Chapter 159 – Army of a hundred thousand

“Human child, you’ve ruined my plans!”

Fang Yun turned his head and saw the Hollow Tower Beads slowly floating into the mouth of the Flood Dragon King. The mirage began to shake.

“Run out quickly!” Fang Yun shouted loudly.

Many soldiers desperately fled from the exit, but a few were blocked by the river demons. A swirl of white dragon energy swept over them, killing both the soldiers and the demons.

The Flood Dragon King swallowed the Hollow Tower Beads and glared fiercely at the location where Fang Yun and the others were. A giant claw made of seawater rose from the sea and flew towards them. The claw was thirty feet long, almost half the size of a schoolyard. If it fell, it would be enough to crush everyone into meat paste.

“Beast! How dare you ambush Jade Sea Prefecture!”

A loud shout came, scaring almost all the soldiers. Who dared to call the Flood Dragon King a beast?

A white ancient sword, surrounded by strands of blood, suddenly flew in, easily breaking the giant seawater claw and flying straight towards the Flood Dragon King.

When the white ancient sword flew over the sea, the water below automatically parted, as if it was afraid of the sword.

The strongest realm of War of Words under the Great Scholar, a sword that splits the sea.

“Li Wenying!” The Flood Dragon King’s tone was filled with intense hatred and a hint of fear.

The Grand Academician Li Wenying stepped on a white cloud and arrived.

“True Text Rise!” Li Wenying’s voice rang out again.

Although it was night, a small sun suddenly rose above Jade Sea Port, illuminating the nearby port as if it were daytime.

A grand sound rang out, like the text on the Great Scholar’s True Text. Then all the demons suddenly felt dizzy and lost their balance due to the lingering sound.

Fang Yun saw Li Wenying in the distance open his mouth and say something. Then the Great Scholar’s True Text in the sky suddenly moved, and a terrifying aura swept in all directions, causing a sandstorm.

The human race was not affected at all, but the heads of all the demons exploded one after another.

Demon soldiers, demon generals, and demon commanders were killed instantly without any resistance. The few demon marquises, equivalent to Hanlin Scholars, were bleeding all over and jumped into the sea to escape.

All the river demons near Fang Yun were killed, and out of more than two hundred soldiers, only about one hundred and sixty remained.

“We won!”

“Master Li is here!”

The soldiers cheered.

The aura of the dragon scales in front of the Flood Dragon King was still above the Great Scholar’s True Text, forming an invisible force to protect it. Even Li Wenying’s Blood-Dripping Ancient Sword could not break through the protective power of the dragon scales.

The Flood Dragon King extended a claw larger than a person and pointed at Fang Yun, roaring, “Li Wenying, hand him over to me, and I promise that the water demons of the Yangtze River will not go ashore in Jing Kingdom for three years!”

Li Wenying glanced at Fang Yun, showing a surprised look. He didn’t understand how Fang Yun had angered the Flood Dragon King so much. Fang Yun was just an Accomplished Scholar, while the strength of this Green River Flood Dragon King was equivalent to a human Grand Academician.

“Scram!” The voice of the Thunderous Tongue spread in all directions, and Li Wenying was getting closer.

Knowing that he was no match for Li Wenying, the Flood Dragon King glared at Fang Yun and asked, “Human child, what’s your name, dare you say it?”

Fang Yun looked at the Flood Dragon King, who was covered in green-black scales, and took a closer look at its sharp teeth, which were sharper than swords. After hesitating for a moment, he said seriously, “My name is Zhang Poyue.”

Li Wenying’s body swayed, almost falling from the cloud.

The soldiers around Fang Yun couldn’t help but laugh and cry.

The Flood Dragon King was stunned for a moment, then roared, “I’ve met that despicable human, Zhang Poyue! I didn’t expect you to be as despicable as him!”

Fang Yun curled his lips and said, “I’d rather be called despicable than be considered a fool. Flood Dragon King, do you think it’s better to be despicable or to be a fool?”

