Chapter 170 – Qixi poem meeting

Fang Dan’s voice was too loud, attracting the attention of those around him. Many people guessed that he might be Fang Yun’s family member and listened in secret.

However, some people didn’t catch on and thought Fang Dan was just boasting. They sneered and also listened in secret.

Lai Pian laughed heartily and said, “I heard that you like our Little Ying. If your young master can write the Nation-Stabilizing Qixi Poem, I will promise her to you.”

The maid Little Ying, who was standing next to Lady Lai, blushed and stepped back, too shy to meet anyone’s gaze.

People around them laughed. Fang Dan’s face turned red, and he lowered his head, too embarrassed to speak.

Yang Yuhuan, acting like the head of the family, said cheerfully, “Then I will accept this on behalf of Dan! As long as Little Ying agrees, once our Little Yun writes the Nation-Stabilizing Qixi Poem, the two of them will be engaged! Lord Lai, you better not go back on your word then.”

“Of course! But everything depends on Fang Mao’s ability. The key is whether he can fulfill this task! If Dan can’t marry Little Ying in the end, don’t blame me!” Lai Pian said with a laugh.

“He definitely can!” Fang Dan suddenly blurted out loudly.

Everyone burst into laughter, and Little Ying hid behind Lady Lai with her face covered by her hands, blushing but also delighted.

Yang Yuhuan smiled slightly, her gaze falling on the city walls adorned with lanterns.

For Qixi, people wanted to see the Cowherd and Weaver Girl stars. Everyone in the city tower left and gathered on the spacious city walls. The walls of Yuhai City were built by a Semi-Saint to protect against the Demon Clan and tsunamis. They were more than ten meters thick, providing ample space for an outdoor banquet.

People chatted while eating, waiting for the right moment to officially start the Qixi Poetry Conference.

Because the rain problem in Jiangzhou had been solved, it was a cause for celebration. This year, Prefect Dong expanded the guest list. In the past, only prestigious people were invited, but this year many young scholars were invited. Child Scholars, Accomplished Scholars, and young Presented Scholars were all on the invitation list. Thirty banquet tables were set up on the city wall.

Many soldiers stood by the city wall, with a complete Flood Dragon skin and many dragon scales at their feet.

After everyone had finished eating, Prefect Dong ordered the dishes and cups to be cleared away and replaced with tea. Then he slowly stood up.

Everyone on the city wall immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at Prefect Dong.

Many people who had attended the Qixi Poetry Conference before smiled slightly, because as usual, the opening remarks of such a major festival were always the most famous poems, used to thank or commemorate the sages.

“High above, the Cowherd Star, bright and clear, the Weaver Girl of the Milky Way.

Delicate hands weaving, the sound of the loom echoing.

All day long, no poem is completed, tears falling like rain.

The Milky Way is clear and shallow, how far apart are they?

A single river between them, their feelings unspoken.”

Prefect Dong began with a powerful voice, even using the power of his official seal and consuming the energy of the Holy Temple to recite a famous Qixi poem from the late Eastern Han Dynasty. His voice was strong and resonant, expressing the sorrow and sadness of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl being separated by the Milky Way.

The power of his voice spread in all directions. With the help of the official seal, everyone in the city clearly heard this ancient poem. They were all moved by the sorrow of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl being unable to meet, especially those women whose husbands were often away. Some held their children, while others secretly wiped away tears.

Even the young boys and girls were moved, worried that they might end up like the Cowherd and Weaver Girl in the future.

After reciting the poem, Prefect Dong said, “Just a few hours ago, the city was locked in rain, and the state was covered in clouds, lasting for more than half a month. This evil dragon is the son of the Dragon Saint, with demonic power reaching the heavens. He colluded with the traitors of the human race, intending to slander our top Accomplished Scholar, Fang Yun, during the Qixi Poetry Conference. They aimed to suppress the literary reputation of Jing Kingdom and destroy the courage of our nation!”

Prefect Dong paused, looking around at everyone, especially the people from Qing Nation.

Some of the people from Qing Nation felt ashamed, while others were angry, unable to bear being accused of colluding with the Dragon King.

