Chapter 161 – Semi-Saint

Fang Yun recalled the scene he had witnessed during the county examination. It was the power of the Holy Temple that dispersed the dark clouds to prevent urban flooding. However, no matter how powerful the Holy Temple was, it could only cover a city. The farmlands outside the city could not be helped and would inevitably be flooded by the heavy rain, leading to root rot. Moreover, without sunlight, even the crops that were not afraid of water would yield less.

The town chief of Hong City said in confusion, “It’s really strange these past two days. I haven’t seen such heavy rain in over a decade. It’s been raining non-stop day and night, and it’s always this heavy. Could it be a sign of a major change?”

Another soldier asked, “Could it be the Dragon Clan manipulating the clouds and rain?”

“It shouldn’t be. It’s probably because something big has happened in the Dragon Clan, like the death of a dragon prince or grandchild. When the dragons cry, it rains heavily in ten nations. Such things have happened before.”

“With such heavy rain, will Lord Li take action?”

“If it were just heavy rain in one prefecture, Lord Li could forcibly disperse it with the true text of the Great Scholar and the talent of the Holy Temple. But this is heavy rain in a whole state, only the Great Scholar himself can handle it.”

Fang Yun felt more and more that this rain was strange, but he was just an Accomplished Scholar after all. He was powerless to do anything about the feud between the three clans, the conflict between the two nations, let alone the climate of this state.

“Let’s go, it’s time for our farewell meal.”

Over a hundred people from the camp gradually arrived at the canteen, but compared to usual, the canteen seemed a bit empty.

Today’s meal was exceptionally good. Apart from the lack of wine, everything else was available. Everyone chatted while eating, and many old soldiers started crying as they spoke.

The bond formed over many years of comradeship couldn’t be easily severed, and it was impossible to let go of the many years of military life.

In the end, over a hundred people came together to toast Fang Yun with tea.

“Master Fang, we don’t know when we will meet again after today. If you ever need anything, just say the word, and I will rush to your aid no matter the distance!”

“Master, on the day I become a Presented Scholar, I will be sure to share the good news with you first!”

“We, the people of Jiang State, have decided that once we pass the examination and become Accomplished Scholars, we will establish a ‘Fang Society’ with you as the head. We will unite and step into the court together, slay demons and exterminate barbarians, and venture into the ten nations together!”

“Master, we toast you with tea in place of wine, to express our gratitude for your kindness. If there is a chance in the future, we will certainly repay you with our utmost efforts!”

Everyone expressed their gratitude and then drank the tea in their cups together.

Fang Yun could see that these people were very sincere. He was moved and even felt like taking these people as his students.

After breakfast, Fang Yun, carrying his luggage, arrived at the First Battalion of the Dinghai Army and became an ordinary soldier of the Fifth Squad.

In the following days, Fang Yun led a peaceful life. He trained during the day, studied military strategies in the library, and immersed himself in the world of extraordinary books at night when others were asleep. He either studied the classics of All the Saints or wrote about their meanings and strategies. Occasionally, he would study the second of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao”.

At first, Fang Yun confused “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao” with the sixth stratagem, “Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west”. But after careful study, he found that from a strategic perspective, “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao” was superior.

“Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west” is to make the enemy unsure of which target to attack.

The terrifying thing about “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao” is that once this stratagem is used, the enemy will be controlled by us. They will have no choice but to come to the rescue, reaching the level of an open stratagem.

“Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao” originated in the Warring States period. Back then, Pang Juan attacked the State of Zhao. Sun Bin, in order to save Zhao, pretended to attack Xiangling of Wei. Even though Pang Juan knew that Sun Bin was feigning an attack on Wei, he had no choice but to abandon Zhao to protect Xiangling of Wei, and ended up defeated.

Once “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao” is used, the enemy’s targets and actions are controlled by us. The enemy has no choice but to fight desperately, reaching a high level of military strategy.

Fang Yun thought about the Military Strategists and the Legalists, and found that from a certain perspective, the ideas of the Military Strategists and the Legalists were consistent.

