Chapter 127 – Guess and plan

Why is there a backpack at my dorm room door?!

He Gu’s mind immediately went on high alert. He glanced around to make sure no one else was in the hallway before cautiously poking the backpack with his aluminum alloy cane.

The backpack wasn’t large, just a typical double-strap one that resembled a laptop bag.

It felt soft to the touch, and He Gu even wondered if it might be empty.

After carefully checking several times and ensuring there was no danger, He Gu finally picked up the backpack with caution.

He slowly unzipped the backpack to find what seemed to be clothes inside?

He Gu was suspicious. He pulled out a corner of the clothing and shone his phone’s flashlight on it for a closer look.

That’s when He Gu realized the backpack actually contained a set of purple work clothes!

The moment he saw the uniform clearly, He Gu’s heart tightened. He quickly stuffed the clothes back into the backpack, looked around again, then hurried into his dorm room and locked the door.

Once inside, He Gu frowned deeply as he opened the backpack and took out the purple uniform.

As he removed the clothes, a piece of paper also came out, fluttering to the ground.

He Gu first checked the backpack to make sure there was nothing else inside. Then he tossed the backpack and the purple clothes onto his bed and picked up the note to read it.

The note had just one sentence:

[Run! Teacher can only help you this far!]

The signature was Fang Wenying.

Fang Wenying was the name of their class instructor, Teacher Fang!

But seeing the signature only made He Gu’s frown deepen.

He Gu was very sensitive to handwriting; he recognized Teacher Fang’s writing.

He Gu was certain that the handwriting on this note was not Teacher Fang’s!

In other words, someone was using Teacher Fang’s name to send He Gu a set of purple work clothes!

Looking at the note, the backpack, and the clothes on the bed, He Gu fell into deep thought.

It was only last night that He Gu learned the purpose of the purple clothes, and now someone had sent him a set, along with a message telling him to run.

If the person wanted to help He Gu, why impersonate Teacher Fang?

No matter how he looked at it, this situation was far from simple; it could very well be a trap!

With this thought, a lightbulb went off in He Gu’s head: “Could it be…”

At 18:05 in the afternoon, He Gu was woken up by his alarm.

Sitting up from his bed, He Gu stretched comfortably.

It was rare for He Gu to have a dreamless night and finally get a good night’s sleep.

After taking a moment to collect himself, He Gu got up to wash.

After washing, He Gu put on his glasses and looked at himself in the mirror.

At that moment, He Gu noticed that the “flower-shaped” mark on his forehead had become more solid, and the third petal had turned a deep blue.

Only two petals were left before the “flower” on He Gu’s forehead would be complete!

This made the sense of urgency in He Gu’s heart grow stronger; he couldn’t stay here much longer!

After looking in the mirror, He Gu hesitated at the door before taking the purple uniform out of the black backpack and stuffing it under his bed. Then he left with the empty bag.

He Gu already had a set of purple work clothes and naturally wouldn’t use a set with an unknown origin.

Who knows if the purple clothes had been tampered with; the last thing He Gu wanted was to put them on and immediately be swarmed by a horde of decaying cats.

Moreover, with the security level heightened in the factory area, security checks were frequent, and for someone with a blue-level clearance like him to carry a set of purple clothes was asking for trouble.

But while He Gu didn’t want the clothes, the backpack could still be taken out.

Firstly, He Gu wanted to send a message to the person who secretly gave him the purple clothes that he “accepted the gift” to see what their next move would be.

Secondly, the backpack was compact and lightweight, perfect for carrying things at night, saving him the trouble of stuffing everything into his pockets.

After leaving with the backpack, He Gu headed straight for the No. 4 canteen.

After eating, he carried the backpack towards the inner storage area.

Strangely, He Gu didn’t encounter a single security guard who stopped him for inspection along the way.

Soon, He Gu arrived smoothly at the inner storage area.

Upon reaching the inner storage area, the first thing He Gu did was to thoroughly check warehouse No. 45, then waited at the door for 452 to come to work.

After 452 arrived, He Gu, as usual, conducted a comprehensive body search on him before going to the office with peace of mind.

Just as He Gu reached the office corridor, he ran into 401, who was just coming out of the office.

401 glanced at the backpack on He Gu’s back and asked, “Why did you bring a backpack to work today? What good stuff did you pack inside?”

He Gu waved his hand and said indifferently, “Just some personal items.”

Then, in a casual tone, He Gu asked, “What about your subordinate? Will he make a move tonight?”

401’s imperceptibly flickering gaze showed a helpless expression: “Still uncertain, that kid is very cunning, making me anxious.”

After a pause, 401 added, “But he’s very likely to act tonight. If he doesn’t tonight, he definitely will tomorrow!”

“Anyway, I’ll come to get you when it’s time. It shouldn’t be a problem if you come with me.”

He Gu nodded lightly: “Sounds good.”

After chatting with 401 for a bit, He Gu returned to his office, placed the black backpack in the drawer, and looked at it thoughtfully.

The sky outside the window gradually darkened.

Time flew by.

At 21:33, the sound of crows came from outside.

“Caw! Caw!”

Two caws.

Soon, the manager arrived as scheduled, made his rounds, and then left.

He Gu sat quietly in the office, waiting, and even went to patrol the warehouse once during that time.

Quickly, two hours passed.

At 23:33, the sound of crows came from outside again.


This time, there was only one call.

He Gu continued to wait, feeling anxious but helpless.

Before gathering the four types of blood, He Gu had to return before the manager’s next round of inspections after entering the passage.

Without enough time in between, He Gu wouldn’t act rashly.

At 0:33 in the morning, the sound of crows came for the third time that night.

“Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!”

Five caws this time!

He Gu’s heart lifted with joy. Patiently waiting for the manager to finish his rounds and leave, He Gu got up with the backpack and left the office.

As He Gu passed through the corridor, he glanced into 401’s office, seemingly casually, and 401 was also watching him.

Just like the previous night, after leaving the office, He Gu made a show of patrolling warehouse No. 45 before sneaking out of the inner storage area when no one was around, heading straight for the No. 3 administrative building.

He Gu climbed through a window into the first-floor restroom from behind the No. 3 administrative building, opened the ceiling where he hid his treasures, and took everything down.

Then, He Gu changed into the purple work clothes and put the white hazmat suit and the rest of the items into the black backpack.

At this point, He Gu had a bold guess and plan in mind.

If his guess was correct and the plan went smoothly, tonight would be the last time he came to this restroom to retrieve items.

After preparing, He Gu left through the window with the backpack, circled back to the inner storage area, and without anyone outside, quickly slipped into warehouse No. 44…

PS: Regarding the 4 chapters I owe you all, I haven’t forgotten, and I won’t renege on my promise.

This part of the story has been somewhat challenging to write, and I can only type at night. By the time I finish two chapters each night, it’s nearly midnight, so I’m truly struggling to find the time for extra updates…

Please give me a little time. Once I get through this difficult section, I will definitely make up for the extra chapters I owe!

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