Chapter 144 – The new chapter of enlightenment river

Before long, the carriage approached De Yue Tower. Even before Fang Yun could alight, someone from the tower shouted, “The carriage of Fang Wujia has arrived!”

Fang Yun sighed, knowing that those people must have been anxiously waiting for him, otherwise they wouldn’t have sent someone to keep watch.

The carriage stopped in front of De Yue Tower. As Fang Yun stepped down, he saw Li Wenying, Zhang Poyue, Zhao Hongzhuang, and Prefect Dong, among many others, coming out to meet him.

Zhang Poyue gave Fang Yun a knowing look, and before Fang Yun could understand what he meant, Zhang Poyue shouted, “Well, well, Fang Yun, ever since you became the top Accomplished Scholar of the Ten Nations, you dare to be late for my banquet! If you want to enter De Yue Tower, you must present me with a poem, or you won’t be allowed in!”

Fang Yun was taken aback. He hadn’t expected that his recent success would bring him trouble so soon. It seemed that Zhang Poyue thought he was doing this on purpose, turning a simple farewell into an interesting event, and helping Zhang Poyue gain fame.

Before Fang Yun could respond, Zhang Poyue added, “However, since you are the top Accomplished Scholar of the Ten Nations, simply asking you to compose a poem is not punishment enough. Now, you must compose it step by step!”

Fang Yun was just about to take a step when Zhang Poyue finished speaking. He sighed and stood still, unable to utter a word.

Zhang Poyue looked at him, his eyes wide with inquiry.

Fang Yun remained motionless.

Realizing his misunderstanding, Zhang Poyue looked frustrated. He had thought Fang Yun was deliberately late.

Without a word, Fang Yun turned and walked slowly towards the right side of De Yue Tower.

Seeing that Fang Yun needed time to think, Li Wenying quickly said, “Fang Yun is playing a silent riddle, deliberately keeping us in suspense. Let’s follow him. He probably has an idea by now.”

“Right! Let’s follow him!” Zhang Poyue agreed, and everyone followed behind Fang Yun.

Zhao Hongzhuang couldn’t help but smile wryly. She could tell that Fang Yun had been delayed by something and hadn’t prepared a farewell poem. But now, all she could do was follow along.

Someone was quietly counting the steps.

“One step, two steps… ninety-nine, one hundred, one hundred and one…”

Zhao Hongzhuang gave the general a glance, silently praying that Fang Yun wouldn’t be stumped.

Beside De Yue Tower was Ping Lake, where lotus flowers were in full bloom in June. The lotus leaves were layered upon each other, and girls were playing among them, picking lotus seeds.

An idea came to Fang Yun. He thought of a famous poem that was difficult to associate with farewells. The literal meaning of the poem had nothing to do with farewells, but the underlying meaning did.

Fang Yun slowly walked towards Ping Lake. The scenery of the lake unfolded before his eyes. On the green lotus leaves, pink lotus flowers stood, pleasing to the eye. The scent of summer in June was overwhelming.

The general behind him was still quietly counting.

When the general counted to three hundred, Fang Yun began to recite his poem:

In the midst of June on Ping Lake,

The scenery differs from the four seasons;

Lotus leaves reaching the sky are endlessly green,

Lotus flowers under the sun are uniquely red.

This poem was a famous work by Yang Wanli, a great poet of the Song Dynasty, titled “Sending Lin Zifang from Jingci Temple at Dawn”. Apart from the title, there was no hint of farewell in the poem, but it contained Yang Wanli’s entrustment, as Lin Zifang was being transferred from the capital, and the situation was very grim.

Zhang Poyue’s situation was similar to Lin Zifang’s, but even more difficult.

The first two lines of the poem were very ordinary, so much so that many people were taken aback. But Zhang Poyue, the person involved, had a slight change in his eyes. These lines were talking about the difference between June and the four seasons, but they were also talking about his situation, about his upcoming assignment to lead the Northern Army against the barbarians, which was naturally different from his time in Yuhai Prefecture.

Li Wenying also realized this and fell silent, while the others failed to catch the hidden meaning in the poem.

