Chapter 142 – The Thirty-Six Strategies

Military texts are similar to Treasures of Literature, but they are not the same.

The similarity between military texts and Treasures of Literature is that they are both physical objects, and their power is activated by consuming talent energy.

The difference is that ordinary Treasures of Literature require someone to permanently consume their talent energy to refine them, and the consumed talent energy will never recover. Semi-Saint Treasures of Literature rely on the power of The Path of the Saints. However, military texts do not require permanent consumption of talent energy during the writing process. As long as they can be written, they can be used.

However, every Presented Scholar can consume talent energy to create Treasures of Literature, but not everyone can write military texts. Even if they write according to “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, what they write is just an article, not a military text.

Fang Yun decided in his heart to focus on military texts for his next step.

“Military Strategists focus on warfare, so military texts naturally possess great power. However, compared to the power of poetry, the military texts of the Military Strategists are far less lethal to individuals and are more suitable for large-scale battles, with more auxiliary power. For example, no one used military texts to kill the pseudo-dragon bloodline turtle monster last time. Because in front of an enemy with unparalleled individual strength, ordinary military texts are useless, unless it is a military text written by oneself, or a particularly powerful military text.”

“Because of my exceptional talent, I have more talent energy than a newly promoted Presented Scholar, and it seems that I can use military texts. There are countless military texts in later generations, such as ‘Tang Li Question and Answer’, ‘Record of Defending the City’, ‘Shooting Scripture’, ‘Strategies of Hundred Battles’, ‘New Book of Ji Xiao’, etc. But these military texts have too many considerations, and I am not suitable to write them now, and I may not be able to write them. However, there is one military text that is absolutely suitable for me!”

“The ‘Thirty-Six Stratagems’ is a book of experience summarized by people in the Ming and Qing dynasties based on various real military instances. It is not a summary of their own experience like those military strategists, but a kind of collation and induction. The ‘Thirty-Six Stratagems’ is naturally not as profound as those famous military texts, but in terms of breadth and practicality, it is not inferior at all, because this is a summary of thousands of years of history by later generations, standing on the shoulders of giants, and has great practical value.”

“The ‘Thirty-Six Stratagems’ is definitely not something I can write now, but I can write it slowly, one stratagem at a time. Let’s try the first stratagem ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’. When I complete the ‘Thirty-Six Stratagems’, as my strength increases, the power of this book will also increase. Although this book is not as powerful as the Semi-Saint military text ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu, ‘The Art of War’ has been split up, and I can’t get the complete book. But ‘Thirty-Six Stratagems’ can.”

With these thoughts in mind, Fang Yun picked up his pen and began to write.

The original ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’ used two classic war cases from the Sui and Tang dynasties, but Fang Yun naturally couldn’t use them. So he used the case of Jin Wen Gong Chong Er in the Spring and Autumn Period, the famous strategy of reducing stoves by Sun Bin, and a war in the Ten Kingdoms Period as examples to write the stratagem of ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’.

Writing military texts is extremely mentally exhausting. Because if a person does not understand military texts thoroughly, what they write is just text, not military texts. So Fang Yun was exhausted after writing only half of it, and he was completely drained.

Fang Yun was not discouraged. He went back to bed to rest, lying down and repeatedly studying the stratagem of ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’, constantly looking for related cases from history, even looking for cases of defeat, trying to use the stratagem of ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’ to respond. He speculated whether it could turn the tide of the battle.

The more Fang Yun thought about it, the more he realized that writing military texts was a hundred times more difficult than he had imagined. If he couldn’t fully understand the stratagem of ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’, he would never be able to write it.

However, Fang Yun was not discouraged. He kept searching for information and learning in the World of Strange Books, verifying it, just like writing interpretations and discussions, repeatedly refining this stratagem.

But soon Fang Yun found that the process of writing military texts did not require the consumption of talent energy, but the process of speculation must consume talent energy, and now his talent energy was exhausted. He had to go to bed early.

Two hours later, The Courage to Write moved slightly, and Fang Yun immediately opened his eyes, his eyes clear. There was not a trace of bloodshot, and he was full of energy.

Fang Yun entered the Palace of Literature in his mind and found that his talent energy had completely filled up, growing an inch on the basis of nine inches.

The Courage to Write had grown, entering the first realm of being as tough as plants and trees. Although it was not as good as the current Semi-Saint disciple Yan Yukong, it was much stronger than Yan Yukong when he first became a Presented Scholar.

The light of the stars in the Palace of Literature shone on Fang Yun’s talent energy again, making his talent energy slowly increase and strengthen.

Fang Yun did not immediately go to perfect the stratagem of ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’, but first silently read ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu, ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Bin, and ‘The Art of War’ by Wu Zi, to understand the thoughts and power of the Semi-Saints, to bring his mind closer to the philosophy of the Military Strategists, and then continued to perfect the stratagem of ‘Deceive the Heaven to Cross the Sea’.

In the end, Fang Yun found that the actual difficulty was not a hundred times as he had imagined, but a thousand times!”It seems that to write ‘Deception Across the Sea’ into a real military strategy book, several steps need to be taken. The first step is to fully understand the strategy of ‘Deception Across the Sea’; the second step is to find a large number of war cases to prove the feasibility of this strategy; the third step is to find new war cases, put oneself in the losing side, and use the strategy of ‘Deception Across the Sea’ to win the battle.”

