Chapter 129 – Come down from the book mountain

“Why is that?”

Fang Yun explained, “The teeth of goats are peculiar. When they graze, they eat the grass along with its roots. The more goats you raise, the greater the damage to the grassland.”

“That’s a strategy, but it seems insufficient to make a decisive impact,” the general commented.

“This is just the first step. The second step is to purchase large quantities of grassland insects such as mantises, dragonflies, and ladybugs, all of which prey on pests, under the pretext of medicinal use. Within three years, the grassland will surely be overrun with pests.”

Everyone’s faces lit up with delight, realizing that Fang Yun had a series of interconnected plans.

“Your Highness, is there a third step?” an Accomplished Scholar asked eagerly.

“For the third step, if the barbarians sell a large number of goats, they will lack meat. Therefore, we will only buy rabbit skins, not rabbit meat, and let the barbarians eat rabbit meat.”

A Presented Scholar immediately exclaimed with joy, “I understand this! Rabbits have too little fat, and we humans can’t gain weight even if we eat them all the time. Those barbarians who practice every day, without beef and mutton, and only eat rabbit meat, their bodies will inevitably deteriorate. Moreover, rabbits are best at burrowing and damaging the ground, and they are particularly prolific. If they eat more grass, other animals will have less to eat.”

“The third step not only includes rabbits but also mice. We need to control animals that are good at hunting mice and rabbits, such as snakes, foxes, wolves, and eagles, or simply purchase certain parts of these animals’ bodies under the pretext of medicinal use, encouraging the barbarians to hunt.”

Everyone nodded, only vaguely understanding that this would be harmful to the barbarians, but not as knowledgeable as Fang Yun about the food chain and ecological balance.

“In this way, we can reclaim the geographical advantage. After that, we need to control the weather!”

“But even a Semi-Saint can only change the weather for a short period. To permanently change a place is not only difficult, but the Demon Saint and Barbarian Saint will also take action.”

“I ask you, if I disseminate a method to make the grass grow more lush, will they do it?” Fang Yun asked.

Everyone stared blankly at Fang Yun. This question didn’t even need to be asked.

Fang Yun smiled and said, “At the beginning, when there are too many goats, there will inevitably be not enough grass. There is a way to make the grass thrive, which is to dig water channels from lakes, wetlands, and swamps in all directions to irrigate the grass, which can make the grass grow better in a short time.”

“What about in the long run?”

“You’ll find out later.”

Fang Yun sighed inwardly. These were not made up out of thin air, because they had all happened in reality. Especially the last strategy of over-exploiting lake water and wetlands, which was like drawing the firewood from under the pot. Once more water leaves the lake, whether it’s soil erosion or accelerated evaporation, it’s extremely lethal. In the end, the entire land will harden and the vegetation will degenerate, leading to desertification.

If it’s just a lack of water, the barbarians can change it, but if the ecological balance collapses and there are problems with regional humidity, the Demon Barbarians are powerless. Plus, the Holy Academy will add fuel to the fire, making the whole process even more terrifying and rapid than a normal ecological collapse.

“Even the people of that era suffered a great loss, these barbarians can’t possibly discover the secrets in advance. If this strategy is applied to the Holy Origin Mainland, before the barbarians discover it, all the Saints will join forces to create a heavy snowfall in winter, freezing to death a large number of cattle, sheep, and animals. By then, the barbarians will have no other choice but to launch an attack and fight to the death with the human race. They can’t just wait to starve to death. Although this will disrupt the ecological balance, as long as the barbarians are wiped out, all the Saints can join forces and ask the Dragon Saint to intervene, it can be easily resolved. There’s no hidden danger for the human race.”

Fang Yun glanced at the sky outside the door.

“As for this tribe here, it will be even worse, because the mere Barbarian King is powerless in the face of ecological imbalance and land desertification.”

An elder from Book Mountain suddenly appeared and waved his hand, saying, “You all watch.”

A huge light curtain appeared at the entrance of the Military Academy’s main hall, showing the entire grassland in fast-forward. The number of sheep that didn’t eat grass roots decreased, while the number of goats and rabbits increased. Then the grass became insufficient, and the barbarians began to dig water channels, drawing water from lakes and other swamps.

Soon after, the grass on the grassland became less and less, followed by a pest outbreak, until the grassland completely degraded.

In the end, the entire barbarian tribe came out in full force, men, women, old and young, charging towards this mountain stronghold in a tragic attempt to die together with the human race. Then the light curtain disappeared.

Everyone around was shocked by this terrifying consequence. They didn’t expect that such an effect could be achieved by just spending some money. This was the true annihilation of a race through strategy, even more terrifying than a Semi-Saint.

As everyone gradually left, only Fang Yun and the elder were left in the hall.

“You’ve passed,” the elder stared at Fang Yun. His tone was as calm as before, but Fang Yun felt a chill down his spine under his gaze.

Fang Yun coughed lightly and said, “I was inspired by the words of those elders.”

“If this plan is used on the Holy Origin Mainland, how can we make people not suspect the act of buying goats?” the elder asked calmly.Fang Yun blurted out without much thought, “Just spread a rumor that the barbarian goats have absorbed the vitality of the barbarians, which can enhance virility and strength. Then, the Holy Academy only needs to be responsible for letting merchants collect barbarian goats, and there will be no worry about sales. Finally, create a few stories about people who have broken through their literary positions after eating barbarian goats, and the barbarian goats will naturally sell well, and the barbarians will not suspect.”

