Chapter 173 – Four Great Holy Qin

Fang Yun recalled the various records in the books, and had to admit that the Dragon Clan were natural rulers. They not only controlled the water system of the entire world, but also used various powerful dragon magic. The Human Clan could only suppress the Dragon Clan when Sage Confucius was present, and at other times, their strongest power was somewhat weaker than that of the Dragon Clan.

Feng Yuanjun whispered, “Some things are unknown to outsiders, but almost everyone at our level knows. When the Thousand-Year Treaty had just ended, the Demon Barbarian Saints directly entered the Two Realms Mountain. Seeing that the Human Clan Saints were at a disadvantage, the Four Seas Dragon Saints took action together and repelled the Demon Saints. Therefore, it’s not a problem for the Dragon Clan to be a bit domineering at times. As long as they don’t go too far, we can tolerate it.”

“Oh, so the rumors are true.” Fang Yun said. This kind of thing had always been rumored, but there had never been any records.

“Since then, all the Saints have accelerated the promotion of The War Poetry, and the arts of the zither, chess, and painting have also been valued. After all, although the Great Dao is strong, how many people can attain it?”

Fang Yun said, “Speaking of zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting, I major in calligraphy, and minor in painting and zither. I don’t want to learn chess yet because it requires regular opponents. Calligraphy and painting only require pen, ink, paper, and inkstone. But a good zither needs to be purchased. There should be some in the Dragon Pavilion, right?”

“If you want to buy an ordinary zither, you can go anywhere, but if you want to buy a Treasures of Literature zither, it’s best to go to the Dragon Pavilion today. Do you know about the Four Great Saint Zithers?”

“Of course, the Saint Zither ‘Hao Zhong’, was finally obtained by the Zither Saint Boya; the Saint Zither ‘Rao Liang’ is said to have been destroyed; the Saint Zither ‘Lu Qi’ of the Poem Saint Sima Xiangru is well known. He used this zither to play ‘Phoenix Seeking Phoenix’ to win over Zhuo Wenjun, and then the two of them summoned the phoenix in the battle with the Barbarian Saint, which gave Zhuo Wenjun’s se the power of the phoenix, named ‘Ming Huang’. As for the fourth Saint Zither, it is ‘Jiao Wei’ of Cai Yong, the father of Cai Wenji, which is also famous all over the world.”

Feng Yuanjun said, “That Rao Liang was not destroyed, it’s in the Dragon Palace!”

“I see. It is said that the Saint Zither Hao Zhong is in the Holy Academy, and no one has been able to play it for a thousand years?”

Feng Yuanjun nodded and said, “That is the property of the Zither Saint. Only those who have reached the fourth realm of the zither path can barely play it. Moreover, the sound of Hao Zhong is peculiar. The strings vibrate and the bell sound resonates, and the horn sounds long. It was once personally referred to by Sage Confucius as ‘the number one killing zither in the world’ and ‘the soul of the Zither Saint’. Unless this zither recognizes its master, no one can move it as long as the Two Realms Mountain is not broken. Hao Zhong is placed in the Zither Hall all year round. It is said that its pure power is close to that of a Sub-Sage Treasures of Literature. If someone can play a war song on it, even if it is just a Grand Academician, they can destroy ten states with one song.”

“What about the other two Saint Zithers?”

“Lu Qi is enshrined in the Sima family, and the ‘Ming Huang’ that matches it has disappeared. The Sima family has always been silent about this matter, and no one knows the reason. As for the ‘Jiao Wei’ of the Great Scholar Cai Yong, it was originally a Great Scholar’s Treasures of Literature, but after his daughter Cai Wenji performed ‘Eighteen Beats of the Hu Jia’ in response, and was nourished by a Semi-Saint, it became a Saint Zither and has been changing hands ever since. These four great Saint Zithers are rare, but you have a chance to get famous zithers, such as ‘Spring Thunder’ and ‘Nine Heavens’.”

“The famous zithers you mentioned are at least the Treasures of Literature of a Grand Academician, or even a Great Scholar, right? My two dragon horns, I’m afraid, can only be exchanged for a Hanlin Scholar’s Treasures of Literature. After all, once a Hanlin Scholar’s Treasures of Literature is refined, that Hanlin Scholar will be completely devoid of talent.” Fang Yun said.

