Chapter 167 – Rain Locks the City

With the emergence of this poem, the energy between heaven and earth shook, and the heavy rain within 300 miles of Jade Sea City weakened by 40%!

Originally, the rain obscured the view within ten miles. Now, everyone could clearly see the scenery within a hundred miles.

The thick dark clouds also lightened a bit, their edges taking on a golden and reddish hue.

The Flood Dragon King writhed and struggled madly in mid-air, causing massive waves. However, he was unable to break free from the constraints of the poem. His mouth was firmly shut.

Inside the city tower, someone recited, "Mountains weep in the rain, the dragon palace is locked in silence; gazing at the sea from the tower, facing the tides of Zhejiang. Such a good poem! Such spirit! It seems that Fang Yun has the universe within him. If it were a regular flood, it might have been calmed by this single poem."

Feng Yuanjun couldn't stop smiling. The latter part of Fang Yun's poem was just too good. In the end, he handed the pen to Fang Yun to title the poem.

Fang Yun shook his head slightly, signaling Feng Yuanjun to do it himself. Then, he walked to the corner, looking outside, his brows furrowed in deep thought.

Seeing Fang Yun's gesture, the crowd sighed with admiration and envy. Giving a title to a poem wasn’t a mere formality; it was a mark of literary recognition. Fang Yun’s refusal not only showed his humility but also his indifference to such literary titles.

The two lines of the poem not only sealed the Flood Dragon King's mouth but also impressed the people of the Jing Kingdom.

A few Jing Kingdom members looked guilty. The lines "gazing at the sea from the tower, facing the tides of Zhejiang" were indeed the highlight of the poem. But Fang Yun didn't give it a title. Witnessing such a gentlemanly attitude, they were deeply moved.

Among the Jing Kingdom's Talented Scholars and Presented Scholars present, twelve in total, three of them discreetly stepped back, giving up on their intention to suppress Fang Yun.

Initially, they were here for the Jing Kingdom and The Path of the Saints. But their confidence was shattered by those two lines of the poem. If they continued to oppose, it could affect The Courage to Write. Hence, they chose to discreetly recite a line from the Book of Songs, "Both bright and wise, to preserve oneself", deciding to retreat and protect their interests.

Feng Yuanjun said, "Even if you don't title the poem, you should still be credited as the primary author." After saying that, he wrote "Dragon Lock" on the poem page and stamped it. The poetic energy surged, reaching beyond the county, extending to the prefecture level. Such poetic prowess could, in the future, resonate throughout the state.

Numerous literati congratulated Fang Yun and Feng Zimo. Even if a Grand Academician wrote a poem of prefecture level, it would be celebrated.

However, Fang Yun showed no signs of joy, standing in the corner, pondering on how to solve the crisis caused by the heavy rain.

The people of Jing Kingdom noticed this, silently lamenting. This was indeed a major crisis for Fang Yun. Those auditors probably had already prepared their reports. If the flooding worsened, they would surely submit a petition against him, possibly stripping him of his literary title.

Being a literary role model wasn’t just an honorary title. If the title was taken away, Fang Yun’s literary foundation would undoubtedly waver.

Although the little creature in his arms knew nothing, it could feel the heavy weight on Fang Yun's heart. Instead of acting spoiled and playful, it nestled in Fang Yun’s embrace, looking up at him with clear eyes, praying for him to overcome the difficulty.

The lead disciple of the Poetry Lord and his group noticed Fang Yun's predicament. They exchanged glances, seeing determination in each other's eyes.

Being punished by the Literary Patriarch and sent to a remote border city, their future looked bleak. If they could complete Jing Kingdom's mission, they might have a chance to rise in Jing Kingdom. But if they failed to suppress Fang Yun, it would be a total loss. Though Jing Kingdom wouldn't abandon them entirely, they would never be entrusted with significant tasks again.

It was now or never!

The Poetry Lord's lead disciple slowly said, "Fang Yun, it's your turn! If you can't resolve the flood in Jiangzhou, you'll be branded as the eternal sinner of Jiangzhou. Future generations will despise you! If the flood persists for a few more days, at least hundreds will die, and countless others will have their lifespans shortened. All because of you!"

