Chapter 134 – Change of situation

Fang Yun said, "In that case, I'll just stay home and read, and not go out. Besides, I've already told others that I'll only appear at the Qixi Literature Conference."


"I'm not afraid of you stealing the limelight, but I'm afraid they'll provoke you and trick you. Now you're the head of Book Mountain, they naturally wouldn't dare to harm you directly. But if they beat you fair and square, even the Semi-Saints can't say anything, and Jianmei Gong wouldn't be able to intervene. Of course, Zhang Poyue would probably take revenge in secret." Zhao Hongzhuang said.


Fang Yun remembered the Semi-Saint's advice when he left Book Mountain, telling him not to draw attention to himself.


"Don't worry, I'll say that I forced my way into Book Mountain and caused the Literature Palace to shake, I won't stand out." Fang Yun said.


"That's best. They will definitely use all kinds of methods to provoke you, as long as you ignore them, no one can do anything to you." Zhao Hongzhuang said.


Fang Yun helplessly said, "The people they brought this time are quite extraordinary, aren't they?"


"More than extraordinary. It's said that someone from the Xi family has also come, who was once saved by the Poetry Monarch, and has come to repay the favor this time."


"The Xi family? The Semi-Saint Prominent Family of Qing Nation? The Xi family where Xi Yunxiao and Xi Sheng are?"


"Yes. Xi Sheng seems to have been in closed-door cultivation for many years and hasn't come out. If he knew, he would be furious." Zhao Hongzhuang said helplessly.


"Since it's to repay a favor, Xi Sheng wouldn't be able to stop it even if he knew, right?"


"Sigh… That's why I don't want you to show up. Although that person is not the top genius among the Ten Nations, and can't compare to Yan Yukong, he is one of the top Presented Scholars in Qing Nation. You're just an Accomplished Scholar, the gap is too big." Zhao Hongzhuang said.


"I understand, as long as I don't lose in the literature battle, no matter how much they make a fuss, it won't have a big negative impact on my Jing Kingdom."


Zhao Hongzhuang said, "You really understand the situation. Yes, no matter what they do, as long as you stay home and don't come out, they can't do anything to you. They will have to leave one day."


"Okay, don't worry, I won't participate in this literature battle." Fang Yun said.


Zhao Hongzhuang nodded, smiled slightly and said, "I thought you would be stubborn, now I can rest assured."


Yang Yuhuan's hands were tightly clutching the corners of her clothes. Now she slowly let go, her expression much calmer.


Nunu finished eating the duck neck and started eating the duck leg.


Fang Yun remembered Zhao Hongzhuang's identity and asked, "Hongzhuang, do you know anything about the Great Scholar's true text of 'The Peach Blossom Spring'?"


Zhao Hongzhuang thought for a moment and said, "The 'Peach Blossom Spring' and 'Peach Blossom Spring Poetry' were originally one. However, the 'Spring' was completed before the Saint was sealed, and it's just the Great Scholar's true text, while the 'Poetry' was completed after the Saint was sealed. It's a Saint's text. Together, they form the foundation of Tao Saint's sealing, 'The Peach Blossom Spring Poetry and Preface'. It's said that he established the 'Peach Blossom Spring Outside the World' with this, vowing to save the human race who were captured by the Demon Clan and taken to the Demon Realm. Unfortunately, until the Saint fell, we didn't know if there really was a 'Peach Blossom Spring Outside the World'. However, the Tao family firmly believes that there is, and it's highly credible. After all, there are quite a few Semi-Saint Treasures of Literature, such as the 'Eight Diagrams' created by Military Marquis Zhuge through studying the 'Book of Changes', and Chen Saint's 'Watch the Sea Mountain' do exist."


"What about 'The Peach Blossom Spring Poetry and Preface' and the situation of the Peach Blossom Spring Outside the World?"