There were few eloquent people among the Demon Clan, and the Flood Dragon King was left speechless by Fang Yun’s words. He couldn’t admit that he was despicable, nor could he admit that he was a fool.

Seeing Li Wenying getting closer, the Flood Dragon King asked unwillingly, “How were you able to see through the mirage? Why is there less dragon energy in the Hollow Tower Beads?”

Fang Yun looked at the Flood Dragon King with a look that seemed to say: I won’t even tell you my name, how could I possibly tell you these things.

The Flood Dragon King suddenly sniffed lightly, and a flash of white light passed through its huge dragon eyes as it stared at Fang Yun.

The Flood Dragon King’s eyes quickly turned blood red.

Dark clouds rolled in within dozens of miles, the wind howled, and the sea waves churned.

“You ate my son’s dragon pearl! I’m going to kill you!” The Flood Dragon King charged over without any regard, but Li Wenying had already flown past Fang Yun, and the power formed by the Great Scholar’s True Text blocked the Flood Dragon King.

The dark clouds and strong winds were dispersed by the power of the Great Scholar’s True Text.

The soldiers looked at Fang Yun in surprise. In their eyes, besides envy, there was also fear. He dared to eat the dragon pearl, how bold he must be! From now on, the Flood Dragon Clan would definitely not let him go.

Fang Yun’s expression was surprisingly calm, his eyes were unusually bright, and he said slowly but firmly, “Your son ate my classmate. Me eating your turtle son’s fake dragon pearl is nothing. If I have the chance, I will eat your dragon pearl too!”

“Well said!” Li Wenying praised, and a pen and a piece of paper appeared beside him. Under the effect of the “Divine Pen”, the pen automatically wrote the War Poetry, while Li Wenying himself was reciting a protective War Poetry.

The Flood Dragon King subconsciously glanced at a wound on its body, which had just healed not long ago and was Li Wenying’s masterpiece.

The Flood Dragon scales in front of it were indeed powerful, but after fighting with the Great Scholar’s True Text for so long, its power was almost exhausted. It was now relying on its own blood and energy to maintain it. Once Li Wenying’s “Storm Sword Poetry” was completed, it could only passively endure the attack of the sky full of water swords, without any power to fight back.

The Flood Dragon King immediately fled, shouting back, “Human child, I will definitely kill you! I have remembered your scent, don’t let me meet you again in the future!”

“I’ve also remembered you. If I have the chance, I will kill you to commemorate my fallen comrades!” Fang Yun’s tone was still very calm, but every word was full of power.

The Flood Dragon King’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it took one last look at Fang Yun. With deep resentment and humiliation, it dived into the sea. It couldn’t bear the fact that its revenge plan was ruined by a small Accomplished Scholar, especially one who had eaten its dragon son’s fake dragon pearl.Fang Yun turned around, in front of him was the exit of the mirage that used to be the sea market. There lay many bodies of fish demons, as well as some soldiers.

The strong smell of blood wafted in the air.

“May my comrades rest in peace.” Fang Yun lowered his head, saluting the soldiers who had helped him break through the encirclement.

“May our brothers rest in peace!” The remaining soldiers also bowed their heads.

Then everyone began to tidy up the bodies of their fallen comrades, their joy of victory replaced by sorrow.

“Brother Tian, thank you for blocking that strike from the fish demon for me. I will take care of your family from now on!”

“Xiao Jun, no one will laugh at you for being timid anymore. You are the bravest man in our village!”

After arranging the bodies of their comrades, some people were turned into nothingness by the dragon aura of the sea market mirage. Each team was counting the number of casualties.

The team Fang Yun was in now had only over thirty people left. The squad he was in had no casualties because they were protecting him.

The squad leader, Hong Cheng, came over and patted Fang Yun on the shoulder, “All of this is thanks to you. We should all be grateful to you. Without you, all of us, over a hundred people, would have died. The tens of thousands of people at the port would also have died. You saved tens of thousands of people. You are a great hero of our Jade Sea Prefecture.”

