Chapter 127 – Deadlock

The rebellious Presented Scholar picked up his pen to write “The Song of the Great Wind”. However, due to his lack of literary heart, his writing was extremely slow. Meanwhile, the Tiger Demon General took a few steps forward, intending to obstruct Fang Yun. The Savage Cow General shielded the rebellious Presented Scholar behind him.

Fang Yun continued to charge forward. By the time three breaths had passed, the rebellious Presented Scholar had not yet finished writing “The Song of the Great Wind”. Fang Yun stopped, standing ten feet away from the Tiger Demon General. As before, he began to write a pair of connected poems.

The two Demon Barbarians prepared to strike together once the rebellious Presented Scholar had finished his poem, intending to kill Fang Yun with their absolute power. However, the current situation did not allow them to be overly passive.

The two Demon Barbarians exchanged a glance, immediately stirring their blood and qi, and roared at Fang Yun. The powerful wind carried the force of their blood and qi towards Fang Yun. Their combined roar was enough to kill an Accomplished Scholar outright and could almost break all Presented Scholars’ paper strategies and eloquent speeches.

Facing the raging wind, Fang Yun stood firm like a mountain, protected by his courage to write. The power of the Demon Barbarians did not disrupt him. He held down the paper with his left hand and continued to write with his right.

The rebellious Presented Scholar’s “The Song of the Great Wind” was completed. At the same time, Fang Yun’s “Tiger’s March” and “General’s Blade” were released in succession.

A tornado capable of grinding anyone into a pulp suddenly appeared out of thin air, intending to kill Fang Yun.

Fang Yun turned and ran, but a severe pain struck his back. His clothes were torn, large chunks of flesh were ripped away by the tornado, leaving a bloody mess and even exposing the stark white bones.

“Truly worthy of a Presented Scholar.” Fang Yun gritted his teeth against the pain, dodged the range of “The Song of the Great Wind”, and quickly escaped with the help of “Swift Travel Poem”.

“General’s Blade” did not require Fang Yun’s control. As soon as it appeared, it attacked the target Fang Yun had previously set.

The blood-patterned treasure blade was unsheathed, first cutting down the rebellious scholar, then the barbarian general.

“Roar…” The Tiger Demon General charged at Fang Yun like a madman. However, the superior literary heart was too strong. With two poems completed in a single breath, Fang Yun completely killed the Tiger Demon General.

“It’s a pity that I’m only an Accomplished Scholar. The power of these war poems is too weak. If my literary rank was higher or even if I became a Great Scholar, then I could truly unleash the power of various war poems. For example, the last two lines of ‘General’s Blade’. In reality, only the power of one line is displayed. The demon blood rolling into green waves can’t be manifested at all. This is the situation when using war poems with insufficient strength.”

With the death of the Tiger Demon General, the entire enclosed hall suddenly shook. The wall in front cracked open to form a door, and soft sunlight shone in. The old man from Book Mountain stood at the entrance.

The Holy Academy is the core of the human race and also retains one-third of Sage Confucius’s talent. All entrances to the holy lands are here.

Most of the holy lands are controlled by the Four Sages, while the Kong Family exclusively occupies one holy land. The six Semi-Saint Prominent Families share one holy land, and the other Semi-Saint Prominent Families share one holy land.

In the easternmost part of the Holy Academy, there is a very ordinary private courtyard. Inside the courtyard is a very ordinary two-story building. Even the oldest clerks of the Holy Academy do not know what is there, only knowing that many descendants of the Kong Family enter every year.

An old man with white hair and beard was sleeping in the courtyard, but the entire courtyard suddenly shook slightly.

The old man woke up abruptly and rushed to the front door of the house at a speed faster than that of ordinary young people.


The old man crashed into the door, but the door did not budge.

The old man beat his chest and stomped his feet, crying out in pain, “How could this be! Someone has directly entered the main hall of the secret palace and successfully passed, obtaining the supreme literary heart! This person is definitely not a disciple of my Kong Family. Who is he! If an outsider obtains the supreme literary heart, we will be the sinners of the Kong Family! Great sinners! The family head, you must find the person who sneaked into the secret palace and must be cut to pieces!”

A voice suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

“He entered, so what? There’s no need to make a fuss. He is not a disciple of my Kong Family. Even if he successfully passes the main hall, he will gain nothing. He still has to pass that final test. As far as I know, including all the geniuses of the human race throughout history, including our ancestors, no one can complete that final test under the rank of Grand Academician. And those with a literary rank higher than Imperial Scholar cannot enter. That place is just a dead end. As for the supreme literary heart, even the descendants of my Kong Family cannot obtain it completely. How could he? Do not mention this matter to others, or the sin will be treason!”

“But that person directly entered the main hall, and within a year, the people of my Kong Family cannot enter the secret palace.”

“Let nature take its course. You don’t need to worry.”


The old man looked at the door and finally sighed helplessly.

Fang Yun looked at the old man at the entrance of the mysterious palace and bowed, “I’ve seen the old man.”

The old man still had no expression on his face, “Book Mountain is just one of the tests, and even the test of this main hall is nothing. Follow me, this is the final test. If you can pass, you can get the supreme literary heart.”

Fang Yun asked, “Is there really a supreme literary heart? I’ve read so many books, but I’ve only seen it once.”

“Once you pass this test, you will know what the supreme literary heart is. Follow me.” The old man said as he walked out.

Fang Yun immediately stepped forward, following behind the old man, looking around.

This was a “concave”-shaped valley. The valley could be seen at a glance, with hundreds of houses. The architectural style here was extremely rough, and weapons were everywhere.

