Chapter 157 – The Hollow Tower Beads

The official seal on the red paper was torn open, but no message was conveyed to the outside world.

“Before the appearance of the Mirage, the dragon holding the bead in its mouth… was it really the Dragon King? Not some descendant of the Dragon King? Even the weakest Dragon King is a Demon King, equivalent to a Grand Academician!” a soldier said.

Hong City spoke in a deep voice, “I have seen this Dragon King before, it is a Demon King. It once fought with Grand Academician Li and then fled. This time, I’m afraid it’s here for revenge!”

“Isn’t it afraid of being discovered by Grand Academician Li? What should we do?”

“We must not act rashly! You don’t know the power of the Mirage! The Mirage absorbs the breath exhaled by the Dragon Saint, and over time, it will condense into a bead containing endless illusions of towers and palaces, known as The Hollow Tower Beads, which is even recorded in the ‘Historical Records’. Once The Hollow Tower Beads appear, they form a powerful illusion. Except for the Dragon Clan, whether it’s the Demon Clan, Barbarian Clan, or Human Clan, none can see through it, unless they have special Treasures of Literature. Even if Grand Academician Li is trapped by The Hollow Tower Beads, he can’t see through the illusion. Of course, he should have a way to break The Hollow Tower Beads, but we can’t.”

“Although we have already left the protection range of the Holy Temple, and the Holy Temple can’t detect it, the Great Scholar’s true text can’t possibly fail to detect it, this Mirage can’t trap the Great Scholar’s true text.”

“I don’t know about that.” Hong City said helplessly.

Fang Yun was still looking in the direction of the sea, whispering, “The Dragon King is using the Dragon Saint’s dragon scales to suppress the power of the Great Scholar’s true text, preventing it from sending out a warning. The resistance of the Great Scholar’s true text is very strong, it can break free in at most half an hour! Within this half an hour, the Dragon King can’t do anything, it can only let its river demons attack the port! We must escape from the range of the Mirage as soon as possible and warn the Holy Temple!”

“Huh? How do you know?” Hong City and the others looked at him incredulously.

“Military Strategists’ methods!” Fang Yun said.

Fang Yun had eaten a pseudo-dragon bead, which gave him some of the power of the Dragon Clan, such as not getting wet in the rain, and being able to breathe freely in water.

Everyone only saw themselves in the illusion city, but in Fang Yun’s eyes, there were white streams of air in front of him, making him feel as if he was in a cloud.

Fang Yun also saw that on the seaside outside the cloud, the Demon King was floating with a piece of dragon scale and a bead emitting cloud gas. The dragon scale was trembling slightly.

The Demon King was shouting orders, and Fang Yun heard it clearly. That’s why he said those words.

There was a hint of sadness in Fang Yun’s eyes.

Although everyone was suspicious, they didn’t dare to say it out loud. Hong City quickly said, “Then you lead us out! We must go out and warn! Without the Great Scholar’s true text, the river demons can quickly break through Jade Sea Port.”

Fang Yun immediately said, “Follow me, don’t run around, or don’t blame me if you die!”

But Fang Yun didn’t head towards Jade Sea City. Instead, he headed towards the seaside where the Demon Clan was.

Captain Shi grabbed Fang Yun’s sleeve and said, “Are you crazy? That’s clearly the direction of the seaside, the demons are all there!”

Fang Yun said solemnly, “But that’s the exit.”

Captain Shi was stunned, and so were the others. They all heard the sadness and determination in Fang Yun’s tone.

These old soldiers all realized that since that was the exit, there must be a large number of demons guarding it. Even if they went out and tore the official seal on the red paper, they would be killed by the demons within a few breaths. And now it was midnight, and it would take at least twenty breaths for Li Wenying to receive the message and rush over.

“Go!” At Captain Shi’s command, no one’s legs went weak, no one was afraid, everyone took firm steps and followed closely.

A soldier in his twenties said as he walked, “I have two older brothers and a younger brother, they can carry on the family line! When we get to the exit, I’ll be the first to rush out and distract them! Then the second person rushes out and tears three official seals on the red paper to warn! Fang Yun, you are a Military Strategist, your life is more valuable than ours, you should be at the back. We, the Navy, can’t let you die first!”

“I’m a platoon leader and also a Child Scholar. In case there are demon soldiers blocking the exit, I can rush out and knock them down, allowing the second person to tear the official seal on the red paper. You’re not a Child Scholar. Your body is not as good as mine! I’ll do it!” Hong City said.

There were only fifty people in this team, but as soon as Hong City finished speaking, more than ten people said they would rush out first.

Captain Shi’s eyes welled up with satisfaction, then he said in a very stern tone, “Listen to my command! Hong City and I will rush out together, Deputy Captain Ye, you follow and tear four official seals on the red paper! Who else has official seals on red paper. Gather them up!”

A captain, a deputy captain, and three platoon leaders took out all their official seals on red paper as they walked, finally gathering eight.

Du, the captain of the second platoon, grabbed four official seals on red paper and said, “Military orders are like mountains, I won’t disobey, but please allow me to be the fourth to go out and tear the second official seal on red paper, just in case!”

Captain Shi immediately said, “Good! You two hide the official seals on red paper, don’t let the demons see them, take them out at the exit, and tear them up as soon as you get out!”


“Follow Fang Yun and keep going!” After Captain Shi finished speaking, he took a few quick steps, holding a knife in his hand, and followed behind Fang Yun to protect him.

Everyone was cautious. In their eyes, the surroundings were just Jade Sea City under the night, and they couldn’t see what was happening outside.