“The best strategy is to attack the enemy’s plans, to defeat the enemy without fighting, these are the thoughts of the Military Sage Sun Tzu, which coincide with the ideas of the Legalists. But the problem is, the Military Strategists would prepare for the failure of attacking the enemy’s plans, and then wage war to win. But if the ‘strategy’ and ‘diplomacy’ of the Legalists fail, they are completely useless, and will instead drag the nation into a quagmire. That’s why after the Qin Dynasty, the Legalists were either absorbed by the Eclectics, or joined the Military Strategists, and almost disappeared.”

“No wonder the achievements of the Military Strategists and the Legalists are far greater than those of the Legalists. No wonder the Legalists have no Saints. It’s because the Legalists lack a ‘long-lasting foundation’. I’m afraid the Legalists themselves know this, so they want to ally with the barbarians. Once they successfully ally with the barbarians, the two tribes will have to keep negotiating, and the foundation of the Legalists will be established.”

After understanding this, Fang Yun continued to study military strategies deeply, without rushing to write about “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao”.

Days passed by.

After the 20th of June, it was time for the editors of “The Path of the Saints” monthly magazine to review poems and articles.

“Starting from the April issue of ‘The Path of the Saints’, May, June, and the next month’s July, every issue has poems and articles by Fang Yun. The title of this month’s poem ‘Farewell to Zhang Poyue by the Lake’ may be a bit common, but the lines ‘Lotus leaves reach to the sky endlessly green, Lotus flowers reflect the sun in a different red’ are the ultimate praise of the lotus. Currently, it’s only known in Zhen State, but given some time, it might be known throughout the nation. Sigh, I can say that I watched Fang Yun’s poems age.” The oldest Grand Academician, Meng, said.

“Indeed. Your eyesight is really good, you have highly praised Fang Yun’s poems and articles since the first time you saw them.” The middle-aged Grand Academician An said.

“Should we publish Fang Yun’s poem in the July issue of ‘The Path of the Saints’?” Grand Academician Ge, who was stroking his long beard, asked.

“Few poems were submitted this month, let’s publish the ‘Three Character Classic’ written by Fang Yun before. Although the ‘Three Character Classic’ is simple and easy to understand, it is very useful for teaching children. It has been tried in various places in Jiang State, and I sent people to investigate secretly, the results were excellent! It can be published in ‘The Path of the Saints’.” Grand Academician Meng said.

“That’s not appropriate, let’s postpone it.” Grand Academician Ge said.

Grand Academician An saw this and thought to himself that it was not good. Grand Academician Ge was from the Wu Nation, naturally, he would want to suppress Fang Yun a bit. Grand Academician Meng highly appreciated Fang Yun and had already postponed the ‘Three Character Classic’ for so long. If it was not allowed to be published in ‘The Path of the Saints’ this time, he would certainly not give up easily.

“Grand Academician Ge, why do you say that!” Grand Academician Meng turned his head and stared at Grand Academician Ge.

“‘The Path of the Saints’ either selects works for their talent or for their moral principles. Although this article has the way of education, it does not meet either of the two criteria. How can it be published in ‘The Path of the Saints’.””Is the ‘Hundred Family Surnames’ a work of soaring talent or profound righteousness?” Grand Academician Meng retorted.

“That was appointed by a Semi-Saint! Could it be that Brother Meng wants to take this matter to Lord Dongsheng?”

This time, Grand Academician Meng was left speechless.

Grand Academician An said, “Since the two of you have a dispute, let’s follow the usual practice and let the Great Scholar decide.”

Grand Academician Meng picked up the ‘Three Character Classic’ and said, “Please, Luo Wenzong, make a decision!”

If a Great Scholar has a work that is widely circulated and his talent has reached its peak, close to becoming a Saint, he can be conferred the title of “Wenzong”. The number of people who have been conferred is only slightly more than the Semi-Saints.

“Brother Meng, please!” Grand Academician Ge remained calm as usual.

The three of them walked into a large courtyard and stood still. In front of them was a small building with its doors tightly closed. On the door was a plaque with the words “Dust Washing”.

Grand Academician Meng bowed to the small building and said, “We have had a dispute over the ‘Three Character Classic’, and we hope that Wenzong can make a decision.”