"The Peach Blossom Spring Outside the World naturally disappeared. The Saint's text of 'Peach Blossom Spring Poetry' is still in the Tao family. But 'The Peach Blossom Spring' has been lost for a long time. According to the descendants of Tao Saint, Tao Saint had to abandon 'The Peach Blossom Spring' when he went deep into the Demon Realm before he was sealed, in order to protect tens of thousands of human race citizens. However, since 'Poetry' and 'Spring' are originally one, as long as 'Poetry' exists, 'Spring' exists. A few years ago, I heard that someone got a fragment of 'The Peach Blossom Spring', and someone said it was turned into a Great Scholar's corrupted text by the blood of the Demon Saint. It's hard to tell the truth from the false. Why do you ask about this?"


Fang Yun replied, "I read Tao Saint's collection of works yesterday and am very interested in the Peach Blossom Spring Outside the World."


Zhao Hongzhuang nodded and said, "Everyone is interested in the Semi-Saint's Treasures of Literature. It's said that the 'Eight Diagrams' of Military Marquis Zhuge has been lost for a long time, so after his Saint fell, the power of the Zhuge family is not as great as before. However, these things have little to do with us. After this matter is over, I suggest you go to the military for a few months of experience, and then practice the Accomplished Scholar's War Poetry. With your talent, it's not a problem to pass the Presented Scholar exam this year, so I suggest you definitely participate in the State Exam in September. Once you become a Presented Scholar, you'll have more self-protection."


"I remember you used to advise me to be steady and fight steadily. Like Yan Yukong, participate in the imperial examination once every two years." Fang Yun said.


"That was then, this is now. Before, although you were famous, it was limited. But now you're in the spotlight, both the Demon Barbarians and the military nations of Qing see you as a thorn in their side. You must do your best in the imperial examination, the sooner you become an Imperial Scholar, the better. As long as the foundation is not particularly unstable, it can be remedied."


"I'll think about it carefully."


Seeing that Zhao Hongzhuang didn't relax after finishing speaking, but looked even more worried, Fang Yun asked, "Hongzhuang, has something big happened?"

Zhao Hongzhuang shook her head and said, "It's not a big deal, but Tong Shilang has already sided with the Left Chancellor, and has broken ties with my Zhao family. This means the Left Chancellor has gained another general in the military."


Fang Yun's heart sank deeply. The Left Chancellor's power in the military was originally mediocre, but now with the support of the second-in-command of the Ministry of War, his power had greatly increased.


"Is anyone blaming me for this?" Fang Yun asked.


"Yes, but don't worry, we understand that this has nothing to do with you. It was instigated by the people of Qing Nation. Tong Shilang may not just be seeking revenge for his grandson, but may have decided that the Left Chancellor's power is growing and took the opportunity to join him. Changes in the court are common, we are used to it." Zhao Hongzhuang said this, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.


"If your Zhao family had abandoned me and supported Tong Shilang, would he have sided with the Left Chancellor?" Fang Yun asked.


Zhao Hongzhuang gently lifted her chin and said with a firm tone, "Jing Kingdom can be gone, Zhao family can be gone, but the backbone of our Zhao family cannot be gone! You did nothing wrong, why should we support Tong Shilang?"


Fang Yun showed a faint smile and said, "Thank you, and please thank the Empress Dowager for me."


"There's no need to thank the Empress Dowager, she hasn't said anything." Zhao Hongzhuang said.


Fang Yun knew that Zhao Hongzhuang and the Empress Dowager didn't get along well, but the previous monarch had a good relationship with Zhao Hongzhuang, so the Empress Dowager never made things difficult for her.


"Now that Tong Shilang has sided with the Left Chancellor, won't there be problems in Mizhou, which borders the barbarians?" Fang Yun asked.


Zhao Hongzhuang said, "There won't be any problems in Mizhou, but Yuhai City will be in trouble. The Left Chancellor's hand may reach Yuhai Prefecture."


"What? Even Yuhai Prefecture won't be spared? If Yuhai Prefecture is in chaos, the Dragon Clan and the Flood Dragon Palace will definitely take action." Fang Yun said seriously.


"As long as Li Wenying is there, Yuhai will be fine. So they dare not move Li Wenying, they will move others."


"Prefect Dong? Feng Yuanjun? It's not my uncle, is it?" Fang Yun said.