The old man stared at Fang Yun for a while before saying, “Have you considered going deep into the Demon Realm, becoming a disciple of the Northern Sage, and causing chaos among the demons? In this regard, you are stronger than him.”

“You flatter me! I’m just an Accomplished Scholar, how dare I go to the Demon Realm to compete with the Sages. I think studying and taking the imperial examination suits me.” Fang Yun hurriedly said.

“If your future imperial examination involves the extermination of barbarians, you can use today’s matter as a topic for your policy.” The old man pointed at Fang Yun’s forehead.

Fang Yun’s vision went dark, and he saw the Star Tree again. But this time, the Heart of Literature felt different to him, smaller but emitting a more terrifying aura, even trailing a long flame like a meteor as it flew towards him.

Unlike the last time, when the Heart of Literature entered his literary palace, Fang Yun groaned and immediately fainted.

“Huh? He just fainted without any injuries? Then the divine fruit from the Demon Realm I prepared is useless.”

After a while, Fang Yun woke up, feeling a mess in his head, as if he had drunk too much wine, unable to concentrate.

“Old… old man, is this picking the Heart of Literature, or a comet hitting… the Holy Origin Mainland?” Fang Yun supported himself on the table, seeing double.

“This is the supreme Heart of Literature. Even the people of the Kong Family only have the chance to pick it when they become Grand Academicians. It’s a miracle that your literary palace wasn’t shattered.” The old man said.

“But, is this test just over like this? What you deduced before might not necessarily be effective, don’t we need to wait?” Fang Yun said.

The old man’s eyes were deep, “No need to wait. I have long studied the way of balance of all things. When you finished this strategy, I already knew the result. I didn’t expect that you have already mastered the way of balance of all things, and with a few casual words, you dissolved the enemy. You truly have the style of a Semi-Saint. Go back, if you can’t overcome the obstacles ahead, having great talent is useless. Also, the biggest reward is left behind.”

The old man finished speaking and waved his hand.

“You haven’t told me what this place is, and my Heart of Literature…”

Fang Yun felt dizzy, and when he opened his eyes, he was back in the Holy Temple of the Prefecture Academy in Jade Sea Prefecture, waking up with the others.

Everyone around him had a look of confusion in their eyes, only Fang Yun’s gaze was as usual.

“We all came out of Book Mountain together, it seems that the time on that grassland also has some problems. No!” Fang Yun found a big problem, he could actually remember everything that happened in Book Mountain!

“It seems this is the biggest reward. If I had no memory, everything I experienced in the Dream Pavilion would be greatly discounted. This secret must not be leaked.”

Fang Yun’s gaze immediately became slightly blurred like the others, then he entered his literary palace with his divine sense, ready to observe the new Heart of Literature flame. To his surprise, he saw two nine-inch high Accomplished Scholar talents above his statue!

“Am I now a towering talent, is it a lower-grade supreme Heart of Literature? Or will it gradually increase with the increase of literary position or something? The Presented Scholar examination is in September, I wonder if I can see that old man again when I go to Book Mountain then or next year.”

Fang Yun turned his head to look at the Heart of Literature flame, the new Heart of Literature flame was no different from the first one, rooted in the mural of Shennong tasting herbs, but the light emitted by this Heart of Literature flame was softer.

“The top-grade Heart of Literature of writing vigorously can probably reduce my talent fluctuation by a quarter of a breath, I wonder how much this supreme Heart of Literature can reduce.”

Fang Yun looked carefully in his literary palace again, then smiled contentedly.

“This trip to Book Mountain has yielded a hundred times more than I expected!”

Fang Yun left the literary palace, a voice came to his ear, “You have stepped into the fifth mountain, but to protect you, it is only announced that you have passed three mountains and two pavilions, not three mountains and three pavilions. Don’t show off after leaving the Holy Temple.”

“Thank you, Sage!” Fang Yun immediately bowed, and the other Accomplished Scholars bowed almost at the same time.

“Ah, I thought I could go up one mountain and two pavilions, but I don’t know why I only went up one mountain and one pavilion.”

“I didn’t even go up the mountain, damn it! Look, why is Tong Li lying on the ground?”

Everyone looked at Tong Li together, one person wanted to help him up, but withdrew his hand and looked at Fang Yun.

“Brother Fang, how many mountains and pavilions have you passed?”

“I stopped at three mountains and three pavilions. I’ll go call someone, don’t move him to avoid hurting him.” Fang Yun said and walked towards the outside of the Holy Temple.

“Great!” The eight Accomplished Scholars cheered together, then each of them had a look of surprise on their faces.

An Accomplished Scholar whispered, “It’s strange, why am I so nervous about Fang Yun, afraid that he will lose to others. I was originally dissatisfied with him, but after he won the Dragon Boat Literature Meeting, I was no longer dissatisfied, but I can’t say I have a good impression of him, so why do I think he’s especially good now?”

“Me too! What’s going on?””I understand now! He must have done us a great favor in Book Mountain, a great deed, that’s why we all appreciate him. Similar things have happened before, two people who didn’t get along well became friends after descending from Book Mountain, while those who were originally close ended up despising each other. Our memories are gone, but some aspects haven’t disappeared.”

“I’m afraid so. If that’s the case, I’ll have to protect him even more in the future, after all, he helped us in Book Mountain.”

“Of course!”

“I just don’t know if the disciples of Poet Jun and Tong Li will honor their bet.” (To be continued.)

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