At the entrance of the valley was a tall city wall, with soldiers patrolling on it.

Everyone who saw the old man would greet him and call him “sir”.Fang Yun surveyed his surroundings. The nearby area was mostly filled with women and children. The dirty children curiously watched him while the women busied themselves with their tasks.

Further ahead were various workshops and academies, from which the sound of reading echoed.

In front of him was a training ground where hundreds of soldiers were practicing, their shouts shaking the heavens.

Fang Yun looked up at the sky. It was cloudless and vast, giving off a sense of desolation and unease that was absent in city skies.

“Is this the frontier?” Fang Yun asked.

The old man nodded.

The two of them climbed up to the city wall. Fang Yun looked out to see a stretch of sandy soil, and beyond that, a verdant grassland. It was vast and pleasing to the eye, but it could easily become monotonous after a while.

“I wonder what the final test is?” Fang Yun asked.

The old man pointed in a direction and said, “Two hundred miles away, there is a tribe of ten thousand Wolf Savages, led by a Savage King. Your test is to annihilate this tribe.”

Fang Yun asked, “The Savage King is equivalent to a Grand Academician, and the Wolf Savage tribe has eight thousand warriors. What forces do I have at my disposal?”

“The support of ten nations, and the strength of this fortress,” the old man replied nonchalantly.

Fang Yun looked down at the fortress in confusion. It had less than two thousand people in total. If you subtracted the elderly, women, and children, the actual fighting force was probably only a thousand.

A thousand ordinary people against eight thousand savages?

“Are there any Grand Academicians in the fortress?”


“Any Great Scholars?”


“Then who is the highest-ranked scholar in the fortress?”

“One Hanlin Scholar, two Imperial Scholars, five Presented Scholars.”

Fang Yun stared at the old man, who seemed completely unfazed. After a while, he asked respectfully, “Sir, are you messing with me?”

Even if all the people in the fortress were added together, they wouldn’t be enough for the Savage King to kill. It could even be said that the tribe only needed to send out a fifth of their people, along with a Savage Marquis equivalent to a Hanlin Scholar, to wipe out everyone in the fortress.

The old man said, “If you pass the test, you can obtain the supreme Heart of Literature and become an outstanding talent.”

Fang Yun’s heart stirred.

The Heart of Literature was just an ordinary talent, but once it reached the top grade, it could allow him, as an Accomplished Scholar, to kill many Demon Barbarians at the Presented Scholar level. This supreme Heart of Literature, even if it wasn’t unique, couldn’t exceed four types. It was clearly more powerful than the ordinary Heart of Literature.

Li Wenying, the renowned poet of the Wind and Rain Sword, was a very powerful individual. His ability to kill demons was second to none among his peers, but he only had one Heart of Literature, and it was the most common one. Li Wenying might have the chance to obtain more Hearts of Literature in the future, but in the past forty-plus years, he only had one. This showed how rare the Heart of Literature was.

Moreover, what was in front of him now was the supreme Heart of Literature.

“What does ‘outstanding talent’ mean?” Fang Yun asked.

“One dou. Your talent is doubled.”

“What!” Even after experiencing life and death trials, Fang Yun was still shocked by the terrifying supreme Heart of Literature.

“Outstanding talent means that a person’s talent is nine times that of others?”

The old man nodded.

Fang Yun fell silent. With this supreme Heart of Literature, his talent would be so abundant that it would be impossible to use it all up.

“No wonder Sage Confucius was so powerful. After his death, his talent almost overwhelmed his disciples. No wonder he dared to go to the Demon Realm alone to fight all the Demon Saints. But, is ‘outstanding talent’ a top-grade Heart of Literature? How many dou does the lower-grade have?”

“You’ll know when the time comes,” the old man said.

“Is it true that if I fail this test, I will never have the chance to obtain the supreme Heart of Literature again?”

“You will never be able to obtain ‘outstanding talent’ anywhere else.”

“Then I accept this test!” Fang Yun declared firmly.

“That’s good.”

Fang Yun continued, “Since it’s a test, there must be a way to pass. It can’t just depend on these people. You just mentioned the support of ten nations. Will they send troops?”


Fang Yun felt even more helpless and asked, “Will they provide supplies and food?”

“You don’t need to worry about that. You can have as much as you want.”

“This is the first piece of good news I’ve heard since I arrived here. If I need something in the future, can the ten nations and the Holy Academy provide it?”

“Of course.”

Fang Yun suddenly asked, “What exactly is this place?”

The old man’s expression didn’t change at all, but it seemed like he used a lot of effort to slowly say, “If you can annihilate that savage tribe, you will know. If you can’t, knowing is useless. You don’t need to waste your energy trying to get information from them. They won’t say anything. What you need to do now is to defeat the savage tribe.”

Fang Yun looked at the old man and suddenly had a feeling that this old man was carrying a huge mountain on his shoulders. But only he could carry it. If anyone else tried, they would be crushed to pieces.

“Since you say so, I will try my best to complete this test and obtain the supreme Heart of Literature,” Fang Yun said.

“That’s good. From now on, you are King Yun.”

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Fang Yun felt the earth shake, and then an official seal appeared in front of him.

Fang Yun took the seal and found that his thoughts became incredibly clear, and they could spread throughout the entire fortress. He could even clearly sense a bug eating something in the soil.

The old man slowly left, and Fang Yun asked, “Is there a time limit for this test?”

“You pass, or you give up.”

Fang Yun watched as the old man slowly walked away, a heavy feeling settling in his heart. (To be continued.)

PS: There won’t be an update at dawn, but there will be three updates tomorrow.

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