Chapter 130 – The Top Talented Scholar of the Ten Nations!

"Even if they don't honor the bet, we must shatter their literary palace! I'm afraid Tong Li might have met with an accident inside the Book Mountain. He's done for. Shi Dehong might be waiting outside. Let's go and check."

"But what about Tong Li…"

"The Literary Academy will have someone look after him. Let's go."

Eight Accomplished Scholars eagerly walked out, and soon saw Fang Yun talking with the guards outside.

The guards rushed into the Holy Temple to save people, while Fang Yun headed outside the Literary Academy. The eight Accomplished Scholars silently followed behind.

A great number of officials came over, almost like a tidal wave.

Fang Yun glanced over and noticed that aside from a few high-ranking officials like Zhang Poyue, almost all the officials of Jade Sea Prefecture, from fifth to seventh rank, were present. Even the generals, who usually don’t visit the academy, were there. Apart from the officials, there were also several highly respected elders whom he had seen at the Dragon Boat Celebration. Over forty of them looked over with eager anticipation, seemingly more anxious than when their own descendants ascended Book Mountain.

Without getting too close, Feng Yuanjun shouted, "Did you pass the Three Mountains and Two Pavilions?"

Fang Yun smiled, "I passed the Three Mountains and Two Pavilions." However, he was still thinking about that mysterious palace and the grassland. He had clearly failed at the fifth mountain, so how did he end up there? He was curious about what that place really was.

"Good!" Feng Yuanjun couldn't help but clap and laugh loudly.

"Good! You won the bet! I want to see the disciple from Qing Nation shatter his own literary palace with my own eyes."

"Let’s go!"

The crowd surrounded Fang Yun and headed towards the entrance of the Literary Academy.

Meanwhile, an official secretly sent a message using a carrier pigeon. It appeared at the academy in the Jing Kingdom's capital, and then was promptly delivered at high speed to the military vice-minister's residence.

The vice-minister, who was over fifty years old, read the message and sighed softly, "Tell them to do their best to keep Xiao Li alive. Someone, prepare the Fire-Hoofed Ox cart. I need to go to Jade Sea City personally. I hope I make it in time."

Soon after, a cart pulled by two Fire-Hoofed Oxen left the capital, speeding towards Jade Sea City.

It was around 5 in the morning. Even though it wasn't the usual release day for "The Path of the Saints", the area outside the Literary Academy in Jade Sea City was packed. Many people were waiting for news from Book Mountain, an occurrence never seen before.

Previously, Jing Kingdom’s performance was average. Even though the nation of the top-ranked scholar on Book Mountain would receive abundant rewards from the Holy Academy, Jing Kingdom had only achieved this once. Subsequent trips to Book Mountain went unnoticed.

This time was different. The world’s top third-ranked Accomplished Scholar was from Jing Kingdom, and he ascended Book Mountain right from this Jade Sea Prefecture Literary Academy.

"Ah, why haven’t they come out yet? My back and legs are killing me."

"Why not rest in the cart?"

"No way! What if they come out and I miss it? I want to see that brat from Qing Nation shatter his own literary palace with my own eyes!"

"Ah, don't be so sure of yourself. If Fang Yun fails, Jing Kingdom will have no future. We'll just be waiting to be divided by other nations."

"That’s right, we came here mainly to see the outcome in advance. If Fang Yun wins, there's hope for Jing Kingdom’s rise. If he loses, Jing Kingdom will surely be divided after the fall of Saint Chen."

"May heaven bless Jing Kingdom."

"May heaven bless Fang Yun."

The vast square of the Literary Academy was packed with citizens of Jing Kingdom, and a solemn, melancholic atmosphere hovered in the air.

Shi Dehong, the disciple of Poet Lord, and the Presented Scholars from Qing Nation who had come for the Dragon Boat Literary Conference, were all gathered together. They looked quite relaxed, but Shi Dehong's face was serious, even displaying a hint of anger. This was because he had been driven away from this very place by Historian Lord, marking the greatest humiliation of his life.