“The fourth step is to decompose, analyze, and then summarize this theory, thoroughly understanding each step of the ‘Deception Across the Sea’ strategy. The fifth step is to deepen the original theory, expanding on the original theory of ‘Deception Across the Sea’; the sixth step is to integrate and understand, and then complete the writing.”

Fang Yun continuously searched through the works of the military strategists of the Holy Origin Mainland, sadly discovering that those great scholars or all the saints advocated simplicity and profound meaning, and did not teach people how to write military strategy books like teaching scriptures. After all, military strategy books are not part of the imperial examination content, so the works of those great scholars and semi-saints, although they mention these six steps more or less, do not systematically discuss them.

“Sigh, it seems this task is up to me. The Book of Wonders can’t help me establish a unique military strategy theory system for the Holy Origin Mainland, I have to do it myself.”

Fang Yun found that some great military scholars also mentioned the seventh step of writing a military strategy book, but only a few words, without detailed explanation, and that is only a realm in the legend. If one can enter the seventh step when writing a military strategy book, it means that this book has the opportunity to integrate into “The Path of Wisdom”, and its power will be greatly increased.

It’s easy to write an article, but it’s hard to write a military strategy book. There are less than thirty original military strategy books in the Holy Origin Mainland, and the rest are rewritten by others after studying the original works, and their power is far less than the original works.

Fang Yun found that in the strategy of ‘Deception Across the Sea’, he had only reached the fourth step, and two more steps were needed to write it out.

“Just one strategy is so troublesome, what about the other thirty-five strategies? What about the other military strategy books?”

“There are so many military strategy books in later generations, it’s a pity that they can’t be spread and promoted. The key is that ‘The Thirty-Six Strategies’ may not be as high as the military strategy books of the semi-saints, but they are more suitable for military strategists below the great scholars. If I can write ‘The Thirty-Six Strategies’ into a complete military strategy book, the power of my human race will definitely grow again, which is absolutely more important than ‘Inscription of the Humble House’.”

After thinking, Fang Yun continued to study the strategy of ‘Deception Across the Sea’.

With the support of talent, Fang Yun slowly studied and researched, and soon his talent was exhausted, and he had to sleep again.

After another two hours, Fang Yun woke up and continued to study, finally completing the sixth step.

“I can write the military strategy book now!”

Fang Yun breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the pen again, and slowly wrote the strategy of ‘Deception Across the Sea’.

Fang Yun wrote very seriously, fearing that a slight omission would cause the military strategy book to fail and become a common article.

Soon, Fang Yun finished the last word, and then put down the pen to write the last period.

However, the moment the brush touched the paper, Fang Yun’s vision went black.

After an unknown period of time, Fang Yun heard noisy voices in his ears.

“General Fang! Wake up, General Fang!”

“We can’t do without you!”


Fang Yun felt that these people were calling him, but he was clearly just an accomplished scholar, it was impossible for him to be a general. He wanted to ask about the situation, but his head was dizzy, and it took a while before he opened his eyes.

This was a spacious marching tent, and seven or eight soldiers in armor were standing in front.

Fang Yun looked down and found himself lying in bed covered with a quilt, his legs slightly aching. Feeling something was wrong, he hurriedly lifted the quilt and found that he had lost both legs, and it seemed that he had just lost them not long ago. However, it seemed that someone had treated him with a medical book.

At first, Fang Yun thought he was dreaming, but found that his mind was extremely clear, and he could clearly remember the Book of Wonders and many other things, unlike dreaming. Then he carefully observed his surroundings, and was both surprised and delighted.

“Talent in Martial Arts! This ‘martial’ is not about fighting, but corresponds to the military and warfare, which is the seventh step of writing a military strategy book mentioned by those great scholars and semi-saints! Now, by consuming my talent, a martial arts illusion is being constructed in the Palace of Literature to test me with the content of the military strategy book. As long as I can complete the test with the thoughts and contents of the military strategy book, then this military strategy book can not only be completed, but can also integrate into the extremely rare ‘Path of Wisdom’.”

“The Path of Wisdom is extraordinary! Even the disciples of the prominent military strategist families would first accept the ‘Path of Courage’, as for whether they can have the ‘Path of Wisdom’, it cannot be forced. Unexpectedly, I just touched the edge of the ‘Path of Courage’, and I have the opportunity to integrate my military strategy book into the ‘Path of Wisdom’. However, in this talent in martial arts, I am bound to lose.””The Path of the Saints of Bravery is not something I accumulated in a day. When I, as a Child Scholar, went to slay demons, and in the end, fearlessly overdrawn my vitality to kill the Turtle Demon General, that was minor bravery; when I entered Book Mountain and was tortured so miserably in the illusion, yet still survived, that was major bravery; later, when I was on the fifth mountain, knowing that I couldn’t kill hundreds of demons, but still killed a demon general before perishing together, that was minor bravery. And this time, knowing that the Nation of Qing is targeting me, I stepped forward to engage in a literary battle, that is major bravery! After so many hardships, I have barely touched the edge of the Path of the Saints of Bravery. The Path of the Saints of Wisdom will definitely not be so simple to integrate into the military books.”

Fang Yun did not act rashly or arrogantly, he quickly assessed his own strength and made the final judgment.

“This time in the talent martial display, I don’t have much talent energy left, I’m afraid it will end before I complete my plan of deceiving the heavens. Therefore, what I need to do is to understand this environment more, to prepare for the next talent martial display!”

.(To be continued.)

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