When Fang Yun finished reciting the poem, everyone was amazed.

“Among all the poems about lotus, this one is the best! What a line, ‘Lotus leaves reaching the sky are endlessly green, Lotus flowers under the sun are uniquely red’! As soon as this line comes out, the scene of lotus flowers blooming in summer fills the eyes. No one else could possibly describe the lotus in such a spectacular and beautiful way!” Prefect Dong said.

“Indeed, he has portrayed the lotus with such grandeur and realm. The grandeur of reaching the sky and the beauty of reflecting the sun, if one does not have the universe in his heart, he could never write it.”

“This poem sweeps away the delicate and soft beauty of the lotus in the past, and its intention is probably to reach Mingzhou.” Li Wenying nodded. When someone of his level said “sweep”, it meant that this poem surpassed all known poems about lotus.

Then Li Wenying glanced at Zhang Poyue. Because not only the first two lines had deep meaning, but the last two lines as well.

Zhang Poyue was no longer the reckless general who seemed to care about nothing. His eyes were filled with helplessness. He naturally knew that “reaching the sky” and “reflecting the sun” included the East Sea and the capital, the safe places of Yuhai City on the East Sea border and the capital under the emperor’s feet.

Zhang Poyue couldn’t help but look at Fang Yun carefully. As a Hanlin Scholar, it was his duty to serve in the most dangerous places. If everything was normal, Fang Yun would never discourage him. But the problem was that this was a joint effort by the Left Chancellor and Tong Shilang to force him to go. Fang Yun would naturally discourage him, but he couldn’t make it too clear, otherwise it would be equivalent to fearing war, and it would conflict with Fang Yun’s usual pro-war thinking.

“Alas, Fang Maocai is indeed the top Accomplished Scholar personally appointed by the Semi-Saint. I admire you.” Zhang Poyue was actually praising Fang Yun for considering all aspects, and the poem itself was so good that it was almost miraculous.

Princess Zhao Hongzhuang of Jing Kingdom lowered her head in thought.

“Cao Zijian composed a poem in seven steps, and he was said to have eight out of ten talents in the world. Fang Yun composed a poem in a hundred steps, he should at least have half a talent!” The general who was counting the steps laughed.

However, Feng Yuanjun said, “Fang Yun deliberately walked these hundred steps, perhaps to let us see the beautiful scenery in this poem.”

Zhang Poyue laughed, “I claim this poem! If anyone dares to compete with me, don’t blame me for turning against them! By the way, is the title of the poem ‘Sending Zhang Poyue by Ping Lake’? Or ‘Fang Yun Sending Zhang Poyue by Ping Lake’ would also do.”

Someone laughed, “General Zhang, don’t flatter yourself. This is a poem about lotus, how did it become a farewell poem? You mustn’t change the title of the poem just to gain fame, that’s a big taboo.”

Li Wenying smiled slightly and said, “This is indeed a farewell poem.”

“Uh…” The man was utterly baffled.

Zhang Poyue laughed heartily, grabbed Fang Yun’s wrist and headed towards the Moon-Attaining Tower, speaking as they walked, “Come on, write me a poem! Once you become an Imperial Scholar, I’ll gift you a hawk demon. A Semi-Saint hawk demon is out of the question, but a royal hawk demon is absolutely possible.”

Half of the people pondered over the farewell sentiment in the poem, while the other half were extremely envious upon hearing about the royal hawk demon. Generally speaking, only the offspring of a great demon king could be considered royal, which was a status second only to Semi-Saint. Their bloodline was far superior to ordinary hawk demons.

Fang Yun was also intrigued. Hawk demons had the advantage of flight, and a royal hawk demon was far more valuable than a turtle demon with a pseudo-dragon bloodline.

“You’re really generous.” Li Wenying smiled.

“A hawk demon in exchange for a family heirloom poem, I’m not at a loss! Fang Yun, once you become an Imperial Scholar, would you like to serve in my Distant Army?” Zhang Poyue asked as they walked.

