Chapter 114 – Shi Jun

Tong Li was shocked that this man could make Shi Jun admit his inferiority. He immediately showed a look of astonishment and admiration, and asked, “He is so young, yet he made one of the Four Great Talents, Shi Jun, feel inferior. Is he the leader of the Four Great Talents, Shi Jun, or a genius from the prominent families of the Saints?”

“Of course, he is the current Shi Jun. When he was discussing poetry and literature with his mentor, I was serving by the side.” Shi Dehong deliberately raised his voice so that everyone around could hear.

More than half of the child scholars gasped lightly, their eyes shining brightly as they looked at the outstandingly handsome young man.

Although Fang Yun was also renowned in Jiangzhou for his literary talent, he had only emerged less than three months ago. Whether it was his literary rank, achievements, or fame, he could not be compared with Shi Jun.

“Shi Jun Lu Huaijiang! The leader of the Four Great Talents. Although he did not cause the God of Literature to move when he was promoted to Grand Academician, it was because he devoted more of his energy to studying history.”

“The future Half-Sage of the Shi family is here, I’m so happy!”

“He is the role model for scholars in the Ten Nations, far more respected than the other three Great Talents.”

“The first chronological history book, ‘Spring and Autumn’, was written by Sage Confucius. It can be said that Sage Confucius himself is one of the founders of the Shi family. Although Shi Jun focuses on history and not other subjects, he is definitely the orthodox of our Confucianism and naturally deserves to be a role model.”

“Many people say that his achievements in history will be no less than those of Zuo Qiuming, Sima Qian, and other Half-Sages of the Shi family. It is said that the head of the Sima family even gave him a volume of ‘Historical Records’ written by Sima Qian himself, which is equivalent to an incomplete Half-Sage’s Treasures of Literature.”

“What a pity, this Shi Jun knows that man from Qing Nation, Fang Yun is in trouble.”

“Alas, it’s too coincidental today. Who can persuade Fang Yun to hide and avoid the limelight? This Shi Jun is not good at interpreting the classics, but with the whole ‘Spring and Autumn’ condensed into the Courage to Write, whether it’s his will or his ability to kill demons, he is no worse than Jianmei Gong. Jianmei Gong once said that Shi Jun is just young. Once Shi Jun becomes a Great Scholar and condenses the long river of history, then no one under the Half-Sage is his opponent.”

Fang Shuye sighed lightly and said, “Fang Yun, let’s go. Since Shi Dehong knows Shi Jun, a word from Shi Jun can ruin your reputation. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, let’s go.”

However, Fang Yun did not move at all, his eyes were firm, and his expression was as usual. He said, “I am innocent. Everywhere in the world is a place I can go, and the entrance of this academy is no exception!”

Fang Yun’s voice was not loud, but it was extremely firm. The child scholars around him heard it, some admired him, some sighed. An Accomplished Scholar dared to face a Grand Academician, this courage was enough to prove Fang Yun’s pride.

People far away couldn’t hear it, but many Imperial Scholars who came out of the academy and Lu Huaijiang, Shi Jun, had excellent hearing and heard everyone’s words. They all looked over.

Shi Dehong took a step forward, blocking Lu Huaijiang’s line of sight, and bowed, saying, “Shi Jun’s disciple, Shi Dehong, has seen Mr. Huaijiang. It’s been a long time since we last met, and you look more radiant than ever. If my mentor sees you, he will surely feel inferior again.”

Shi Dehong smiled, showing unprecedented confidence on his face.

Many child scholars looked at Fang Yun with sympathy. If Shi Jun took action, only Li Wenying could stop him. But Li Wenying was not here, and Fang Yun was bound to be in big trouble, and it would be a light punishment if his position in the Palace of Literature was shaken.

Fang Yun’s eyes were still firm, but cold sweat kept seeping out from his back. The pressure brought by the leader of the Four Great Talents of this generation was too great.

Lu Huaijiang blinked, and it seemed as if there were words flowing in his eyes. He slowly said, “Mencius said: Bo Yi does not serve those who are not his king, does not befriend those who are not his friends. He does not stand in the court of evil people, and does not speak with evil people.”

Everyone knew that this was a quote from Mencius. This quote means that Bo Yi, a person, would not assist those who were not his ideal kings, would not make friends with those who were not his recognized friends, would not serve in the court where there were evil people, and would not speak with evil people.