Prefect Dong took a deep breath and continued, “But, heaven blesses the human race! Heaven blesses Jing Kingdom! Heaven blesses Yuhai! Our literary leader, Fang Yun, as an Accomplished Scholar, stood up against the slander from Qing Nation and the evil dragon. He angrily wrote ‘Ode to the Sun’, summoning the Great Sun Golden Dragon, sweeping away the dark clouds in the sky, restoring a clear world to Jiangzhou, and stripping the Dragon King of his horn and skin, eliminating the evil! This has strengthened our national prestige and uplifted our national spirit!”

Many soldiers immediately held up the entire skin of the Flood Dragon, and some held up pieces of dragon scales.

The entire Yuhai City erupted in cheers.

Many people who originally didn’t want to participate in the Qixi Poetry Conference rushed towards the south sub-city. For a time, the streets were empty as everyone headed there.

At this point, no one cared whether Fang Yun had provoked the Dragon King. Fang Yun had become the soul of Yuhai City and the backbone of Jiangzhou after winning first place in the Dragon Boat Literary Conference and outperforming the scholars of Qing Nation. Now that he had accomplished something that all the officials in Jiangzhou couldn’t, everyone was deeply moved.

Below the city tower, someone started shouting “Fang Yun”, and more and more people joined in.

“Fang Yun! Fang Yun! Fang Yun!”

Tens of thousands of people shouted loudly, especially those with relatives in other places who were afraid that their loved ones might be affected by the disaster. They were extremely grateful to Fang Yun.

Fang Dan, Lai Pian, and others also couldn’t help but shout. They were not only thanking Fang Yun, but also venting the pressure they had been under due to the continuous rain.

Although the power of the Holy Temple kept the rain out of the city and the sky above was clear, the days surrounded by dark clouds and heavy rain were even more worrying than being in the rain. Everyone felt as if they were trapped in a water prison, fearing that the power of the Holy Temple would disappear and the city would be flooded.

Fang Yun had saved the entire city, he had saved Jiangzhou!

At this moment, the people of Yuhai City truly regarded Fang Yun as a leader, just like Li Wenying.

Yang Yuhuan didn’t join in the shouting. She just looked at the city wall, tears streaming down her face unknowingly.

At this moment, Prefect Dong walked to the edge of the city wall and made a gesture of invitation.

Fang Yun stood up and walked to the edge of the city wall with his head held high, saluting the people below.

The cheers became even more enthusiastic, mixed with many people’s screams and shouts.

“Long live Fang Yun! Heaven bless the human race!”

“The number one Accomplished Scholar in the world, Fang Banxiang of Jing Kingdom!”

“His talent surpasses Qing Nation, his name is known throughout the world!”

Fang Yun saluted again, then had to retreat. The people were too enthusiastic, and their numbers were growing.

Returning to his seat, Fang Yun looked at Prefect Dong and nodded in gratitude. Prefect Dong had deliberately used his official seal to let the entire city hear, spreading Fang Yun’s merits and enhancing his reputation. It could be said to be the greatest act of goodwill.

Those from Qing Nation either hung their heads pretending not to hear, or their faces turned green as moss. They thought about how the Dragon King had risked muscle cramps and skin peeling for more than half a month, only to end up being skinned and becoming a stepping stone for Fang Yun’s fame. They were fortunate it was only the Dragon King. If the Dragon Saint accidentally fell into Fang Yun’s hands, it wouldn’t just be the prefect broadcasting to the city, but a holy decree shaking the world. Even if they stuffed cotton in their ears, they could still hear the Semi-Saints praising Fang Yun. All the water demons in the Yangtze River would be too ashamed to show their faces.

A man from Qing Nation whispered, “Should we… should we leave?”

“I have a bad feeling!” A Presented Scholar said, covering his swollen face.

“This Fang Yun… is a bit strange. The Great Scholar helped him drive away the mourning of the Liu family. The Dragon Clan’s special envoy helped him peel off the Dragon King’s skin. If he writes another unparalleled Qixi poem, we… will wake up from our dreams shouting Fang Yun’s name.” One man said dejectedly.

The first disciple of the Poetry King lowered his voice and angrily said, “Where is your Courage to Write? Where is your vow to give everything for Qing Nation?”

One man whispered, “Mencius said: ‘Carry Mount Tai to surpass the North Sea.’” He then didn’t dare to continue.

Another man added the words from Mencius, “I cannot.”