“One dragon horn can almost be exchanged for a Hanlin Scholar’s Treasures of Literature. Because that Qingjiang Flood Dragon King is of the Saint bloodline. Look at those ordinary Flood Dragons, either they have no horns, or they only have a single horn, but the Saint Flood Dragons are different. There are many sons and grandsons of the Four Seas Dragon Clan, but there are only a few dozen that can truly be called True Dragons. To slay their dragon horns to sharpen the War of Words? That’s wishful thinking! Therefore, the horns of the Saint Flood Dragons are very precious, and one horn can be exchanged for a Hanlin Scholar’s Treasures of Literature.”

“Since the Flood Dragon King’s horn is so precious, I’ll keep it for sharpening the War of Words after I become an Imperial Scholar.” Fang Yun said.

“You underestimate yourself too much. It’s enough for you to keep one horn. When you become an Imperial Scholar and have sharpened one horn, won’t you be able to find the horn of a Great Demon King’s Flood Dragon? Maybe by then you’ll be willing to use real dragon bones and real dragon horns to sharpen! If you can really gather a whole dragon skeleton and dragon horns to sharpen the entire sword, the sword will come out like a dragon, and the Flood Dragons will probably have to kneel to greet you in the future.”

Fang Yun smiled and said, “You’re exaggerating too much. How could anyone find a whole dragon skeleton to sharpen a sword? But you make sense. I’ll keep one dragon horn and use the other to exchange for other things.”

By nine o’clock in the evening, the Qixi Poetry Meeting officially ended, and everyone left one after another.

Feng Yuanjun was originally going to go to the Dragon Pavilion with Fang Yun. As soon as the two of them stood up, Prefect Dong said, “Let’s go. To the Holy Temple, the Empress Dowager has summoned us for questioning.” He finished speaking and smiled at Fang Yun.

Feng Yuanjun said, “Then I’ll go to the Dragon Pavilion a little later.”


“Excuse me.”

Fang Yun went downstairs alone and saw Zhao Hongzhuang standing at a table. She was still dressed as a male scholar, holding a gold-edged paper fan, so he walked over and smiled, “Why didn’t you go up?”

“I rarely join in the fun at such big literary meetings.” Zhao Hongzhuang said while fanning herself.

Fang Yun remembered that at the Dragon Boat Festival literary meeting, Zhao Hongzhuang didn’t mingle with those high-ranking literati either. She only participated in the gathering of ordinary literati, and only joined the celebration banquet at the end, probably to avoid causing controversy.

“I’m going to the Dragon Pavilion in the north of the city, what about you?” Fang Yun asked.

A hint of shyness flashed across Zhao Hongzhuang’s face, and she said, “Can you… write a ‘Magpie Bridge Immortal’ for me? Don’t worry, I don’t want the original manuscript. I have many famous calligraphy and paintings in the capital, which I can exchange with you.”

Fang Yun could see that she, as a princess, was not used to actively asking others for favors.

“It’s just a piece of writing. Besides, you’ve prepared everything. It would be too disrespectful if I didn’t write it.” Fang Yun said, picking up the pen on the table, pondering for a moment, dipping it in ink, and writing.Zhao Hongzhuang looked at Fang Yun with anticipation. After Fang Yun finished writing, she stared at “The Immortal at the Magpie Bridge” in fascination, whispering in admiration, “It’s wonderful! The words are beautiful, and so is the handwriting. Thank you. This piece of calligraphy is worth at least one demon general battle painting. When I return to the capital, I’ll have someone send it to you.”

“You’re going back to the capital?” Fang Yun asked.

“Yes, I’ve basically finished what I needed to do here. I’ll let you know before I leave.” Zhao Hongzhuang didn’t look at Fang Yun, but continued to gaze at “The Immortal at the Magpie Bridge”, completely entranced.

Fang Yun didn’t disturb her and slowly walked away.

Under the city wall, many tables were set up with wine, invited by Prefect Dong for the Qixi poetry gathering. Most of the attendees were scholars, some were passionately debating the allusions in “The Immortal at the Magpie Bridge”, some were comparing it with other poems, but more than thirty percent were silently drinking, perhaps reminiscing about past affairs because of this poem.

On the way, some people recognized Fang Yun, looking at him with admiration or envy.

Tang, the head of the shop, quickly caught up with him, saying as he walked, “There’s no problem printing your imperial poem and Qixi poem together with ‘The Legend of the White Snake’, right? The scene where Bai Suzhen saves Xu Xian from the flooded Jinshan Academy is quite fitting with the flood control poems. Bai Suzhen was suppressed by Cai He in Jinshan Academy for twenty years, and the line ‘If two hearts are long in union, they will not part from day to day’ from ‘The Immortal at the Magpie Bridge’ is exactly a portrayal of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian. The poems and texts echo each other and are bound to sell well!”

