Chapter 111 – Request the Holy Spirit to rule

Geng Xuncha stared coldly at Zhou Zhubu and said, “Since the Holy Academy has appointed me as the inspector for the imperial examinations, why do you need to involve all the saints? Is this examination hall the Holy Academy’s or the Jing Kingdom officials’? You better think carefully, I represent the Holy Academy after all. If it’s not a matter of great importance, once the three semi-saint examiners are dissatisfied and impose holy punishment, you all need to think about the consequences.”

Zhou Zhubu remained fearless and said, “Although Fang Yun’s interpretation of the classics may have flaws, the structure is tight and the arguments are solid. His perspective on ‘improper propriety’ not only surpasses that of the talented scholars, but even exceeds ours. There is a faint sense of the ‘Great Harmony of the World’ in his writing! Although his talent may not be outstanding, it contains profound truths that far surpass Tong Li’s classical interpretation.”

Geng Xuncha suppressed his anger and said, “Indeed, this writing has a unique perspective and even has a forward-looking vision. But if you claim that this writing contains the profound truths of the ‘Great Harmony of the World’ that even Sage Confucius couldn’t achieve, then you are forcing me to seek a holy judgment! Not to mention containing a trace of the profound truths of the ‘Great Harmony of the World,’ even if it touches the edge, its talent will undoubtedly be able to stabilize the country! If this writing’s talent is not outstanding, it means that his proposed reforms are not practical!”

“Feng Yuanjun, are you forcing me to swear on your courage to write that his interpretation is inferior to Tong Li’s?” Feng Zimo asked.

Geng Xuncha hesitated, then said seriously, “Don’t try to argue your way out! Fang Yun’s interpretation surpasses Tong Li in many aspects, I have never denied this. But an interpretation cannot be judged by a single sentence or paragraph, it must be judged as a whole! The reason I insist that Tong Li deserves the highest grade is twofold. First, his interpretation’s talent far surpasses Fang Yun’s, this is an undeniable fact. Second, I prefer Tong Li’s interpretation that focuses on ‘small propriety’ and is down-to-earth, rather than Fang Yun’s grandiose interpretation. How can I be deceived by him when he talks about the grand propriety of the nation at the age of less than twenty!”

“Then, Geng Xuncha, were you deceived by ‘Inscription of the Dilapidated Room’ or ‘Early Departure from Ji County’?” Prefect Dong asked bluntly.

Feng Zimo immediately said, “I was deceived by ‘Spring Dawn’.”

Zhou Zhubu added, “I was deceived by ‘Dream Record of the Pillow’. Oh, and Li Wenying has also been deceived by him, as well as our national literary minister.”

Geng Xuncha’s gaze fell on the examination paper, thinking that if Fang Yun’s poetry and plea to the saints had problems, he could use this to hinder him. So, with a sigh of helplessness, he said, “How about this, you evaluate his poetry and plea to the saints first, and let me consider.”

The three examiners looked at each other and nodded. If there was a chance for things to turn around, they didn’t want to escalate the situation by seeking a holy judgment.

The three of them continued to review the papers.

Feng Yuanjun reviewed Fang Yun’s plea to the saints, reading from beginning to end without missing a word.

Prefect Dong asked in a low voice, “Can he also get the highest grade for the plea to the saints in the prefectural examination? Don’t make a mistake and give someone a handle. I dare not say that the plea to the saints in the talented scholar examination is flawless.”

Feng Zimo said, “Let me take another look.”

After a while, Feng Zimo pushed the nearly two hundred pages of the plea to the saints examination paper to Prefect Dong and said, “Take a look.”

Prefect Dong was surprised and habitually picked up the vermilion-colored brush to start grading. He looked at each page one by one, but his brush couldn’t come down.

“Zhou Zhubu, you take a look.”

“Yes, sir.”

Zhou Zhubu took even longer to finish reading.

“No mistakes,” Zhou Zhubu said.

Prefect Dong pondered for a moment and said, “Geng Xuncha, please review the papers. We may have overlooked something, but you are a Hanlin scholar. Your talent is like a hug, naturally you won’t miss anything.”

A hint of surprise flashed in Geng Xuncha’s eyes, convinced that these three people had a problem. But he wasn’t afraid. He walked over, picked up the brush, and started grading.

The result was exactly the same as the three examiners. Geng Xuncha’s brush never came down.

Geng Xuncha stared blankly at Fang Yun’s plea to the saints examination paper. As an official of the Holy Academy and a veteran Hanlin scholar of the Wu Kingdom, he had experienced countless ups and downs. If it weren’t for someone persuading him to avenge his son, he would never have come to this heartbroken place in the Jing Kingdom.

Geng Xuncha was well aware of his mission, which was to cooperate with the Qing and Wu Kingdoms to suppress a genius. The two semi-saints of the two countries would not allow this to happen, but the monarchs of the two countries and many ministers did not want to see such a genius in the Jing Kingdom.

In the eyes of the Qing and Wu Kingdoms, the Jing Kingdom would eventually be swallowed up by the two countries.

Looking at the neatly written plea to the saints examination paper without any mistakes, Geng Xuncha felt a sense of admiration for talent rising in his heart. However, deep down in his heart, his son’s cries still echoed.

After a long time, Geng Xuncha said, “The plea to the saints is flawless. The writing has also reached the threshold of the first realm, and it is undoubtedly a top-grade.”

Prefect Dong smiled and said, “The first flawless top-grade plea to the saints in the Holy Origin Mainland has appeared. From now on, Fang Yun will be known as the number one talented scholar in the Ten Kingdoms, and I’m afraid no one will dare to argue.”