The Prefect Dong sternly retorted, "People of Jing Kingdom, while verbal attacks are allowed during a literary gathering to encourage competition, if you continue to slander Fang Yun, don't blame me, an Imperial Scholar, for intervening!"

The Poetry Lord's lead disciple stood tall and said arrogantly, "What? Just because the people of Jing Kingdom are incompetent, others can't point it out? My master said, if the people of Jing Kingdom can't even stop the rain on the Qixi festival, they are unworthy of his gifted poem! In such a vast region as Jiangzhou, they rely on the Holy Temple to view the Cowherd and Weaver Girl stars during Qixi. It’s a disgrace for humankind!"

"What did you say?!" The anger Jing Kingdom people had been suppressing finally erupted.

"How dare you insult Jiangzhou!"

Suddenly, roars from the Flood Dragon echoed.

"It's bad! The Flood Dragon King has gone mad!"

Everyone quickly looked over.

The Dragon King opened his gaping mouth, and a dragon horn, several meters long, shot out, completely breaking the power of the Dragon-binding poem. That horn exuded a terrifying aura, causing wind, rain, thunder, and lightning to rage uncontrollably.

Dark clouds churned, lightning streaked incessantly, and thunder rumbled in an overlapping cacophony. Ferocious winds howled, and rain poured down like waterfalls.

The Holy Temple's power kept the rain at bay a mile away.

The rain was so thick it formed a wall, completely obscuring everyone's view. They could no longer see the silhouette of the Dragon King.

"You bind my mouth, I'll flood the entire city! I'll turn the entire Jiangzhou into a submerged nation, drowning everyone!"

Governor Dong sighed softly, "Honored literati, don't get tangled with the shameless men from the Jing Kingdom. Show your capabilities; we mustn't let the rain continue! The Dragon's horn is too powerful. Quickly summon the other scholars! The Qixi poetry event will be postponed!"

"I'll summon them!" Feng Yuanjun grabbed the official seal, and soon after, hundreds of messenger geese flew out of the Holy Temple with messages.

Moments later, Presented Scholars and Imperial Scholars carrying swift-moving poems shuttled through the city at speeds multiple times faster than regular carriages. They dashed towards the southern tower of the city with gusts of wind following them.

A large carriage pulled by ten dragon-horses ascended the military wall, galloping on the wide ramparts and soon arrived outside the southern tower of the city.

By now, the tower was surrounded by civil officials, scholars, military personnel, and many freelance Presented and Imperial Scholars. Even many of the elderly scholars who had retired long ago volunteered to come.

Over two hundred literati gathered in and outside the tower, all donned in armor provided by the military. Some continually penned anti-flood poems, hoping to win by sheer number, while others furrowed their brows, aiming for quality over quantity.

Inside the one-mile radius of the wall, it was clear and sunny. Yet beyond that, rain and dark clouds formed a bleak world, exuding intense pressure, reminiscent of a dam on the brink of bursting, threatening to drown the entire city.

The Dragon King, with the sacred dragon horn in his grasp, soared through the heavy rain, incessantly cursing in demonic tongues. The rain was so heavy that no one could see it, making it even more brazen.

The leading military officer of Jiangzhou, General Lu, alighted from his carriage. A soldier outside the tower hurriedly announced, "General Lu has arrived!"

With his high rank and status, being both a seasoned military official and a Hanlin Scholar, General Lu would usually receive a warm welcome. However, many turned a blind eye, while some, especially the older scholars, feigned ignorance. The majority of the officials continued to gaze at the storm outside, while most of the young Presented Scholars looked down.

Only less than half of the military scholars and Imperial Scholars approached to greet him.

Dressed in his military uniform, General Lu, with hints of white at his temples and a stern face, waved his hand, declaring, "Halting the flood is the priority. No need for formalities!"

As his personal guards and he entered the tower, many high-ranking officials, albeit reluctantly, greeted him.

