Chapter 62 – If you don’t want to be eaten by him, then eat him

Upon hearing Old Ma’s words, He Gu felt as if his heart had been squeezed.

If what Old Ma said was true, then did it mean that… the supervisor already knew that he hadn’t taken his medication!?

Thinking of this, He Gu suddenly felt a chill all over his body and couldn’t help but ask, “How is what you see different from what we see?”

Old Ma fell silent for a moment and said in a deep voice, “You need to be prepared.”

He Gu couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy and nodded.

Then, Old Ma suddenly took off his glasses. “Haven’t you noticed anything strange? All the people in blue clothes wear glasses.”

He Gu was taken aback and realized that it was true!

Old Ma wore glasses, the supervisor wore glasses, and it seemed that everyone he saw in the factory wearing blue clothes also wore glasses!

Could these glasses have some special significance!?

Old Ma gave a bitter smile and handed his glasses to He Gu. “Try them on?”

He Gu took Old Ma’s glasses and suddenly felt nervous, his heart beating faster.

After taking a deep breath, He Gu carefully put on the glasses.

The glasses seemed to have no prescription, and He Gu didn’t have myopia, but he felt no discomfort after putting them on.

However, when He Gu looked up at Old Ma again, he was immediately shocked.


In He Gu’s eyes, the left half of Old Ma’s face was as white as paper, without a trace of color.

The right half of his face, on the other hand, had a wrinkled brown texture, resembling tree bark.

Not only that, there was a small patch of bluish-gray skin on Old Ma’s chin.

This face was simply horrifying!

He Gu was indeed frightened and took a few steps back, accidentally stepping on and tearing a hole in the insulation layer under his foot, and then falling to the ground.

After sitting on the ground, the cats in the distance came back into He Gu’s view.

It was only at this moment that He Gu noticed that all the cats were covered in sores, with almost no fur left intact. One of them even had half of its face rotten, and He Gu could vaguely see maggots wriggling in the decaying flesh…

Caught off guard by this scene, He Gu’s hair stood on end, and he even felt an impulse to turn and run away.

However, the pain in his ankle quickly brought He Gu back to his senses.

His right foot was still stuck in the hole he had accidentally made in the insulation layer and couldn’t move at all.

Regaining his composure, He Gu quickly took off the glasses from his face.

After taking off the glasses, the cats returned to their normal appearance and lazily looked at He Gu from a distance.

And all the abnormalities on Old Ma’s face disappeared, and he was looking at He Gu with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile.

“See, this is the world as seen by everyone in blue clothes.”

Old Ma said somewhat wearily, “It’s a pity that there are only the two of us here. If you could see what others look like, your expression would be even more interesting.”

Taking a deep breath, He Gu looked at the glasses in his hand and then asked Old Ma, “What is this? Does wearing these glasses show the true appearance of things?”

Old Ma shrugged. “Who knows?”

“Maybe what you see with your naked eye is real, and what you see with the glasses on is an illusion.”

“And the people wearing purple clothes and orange clothes see things differently from us.”

“Who dares to say that the world must look the way they see it?”

Listening to Old Ma’s words, He Gu furrowed his brow in thought.

After a moment of contemplation, He Gu put the glasses back on and used his phone’s front camera as a mirror to take a look at himself.

He Gu saw that his face in the phone was slightly yellowish, but fortunately, it didn’t turn into the terrifying appearance of Old Ma.

What concerned He Gu was a brown spot the size of a silver coin on the right side of his face.

Upon closer inspection, He Gu found that it was the spot where he had been scratched by the black cat before.

The small patch of skin had turned into a dry, dark brown texture, and he could faintly see three claw marks.

Noticing He Gu’s actions, Old Ma explained, “The black spot on your face should be a scar left after you were scratched and then used the cafeteria’s medicine.”

Hearing this, He Gu’s heart sank and he looked up at Old Ma.

Old Ma smiled and nodded. “That’s right. Half of my face has turned into a dark brown color, which is the result of using the medicine regularly.”

Hearing this, He Gu asked in confusion, “If you know that using the medicine will cause this, why do you still use it?”

Old Ma sighed helplessly. “Do you think everything will be fine if you don’t use it?”

“If you don’t use the medicine, your face will eventually turn completely white, just like the left half of my face.”

He Gu quickly looked at his face again and found no signs of it turning white.

“I’ve only used the medicine once, and my face doesn’t seem to have turned white?”

Old Ma shook his head. “That’s why I said you didn’t take the medicine on time last night.”

“Because if you take the medicine, your face will gradually turn white.”

Hearing this, He Gu’s body stiffened.

In other words, the supervisor really could tell that he hadn’t taken the medicine last night!

Before He Gu could speak, Old Ma smiled and said, “You must be wondering why your supervisor, who clearly knows you didn’t take the medicine, didn’t expose you?”

“The reason is simple. He didn’t want to raise your suspicions. If you were wary of him, your maturation rate would slow down.”

“Of course, he will definitely find other ways to force you to take the medicine.”

These two sentences immediately confused He Gu’s thoughts.

“Maturation rate? What does that mean!?”

Old Ma grinned. “Half of the people wearing green clothes have a fifty percent chance of becoming the fruit of the people in blue clothes. So those in blue clothes carefully select and nurture their fruit until it matures.”

Hearing this, He Gu felt a chill down his spine and quietly took two steps back.Old Ma didn’t mind and said indifferently, “Don’t be nervous. In my current state, I’m beyond saving, and I have no desire to consume any other fruits.”

“This is actually a no-win situation. Without medication, all the skin on your body will gradually turn this color and eventually you’ll die from the erosion.”

Old Ma said this while pointing to a small patch of bluish-gray skin on his chin.

Then, Old Ma continued, “But if you take the medication, you’ll slowly turn into someone else’s fruit.”

“Of course, there’s another way, which is to eat medicinal bark to counteract the effects of the medication. But if you eat too much bark, you’ll turn into something else, and the end result is still being consumed.”

“So many people try to find a balance between the two, hoping to delay the time when they are eaten as much as possible.”

“But this is often futile, and the inevitable outcome is to end up like me, just waiting to be dealt with.”

At this point, Old Ma suddenly changed the subject: “However, for you guys in green clothes, there actually is a way to temporarily avoid the fate of being eaten.”

Hearing this, He Gu’s spirits lifted immediately: “What way?!”

Old Ma glanced at He Gu, revealing a meaningful smile: “It’s simple. If you don’t want to be eaten by him, then eat him.”


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