“The Distant Army is the most elite force in Jing Kingdom. I’m afraid I need to gain more experience before I’m qualified to join. However, if General Zhang extends a warm invitation, I wouldn’t mind fighting under your command, defending our homeland.”

“Then it’s settled! When my Distant Army is in trouble, you and Brother Wenying will come to my aid!”


Fang Yun followed Zhang Poyue back to the Moon-Attaining Tower, with others trailing behind, whispering among themselves.

“Think about it, ‘June’ and ‘four seasons’ are different, and General Zhang’s upcoming promotion also signifies a change.”

“The word ‘after all’ seems to carry a deep meaning.”

These people were either Presented Scholars or Imperial Scholars. Before they reached the Moon-Attaining Tower, they had already guessed the meaning of the poem. Once they understood it, they all fell silent.

Upon entering the Sky Room of the Moon-Attaining Tower, no one spoke. Only Zhang Poyue asked Fang Yun to write the poem.

After the poem was completed, Zhang Poyue looked at it and laughed heartily, praising as he laughed, “Great poem! Great handwriting! When you wrote about the lotus leaves reaching the sky, your handwriting was bold and vigorous. But when you wrote about the lotus flowers reflecting the sun, your handwriting was smooth and round. It’s truly like a painting. When I watched you write, I felt as if you were painting the poem. It’s rare. Brother Wenying, your painting skills have already reached the first realm. Why not create a painting for this poem?”

Li Wenying looked at Fang Yun’s handwriting, remained silent for a moment, and said, “If one hasn’t reached the third realm of painting, it would be a disgrace to this poem.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Zhang Poyue said, “That’s true. The scenery described in this poem is so exquisite that only a painter of the third realm could possibly depict ‘the lotus flowers reflecting the sun in a different red’. But to depict ‘the lotus leaves reaching the sky in endless green’, that’s not something that can be achieved by painting skills alone. Come, let’s toast to Fang Yun, for allowing us to witness such a great poem!”

Li Wenying added, “And to Fang Yun for being able to write war poetry that will benefit the human race in the future!”

Fang Yun looked at Li Wenying, and they shared a smile.

After finishing a glass of wine, Feng Yuanjun said, “Compared to his previous works, Fang Yun’s poem is quite different, truly extraordinary. Your Excellency, I have been in charge of the Yuhai Prefecture Academy for many years. Although I have no merits, I have worked hard. Could you grant me five days off to visit the Enlightenment River in Ji County?”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. Ever since Fang Yun ranked first in Book Mountain, the Enlightenment River had been circulating among the high-ranking officials of Yuhai Prefecture and Dayuan Prefecture. Some people had already gone there, but there was no news yet.

“The Enlightenment River? I stopped by when I was passing through.” Li Wenying’s tone seemed a bit embarrassed.

Fang Yun was stunned, thinking to himself, even Brother Wenying has been there, this is going to be a tragedy!

“Ah? Even you went there? How was the effect?” Feng Yuanjun asked, and the others were also curious.

Li Wenying thought for a moment and said, “It’s hard to say.”

Everyone was extremely surprised. Even the Grand Academician said so, they had to go and see it even if it killed them!

Fang Yun held his forehead and looked at the ground helplessly, thinking that the Enlightenment River was completely deceptive. But these people were still spreading the rumor, and he, the one who started the rumor, didn’t dare to refute it. They were not afraid of the rumor being too big.

“We must go and see!” The Prefect Dong said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Zhao Hongzhuang didn’t care much about the Enlightenment River and asked, “Fang Yun, what exactly delayed you? General Zhang’s personal soldiers said you were at home all morning. Were you contemplating something?”

“If I say I was composing this poem, would you believe me?” Fang Yun asked tentatively.

Zhao Hongzhuang replied, “General Zhang’s personal soldiers said your family was worried about you. They didn’t dare to let anyone disturb you. You couldn’t possibly be composing a poem.”

Everyone stared at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun thought to himself that this was bad. His talent performance was related to the illusion of Book Mountain, but he couldn’t reveal the memory of Book Mountain. Should he continue to spread the rumor about the Enlightenment River?

(To be continued.)

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