The first disciple of the Poetry King was almost infuriated by the two men. He whispered, “Shut up! If he can’t write a good Qixi poem, we’ll make him pay!”

“What if he does write a good one?” One man asked quietly.

The first disciple of the Poetry King opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything. In the end, he snorted coldly, sipping his tea while casting a cold glance at the people from Jing Kingdom.

Because this Qixi poem meeting was extraordinarily grand, it was divided into several steps. It started with the Child Scholar, followed by the Talented Scholar and the Presented Scholar presenting their Qixi poems. Prefect Dong would then read the best poem with his ‘Voice of Spring Thunder’.

Prefect Dong quickly finished reading the best poem from the Presented Scholars. However, the people below the city wall couldn’t take it in and continued to discuss.

“Why isn’t the best poem from the Talented Scholars written by Fang Yun? Is Fang Yun’s Qixi poem not as good as the others?”

“How is that possible? Is Fang Yun not writing a Qixi poem today?”

“It’s strange, the Qixi poem meeting above hasn’t ended yet, let’s wait a bit longer.”

Lai Pianjiang laughed and said to Fang Danai, “Your young master’s poem hasn’t appeared yet, have you given up?”

Fang Danai said nervously, “The poem meeting isn’t over yet, let’s wait and see!”

“Then let’s wait a bit longer.” Lai Pianjiang said with a smile.

At this moment, Prefect Dong’s voice spread throughout the southern part of the city, “The Poetry King of Qing Nation wants to present a poem to our nation. Now, please recite your poem, first disciple of the Poetry King.”

After Prefect Dong finished speaking, he glanced at Fang Yun, then looked at the first disciple of the Poetry King and said with a smile, “Please go ahead.”

Many people from Jing Kingdom looked at the first disciple of the Poetry King. Everyone knew that letting him recite his poem first was to protect Fang Yun. If the Poetry King’s poem was brilliant, they wouldn’t let Fang Yun write a poem. If the Poetry King’s poem was not good enough, they would let Fang Yun write a poem. Although a poem couldn’t truly suppress another, the suppression of literary reputation was inevitable.

However, the first disciple of the Poetry King didn’t fall for it. He sneered, “What, is Fang Yun scared? Afraid that his Qixi poem will be too poor? If Fang Yun doesn’t write a Qixi poem, then I won’t present the Poetry King’s poem! Don’t treat me like a three-year-old.”

Prefect Dong looked helplessly at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun nodded and said, “Then I will make a fool of myself and write a Qixi poem. Please give me your guidance, first disciple of the Poetry King.”

After saying that, Fang Yun walked towards the table with the brush and ink.

Prefect Dong and others cast questioning glances at Fang Yun, wanting to know how confident he was. However, Fang Yun was staring intently at the table.

Nunu jumped onto the table first, holding the inkstone with her paws and slowly grinding the ink.

Prefect Dong held the official seal in his hand, forming a strange power that enveloped the area in front of Fang Yun’s table. This way, as soon as Fang Yun started writing, everyone could directly see the talent rising from the paper.

When Nunu finished grinding the ink, Fang Yun picked up the brush and dipped it in the ink, then started writing on the paper. The first three characters were “Magpie Bridge Immortal”.

The city wall was silent, many people even held their breath, quietly waiting for Fang Yun’s poem. All the people from Jing Kingdom were anxious, fearing that Fang Yun’s poem would not be good enough.

Fang Yun continued to write, and Prefect Dong read along.

“Clouds weave with skill, stars carry resentment, the Milky Way is a distant ferry.”

As soon as this sentence came out, orange talent burst from the paper, spraying a foot high, startling everyone around.

A foot of talent could surpass a county. Just one sentence had already surpassed a foot, and the talent exploded like a burst, something everyone had never seen before!

Could it be…

Many people thought of another nickname for Fang Yun. The people of Jing Kingdom were greatly encouraged. Feng Yuanjun whispered, “The changing scene of clouds, the resentment carried by the shooting stars, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl quietly crossing the distant river, the wording is clever.” However, his expression was extremely tense, because the beginning was clever but the rest was lacking.

“Hmph, the first sentence is mediocre.” The first disciple of the Poetry King relaxed slightly. (To be continued.)

PS: Sorry, it’s twenty minutes late.

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