Zhou Zhubu laughed and said, “Talented scholar before the saints, flawless plea to the saints, I don’t want to praise him anymore. Since Fang Yun emerged, whenever our colleagues in the Jiangzhou Literary Academy talk about Fang Yun, they can’t say anything except praise. I won’t comment on anything else, only on the plea to the saints, poetry, and interpretation, all of which are top-grade.”

The three of them wrote their comments on Fang Yun’s examination paper. Prefect Dong looked at Geng Xuncha and said, “Geng Xuncha, what is your decision?”

Geng Xuncha remained silent with his head down. He thought of the opportunity for the Wu Kingdom to annex the Qing Kingdom, and he thought of the instructions he received before leaving. Finally, he thought of his own talented child who had the potential to become a grand academician.

“My son was a prodigy, passing the Talented Scholar examination at the age of fifteen, and studying in Jing Kingdom at seventeen. He merely forced himself on a lowly girl, and for that, he was beaten to death. Jing Kingdom has yet to hand over the murderer! My son was a Talented Scholar, with the potential to become a Grand Academician. What does it matter if he killed a common girl! If my son were still alive, he would probably be an Imperial Scholar by now, governing a county or even a prefecture, and his name would be known throughout the world, just like Fang Yun! Jing Kingdom killed my son, and I will have them pay with a genius! I have waited for this opportunity for ten years! Ten years!”

“When I learned of my son’s death, I was filled with murderous intent towards the people of Jing Kingdom, which was contrary to my usual moral principles. This caused my Courage to Write to become unstable. Fortunately, I was able to stabilize my literary palace with the principles of the Three Bonds. As long as my heart is set on avenging my son, my Courage to Write will never shatter. Today is a great opportunity for me to avenge my son. Once I have accomplished my revenge and fulfilled my wish, I am very likely to advance further!”

“Moreover, they promised me the opportunity to go to the Holy Land. I will become a Grand Academician! The loyalty between ruler and subject, the affection between father and son, the order between husband and wife, these are the Three Bonds! Avenging my son is a righteous act according to human relations, even the Sage cannot punish me!”

Geng Xuncha’s eyes were bloodshot, his hands clenched, his face flushed. After a moment, he regained his composure, raised his head, and slowly said, “Fang Yun’s interpretation is peculiar and biased, while Tong Li’s interpretation is just and talented. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. I believe that their articles are equally good, both ranking second.”

“Sir Geng, it seems you are forcing me to request a divine judgment.” Zhou Zhubu squinted his eyes, looking at the Hanlin scholar in front of him.

Geng Xuncha glanced at the three of them indifferently, and slowly said, “I am a patrol of the Holy Academy, representing the face of the Holy Academy and the dignity of the Semi-Saint! If I am making trouble without reason, you can request a divine judgment. But I have reason and evidence. The Sage will surely consider the face of the Holy Academy, choose both of them as second, and finally make Tong Li’s interpretation first! And you, will be judged by the Sage as wrong, your Courage to Write and literary palace will be damaged, and you will never make any progress in this life.”

Zhou Zhubu smiled slightly and said, “So what? Even if I die today, so what! I respectfully request a divine judgment!”

Zhou Zhubu’s loud voice echoed in the examination room.

Geng Xuncha’s face was as calm as water, and he had to bow with the others towards the statue of Confucius.

It was just past eight o’clock in the evening. The Yuhai Prefecture Academy was quiet, while the streets around the academy were bustling with lights.

Suddenly, a sun appeared in the sky above the academy, dispelling the darkness and revealing a cylindrical daylight sky, which was spreading in all directions.

Before long, this daylight sky covered the entire Yuhai City, turning the city from night to day. Outside the city, however, it was still night. The clear division between day and night inside and outside the city was extremely strange.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. It was clearly night, how could it turn into day?

Before people could react, the daylight disappeared, and Yuhai City was once again shrouded in darkness. But a moment later, before the people of Yuhai City could adjust, daylight appeared again.

Then, Yuhai City began to alternate between day and night, scaring many people.

Inside the State Governor’s Mansion, Zhang Poyue stood up in surprise, looking at the sky outside the window that was bright one moment and dark the next.

“Changing day and night, this is the power of a Semi-Saint! Back when we were fighting against the Demon Barbarian Alliance on the grasslands, Chen the Saint changed day and night with a single hand, turning night into noon. The demons were uncomfortable, while our human morale was high, and we finally won. It can’t be that the Sage of Qing Nation is coming to kill me!”

Inside Fang Mansion, Fang Yun was eating and drinking with everyone.

“What’s going on? Could it be that a demon tribe has invaded, causing a Semi-Saint to appear? I need to leave first!” Fang Shuye hurriedly ran out.

Zhao Hongzhuang walked into the courtyard and looked at the sky, “The center of the day and night change is in the academy, could something have happened there? This change of day and night is probably not intentional, but caused by the leakage of a high-level Semi-Saint’s power. Fortunately, if that person’s strength advances further, our Yuhai City will be in trouble, experiencing the alternation of four seasons in a short time.”

“Could it be related to the imperial examination?” Fang Yun thought of the vision he had seen before and felt a little guilty.

“I don’t know.” Zhao Hongzhuang shook her head.

Inside the examination room, everyone was sweating profusely. They could all feel an invisible force suddenly appearing in the room, pushing their bodies like the tide of the sea.

Many people were frightened. In the past, requesting a divine judgment would at most get a response from a Semi-Saint, but now the power of a Semi-Saint was leaking out, causing day and night to change. This was definitely not a good thing.

A cold smile appeared on Geng Xuncha’s face. He knew very well that he could not possibly cause a Semi-Saint to manifest such power. There must be another reason, and the one who would suffer was not him.

In the process of the constant alternation of night and day, an old voice came from the sky.

“Why do you request a divine judgment?” (To be continued.)

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