"Dehong, don't be so serious. This year's Book Mountain is slower than previous years. It must be because those disciples from the Semi-Saint Prominent Families climbed too high. It can't possibly have anything to do with Fang Yun."

"Yes, this year’s Accomplished Scholars from the Semi-Saint Prominent Families are truly extraordinary. Some are comparable to Yan Yukong, surely they can reach the Three Mountains and Three Pavilions."

Shi Dehong nodded, saying with disdain, "I can't believe he could pass the Three Mountains and Two Pavilions! When I was a Presented Scholar, I couldn’t even make it. How could he, a mere Accomplished Scholar, do it?"

"Of course. We want to see him shatter his own literary palace and watch him become a fool."

Shi Dehong said maliciously, "I don’t really hope he becomes a fool. I hope that after shattering his literary palace, he lives his whole life in regret and pain. Only then can my hatred be appeased."

Just then, the main gate of the Literary Academy slowly opened.

Many experienced citizens of the Jing Kingdom showed joy on their faces because the main entrance of the academy wasn't casually opened. It's usually only opened during the imperial examinations, for receiving high officials, and other significant occasions. If Fang Yun had failed to ascend the Book Mountain, there's no way the main entrance would have been opened. Even if Fang Yun succeeded, the main entrance wouldn't normally be opened. This suggests that there might be some exceptionally good news.

As the main gates continued to part, more and more people appeared behind them, all with joyous expressions.

Other than the Tong family members, almost all of the Jing Kingdom's citizens wanted to cheer aloud. However, they all held back, quietly awaiting the final result.

The faces of the members of the Tong family and the people from the Qing Nation turned pale in an instant. Even if they were foolish, they could deduce that Fang Yun might have already won. Yet they hadn’t given up, hoping for a special outcome.

Feng Yuanjun surveyed the crowd, and finally, his gaze landed on Shi Dehong who was nearby. Taking a deep breath, just as he was about to speak, a resounding voice boomed overhead.

Simultaneously, the same voice echoed over all the academies in the ten nations.

"Jing Kingdom's scholar, Fang Yun, has fearlessly faced the challenges, bravely scaled the Book Mountain, and finally reached the top of the three peaks and three pavilions. He stands at the pinnacle of this Book Mountain journey, the foremost scholar of the ten nations. May all the students take Fang Yun as their role model, aspire to the ideals of All the Saints, and bolster our human race!"

Outside the Jade Sea Prefecture Academy, a tsunami of cheers erupted!

"After the Semi-Saint Chen, our Jing Kingdom has once again secured the top spot of the Book Mountain, victory to Jing Kingdom!"

"Fang Yun ascended the Book Mountain, the top scholar of the ten nations!"

"In the past years, only the title 'Pinnacle of Book Mountain' was awarded. Yet, being awarded the title 'Top Scholar of the Ten Nations' is an honor bestowed upon only four or five people in a century. The rise of Jing Kingdom is imminent!"

Fang Yun was somewhat speechless. The Semi-Saint had just told him not to be ostentatious, but now he was bestowed the title of "Top Scholar of the Ten Nations". This meant that in front of him, no one else could proclaim or refer to anyone else as a prodigy. He alone was the true prodigy of the ten nations.

Once the cheers died down, Feng Yuanjun raised his arm to signal everyone to quiet down. He then loudly said, "Fang Yun's brave ascent to the peak of Book Mountain is indeed a joyous event. However, celebrations will have to wait. Now, we have an issue to settle with the Qing Nation!"

Feng Yuanjun's voice, resonating like the roar of spring thunder, echoed around the academy, and everyone heard him crystal clear.

Everyone followed Feng Yuanjun's gaze to look at the six individuals from the Qing Nation, who looked either panic-stricken or despondent. Shi Dehong's face was particularly contorted in anguish.

Most present were scholars and understood Shi Dehong's mindset. For a member of a noble family who had gone through numerous challenges to become a Presented Scholar, destroying their own Courage to Write was far worse than death. After destroying their Courage to Write, not only would their family's status decline, but past enemies would also surely retaliate.

