, unwilling to let an elderly man who had served the nation for over ninety years come out to greet them.

The two of them took the initiative to enter the Cui residence. Fang Yun quickly said, “Please, Mr. Cui, don’t do this. I can’t accept such courtesy.”

Mr. Cui, the Imperial Scholar, had sparse hair, and his face was wrinkled like tree bark. His exposed skin was covered with age spots. He spoke slowly with some effort, “Greetings, Semi-Saint Fang. Please forgive this old man for not being able to welcome you from afar due to my failing health.”

Mr. Cui’s voice was very soft, and he spoke slowly, but every word was clearly articulated.

“Please, don’t be so polite. Let’s get you back to your room immediately!” Fang Yun immediately said.

Feng Yuanjun pretended to be unhappy and said, “What are you waiting for?”

The Cui family had no choice but to take Mr. Cui back to his bedroom. Afterwards, unrelated people waited outside the door, leaving only seven or eight male servants of the Cui family, Fang Yun, and Feng Yuanjun by the bedside.

Mr. Cui, the Imperial Scholar, lay on the sickbed, calmly looking at Fang Yun. His eyes were cloudy, but his gaze was more spirited than most people.

“Mr. Cui, may I ask why you wanted to see me?” Fang Yun asked, showing full respect. On the way here, he had learned from Feng Yuanjun about Mr. Cui’s character – kind, wise, steady, but also willing to step forward in times of crisis. He was a true scholar.

Mr. Cui’s mouth twitched slightly, his cloudy eyes seemed to become clear, and he slowly said, “Our Cui family has passed down literature and poetry for generations, teaching our children with benevolence and righteousness. Although we are not a wealthy family, we have a good reputation in Jade Sea City. I have spent half of my life in the military and half in the court, seen a lot, heard a lot, and thought a lot. My eyes may be dim, but my heart is not lost.” As he spoke, he glanced at his children and grandchildren.

Fang Yun listened attentively.

Mr. Cui continued, “Dragon horns, gold, and silver are all external things, even official titles are the same, only knowledge is eternal. I invited Semi-Saint Fang here, not to talk about dragon horns.”

“What does Mr. Cui want then?” Fang Yun asked.

“My young grandson, Cui Mu, has been intelligent since childhood and has a good character. The only thing he lacks is a mentor. I am willing to exchange all my talent to have Cui Mu become your disciple. Would you be willing, Mr. Fang?”

Fang Yun and Feng Yuanjun were stunned for a moment, exchanging another glance, both seeing a sense of emotion in each other’s eyes.

Feng Yuanjun thought to himself: Both are dying old scholars entering the Treasure Mountain, one only sees the flashy gold and silver treasures, while Mr. Cui sees the real treasure.

Fang Yun stared into Mr. Cui’s eyes and said, “Thank you for your high regard, Mr. Cui. Although I have accidentally taken many students, one more won’t hurt. But I can accept Treasures of Literature because of my students, I will never accept students because of Treasures of Literature. My students are not for trade.”

Mr. Cui sighed softly and slowly said, “As expected of the top scholar of the Ten Nations, personally appointed by the Semi-Saint. They say seeing is believing, but meeting you is even better than hearing about you. Well, rather than giving my talent-filled Treasures of Literature to an unknown official, it’s better to give them to you. You give Cui Mu a chance to prove himself, whether he becomes your disciple or not, I will infuse my talent into it. How about that?”

Fang Yun felt even more emotional and said, “The Cui family truly teaches their children with benevolence and righteousness, and acts with loyalty and righteousness. Children who have been taught by Mr. Cui certainly have the opportunity to be my disciples. Just for Mr. Cui’s integrity and magnanimity, I will give Cui Mu a chance. As for whether Mr. Cui is willing to help me infuse talent, it’s good if you do, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t. It’s not that important.”

The old and the young looked at each other and smiled, feeling a sense of mutual understanding.

Feng Yuanjun said, “Since the two of you have reached an agreement, Fang Yun will first test Cui Mu. Regardless of whether he accepts Cui Mu as a disciple, Mr. Cui will help infuse talent into Fang Yun’s Zhen Dan Qin. Is that correct?”

Mr. Cui, the Imperial Scholar, said, “Of course!” This time his two words were very coherent, and his voice was loud, unlike that of an old man.

Fang Yun said, “It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to cultivate a person. Having a disciple is better than having a Treasure of Literature. Is Cui Mu here?”

As he spoke, Fang Yun’s gaze swept over the people of the Cui family, finally landing on a boy about ten years old.

The boy stepped forward, bowed, and said, “Cui Mu pays his respects to Scholar Fang.” After speaking, he puffed out his chest and raised his head, his eyes reflecting the bright glazed windows. Despite his young age, he was full of spirit. He appeared very calm on the surface, but his tightly pursed lips revealed a hint of nervousness.

“What do you think of the matter between me and Mr. Cui?”

(To be continued.)

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