Everyone was in an uproar. The dignified Shi Jun said this, which was almost equivalent to drawing a sword against the enemy, either live or die.

But was this said to Shi Dehong or Fang Yun?

Shi Dehong was overjoyed, believing in his heart that Shi Jun would not treat him like this. After all, the relationship between the Four Great Talents was quite good, and this Shi Jun had even given him guidance.

Fang Yun, however, turned pale. If Shi Jun said such a thing, it meant that he would face a disaster.

Lu Huaijiang continued, “He destroyed the Lion Demon, broke the Wolf Savage, subdued the Savage Cow, and made the Chanyu run away. For more than ten years after that, the Wolf Savage did not dare to approach the border of Zhao.” This was the content of ‘The Biography of Li Mu’ in the ‘Historical Records’, listing the achievements of one of the four famous generals of the Warring States period, Li Mu, who kept the demons from approaching the border of Zhao.

Shi Jun’s recitation of history was not aimless, everyone realized a possibility. Shi Jun turned the words of the ‘Historical Records’ into actual power to trouble Fang Yun, so they all looked over.

Fang Yun took a deep breath, quietly waiting for Lu Huaijiang’s power to appear, while Fang Shuye slightly opened his mouth, ready to spit out the spear of talent at any time.

However, nothing happened.

“Huh?” Many people exclaimed lightly. However, they noticed something strange out of the corner of their eyes.

They saw Shi Dehong, who was full of smiles, being lifted up by an invisible force. His feet were a foot off the ground, and a huge force was pushing him away, and the people behind him were also separated by an invisible force.

A moment ago, Shi Dehong said he knew Shi Jun, but the next moment, he was pushed away by the power of the ‘Historical Records’ from Shi Jun.

“Sir…” Shi Dehong looked at Lu Huaijiang with grief and anger, not understanding why Shi Jun treated him like this. This was the enemy’s Jing Kingdom, and it was the entrance of the academy, with a large number of scholars!

By doing this, Lu Huaijiang was ruining his reputation.

Shi Dehong wanted to ask or plead, but he was just a Presented Scholar, and Lu Huaijiang was a Grand Academician, and the power he was using was from the ‘Historical Records’. Shi Dehong had no power to resist and was continuously pushed away by the strong force.

There were tens of thousands of people standing at the entrance of the academy, and everyone saw Shi Dehong being hung in mid-air, being pushed away by an invisible force, getting farther and farther away. It looked like he could be pushed at least ten miles away.

Shi Dehong was shaking violently all over, wishing he could hit his head and die. As a disciple of Shi Jun, being publicly humiliated like this was beyond his limit.He would rather be scolded by Lu Huaijiang to leave than to be labeled as a villain by the words of “Mencius” and then pushed away by the power of “Historical Records”.

Lu Huaijiang looked at Fang Yun, nodded, and said, “Such petty people are not to be feared, we will wait for you at the Holy Academy.”

After Lu Huaijiang finished speaking, a green cloud appeared under his feet, carrying him into the sky and leaving Yuhai City.

After the nearby people watched Lu Huaijiang leave, they all turned to look at Fang Yun.

The leader of the Four Great Talents is waiting for Fang Yun at the Holy Academy!

Shi Jun believes that Fang Yun has the potential to be on par with them.

Fang Yun was a bit confused. Half of what he said just now was actually to boost his own morale, as he was facing Shi Jun, and he had long been prepared to be humiliated by a generation of Shi Jun.

At the last moment, Fang Yun even imagined himself enduring humiliation and studying hard for many years, then stepping into the Holy Academy, competing with Shi Jun with resentment, and using this as a prototype to write a novel.

But how did Shi Dehong, who was supposed to hit him, get blown away?

Until Lu Huaijiang left, Fang Yun still couldn’t quite believe everything that had just happened.

Fang Yun looked at Prefect Dong and the others, and found their smiles extremely familiar. He immediately remembered the scene of his examination for the Child Scholar in Jixian Academy. Not long after he finished writing “Spring Dawn”, the expressions of the examiners passing by overlapped greatly with the expressions of these people.

“Did something happen that I don’t know about? Isn’t Shi Jun in the Holy Academy? Why did he suddenly come to Yuhai Prefecture Academy? Why did he say he would wait for me in the Holy Academy? Could it be that the scriptures I wrote yesterday were not problematic, but very good?”

Fang Yun’s mind was full of question marks.