A man next to him said, “Thank you! When I get back, I’ll write a letter to my mother to set up a longevity rank for you!”

“Fang Yun, thank you! If it weren’t for you, I would be dead.” A man bowed to Fang Yun after saying this.

Over a hundred people thanked Fang Yun one after another.

The atmosphere on the scene improved slightly. The death of their comrades made them cherish the present even more and appreciate Fang Yun even more.

Fang Yun said, “I also want to thank everyone. It’s everyone’s efforts that allowed us to survive together.”

At this moment, a man suddenly knelt down in front of Fang Yun and said, “Master Fang Yun, please accept my three bows.”

Fang Yun was stunned for a moment, then saw over thirty child scholars and two accomplished scholars kneel down one after another, kowtowing to him as their master.

“This…” Fang Yun was at a loss. The ceremony of accepting a master on the Holy Origin Mainland was extraordinary. After three bows, they would call him master. Even if Fang Yun didn’t accept them, they would still be his disciples. They would have to treat him with the respect of a disciple whenever they saw him, unless Fang Yun wanted to harm them.

Among the first master, the teaching master, and the enlightening master, the teaching master held the highest actual status.

Fang Yun took a careful look and found that he had gained thirty-four students!

When everyone stood up, Fang Yun helplessly said, “The Path of the Saints I just mentioned was just a casual remark. You don’t need to do this.”

A man said seriously, “We child scholars chose to become soldiers. Although we sincerely want to kill demons, the main reason is that we failed to pass the examination to become accomplished scholars and our path to literary status was cut off. Your sixteen-word Path of the Saints enlightened us as if we were guided by a sage. The benefits we gained are as great as having new parents. If we don’t acknowledge you as our master, we are no better than the demon clan. You can refuse to accept us, but we can’t refuse to acknowledge you.”

“Although our literary status is not high and we have given up on the imperial examination, our desire for literary status has always been there. We just suppressed it and dared not speak out. It’s you who fulfilled us!” The middle-aged soldier who spoke couldn’t help but have red eyes.

“Master Fang, you must be a member of the Military Strategists who came out to gain experience and deliberately used this pseudonym. But this does not affect our gratitude to you. In the future, as long as you say a word, we will go through fire and water without hesitation!”

“We will never forget Master Fang’s kindness!”

These people, the youngest of whom was five years older than Fang Yun and the oldest twice his age, were all sincerely willing to be his students.

Fang Yun was still a little uncomfortable.

Hong Cheng laughed and said, “Not only them, but if any of us make further progress in our literary status in the future, we will also regard you as our master.”

Those who hadn’t knelt down nodded one after another. Although they hadn’t felt the enlightenment, they must have benefited greatly. Once their literary status improved, ninety percent of the credit would go to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun didn’t expect things to turn out so strangely. He had only been in the army for two days and had already accepted so many disciples. He said, “Alright then.”

However, Fang Yun couldn’t help but feel both amused and annoyed. If these people all improved their literary status in the future, he would have over a hundred more disciples. The road ahead was long, and if there were more people in the future and this happened a few more times, he didn’t know how many disciples he would have to accept.

Fang Yun looked at the sea and thought, “If I remember correctly, the fish that heard the Path of the Saints and turned into a dragon should also be considered my students. They can’t attack me on their own initiative. Alas, I accidentally became a master of hundreds of people.”

A white cloud descended from the sky, and Li Wenying landed in front of everyone.

“Master Li!”

“Grand Academician Li!”

“Master of the Academy.”

Fang Yun and the others greeted him together.

Li Wenying took a careful look at Fang Yun and asked, “Are you the one from the Military Strategists who came to the army for experience?”

“I am indeed.” Fang Yun replied seriously.

The soldiers on the side saw that even Li Wenying said he was not that fifth-class Fang Yun, and the last bit of doubt in their hearts disappeared.

(To be continued.)

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