Fang Yun laughed, “What Manager Tang said is good, let’s do it that way.”

“I’ll go prepare right away.” Manager Tang was overjoyed and quickly left.

“Tell me the sales in two days.” Fang Yun said.

“Of course!”

Before long, Fang Yun saw Yang Yuhuan and the others.

“Young Master, we’re here!” Fang Danai waved at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun nodded and walked over, looking at Yang Yuhuan.

A faint blush appeared on Yang Yuhuan’s face, even her fair neck was tinged with a rosy glow. She also nodded, then pretended to look elsewhere, but her slightly upturned lips betrayed her joy at seeing Fang Yun.

Lai Pianjiang said, “Fang Zhenguo, you’ve done Fang Danai a great favor!”

“Oh? How so?” Fang Yun asked with a smile.

So everyone walked and talked.

From the south sub-city to the north sub-city was too far, so everyone had to get on a carriage and only stopped at the entrance of the north sub-city gate.

Because it was Qixi, people from all over were flocking to the north sub-city, so everyone had to get off the carriage and walk again.

Pang, the Presented Scholar, gave Fang Yun a look. Fang Yun looked over and saw a middle-aged man nodding at him, surrounded by eight soldiers.

Fang Yun remembered this man, an Imperial Scholar general, obviously worried that he might get into trouble in the north sub-city.

Fang Yun nodded slightly in thanks, then took Yang Yuhuan’s hand with one hand and put Nunu on his shoulder with the other, and walked forward with everyone. The eight soldiers surrounded Fang Yun and the others, preventing anyone from approaching.

Everyone smoothly arrived at the entrance of the Yinlong Pavilion. The Yinlong Pavilion was a magnificent three-story building, all in purple sandalwood color. It occupied a larger area than other places, probably about ten zhang wide and more than twenty zhang long, a top-tier merchant.

On the plaque of Yinlong Pavilion, there were heads of dragons made of pure gold, as big as a cow, shining brightly, with a huge night pearl in their mouths, brighter than the moon.

The Yinlong Pavilion had eight large doors with four entrances and four exits. Customers were coming in and out in a constant stream, but it was very orderly.

As Fang Yun walked, he looked at the gate, which was different from ordinary gates. The curtains of the Yinlong Pavilion were actually a sheet of water curtain, and people outside couldn’t see what was inside.

This was Fang Yun’s first time at Yinlong Pavilion, and even his first time in the north sub-city, but he knew that Yinlong Pavilion was definitely not like this normally, and he vaguely remembered a treasure of the Dragon Clan.

Fang Yun followed the people in front of him into the water curtain, feeling nothing, as if the water curtain didn’t exist.

“Ah!” Fang Danai couldn’t help but exclaim with wide eyes.

What was in front of them was not a shop at all, but an incredibly luxurious city. As far as the eye could see, there were people and shops everywhere, stretching out to a mile away, and even the sky had sun, moon, and stars, illuminating the entire palace brightly.

Fang Yun laughed, “What’s there to shout about? This should be the legendary ‘Heaven and Earth Shell’, a rare treasure from the sea like the Hollow Tower Beads. It should only be used on holidays, right, Lai Pianjiang?”

Lai Pianjiang laughed, “Fang Maocai is indeed knowledgeable. This is the Heaven and Earth Shell, a rare item even in the East Sea Dragon Palace. As long as there is enough energy, the Heaven and Earth Shell can expand to a hundred miles in radius, enough to accommodate a large city. The Heaven and Earth Shell consumes a lot of energy, and Yinlong Pavilion usually only uses it on a few holidays. Each time it attracts tens of thousands of people. The more people, the bigger the Heaven and Earth Shell.”

Fang Yun saw many seven-foot-tall golden-armored men standing here, completely covered in golden armor, even their eyes were not visible, only a slit was left.

Lai Pianjiang whispered, “These golden-armored men should be transformed from shrimp soldiers and crab generals, they are all demon generals!”

Looking around, there were at least a thousand such golden-armored guards. Fang Yun couldn’t help but sigh at the grandeur of the Dragon Palace. This was like using Presented Scholars as guards in the human race, even the Holy Academy wasn’t so wasteful. (To be continued.)

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