Zhao Hongzhuang shook her head and said, "If it were these three people, we wouldn't be worried. I suspect they will transfer Zhang Poyue."


"Commander Zhang is proficient in naval warfare, he has won more than lost against the Dragon Clan, and has never lost to the Flood Dragon Palace. If he leaves, Yuhai City will be in danger, and the Holy Academy will also be dissatisfied. Don't you have a way to stop it?" Fang Yun asked.


"No, because… something happened, we had to compromise. The news will be confirmed in a few days." Zhao Hongzhuang showed a hint of sadness.


Fang Yun was about to ask, but closed his mouth. Since Zhao Hongzhuang didn't want to say it, it must be something she didn't want to mention.


"Sigh, I see. But the next Jiangzhou Commander won't be the Left Chancellor's close friend, will he?"


"No, he is a good friend of Tong Shilang for many years. He also served in Yuhai City in the past, but he didn't get along with Li Wenying. Back then, it was Li Wenying who forced him to leave."


Fang Yun felt a headache and said, "I didn't expect things to be so complicated. It seems that I can't take the path of a civil official in the future. I'm not a major in the School of Miscellaneous or the School of Diplomacy. If I become a civil official, I'm afraid I'll be stuck in intrigue for the rest of my life and won't be able to achieve anything in the Path of the Saints. Will the new commander target me?"


"Lu Hanlin and the Left Chancellor are different. Although he will compete with Li Wenying for power, he won't target you. After all, he knows very well that if he offends you in Yuhai Prefecture, he will be unable to move. I guess he won't make things difficult for you, but he won't befriend you either. However, if you make a mistake, he might deliver a fatal blow to you." Zhao Hongzhuang said.


"Will he definitely treat me this way?"


Zhao Hongzhuang hesitated for a moment and said, "This is just the worst possibility. But Lu Hanlin has a good reputation as an official, so he should not harm you. After all, the one who has a grudge against you is Tong Shilang, not him."


"I will be careful in the future." Fang Yun said.


"Yes, try not to offend Lu Hanlin, and try to win him over if you can. After all, he will be the nominal number one military man in Jiangzhou in the future. But as long as Jianmei Duke is there, he won't dare to go too far, don't worry."


"What will Jianmei Duke's reaction be to this?"


"Sigh, he is more tired than anyone else now. He has to guard against Feng City's absolute revenge on you, monitor the Jiang River Flood Dragon Palace, and also guard against Qing Nation. Fortunately, because the Holy Land appeared early, the Dragon Clan decided to attack Yuhai Prefecture in September, otherwise he would be even busier."


"Hongzhuang, should I go to the Holy Land? I heard it's very cruel."


"I can't make this decision for you, but I will ask Wenxiang and Jianmei Duke for their opinions. You should listen to them, they won't harm you."


"Okay. Anyway, the Holy Land opens on the fifteenth of August, and there are more than two months left, I'm not in a hurry. I'll just stay at home and study hard, not caring about the outside world, and focus on reading the books of the saints."


A glint flashed in Zhao Hongzhuang's eyes, and she said, "You really are talented, even a casual remark can be insightful. I'll remember it and submit it to the Holy Academy tomorrow to avoid someone else stealing your quote in the future."


Fang Yun felt helpless, he really had no control over these spontaneous remarks."Thank you, Hongzhuang," said Fang Yun.


"I wonder when I will also have talent," Zhao Hongzhuang said, gazing distantly at the sky outside the door. Everyone in the room could sense her dissatisfaction.


"Meow! Meow!" Nunu raised its paw high, as if saying it shared Zhao Hongzhuang's thoughts and also wanted to have talent.


Fang Yun smiled and said, "The human race is always progressing, perhaps you will see that day."


Zhao Hongzhuang shook her head and said, "It has nothing to do with the human race, but with talent. Unless the talent of the human race suddenly increases, to the point of being inexhaustible, the Holy Academy will not allow us women to participate in the imperial examination. But I'll take your good words to heart, I will wait patiently." (To be continued.)

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