In Fang Yun’s eyes, this mirage was nothing more than a large cage woven from white dragon energy. Although there were gaps in the white dragon energy through which the outside world could be seen, those gaps were blocked by the power of The Hollow Tower Beads. No messages could get out, and no one could leave.

Inside the cage, the white dragon energy transformed into buildings. Some of the dragon energy was very gentle, flowing slowly, and Fang Yun felt no threat. However, some of the dragon energy flowed extremely fast, and Fang Yun felt a hint of danger through the power of the pseudo-dragon bead.

As Fang Yun continued to walk, he suddenly heard a scream. He quickly looked in the direction of the sound and saw a team being engulfed by the boiling white dragon energy.

The dragon energy returned to its calm state, flowing slowly, leaving no trace of dust on the ground.

Fang Yun looked back and saw that everyone was acting normal, as if they hadn’t heard the scream at all.

Fang Yun’s sense of crisis intensified. He shouted, “Stay close to me and start running!” He quickened his pace.

Everyone immediately started running.

After a while, the soldiers were shocked because Fang Yun led them into a dead end, and he was heading straight for the wall.

“Fang Yun, you…” Hong Cheng said.

“Don’t be afraid, this wall is fake. Follow me and crash through it!” Fang Yun said, and then he rushed forward.

Fang Yun disappeared from everyone’s sight, and Captain Shi, without any hesitation, crashed into the wall. The others had no choice but to follow suit.

It felt like they had passed through a gentle breeze, and they saw Fang Yun again, along with a new path.

Hope and trust in Fang Yun were evident in everyone’s eyes.

White strands of luck energy were fluctuating up and down, left and right. Fang Yun only paid attention to those that posed a threat, and he would directly crash into those gentle dragon energies that posed no threat.

Any dragon energy that Fang Yun touched would disappear a little bit.

Before long, Fang Yun saw that the team closest to the exit was about to reach it. However, over two hundred demon soldiers and three demon generals rushed into the exit, blocking it tightly and not allowing anyone to leave.

At the same time, Fang Yun suddenly lowered his head and slowed down, whispering, “Don’t run, walk!”

Everyone immediately changed from running to walking. Although they didn’t understand why, they had already unconditionally obeyed Fang Yun’s orders after the experience of crashing through the fake walls.

After walking for a while, Fang Yun secretly raised his head and saw that the Dragon King was looking in the direction of Jade Sea Port. He breathed a sigh of relief because the Dragon King had just turned his head to look over! Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise, he would have been discovered.

“Keep running!” Fang Yun now had to keep an eye on the white dragon energy and the Dragon King.

The Dragon King, with half of his body above the water, was emitting a tremendous pressure. The seawater within a mile of him was bubbling, and steam was rising. Except for a turtle demon marquis, all the river demons had fled far away.

Fang Yun also saw that the river demon army was attacking Jade Sea Port. There were no demon civilians among these river demons, the worst of them were demon soldiers, and thousands of demon generals were extremely fierce. Jade Sea Port couldn’t hold on for much longer.

The Dragon King looked at Jade Sea Port and shouted in not-so-standard human language, “Hahaha, I know Li Wenying is in the city! But I will attack Jade Sea Port and leave immediately. When he arrives, he will only see a destroyed port! Killing my turtle son, slaughtering my river demons, how can this hatred not be avenged! I have asked my father to forbid your human race from going to the Dragon Platform for ten years! Hahaha…”

Fang Yun kept running silently, thinking that the world was indeed full of coincidences. He had just eaten the pseudo-dragon bead not long ago, and now he was trapped by the father of the owner of the pseudo-dragon bead. He hoped that the Dragon King wouldn’t find out that he had eaten that pseudo-dragon bead.

After running for a while, Fang Yun saw that the team of soldiers closest to the exit had encountered the Demon Clan, but they were quickly killed.

Fang Yun’s heart sank. His group of fifty people definitely couldn’t break through the defense line of two hundred demons, let alone the demon marshal guarding outside the exit.

“The Dragon King can’t control The Hollow Tower Beads to kill us now, he can only rely on the demon soldiers to block the door. But when he leaves, he will definitely kill everyone in the mirage! Since we’re all going to die, we might as well fight!”

A ruthless look flashed in Fang Yun’s eyes, and he sped up again, with the soldiers continuing to follow him.

Before long, Fang Yun encountered the fourth team. He shouted at them, “I can see through the illusion. If you want to live, follow me!”

Captain Shi immediately followed suit, “Captain Wang, it’s me!”

Although the two teams were less than ten feet apart, the soldiers didn’t react at all and continued to move forward cautiously.

When they got closer, they finally looked over, their faces filled with joy.

“Third team, how did you get here?” Captain Wang asked happily.

Captain Shi said, “No time for nonsense! Follow us now, we’ll talk while we run! We’re heading for the exit!”

Captain Wang immediately said, “Let’s go! Shi’s words can’t be wrong!”

In this way, Fang Yun led the fourth team towards the exit.

Gradually, Fang Yun encountered more and more teams. By the time they were near the exit, there were already five teams, a total of two hundred and forty-eight people, following Fang Yun.

Fang Yun stopped. Just around a stream of white energy, they would reach the door. Once they passed it, they would be discovered by the demons at the door.

“There are two hundred demons guarding ahead.” Fang Yun said.

The two hundred plus people were panting heavily, all staring at Fang Yun.

Captain Shi said, “You can see through the mirage, and you’re a descendant of the Military Strategists. Your military tactics were also good during the day. Now, please give the order!”

“Please give the order!” Everyone said almost in unison, each word filled with heavy trust and determination..(To be continued.)

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