Tong Li, who was standing by, had been dumbfounded from the beginning, and still didn’t understand why the disciple of Shi Jun was driven away by Shi Jun, and in front of so many people.

“This can’t change the fact that you failed in the scriptures!” Tong Li clenched his fists tightly, staring at the officer holding the golden list.

The officials seemed very satisfied with Fang Yun’s puzzled look, so Prefect Dong smiled and asked the officer to post the list of this year’s prefectural examination in Yuhai Prefecture.

All the officials kept their mouths shut. They could talk about yesterday’s events in the grading room without outsiders, but they couldn’t speak out of turn now.

After the golden list was posted, the three identical words behind Fang Yun’s name were incredibly eye-catching.

First Class! First Class! First Class!

The crowd exploded. Countless people were shouting and discussing, and the news spread at an incredible speed.

“I… I can’t help but want to curse! Three first-class in the prefectural examination, this is not a question of whether it’s unprecedented or not, but no Accomplished Scholar has ever had it before!”

“Fang Yun is amazing! I was worried before that Fang Yun would take my Book Mountain quota, but he got the unprecedented three first-class in Yuhai City, promoting the literary reputation of Yuhai City. I’m willing to never become an Accomplished Scholar in my life, let alone a mere Book Mountain quota!”

“This Fang Yun, he’s simply not human! Did he really get the inheritance of the Half-Sage?”

“Fang Double First… No! From now on, he’s Fang Five First!”

Fang Shouye slapped Fang Yun’s shoulder, laughing and scolding, “You stinky boy! You made me worry for a whole day! You clearly had first-class scriptures. What were you worried about yesterday! You’re going to kill me with worry!”

Yang Yuhuan laughed happily, showing her white teeth, and the shadows in her eyes were completely dispelled.

Fang Yun let out a long sigh of relief.

Fang Shouye shook his head and laughed, “Just the prefectural examination made us worry so much, if you have the chance to go to the Holy Land on the fifteenth of August, and fight for your life inside, we will be scared sick by you.”

“Isn’t the Holy Land once every ten years? It’s only been eight years this year.” Fang Yun asked.

Fang Shouye said, “I received news this morning, according to the Sage’s prediction, the five movements of the God of Literature have made the light of the God of Literature even stronger, and the Holy Land will open ahead of schedule this year. However, it’s unknown how strong the strange power of the Holy Land will be this year. If even Imperial Scholars can enter, I want to give it a try too!”

Before Fang Yun could continue talking about the Holy Land, the people around him rushed over to congratulate him.

“Congratulations Fang Mao Cai! The Book Mountain quota is set, you can enter Book Mountain tomorrow, congratulations, congratulations!”

“You must go to the Three Mountains and Two Pavilions, and suppress that Qing Nation person!”

“Yes! Not only to suppress that Qing Nation person, but also to punch Wu Nation and kick the Accomplished Scholars of the Prominent Families!” A young Child Scholar shouted.

“You can become a three-first-class Mao Cai, you must be able to get the first place in Book Mountain, and glorify our nation!”

“Fang Yun, the title of the number one Accomplished Scholar in the Ten Nations, all depends on tomorrow’s ascent to Book Mountain.”

“You must let them know how powerful we Jing Nation people are!”

Fang Yun kept agreeing, but there were too many people, and he was busy sweating profusely.

Not far away, Tong Li squeezed out quickly, lowering his head. He was clearly ranked second among the Accomplished Scholars, but he had no joy at all, and the fear and hatred in his eyes became even stronger. (To be continued.)

PS: The next chapter will start with the ascent to Book Mountain. Book Mountain is not easy to write, but Book Mountain is the real beginning of this book, so I have put a lot of effort into it. In addition, I have to refine the Holy Land, so I write very slowly. Today, the author of “Endless Dan Field” helped me find a publisher in Taiwan, and is working on a traditional Chinese publishing contract. Because it’s my first time publishing and I’m not familiar with the process, it took a lot of time, so I didn’t have enough time. I should be able to finish the second chapter before midnight, I’m very sorry. There are 1,300 monthly tickets, minus the previous updates, there are still nine days of three updates. Today I really wrote slowly, I can’t update three times, I’ll penalize myself once, increase to ten days of three updates. I can’t say I don’t make mistakes, but I have the determination and action to make up for it! I will definitely update three times tomorrow! By the way, let me tell you something that makes me blush. “Endless Dan Field” once updated a hundred chapters in a day. When I mention such authors from other people’s homes, I feel ashamed!

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