With calm and cold eyes, General Lu scanned the Jing Kingdom's men and quickly approached the six individuals who had been slapped by the literary emperor, asking as he walked, "Are these six the ones who insulted our Jing Kingdom?"

"Yes, General."

With a stern expression, General Lu briskly approached a Jing Kingdom's Presented Scholar with a swollen face. "What… what do you want to do?" The Presented Scholar asked in fear, clutching his bruised cheek.

"Punish you," General Lu replied, lifting his leg and kicking him squarely in the abdomen. The scholar was sent flying into a wall.

A Hanlin Scholar possesses exceptional strength. The scholar from the Jing Kingdom spat out blood from the impact.

A nearby apprentice poet exclaimed, "What are you doing? We are scholars from the Jing Kingdom! We didn't come here for literary competition! I am the chief disciple of the Poet Master!"

General Lu casually retorted, "I'm not here for a literary contest either. I came to brawl." Saying so, he delivered another kick to the scholar on the ground.

The Jing Kingdom's men were horrified. How could a Hanlin Scholar resort to violence? Isn't it said that a gentleman speaks but doesn't act?

However, the people from the Jing Kingdom laughed at the sight. Although General Lu was a Hanlin Scholar, he had always been stationed at the frontier. If he wasn't tough and ruthless, he couldn't possibly lead the soldiers or fend off the barbarians.

General Lu pointed at the scholar on the ground and ordered, "Drag him out and beat him! Just don't kill him! This isn't a literary contest; it's a fight! Any Jing Kingdom person with objections can come find me!"

The Jing Kingdom's men were dejected.

Once two guards dragged the scholar away, General Lu scanned the Jing Kingdom's men emotionlessly and then stated, "Give me armor. I'm here to partake in the anti-flood literary event." Afterward, like everyone else, he began to pen anti-flood poems.

Fang Yun inwardly sighed, truly worthy of becoming a top official of the Hanlin Academy. Even though he had been previously overshadowed by Li Wenying, with just this one move, many people would change their attitude towards him.

Over two hundred Presented Scholars and Imperial Scholars continually wrote poems on the city wall to prevent the flood, paper flying everywhere. The energy was nearing a violent state, and gusts of energetic winds swept through the crowd. Ordinary soldiers had no choice but to keep their distance.

As time ticked by, the storm showed no signs of weakening. The scholars of Jing Kingdom grew more and more desperate, while those from the neighboring nation secretly rejoiced.

Suddenly, Feng Yuanjun's eyes shone brightly, exclaiming, "Fang Yun, have you started writing? Let me see. 'In the depths of the ocean, mountains remain unseen, reaching the sky, nations shine brightly!' Hiss…"

Feng Yuanjun took a sharp breath. The paper revealed a clear yellow cloud pattern, and a transparent tiny yellow dragon with five claws was slowly moving on it. Soon after, the entire city of Yuhai trembled gently, and a strange and majestic power infused into the page.

Miles of stormy wind and rain were dispersed, vast dark clouds significantly reduced, and the sun's rays suddenly intensified, piercing slightly through the clouds.

Feng Yuanjun shouted, "An emperor's poem! Fang Yun has written an emperor's poem!"

Fang Yun thought to himself, this was the verse of the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Taizu Zhao Kuangyin; of course, it's an emperor's poem.

Before Fang Yun could finish the entire poem, the scene erupted.

Everyone stopped their writing and rushed over, with those who arrived first forming a protective circle around Fang Yun, ensuring no disturbances.

Each person stared intently at the piece of paper in front of Fang Yun, watching the ever-changing cloud patterns, the peculiar little yellow dragon, and the two majestic lines of the poem.

"In the depths of the ocean, mountains remain unseen; reaching the sky, nations shine brightly!"

The people of the neighboring nation were dumbfounded, looking at each other, unsure of how such a thing could happen. After all, it was an emperor's poem, the kind that would invoke the dragon's presence. How could Fang Yun possibly have written it?!

…(To be continued…)

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