The area in front of the academy became eerily silent, occasionally punctuated by coughs.

Shi Dehong clenched his teeth tightly. During the announcement of the prefectural examination results, he had been humiliated by Historian Jun. Today, he wanted to redeem himself. Facing Fang Yun's achievements was one thing, but being overshadowed by Fang Yun being named "Top Scholar of the Ten Nations" by a Semi-Saint felt like a deliberate humiliation!

After a long pause, Shi Dehong turned to Fang Yun and whispered, "If I apologize to you, can you forgive me?"

"Don't listen to him, Fang Yun!"

"Fang Yun, don't act rashly!"

People around were voicing their concerns, fearing that Fang Yun might show mercy to Shi Dehong.

However, one of the Presented Scholars beside Shi Dehong loudly said, "Fang Yun, as the top scholar of the ten nations, you should possess benevolence and righteousness. Since Dehong is apologizing to you, you should forgive him."

"Our Jing and Qing nations share borders and waters. We've cooperated numerous times to fight off barbarians. How could you kill him?"

"Rubbish, when did it become Fang Yun killing him?"

The citizens of Jing Kingdom were angered. These people from Qing Nation were shameless. They were subtly implying that if Fang Yun didn’t agree, he would be seen as unkind, tarnishing his reputation.

In such a situation, Fang Yun would be very passive, and he could easily be slandered.

However, Fang Yun appeared unaffected, and with a light smile, he said, "The people from the Qing Nation are mistaken. This matter depends on him, not on me. Shi Dehong, if I had lost this time, could you have accepted my apology and forgiven me? If you can, then swear on your Courage to Write. Once the oath is taken, all disputes between us will be settled."

The people from the Jing Kingdom were at a loss for words, silently cursing Fang Yun for his cunning. In this way, the blame was shifted entirely onto Shi Dehong. Shi Dehong would certainly not forgive Fang Yun, and he would surely not dare to swear. In the future, others would only blame Shi Dehong, and they could never attribute the fault to Fang Yun.

Those from the Jing Kingdom felt even more that Fang Yun lived up to his reputation. In a short span of time, he retaliated so sharply. He truly deserved the title of the foremost talent among the ten nations.

Thousands of eyes were fixed on Shi Dehong.

First, the failure of the Dragon Boat Literary Meet, then being expelled by Lord Shi, recently receiving an indirect punishment from a Semi-Saint, and now with Fang Yun's last words cutting him like a knife, Shi Dehong finally couldn't withstand the immense pressure. He broke down and ran out like a madman.

As he ran, he shouted, "I can't destroy my own Literary Palace! I am from a prominent family! I have powerful backers! I am the disciple of Poet Lord, if anyone dares to harm me, my master will definitely seek revenge! Fang Yun, don't push me to my death, my master won't spare you!"

Suddenly, a mocking laugh came from not far away.

"Do people from the Jing Kingdom never admit defeat?"

A burly man with a bearded face strode forward. An odd force seemed to push everyone away from his path, as if they were making way for him.

"General Zhang!"

"Commander Zhang!"

"Brother Poyue."

Hearing these titles, everyone recognized him. The highest military officer of Jiang State, the State Military Commander, and Hanlin Scholar Zhang Poyue – a man whose prestige in Jiang State was second only to Li Wenying.

However, the attendant behind him holding a fruit basin seemed out of place.

Seeing Zhang Poyue, the officials had two distinct expressions; some were elated while others seemed to be thinking, "This is bad."

Zhang Poyue declared loudly, "People of Jing Kingdom, when you go back, remember to tell Poet Lord that the one who killed his disciple is named Zhang Poyue. If he dares, let him seek revenge from Li Wenying!"

With that, Zhang Poyue spat out a spear of talent energy.

A flash of white light pierced through Shi Dehong's chest. A spray of red light accompanied the spear as it flew out, landing on the ground and spreading into a pool of blood.

…(To be continued…)

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