“Come in.”

The door of the small building opened, and at the far end of the main hall was a long bench as big as a bed. A thin, unremarkable old man was lying on it reading a book. He didn’t have the elegance of a Great Scholar as described in the legends, but the three Grand Academicians didn’t show any surprise.

Luo Wenzong reluctantly sat up, put the book aside, and looked at the three people listlessly, his eyes dull.

Grand Academician An lowered his head, thinking that Luo Wenzong was indeed the famous Lazy Wenzong.

The three Grand Academicians remained silent, waiting for Luo Wenzong to make a decision.

After a long while, Luo Wenzong lazily said, “The ‘Three Character Classic’ has the merit of education and can be included in ‘The Path of the Saints’. But if it’s not included, it doesn’t matter. You guys decide for yourselves.”

The three Grand Academicians were not surprised. Grand Academician Meng said, “We can’t decide, it has to be you.”

“I don’t want to decide.” Luo Wenzong said leisurely.

“Lord Luo, please make a decision.” Grand Academician Meng was not afraid of the Great Scholar.

Just as Luo Wenzong was about to sigh and speak, a cold snort suddenly sounded out of nowhere in the room, causing the four of them to shudder.

The always lazy Luo Wenzong almost jumped off the chair and stood barefoot on the ground, bowing his head.

“Luo the Lazy!”

The over hundred-year-old Luo Wenzong heard Lord Dongsheng publicly calling him by his childhood nickname, and he felt bitter. He responded with a mournful face, “Yes.”

The three Grand Academicians quickly shut their mouths, afraid to laugh out loud.

“The ‘Three Character Classic’ of the Holy Academy is not personally written by Fang Yun. At the moment, Fang Yun is not available to meet guests. On the day of Qixi, you go to Yuhai City. Get the ‘Three Character Classic’ written by him. This text will be published in ‘The Path of the Saints’ in August.”

Luo Wenzong asked in a low voice, “Lord Dongsheng, should we Great Scholars study this ‘Three Character Classic’? Isn’t it necessary?” He didn’t explicitly mention that Fang Yun’s ‘The Unrighteous Ritual’ was to be studied by the Great Scholars, because the three Grand Academicians in the room didn’t know about it.

The voice of Dongsheng Wang Jinglong sounded again, “The front page of ‘The Path of the Saints’ in August is reserved for the ‘Three Character Classic’, and I will personally write the title.”

The four people in the room felt as if their heads were about to explode when they heard this. Their ears were buzzing.

The previously opposed Grand Academician Ge felt weak and muttered to himself, “Appointed by a Semi-Saint! It’s actually the same as the ‘Hundred Family Surnames’ and ‘Thousand Character Classic’, appointed by a Semi-Saint?”

He felt his face burning, wishing he could die in this room. He actually dared to block the ‘Three Character Classic’, appointed by a Semi-Saint, from being included in ‘The Path of the Saints’. That was almost equivalent to bringing disaster to the nation!

Grand Academician An looked sympathetically at this man from the Wu Nation. The previous Grand Academician from the Qing Nation had to leave the Holy Academy because he wanted to suppress Fang Yun’s poetry. Now, this Grand Academician from the Wu Nation wouldn’t be able to stay for long either.

Luo Wenzong took a deep breath and asked respectfully, “After I get the ‘Three Character Classic’, should I send it to Dongsheng Pavilion for your annotation?”

The voice of Dongsheng, filled with amusement, came, “Li Wenying is blessed with good fortune. Although there are some omissions in his annotation of the ‘Three Character Classic’, there are no mistakes in the text. I won’t interfere. You don’t need to send it to Dongsheng Pavilion. I’m just writing the title. After you get the original manuscript of the ‘Three Character Classic’, send it to the Hall of All Saints.”

The four of them were dumbfounded, even more shocked than when they heard about the Semi-Saint’s appointment. They couldn’t believe it!

“Lord Dongsheng, are we really sending the ‘Three Character Classic’ to the Hall of All Saints? This… this…” The Great Scholar was at a loss for words. (To be continued.)

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